Troxevasin: will help cure vascular disorders

Bags under the eyes are not just a cosmetic defect, but also in some cases – a sign of internal pathological processes. This does not mean that you should not spend time eliminating external symptoms, although first of all you should undergo an examination by specialists to find out the cause of such a disorder.

And as a remedy that will help get rid of the external manifestations of these disorders , you can use Troxevasin cream.

What is Troxevasin

A medicine based on the angioprotective active substance troxerutin. Regulates the tone of capillary vessels and veins. It is used to eliminate pain, swelling and trophic disorders caused by their dysfunction.

Troxevasin is produced:

  • in the form of an ointment for topical use: a viscous yellowish gel-like mass containing 2% troxerutin, packaged in 40 g tubes;
  • in the form of capsules for oral administration: in a dosage of 300 mg of the active substance, gelatin, in blisters.

The product has a pronounced venoprotective effect. It helps reduce the permeability of vascular walls, improves blood outflow, prevents its stagnation in the lower extremities, prevents thrombus formation and the development of inflammatory processes. Troxevasin alleviates the underlying symptoms of varicose veins and slows down its progress.

Reviews from doctors about troxevasin

Stay up to date! Experts do not always share women’s enthusiasm for troxevasin and urge not to rely on this remedy as the main one when trying to get rid of bags:

“Troxevasin is primarily a medical, not a cosmetic, drug , and its main purpose is to eliminate problems with blood vessels.

Today this remedy is recommended by professional cosmetologists , who confidently talk about the rapid elimination of bags under the eyes with the help of troxevasin.

But ladies should remember: this is a potent drug that has a number of contraindications and side effects , so it is better to consult with specialists before using it.”

What is Troxevasin used for?

Medicinal ointment and capsules are prescribed:

  • for chronic venous insufficiency;
  • lack of nutrition of soft tissues caused by varicose veins;
  • with postphlebitic syndrome;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • for symptoms of hemorrhoids;
  • with retinopathy against the background of hypertension and diabetes.

The drug is used to prevent complications after surgical treatment of varicose veins, to prevent further vascular damage in the initial stages of pathology. Troxevasin is also indicated to improve well-being after mechanical injuries: bruises or sprains.

The active substance from the capsules is absorbed in the intestines. Its maximum concentration in the blood is observed 1.5–2 hours after administration. Metabolized by the liver and completely leaves the body within 0.5–1 day. Troxerutin from the ointment penetrates all layers of the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue within 3–5 hours.

General indications for use of this product

Attention! Troxevasin is indicated for use in the following disorders of the skin and vascular system, regardless of the location of the pathological processes:

  • hematomas and injuries with accompanying hemorrhages;
  • formation of a capillary network ;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • bruises;
  • any type of swelling.

The drug eliminates such problems due to its anti-inflammatory effect and the ability to stimulate regeneration processes in tissues.

Additionally, the cream helps normalize blood circulation.

When is Troxevasin contraindicated?

It is prohibited to take the drug orally:

  • with exacerbations of ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal mucosa;
  • some forms of gastritis;
  • severe renal failure;
  • increased sensitivity to the active or excipients of the drug.

The use of ointment should be avoided:

  • if an allergic reaction to the drug develops: increased swelling, rash, severe burning or itching;
  • with severe irritation, furunculosis, open skin lesions at the site of application of the product.

Useful video

From this video you will learn how to get rid of bags under the eyes:

Troxevasin can be used against bags under the eyes , but it is necessary to additionally use moisturizing creams and skin softening agents, since while eliminating bags, troxevasin simultaneously has a detrimental effect on the epithelium.

In addition, you should not rely only on cosmetics : you need to get rid of bad habits, spend more time in the fresh air and adjust your diet, then the bags will be much easier to deal with.

How to use Troxevasin capsules

The medicine should be swallowed with water, without chewing or crushing. Meal times don't matter. At the beginning of therapy, take 1 capsule. three times a day. Diabetic retinopathy and other severe conditions require up to 1800 mg (6 capsules) per day.

The course is continued for up to 15 days. After assessing the effectiveness of the dose, the dose is adjusted. It may increase or decrease. If the symptoms of the pathology subside, at the discretion of the doctor, therapy can be completed without a maintenance period. Otherwise, Troxevasin is taken for another 3-4 weeks.


