Supradin Kids Bears Pastilles, jar, 30 pcs, chewable, for children

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Supradin Kids Mishki lozenges are a complex for children with a balanced composition of vitamins that contribute to the harmonious physical development of the child. You can buy the drug, which is produced in the form of gummy bears, at any pharmacy at an affordable price. You can also purchase or order vitamins in Supradin Kids Mishki chewing tablets on the official website using the drug selection service. A prescription is not required when purchasing a children's vitamin complex, but you must coordinate its intake with your pediatrician.


Supradin Kids Bears contains the following active substances: vitamin C , E , A , biotin , vitamin B12 , nicotinamide , vitamin B6 , folic acid , vitamin D3 .
Additional components: molasses, gelatin, glazing agent Capol 262C, yellow fruit and vegetable concentrate, lemon and orange flavoring, sugar, citric acid, red fruit concentrate, paprika extract, raspberry flavoring, water. Supradin Kids fish and stars contain choline , vitamin C , vitamin B6 , omega-3 , niacinamide and vitamin B12 , as well as the following auxiliary elements: glucose syrup, gelatin, paprika emulsion, fruit cocktail flavor, water, sugar, anhydrous citric acid , orange flavor, glazing agent Capol.

The gel includes such active ingredients as soy lecithin , niacin , pantothenic acid , vitamins B1 , A, C, E, B6, D3 . Additional substances: water, carmellose sodium, natural orange flavor, D, L-alpha tocopherol, ethanol, sucrose, citric acid monohydrate, potassium sorbate, calcium lactate pentahydrate, vanillin.

Supradin Kids Junior has such main components as vitamins A, E, B2, B12 , nicotinamide , folic acid , vitamins D3, pantothenic acid , biotin , calcium carbonate , iron fumarate , potassium iodide , manganese sulfate , chromium chloride , oxide magnesium , copper and zinc citrate , sodium selenate , choline . Additional substances: xylitol, talc, orange-tangerine flavor, aspartame , sugar, sorbitol, anhydrous citric acid, magnesium stearate, yellow iron oxide.


The vitamin complex Supradin Kids Bears, which is offered by the manufacturer in the form of lozenges, contains all the necessary vitamins for the full development of the baby. This is, first of all, ascorbic acid, which supports the immune system and increases resistance to various infections, including seasonal ones. Also, the full development of the baby is supported by the intake of the following vitamins into the body when taking Supradin Kids Mishki lozenges:

  • AT 3. The component regulates the functioning of the nervous system, normalizes sleep and is important for stabilizing the child’s general mental state.
  • D3. Cholecalciferol ensures proper development of the skeletal and muscular systems, teeth, nails and hair.
  • A. Retinol promotes the harmonious growth of the child, has a positive effect on visual function, and, in combination with vitamin D, is involved in the regulation of calcium-phosphorus metabolism.
  • E. Alpha Tocopherol enhances the body's natural defense reactions and improves blood circulation, which ensures a complete supply of oxygen and nutrients to all organs and tissues of the child's body.
  • AT 9. Folic acid is involved in the formation of cells in all tissues of the body; it is necessary to normalize the functioning of the nervous system and preserve the functions of the bone marrow.
  • AT 7. Bitotin is important for the proper functioning of the digestive system and correct metabolism.
  • B6. Pyridoxine prevents disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system and supports the functioning of the heart, which is very important for children during their growth period. In addition, it increases the production of the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for a good mood.
  • AT 12. The substance is important for maintaining hemoglobin levels in the blood and preventing the development of anemia.

Supradin Kids Mishki lozenges are made on the basis of maltodextrin. This is an easily digestible organic substance that acts as a sweetener and thickener. Additionally, it is a source of energy and helps improve the digestion process. The product also contains natural flavors, which give the lozenges a lemon and orange taste. Other components are indicated in the instructions for use.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Supradin Kids provides the body with essential vitamins and elements. It prevents the appearance and development of hypovitaminosis and helps restore energy balance and improve tissue metabolism.

The action of the product is due to the components included in its composition.

So soy lecithin , included in the gel, is necessary for cells (especially in the nervous system). It improves thought processes, memory, and increases performance.

Beta-carotene is needed for good eye function, strengthening the immune system , and bone growth.

Omega-3 acids are also an important component of tissue cells. They are needed for the brain and retina of the eyes. They influence behavior and cognitive functions, improve the condition of blood vessels , and protect nerve cells.

Choline helps in the proper development of the body, maintains its performance, and improves growth. It is characterized by nootropic , sedative , antidepressant effects.

Vitamin C promotes the absorption of iron in the body, it also improves immune defense. Has a pronounced antioxidant effect.

Vitamins B6 and B1 , in turn, are needed for the good functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems.

Niacinamide takes part in lipid metabolism.

