Supradin, multivitamins, effervescent tablets, 20 pcs., Bayer


Multivitamins with macro- and microelements.

Vitamin A (retinol) is necessary for normal growth, participates in the formation and maintenance of the structure and function of bones, teeth, skin; participates in the synthesis of visual pigment.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) normalizes the activity of the heart and contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) promotes tissue regeneration processes, incl. skin cells.

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) is involved in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) helps maintain the structure and function of bones, teeth, gums, affects erythropoiesis, and promotes the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) is involved in erythropoiesis and contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is involved in the formation and maintenance of the structure and function of bones, teeth and gums; strengthens the walls of capillaries.

Vitamin D3 (colecalciferol) regulates the exchange of phosphorus and calcium in the body, promoting the absorption of these substances in the intestines and their timely deposition in the bones.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) ensures the normal functioning of red blood cells and protects cell membranes from damage.

Vitamin H (biotin) takes part in metabolic processes and promotes protein absorption.

Vitamin Bc (folic acid) is involved in erythropoiesis.

Vitamin PP (nicotinamide) takes part in redox processes and ensures the transfer of hydrogen and phosphate.

Calcium is involved in the formation of bones and teeth and promotes normal blood clotting.

Magnesium is involved in the formation of muscle and bone tissue, and also takes part in protein synthesis.

Iron is involved in erythropoiesis; is an important component of hemoglobin, which ensures the transport of oxygen to tissues.

Phosphorus, along with calcium, is involved in the formation of bones and teeth, and is also involved in energy metabolism processes.

Manganese promotes proper mineralization of bones.

Copper is necessary for normal red blood cell function and iron metabolism.

Zinc is part of about 70 enzymes involved in the synthesis and metabolism of hormones (mainly GCS), as well as the division and interaction of immunocompetent cells.

Molybdenum is part of enzymes and coenzymes involved in many redox reactions in the body.

Supradin® contains 12 vitamins in combination with minerals and rare elements, which are important factors in metabolic processes.

Vitamins are necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates, the formation of energy reserves, the metabolism of lipids, nucleic acids and proteins, as well as for the synthesis of collagen and neurotransmitters. In addition to participating in basic metabolic reactions, vitamins take part in the regulation and coordination of metabolic processes. Vitamins are necessary for bone growth, wound healing, maintaining normal vascular condition, microsomal drug metabolism and detoxification, immune status, and tissue development and differentiation.

With the exception of the known consequences of acute vitamin deficiency, a growing body exhibits a certain need for vitamins, which makes it possible to prevent diseases and maintain mental and physical condition at a high level. Vitamin deficiency is observed in the following cases:

  • with increased need (period of growth, pregnancy, breastfeeding, in old age, during recovery, treatment with antibiotics and chemotherapy);
  • with reduced consumption (weight loss and other unbalanced diets, in old age, gastrointestinal diseases).

In these conditions, there is rarely a deficiency of only one of the vitamins. In addition, the supply of the most common minerals and rare elements is disrupted. The drug Supradin® was created as a complete multivitamin complex that helps prevent common vitamin deficiencies and allows for their treatment.


No pharmacokinetic data provided.

Vitamin complex Supradin - reviews


Apart from terrible headaches, insomnia, tachycardia and fatigue, the super-vitamins “Supradin” did not give me anything! It works exactly the opposite! It needs to be discontinued, not advertised! Otherwise, truly effective drugs, Anaprilin, for example, are being discontinued. And they advertise and sell all sorts of crap.


I started taking these vitamins, and already on the second night, such leg cramps began! Horror! I don’t know whether to continue drinking or stop now? It’s a pity for the money, it’s very expensive, but the pharmacy convinced me that these are super vitamins,

clever cat

I will say that in reality there was no really powerful effect (for me). We drank a large package as stated in the instructions and a week later we caught ARVI. Now the whole family is sick. It does not have a significant effect (in relation to the price of the dietary supplement). We will not buy it again. Perhaps the ratio of vitamins is not balanced. Or maybe my body is oversaturated with vitamins, which you can’t tell from the lack of resistance to ARVI... for that price it’s better to buy fruits and vegetables.