With varicose veins, the characteristics of the mucous membrane of the vessel wall are disrupted, which leads to platelet adhesion. Adherent blood cells provoke vasoconstriction, inflammation, and accumulation of blood in the veins located below. Where blood accumulates, the vessels begin to dilate. Symptoms of varicose veins appear (stars, dilated veins are visible through the skin). As the disease progresses, a disturbance in the trophism of the skin appears, which is accompanied by the appearance of ulcers.

The drug Troxevasin prevents platelets from sticking to the mucous membrane of the venous bed. The product strengthens the vein wall, making it less permeable to water. With the use of the product, swelling, pain in the legs, and inflammation go away.

How to use Troxevasin ointment

The drug is used externally: on clean skin over the lesion. A small amount of ointment is distributed over the body area in a thin layer, lightly rubbing it in until completely absorbed. After application, you can leave the skin open or apply fixing bandages, bandages, and put on compression stockings and bandages if necessary.

The procedure for applying the medicine is repeated twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. If this is not enough, do it more often. There is no need to specifically rinse off any remaining drug before applying again. The duration of treatment with ointment is up to 7 days. If there is no result or the physical condition worsens, the medicine is discontinued and another method of therapy is chosen.

Patient reviews

“When I was preparing my diploma in my last year at the institute, I often had to stay awake at night, and during the day I was forced to work part-time, so I spent several hours a day sleeping, which was clearly not enough for my body .

Mentally, I could easily withstand such stress, and all the disturbances were reflected more on my face: my skin became painfully pale, and noticeable bags appeared under my eyes .
My mother gave me troxevasin ointment , claiming that this remedy helps relieve swelling.
I knew that this ointment is used for varicose veins, but I believed my mother and used this remedy for three days to eliminate the bags.

How to use troxevasin for bruises under the eyes?

Troxevasin for bruises under the eyes is used in small quantities twice a day both for general symptoms and after a blow . It is better to apply the composition to the skin immediately after washing.

Important! If the bags are very large, you can first wipe your eyelids with ice; however, to prepare ice cubes at home, it is advisable to use chamomile infusion rather than plain water.

Since some components of troxevasin can cause allergic reactions, before applying the cream you need to perform a small test that will show whether this product can be used .

It is advisable to perform such testing in the evening. To do this, a small amount of the product is applied to one eyelid, and not to the inside of the elbow, as is usually done with other creams and ointments.

Causes and symptoms of dark circles under the eyes

For your information! Most often, bruises under the eyes appear due to the influence of external negative factors, which include:

  • presence of bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol in excessive quantities);
  • unhealthy diet , in which there are too many dishes and foods with a high salt content;
  • lack of fluid in the body (this deficiency can only be replenished by drinking about two liters of water and other drinks per day);
  • sleep disorders and lack of sleep;
  • constant stress and emotional disorders ;
  • atrophic processes in the skin tissues under the eyes (begin in old age and are usually irreversible).

But in some cases, such disorders can be pathological and indicate diseases of internal organs and systems.


The description of the drug Troxevasin on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.


Troxevasin (INN Troxerutin) is an angioprotective drug from the Bulgarian pharmaceutical company Balkanpharma. His main specialization is varicose veins and venous insufficiency. The relevance of this problem is associated with the widespread prevalence of these diseases, the steady increase in the number of patients in this profile and the high rate of disability. According to WHO statistics, varicose veins affect 28% of women and 11% of men, and, as a rule, of working age. Clinical manifestations of venous insufficiency, depending on the degree of their severity, can significantly reduce the quality of life. This disease can have such dangerous consequences as varicose veins, phlebitis and thrombophlebitis. You can prevent the onset and progression of symptoms of venous insufficiency with the help of the drug Troxevasin. Troxerutin, its active ingredient, increases the resistance of capillary blood vessels and reduces the permeability of their walls. Troxevasin combines veno- and capillarotonic, hemostatic and anti-exudative effects. It prevents platelets from sticking to each other, improves tissue trophism in varicose veins, and exhibits anti-inflammatory properties. Thanks to this complex of pharmacological effects, the drug helps eliminate edema, trophic disorders and other pathological phenomena caused by venous insufficiency. It is indicated for hematomas of a wide variety of nature, including household injuries, bruises, dislocations, which makes this medicine one of the most popular in the so-called. "home medicine kits". Some people experience bruising even after mild mechanical impact. The reason is the pathological thinning and fragility of capillaries and veins, increased permeability of their walls. In such situations, Troxevasin is the first-line drug. The drug is available in two dosage forms: oral (capsules) and external (gel).