Supradin Kids Bears Pastilles, jar, 30 pcs, chewable, for children


Chewable lozenges Supradin "Kids Bears" are a highly effective children's multivitamin complex in a convenient form of chewing candies. Replenishes the deficiency of vitamins, macro- and microelements during the period of active growth of the child’s body. Supradin “Kids Bears” differs from other types of the drug in its form in the form of funny little animals, which makes the use of the nutritional supplement painless and pleasant for the baby. The product contains vitamin A, which actively participates in the formation of visual pigment, synthesizes growth hormones, has protective properties, accelerates and regulates metabolic processes in the body. B vitamins (B6, B12) - regulate oxidative processes, protect cells from the harmful effects of free radicals, participate in hematopoiesis processes, normalize hemoglobin levels, improve the functioning of the central nervous system, and maintain normal blood clotting. B vitamins activate regenerative processes in the body, have a beneficial effect on cell renewal and effectively prevent aging. Necessary for strengthening and growth of hair, nails, and treatment of skin diseases. They reduce the sensitivity of tooth enamel, make teeth strong and healthy, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) and vitamin B12 (cobalamin) are necessary for the normal development of the nervous and circulatory systems, increase the efficiency of the central nervous system and the body’s resistance to various types of mental stress. Vitamin B6 promotes the production of hormones responsible for a good mood. Vitamin B6 enters the body with the following foods: walnuts and garlic, barley, pearl barley and wheat, chicken and rabbit. A lack of vitamin B12 causes a decrease in mental and motor activity, fatigue, irritability, memory and attention deteriorate. It is extremely important for the growth and development of a young body. Ascorbic acid stimulates the protective functions of the immune system, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and capillaries. The importance of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) for a child’s growing body is difficult to overestimate: it is a powerful antioxidant, participates in the synthesis of collagen and some hormones, and strengthens bones and blood vessels. This vitamin also affects blood clotting and is involved in the process of hematopoiesis. Since vitamin C is not synthesized in the body, a sufficient supply of it is necessary with food and vitamin complexes Supradin or its analogues. It is found mainly in products of plant origin: citrus fruits, sweet peppers, rose hips, black currants. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, normalizes blood microcirculation and circulation, improves the regeneration of the epidermis and soft tissues, takes part in the synthesis of hormones, ensures the preservation of pregnancy, and in men it helps improve the quality of seminal fluid. Produces effective prevention of thrombophlebitis, normalizing blood clotting. Biotin - regulates protein metabolic processes in the body, stabilizes blood sugar levels, takes part in the decomposition of fatty acids, providing the effect of burning excess fat deposits. Vitamin D3 ensures calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the body, promotes bone mineralization, and accelerates the absorption of beneficial minerals in the intestines. Nicotinamide (niacinamide) - participates in the conversion of fats into energy. Niacinamide is essential for energy production: this substance is involved in numerous processes that convert sugar and fat into energy, and helps maintain normal functioning of the heart and circulatory system. Included in beef liver, carrots, cheeses, yeast, eggs, milk and fish. The consumption rate for children is up to 10 mg, for adults – 14-16 mg per day.

Instructions for use Supradin Kids (Method and dosage)

Regardless of the form of release, this drug is administered orally , preferably with meals.

Instructions for use of Supradin Kids Bears indicate that this dietary supplement is intended for children over 11 years of age. They should take it 1 lozenge per day.

Supradin Kids fish and stars are taken according to the following regimen:

  • age up to 3 years – 1 candy per day;
  • Ages from 4 to 14 years – 2 candies per day.

The gel should be given according to the following scheme:

  • age from 3 to 6 years – half a teaspoon 2-3 times/day;
  • age from 7 years – 1 teaspoon 2 times/day.

Supradin Kids Junior is given to children from 5 to 11 years old at a dosage of 1 tablet/day, and to children from 11 years old - 2 tablets/day.

In all cases, the course is designed for a month. Before using the product, it is better to consult a specialist.

Directions for use and doses

Inside, during meals. Children over 11 years old: 1 chewable lozenge per day. Duration of treatment - 1 month.

Nutritional value of 1 lozenge: carbohydrates - 2.83 g, incl. simple carbohydrates - 1.92 g, protein - 0.35 g; energy value - 13 kcal.

Active substancesDegree of satisfaction of daily needs of children 11–14 years old, %
Vitamin C4350
Vitamin E4242
Vitamin B65963
Vitamin A4050
Folic acid3325
Vitamin D32525
Vitamin B121717

Supradin for children

Gel for children can be used from the age of 3 years. It helps in the proper development of the child, especially with regard to the nervous system.

This product in the form of chewable tablets and candies promotes the normal physical and mental development of children. It improves memory and helps in learning new knowledge.

And Supradin vitamins for children in the form of gummy bears provide the growing body with all the necessary substances. This form of the remedy is especially attractive to small children. Vitamins are not perceived as medicine, so they are easier to give to children.

Reviews about Supradin Kids

Those who have used Supradin Kids vitamins for children leave mostly positive reviews. This remedy is often recommended by doctors. However, courses of multivitamins should be changed periodically, so parents are constantly looking for analogues.

People who have tried chewing candies note their convenient shape and pleasant taste. Among the negative aspects, reviews of Supradin Kids only report a possible allergic reaction in case of an overdose.

Gel for children is also praised, focusing on the convenient form of the product, orange aroma and taste. This is a great option for those who are unable or unwilling to use the tablet form. Reviews of the Supradin Kids gel report that children take it with pleasure. They love the color and taste of this multivitamin . It can be given on a spoon or spread on cookies.

Thus, reviews of chewable vitamins, tablets, lozenges and Supradin gel for children indicate that the product is effective. It strengthens the child’s body and provides it with the necessary set of useful elements.

Supradin Kids price, where to buy

The cost of the product in the form of chewable lozenges (bears) is about 300 rubles. The price of chewing sweets is 450 rubles. The gel costs approximately 340 rubles. And the price of Supradin Kids Junior is approximately 330 rubles.

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