Yulia Karagina

https://xn--80avnr.xn--p1ai/%D0%9C%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B0/%D0% A1%D1%83%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%B8%D0%BD

I bought supradin in the form of effervescent tablets to maintain strength during the off-season. The package contains 20 tablets of 10 pieces in two metal tubes. The price is considerable - 520 rubles. But I wanted a real effect, especially since the pharmacy said that in dissolved form there would be a more complete absorption of vitamins and microelements. By the way, 30 regular Supradin tablets cost almost 600 rubles.

I would like to note that the impression was not very good.

Firstly, the smell of dry vitamin is very unpleasant.

Secondly, when it dissolves in water, a rather large fountain of unpleasant-smelling spray is formed. The taste is really not so bad, it looks like lemonade, bright yellow.

Thirdly, I would like to note that I did not feel the expected effect. When purchasing, I planned to buy another package, but changed my mind. The price is unreasonably high.


I bought these vitamins because of the high rating on Aircomend. Whatever they were called - a vitamin bomb for the body, they were compared to an energizer battery. Many people wrote that they had a lot of energy, their performance increased, that they could do things until late at night and not get tired. This is exactly what I expected from vitamin Supradin.

Vitamins are an individual thing and this is how they affected me.

I bought them in winter. Winter for me is a classic period when depression hits me head and shoulders. This winter has been the same. I was dissatisfied with my life, my appearance (standard winter gain is 5 kg), I had just quit my previous job with a huge scandal and had not yet found a new one. I sat at home all day on the Internet or stared at TV.

I didn’t want to do anything, I didn’t want to do household chores, I didn’t want to go out. Social skills were at the level of a pistachio without a crack. There was no strength not only moral, but also physical. Lying on the sofa, I caught myself thinking that I was hungry, but I was too lazy to get up and prepare something to eat. I ate dry food, all sorts of cheeses, made boutiques for myself...

A state of complete hopelessness. Intellectually, I understood that I needed to slowly pull myself out of this state.

And here are such great reviews for these vitamins!

I started taking them and for the first 5 days of taking them I had a classic placebo)) it seemed to me that the vitamins really seemed to revive me, I finally got off the couch and started doing something.

As soon as the effect of self-persuasion wore off, everything returned to normal. Again the blues and apathy.

Even from the very first pill, a powerful side effect appeared - insomnia. It was just terrible!

On the first day of treatment, I could not fall asleep until 2 am, on the second it was until 3 am. Because I wasn’t working then, in the morning I had the opportunity to sleep off. Day and night are mixed up for me. And even when I had to get up early in the morning, I didn’t want to sleep again at night! The body, having slept only 3-4 hours and excited by the Supradin tablet, categorically refused to fall asleep. I started taking sleeping pills.

And okay, if during these hours of insomnia my energy was overflowing, I would at least do my household chores. But no... I lay exhausted at night, I didn’t want to just hang myself from my “sweet” life. I didn’t want anything from life, the meaning of my existence was in great doubt... All sorts of bad thoughts came into my head and in general it was just an atmosphere.

I drank them for exactly 3 weeks, during which time I never fell asleep on time. I quit drinking without finishing the pack.


— Personally, vitamins did not add energy to me.

- no strength appeared, on the contrary: apathy and depression continued

-I didn’t feel any general strengthening effect on the body.

— performance, easy awakening in the morning, less fatigue. On the contrary, she walked around like a sleepy fly.

- hellish insomnia, which does not forget about you even a single night.

-I’ll also note that there was no rapid heartbeat or super-excitement. I just didn't want to sleep. It’s like it’s not 3 nights, but 12 days.

They cost about 450 rubles for 30 pieces. Take 1 tablet per day.


Today I want to express my opinion about Supradin vitamins. This opinion will be sharply negative, since the vitamins caused terrible consequences for me.

I bought these vitamins for myself in the spring and decided to strengthen my immune system after a sore throat. As always, they were highly advertised at the pharmacy, so I fell for it.

In general, I started taking them according to the instructions: 1 tablet per day. For the first 5-6 days I didn’t feel any changes at all: neither for the better nor for the worse. Everything was as usual. By the end of the week, I began to notice fatigue and some kind of loss of strength, plus I began to have a headache every day.