The hydrophilic gel base ensures rapid penetration of the active substance through the skin, thereby guaranteeing the rapid development of the therapeutic effect. The gel is applied twice daily (in the mornings and evenings) in a thin, even layer directly to the target area in the direction from the periphery to the center. Rub very carefully, taking into account the inflamed state of the veins and their increased sensitivity to mechanical stress. The hydrophilic base of the gel eliminates the possibility of contamination of clothing and ensures ease and comfort of use. This form of the drug is also suitable for soaking compresses. The combination of gel and capsulated forms of Troxevasin significantly increases the effectiveness of the drug. Taking the oral form (2 capsules with food) harmoniously complements and enhances the local effect of the gel. If the source of inflammation is located in deeply located blood vessels, then the use of Troxevasin in the form of capsules is indicated, because In this case, systematic action is important. Ascorbic acid in a dose of 50 mg potentiates the effect of troxerutin. For preventive purposes, the drug is taken 1 capsule per day. The same dose as part of maintenance therapy is indicated after the disease has transitioned from the acute phase to the remission stage. In addition to this, a gel form of the drug is used, which is applied to the affected area twice a day. The duration of drug therapy depends on many factors and averages 1-3 months. The drug has a minimum of side effects. The prevalence of cases of individual intolerance to troxerutin does not go beyond statistical error. Pregnancy and lactation are not direct contraindications to taking the drug, which is especially important because Vein problems are one of the consequences of expecting a child.

What diseases does Troxevasin help with?

The drug is used in complex therapy:

  • prevaricose syndrome and varicose veins, which are accompanied by a mesh pattern on the limbs, a feeling of heaviness and cramps in the legs during sleep
  • thrombophlebitis
  • trophic ulcers and hemorrhoids
  • chronic venous insufficiency
  • injuries, dislocations and hematomas - to eliminate pain and swelling
  • prevention of complications that arise after vein surgery.

The medication is also prescribed together with ascorbic acid to reduce capillary permeability in measles, scarlet fever and influenza and reduce inflammation. The drug enhances the effect of vitamin C.

Troxevasin for rosacea is used externally and improves the transport of blood cells and fluid into tissues, reduces redness and spider veins, restores the elasticity of capillaries and the aesthetics of the face.

Troxevasin gel is rubbed with light movements into a clean, dried skin surface - in the morning and evening. The effect occurs after 10 procedures. The course is two months.

Troxevasin for hemorrhoids is prescribed in two forms: orally in combination with local application, which relieves itching, symptoms of inflammation, pain and prevents bleeding. An adult is prescribed one capsule, which is drunk in the morning and evening with meals.

Troxevasin capsules are swallowed and washed down with water. The effect of the medicine begins two hours after administration and lasts 8 hours. The course of therapy is two weeks.

The medication is rubbed onto the affected hemorrhoids according to the standard regimen for three weeks.

Troxevasin gel for varicose veins is used in combination with oral administration to enhance the therapeutic effect.

Adults drink the medicine - one capsule twice a day during meals, and the gel is lubricated on the calves and the area under the knees.

The procedure is repeated in the morning and before bedtime, then the patient should lie down for 10 minutes, placing his feet on a hill. The patient's condition improves on the sixth or seventh day. The duration of therapy is thirty days.

To prevent the development of venous insufficiency, the drug is taken once for three months.

Side effects of the drug

The only side effects reported are urticaria, dermatitis and eczema of allergic origin .

Keep in mind! Basically, such conditions are observed with intolerance to the components of the drug. In rare cases, atypical side reactions may occur that are not mentioned in the instructions for use.

In such situations, it is necessary to contact a dermatologist or allergist to eliminate the consequences of using troxevasin.

The drug has five pharmacological effects

  1. Venotonic – reduces the stretching of veins, tension in the walls of capillaries, blood vessels and increases the movement of lymph.
  2. Antioxidant - inhibits the oxidation of hyaluronic, ascorbic acids and lipids, which leads to improved blood microcirculation and reduces the risk of blood clots.
  3. Angioprotective - reduces the permeability and fragility of small capillaries, increases the density of vascular walls and increases the transport of nutrients to tissues and organs.
  4. Anti-inflammatory - prevents the removal of fluid and blood cells from the capillaries, resulting in reduced swelling and inflammation.
  5. Antihemorrhagic - helps reduce pain and stop bleeding.
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