But the worst thing began already on the 8-9th day. In addition to terrible headaches, I began to have pain in my eyes (the kind of pain that something is pressing on my eyes), it got to the point that one fine morning I simply could not open my eyes at all, it was painful for me to raise my eyelids, The eyeball was pressing very hard. After a few hours, these symptoms began to subside, but for another couple of days I was accompanied by severe pain in my head and heaviness in my eyes (I could not look up at all). I think that these vitamins increased either my intracranial or intraocular pressure, or both. But already on day 10 I stopped taking them. And the next day I felt much better. There was no more pressure in my eyes, and after a couple of days everything returned to normal, but the truth was that my head continued to hurt a little, and for a month I still had attacks of pain in the forehead.

In general, these are the side effects that vitamins caused me. I don’t even look in their direction anymore.

Description. The tablets have an oblong (elongated) shape. They have no odor and are bright orange in color. The package contains 30 pieces, just enough for a whole month of use.

The price of such a package is 500 rubles (I gave it in vain).

I have never had any reaction to pills or vitamins in my life, all treatment or prevention has always gone well for me, and I am not allergic. But why these vitamins caused such a reaction in me - I am at a loss.

Of course, I cannot recommend them, but this is my personal opinion, my experience!


Supradin is a fairly popular vitamin complex that can be found in most pharmacies. In addition to the fact that it provides the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals, it also gives vigor and energy, which many lack. If you believe many reviews, the Supradin tablet acts like an energy drink, after which fatigue goes away and the desire to move mountains appears. It is this property that sets Supradin apart from other vitamin complexes.

I bought vitamins in order to recover from a protracted sore throat. Taking various medications, including strong antibiotics, significantly weakened my body. I couldn’t get into a groove because of constant drowsiness and loss of strength after the illness. My nails immediately started peeling, my skin was peeling and my hair was falling out. One thing is clear - the body needs an additional source of vitamins. And the sooner the better.

And I decided to resort to the help of Supradin, who was already familiar to me.

The composition of Supradin is selected in such a way as to satisfy the body's daily need for beneficial microelements, minerals and vitamins.

Vitamin A (retinol); Vitamin E (tocopherol); Vitamin D3 (colecalciferol); Vitamin C (ascorbic acid); Vitamin B1 (thiamine); Vitamin B2 (riboflavin); Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine); Vitamin B5 (calcium pantothenate); Folic acid; Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin); Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid); Vitamin H (biotin); Calcium; Magnesium; Phosphorus; Iron; Copper; Manganese; Zinc; Molybdenum.

The vitamin complex can be purchased in the form of film-coated tablets and in the form of effervescent tablets that need to be dissolved in water.

About a year ago I took Supradin in effervescent form and I want to say that in this case they are absorbed much faster. Soon after taking it, I noticed a surge of strength. Yes, the lemon taste of the resulting drink is very pleasant. But I only took 20 tablets, which is why I didn’t get the desired result.

Vitamins Supradin are a complex product that serves to fully satisfy the body's needs for useful substances.

It prevents the development of hypovitaminosis, normalizes the level of vitamins in the blood serum, improves energy balance and metabolism in tissues.

The price will depend on the form of release. For example: the cost of 30 tablets is about 500 rubles; 20 fizzy drinks can be purchased for 650 rubles; the price of 60 tablets is 1100 rubles.

I decided to buy the largest and most profitable package that was in the pharmacy at that time. And these are 60 tablets, which will last me for 2 months.

HOW TO USE. It is best to take 1 tablet in the morning during or after a meal. I do not recommend drinking them on an empty stomach so as not to cause nausea and harm your stomach.

REMEMBER! Despite the fact that this is a vitamin complex, it also has contraindications. Ideally, we need to consult a doctor.

So, you take vitamins at your own peril and risk. And you yourself are responsible for any negative consequences.


The packaging with Supradin vitamins can be recognized by its bright, positive design in yellow-orange color. This box always stands out among other vitamin and mineral complexes in the pharmacy. You see it and don’t want to buy anything else.

Taking it in your hands, you can immediately get acquainted with all the vitamins, minerals and microelements that are part of Supradin, as well as find out their quantity. This is very convenient, since you don’t need to take out and unfold the instructions (although no one will allow you to do this at the pharmacy).

There are also indications for use, method of application and required doses, as well as expiration date.

Of course, inside the box there are complete instructions, which are also distinguished by their design. Here we do not have the usual white paper, but bright and positive one.

The vitamins themselves are oval in shape and red in color without inclusions.

Perhaps their size may seem large to some, but I had to take capsules twice as large (I’m talking about Elevit), so they don’t cause me any inconvenience.

I also like that Supradin vitamins are packaged in blisters, each of which contains 10 tablets. I find this option more convenient than jars. One blister can always be carried with you, the other can be left at home so as not to miss taking the “healing pill”.


The first 2 days of taking Supradin were quite successful. I really felt a surge of energy, especially compared to the previous days. Although, again, this may be the most common self-hypnosis. But then I stopped feeling anything.

If we compare Supradin in tablets with Supradin in effervescent drinks, the latter gave a faster and more noticeable surge of energy. I think this is due to their rapid digestibility.

Usually I can judge the results after taking vitamins in about a month. In this case I have nothing to say...

As I already said, I did not notice a surge in energy. Supradin also had no effect on my nervous system. There were no changes to my skin or hair either. Well, maybe my nails started to grow faster, but they never stopped peeling.

What I didn’t expect at all was that after 1.5 months of taking Supradin I would get a cold again

In my case, taking Supradin vitamins did not give any positive results at all. Perhaps this is not what I needed at this time, but in any case, I cannot recommend them.



I didn’t find one for myself, the dietary supplement didn’t suit me


Significantly increased excitability, became nervous, stopped sleeping (possibly due to a serious illness and taking other medications)

Today is a productive day for reviews, and I continue on this wave!

Until the moment when I needed to buy multivitamins as part of the course of treatment for broncho-pneumonia, I read a lot of positive reviews about Supradin, so when the doctor recommended that I take vitamins, among other things, and wrote me a whole list of possible options (in which Supradin was in first place ), I bought it without much hesitation.

Supradin was in a box and blisters, from which I quickly took it out and poured it into a jar of Duovit for women (which I really like, but lately I can’t buy it, I can’t find it). Therefore, for photo evidence, all that remains is the instructions and the last dragee :)

Briefly about the main thing. Supradin is taken according to the standard regimen for all such multivitamins - 1 tablet per day for a course of 30 days.

What I saw in reviews of supradin - it gives energy and vitality, just rebirth and new life! Thanks to it, I got excellent insomnia, and even some kind of nervous excitement, so I stopped taking it. I attribute this condition to supradin, because after stopping taking it, the insomnia disappeared within a couple of days.

The composition is not bad, and perhaps for a healthy person it is good for vigor, but for me, taking many medications and having a general serious condition, it did not work for me...

I gave it to my man, he drinks it, but doesn’t notice any special effects, before or after taking it he feels good (ttt).

I will note the gigantic size of the dragees. Well, just a torpedo)) I have no problems swallowing these, but it may be difficult for others.

I can’t recommend it because I didn’t notice any benefit from it. Despite the fact that the price for it is not exactly affordable, you can buy a similar drug for less money. The price range is decent - 430 - 700 rubles for 30 tablets, I indicate the price for which I purchased it.



There are no special advantages.


Very expensive for 30 tablets 721 rubles.

Hello, my dear readers! Probably my review will not be as enthusiastic as many. And there are reasons for this.

So: Multivitamins Supradin. It contains 12 vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D3, E, Biotin, Calcium pantothenate, Folic acid, Nicotinamide) and 8 minerals and trace elements (Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Manganese, Phosphorus, Copper, Zinc, Molybdenum). This entire list is indicated on the box itself and in the instructions.

The tablet is bright orange, oblong, and quite large.

All vitamins have exactly the same indications for use.

Look here: With increased physical and mental stress;

With an incomplete and unbalanced diet (if you are on a diet);

During the period of recovery after serious long-term illnesses;

Complex treatment, when prescribing antibiotics, chemotherapy.

Use as prescribed by a doctor, one to two tablets per day.

Look, there are 30 tablets in a package. That is, you can take them from 15 days, if you are prescribed 2 tablets per day, or up to 30 days, that is, 1 tablet per day.

At the beginning of April 2016, I bought Supradin vitamins at a pharmacy at reduced prices, and even with a discount (with a Muscovite card) for 721 rubles. It is very expensive!

Vitamins with a similar composition can be bought for 165 rubles. Can you imagine how much we are overpaying?

And now about the action that we are waiting for... energy, vigor...

Most likely, the effect of self-hypnosis (Placebo) is triggered. If it's expensive, it will help.

In practice, this is not always the case.

In this case, I am disappointed in this vitamin and mineral complex called Supradin. In a word, it's a dummy. Synthetic vitamins will never replace natural ones.

Conclusion: buy a better juicer for fruits and vegetables. There will be much more benefits. And of course, in order to have vigor, you need to take care of yourself: a cool shower, feasible gymnastics. All this is much more effective than taking pills.

Supradin 10 pcs. effervescent tablets

pharmachologic effect

Supradin is a multivitamin complex for the prevention of hypovitaminosis.

Composition and release form Supradin 10 pcs. effervescent tablets

1 tablet contains

  • Active ingredients: Vitamin A (retinol) in the form of vitamin A palmitate 3333 IU;
    Vitamin B1 (thiamine hydrochloride) in the form of thiamine monophosphoric acid ester chloride 24.7 mg 20.0 mg; Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) in the form of riboflavin sodium phosphate dihydrate 6.82 mg 5.0 mg; Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) 10.0 mg; Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) 5.0 mcg; Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 150.0 mg; Vitamin D3 (colecalciferol) 500 IU; Vitamin E (DL-alpha-tocopherol acetate) 10.0 mg; Biotin 0.25 mg; Calcium pantothenate 11.6 mg; Folic acid 1.0 mg; Nicotinamide 50.0 mg; as well as minerals and trace elements: Calcium in the form of calcium glycerophosphate and in the form of calcium pantothenate 51.3 mg; Magnesium in the form of magnesium glycerophosphate 5.0 mg; Iron in the form of iron carbonate, saccharate 1.25 mg; Manganese in the form of manganese sulfate (monohydrate) 0.5 mg; Phosphorus in the form of calcium glycerophosphate, in the form of magnesium glycerophosphate, in the form of thiamine monophosphoric acid chloride ester 47.0 mg. Copper in the form of copper sulfate (anhydrous) 0.1 mg. Zinc in the form of zinc sulfate (monohydrate) 0.5 mg. Molybdenum in the form of sodium molybdate (dihydrate) 0.1 mg..
  • Excipients: sucrose 1086.384 mg, mannitol 17.25 mg, tartaric acid 1600.0 mg, sodium bicarbonate 1100.0 mg, sodium saccharin 18.0 mg, lemon flavor permaseal 60.827-7 60.0 mg, lemon flavor permastable 3206 100.0 mg.

Description of the dosage form

A cylindrical, flat tablet of pale yellow to light yellow color, interspersed with darker and lighter colors, dissolves in water with the release of bubbles, forming a greenish-yellow, opaque, slightly precipitated solution with a lemon odor.


A complete multivitamin complex that helps prevent common vitamin deficiencies and allows for their treatment.

Directions for use and doses

Inside, after dissolving in a glass of water. Adults and adolescents over 12 years of age: 1 effervescent tablet daily, or as directed by a physician. Without a doctor's recommendation, the drug should not be taken in doses exceeding the above, or by children under 12 years of age.


Supradin contains 12 vitamins in combination with minerals and rare elements, which are important factors in metabolic processes. Vitamins are necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates, the formation of energy reserves, the metabolism of lipids, nucleic acids and proteins, as well as for the synthesis of collagen, neurotransmitters, etc. In addition to participating in basic metabolic reactions, vitamins take part in the regulation and coordination of metabolic processes. Vitamins are necessary for bone growth, wound healing, maintaining normal vascular condition, microsomal drug metabolism and detoxification, immune status, tissue development and differentiation, etc. With the exception of the known consequences of acute vitamin deficiency, a growing body exhibits a certain need for vitamins, which makes it possible to prevent diseases and maintain mental and physical condition at a high level. A lack of vitamins is observed in the following cases: - with increased need (period of growth, pregnancy, breastfeeding, in old age, during recovery, treatment with antibiotics and chemotherapy); - with reduced consumption (weight loss and other unbalanced diets, in old age, gastrointestinal diseases). In these conditions, there is rarely a deficiency of only one of the vitamins. In addition, the supply of the most common minerals and rare elements is disrupted. The drug Supradin was created as a complete multivitamin complex that helps prevent common vitamin deficiencies and allows for their treatment.

Indications for use Supradin 10 pcs. effervescent tablets

The drug is used in the prevention and treatment of hypo- and avitaminosis and lack of minerals, including:

  • with inadequate and unbalanced nutrition (diet);
  • with increased physical and mental stress;
  • during the recovery period after long-term and/or severe illnesses, including infectious ones;
  • in complex therapy of chronic alcoholism;
  • in complex treatment when prescribing antibiotic therapy, chemotherapy.



Hypersensitivity, including in case of allergy to one or more components of the drug, as well as in the presence of hypervitaminosis A and D, hypercalcemia, renal failure and during treatment with retinoids.

Application of Supradin 10 pcs. effervescent tablets during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Can be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding, provided the recommended daily dose is followed. There is no data indicating a risk to the fetus if the drug is taken at recommended doses during pregnancy.

special instructions

It is possible that urine may turn yellow, which is completely harmless and is explained by the presence of riboflavin in the drug. The tablet contains approximately 300 mg sodium (equivalent to 700 mg table salt). Patients on a diet with minimal salt intake are recommended to take tablets. The tablet contains about 1000 mg of crystalline sugar (sucrose). When taking the recommended daily dose, this amount is negligible even if it is necessary to follow an antidiabetic diet (1 g of crystalline sugar corresponds to 0.1 bread unit).


If the instructions are followed, an overdose is unlikely. Treatment: rinse the stomach.

Side effects Supradin 10 pcs. effervescent tablets

Allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

Drug interactions

Do not take other multivitamin medications at the same time.

Supradin, multivitamins, effervescent tablets, 20 pcs., Bayer

Active substance:

1 tablet contains: Vitamin A (retinol) in the form of vitamin A palmitate 3333 IU;
Vitamin B1 (thiamine hydrochloride) 20.0 mg; Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 5.0 mg; Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) 10.0 mg; Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) 5.0 mcg; Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 150.0 mg; Vitamin D3 (colecalciferol) 500 IU; Vitamin E (DL-alpha-tocopherol acetate) 10.0 mg; Biotin 0.25 mg; Calcium pantothenate 11.6 mg; Folic acid 1.0 mg; Nicotinamide 50.0 mg; Calcium (in the form of calcium glycerophosphate and calcium pantothenate) 51.3 mg; Magnesium (as magnesium glycerophosphate) 5.0 mg; Iron (in the form of iron carbonate, saccharate) 1.25 mg; Manganese (in the form of manganese sulfate (monohydrate)) 0.5 mg; Phosphorus (in the form of calcium glycerophosphate, in the form of magnesium glycerophosphate, in the form of thiamine monophosphoric acid ester chloride) 47.0 mg; Copper (as copper sulfate (anhydrous)) 0.1 mg; Zinc (in the form of zinc sulfate (monohydrate)) 0.5 mg; Molybdenum (as sodium molybdate (dihydrate)) 0.1 mg. Excipients:
Sucrose, mannitol, tartaric acid, sodium bicarbonate, sodium saccharin, lemon flavor permaseal 60.827-7, lemon flavor permastable 3206.


There are many vitamins - there is only one Supradin! Supradin is a multivitamin against fatigue.

Do you constantly feel tired? Perhaps your body lacks vitamins.

Supradin* are vitamins that help restore energy and get rid of fatigue throughout the day*.

Supradin - vitamins with an enhanced formula: the vitamin content in Supradin is greater than that of its main competitors*.

Confirmed by clinical research*: taking Supradin, 75% of 853 study participants felt a surge of strength and energy.

Supradin is recommended during periods of stress for the body: - with increased physical and mental stress; — during the period of simultaneous solution of several problems.

The Supradin formula was originally developed to provide the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals during a period of acute food shortages in the world.

Recommended for use by adults and adolescents over 12 years of age.

A cylindrical, flat tablet of pale yellow to light yellow color, interspersed with darker and lighter colors, dissolves in water with the release of bubbles, forming a greenish-yellow, opaque, slightly precipitated solution with a lemon odor.

*There are contraindications. Before use, consult a specialist; Marketing research SUPRADYN active Pharmacy Test, Austria 2012 - Sensor Marktforschung; Haskell C, Robertson B, et al. Effects of a multi-vitamin/mineral supplement on cognitive function and fatigue during extended multi-tasking. Hum Psychopharmacol. 2010 Aug;25(6):448-61. the study was conducted on the drug Supradin with a formula similar in quantitative and qualitative composition of active ingredients; Belinskaya A.Yu., Torshin I.Yu. et al. Comparative pharmacoeconomic study of vitamin-mineral complexes for rehabilitation during a period of increased needs for micronutrients. PHARMACOECONOMICS. Modern pharmacoeconomics and pharmacoepidemiology. 2015; 3: 3-13; Top 5 products of the IMS 04A group, multivitamins with minerals, IMS, 2017, in rubles.

Release form:

10 tablets each, wrapped in Al foil/paper, are placed in a cylinder made of aluminum or polypropylene and covered with a plastic cap. 2 cylinders along with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard box.


Determined by the complex of vitamins and minerals included in the composition.

Vitamin A

necessary for normal growth, participates in the formation and maintenance of the structure and function of bones, teeth, skin; participates in the synthesis of visual pigment.

Vitamin B1

normalizes the activity of the heart and promotes the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Vitamin B2

promotes tissue regeneration processes, including skin cells.

Vitamin B6

helps maintain the structure and function of bones, teeth, gums, affects erythropoiesis, and promotes the normal functioning of the nervous system.

is involved in erythropoiesis and contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Vitamin C

participates in the formation and maintenance of the structure and function of bones, teeth and gums; strengthens the walls of capillaries.

Vitamin D3

regulates the exchange of phosphorus and calcium in the body, promoting the absorption of these substances by the intestines and their timely deposition in the bones.

Vitamin E

ensures the normal functioning of red blood cells and protects cell membranes from damage.


takes part in metabolic processes, promotes protein absorption.

Pantothenic acid

participates in the processes of metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Folic acid

participates in erythropoiesis.


takes part in redox processes, ensures the transfer of hydrogen and phosphate.


participates in the formation of bones and teeth, promotes normal blood clotting.


participates in the formation of muscle and bone tissue, and also takes part in protein synthesis.


participates in erythropoiesis; is an important component of hemoglobin, which ensures the transport of oxygen to tissues.


, along with calcium, is involved in the formation of bones and teeth, and also participates in energy metabolism processes.


promotes proper mineralization of bones.


necessary for normal red blood cell function and iron metabolism.


is part of about 70 enzymes involved in the synthesis and metabolism of hormones (mainly glucocorticosteroids), as well as the division and interaction of immunocompetent cells.


is part of enzymes and coenzymes involved in many redox reactions in the body.

SUPRADIN® contains 12 vitamins in combination with minerals and rare elements, which are important factors in metabolic processes.

Vitamins are necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates, the formation of energy reserves, the metabolism of lipids, nucleic acids and proteins, as well as for the synthesis of collagen, neurotransmitters, etc. In addition to participating in basic metabolic reactions, vitamins take part in the regulation and coordination of metabolic processes. Vitamins are necessary for bone growth, wound healing, maintaining normal vascular condition, microsomal drug metabolism and detoxification, immune status, tissue development and differentiation, etc.

With the exception of the known consequences of acute vitamin deficiency, a growing body exhibits a certain need for vitamins, which makes it possible to prevent diseases and maintain mental and physical condition at a high level.

Vitamin deficiency is observed in the following cases:

- with increased need (period of growth, pregnancy, breastfeeding, in old age, during recovery, treatment with antibiotics and chemotherapy);

- with reduced consumption (weight loss and other unbalanced diets, in old age, gastrointestinal diseases)

In these conditions, there is rarely a deficiency of only one of the vitamins. In addition, the supply of the most common minerals and rare elements is disrupted. The drug SUPRADIN® was created as a complete multivitamin complex that helps prevent common vitamin deficiencies and allows for their treatment.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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