Vitrum Prenatal Plus, 30 film-coated tablets


Vitrum Prenatal contains a complex of vitamins and minerals. The composition of Vitrum Prenatal Forte is as follows: vitamin A , folic acid , vitamin B1 , vitamin B2 , vitamin B12 , vitamin B6 , vitamin C , vitamin E , nicotinamide , iron , cholecalciferol , zinc , calcium . All these components are necessary for a woman’s body during pregnancy. This product also contains additional substances.

pharmachologic effect

The pharmacological action is to replenish the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. It is determined by the complex of minerals and vitamins that is part of this multivitamin complex.

Vitamin A is directly involved in the synthesis of lipids, proteins, and mucopolysaccharides.

Vitamin D3 helps maintain a normal balance of calcium and phosphorus in the body of the expectant mother. Its deficiency in a child can lead to the development of rickets , and adults, due to vitamin D3 deficiency, suffer from osteoporosis , which develops due to a decrease in calcium levels.

B vitamins take an active part in the production of enzymes that determine metabolic processes in a woman’s body.

Folic acid helps normalize the production of blood cells and also takes part in the synthesis of amino acids. In the first trimester of pregnancy, folic acid reduces the likelihood of neural tube defects in the fetus.

Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant. Under its influence, peripheral blood flow is normalized and increased blood clotting is stopped. In addition, it is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin and proteins, improves the functions of the heart, blood vessels, and skeletal muscles. If a woman's body lacks vitamin E in the first weeks of pregnancy, the likelihood of miscarriage increases.

Vitamin C promotes the regulation of metabolic processes in connective tissue, promotes regeneration processes, blood clotting, activates the production of steroid hormones, and increases the body's level of resistance to infectious diseases and inflammation.

Calcium ensures the normal process of bone tissue formation. The element also ensures normal levels of blood clotting, heart function, and transmission of nerve impulses. The element promotes the process of iron absorption into the body.

Iron is involved in the transport of oxygen in the body and prevents anemia in the expectant mother in the last months of gestation.

Zinc determines active tissue regeneration and normal formation of the fetal skeleton. The element reduces the risk of developing certain intrauterine anomalies.

Vitrum Prenatal Plus tablets for pregnant and lactating women 30 pcs.

Active substance:

Calcium carbonate, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), ferric fumarate, vitamin E (dl-alpha tocopherol acetate), magnesium oxide, zinc oxide, nicotinamide, manganese sulfate, calcium-D-pantothenate, beta-carotene, vitamin A (retinol acetate) , folic acid, vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride), vitamin B 1 (thiamine nitrate), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), D-biotin, chromium chloride, copper oxide, potassium iodide, sodium selenate, vitamin B12 ( cyanocobalamin). Content of active substances in 1 tablet: Vitamin A-0.75 RE; Beta-carotene-1.5 mg; Vitamin E-20.1 TE; Vitamin D3-10 mcg; Vitamin C-120 mg; Vitamin B1-3 mg; Vitamin B2-3.4 mg; Vitamin B6-3 mg; Folic acid-400 mcg; Vitamin B12-4.5 mcg; Niacin-20 mg; Vitamin B5-7 mg; Biotin-30 mcg; Calcium-200 mg; Iron-32 mg; Zinc-18 mg; Copper-2 mg; Manganese-3.3 mg; Chromium-25 mg; Iodine-150 mg; Selenium-25 mg.


Microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid, croscarmellose, Opadry II white tablet coating (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, titanium dioxide, polydextrose, talc, maltodextrin, medium chain triglycerides), silicon dioxide, magnesium salt of stearic acid,


Vitrum® Prenatal Plus film-coated tablets for pregnant and lactating women, 30 pcs.

For the well-being of the mother and the proper development of the fetus. Replenishing the lack of vitamins and minerals during pregnancy, as well as reducing the risk of developing hypovitaminosis and lack of minerals in the postpartum period and during lactation. Reducing the risk of developing iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women and iodine deficiency in the body of the mother and fetus.

Vitamin A - Cell growth and differentiation factor. Promotes the development of fetal lung tissue, regulation of the function of surface-active proteins of the fetal alveoli. Participates in the formation of barrier (local) immunity and prevents the development of viral infections. Promotes the development of the placenta, growth, normal development and differentiation of embryonic tissues, incl. epithelial structures and bone tissue. Participates in the formation of visual pigments necessary for normal twilight and color vision; ensures the integrity of epithelial tissues.

Beta-carotene is a natural provitamin A and has antioxidant properties that block peroxide compounds that can cause precancerous changes in cells. Beta-carotene relieves many vision disorders, participates in the formation of bone tissue and teeth, maintains healthy skin, hair, mucous membranes, and increases the body's resistance to respiratory and other infections. In case of retinol (vitamin A) deficiency, beta-carotene can break down into two retinol molecules.

Vitamin E - supports the normal course of the entire pregnancy. An antioxidant that protects other vitamins from destruction. Maintains the stability of red blood cells, prevents hemolysis; has a positive effect on the functions of the gonads, nervous and muscle tissue.

Vitamin D3 - ensures the exchange of calcium and phosphates, the growth of the fetal bone skeleton, promotes bone mineralization, the formation of the bone skeleton and teeth in children, and is necessary for the normal functioning of the parathyroid glands. Prevents the development of preeclampsia in pregnant women and premature birth.

Vitamin C - ensures the synthesis of collagen, carnitine, dopamine, tyrosine, norepinephrine, pituitary hormones, thyroid hormones and steroid hormones. Affects the formation of hemoglobin and the maturation of red blood cells. Vitamin C increases the body's resistance to infections and reduces inflammatory reactions.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - participates in the absorption of simple sugars. Prevents excess weight gain in pregnant women. Participates in the functioning and formation of the fetal nervous system.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the mother and fetus. Prevents the development of mastitis during feeding. The most important catalyst for the processes of cellular respiration and visual perception of the fetus.

Niacin (vitamin B3, vitamin PP, nicotinamide) - ensures the synthesis of the most important enzyme cofactors (NAD group): DNA repair, synthesis of steroid hormones, detoxification of xenobiotics, energy metabolism. Participates in the formation of blood vessels of the placenta.

Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5) - is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Promotes rapid healing of tissues after childbirth. Provides tissue reparative function.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - participates in the metabolism of amino acids. Counteracts the appearance of pregnancy toxicosis and convulsions. Ensures normal absorption of magnesium. As a coenzyme, it takes part in protein metabolism and the synthesis of neurotransmitters. Necessary for folic acid (folate cycle). During pregnancy, it is necessary for women who have previously taken oral contraceptives, which deplete the body's reserves of pyridoxine.

Biotin (vitamin B7) - is involved in carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Forms normal fetal skin. Maintains normal blood sugar levels and prevents diabetes.

Folic acid (vitamin B9, Bc) - is involved in DNA synthesis and DNA methylation. Ensures the growth of all embryonic cells. In the early stages of pregnancy, it reduces the risk of developing neural tube defects in the fetus, as well as the risk of malformations of the maxillofacial area.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) - is involved in the catabolism (breakdown and resynthesis) of amino acids, fatty acids and nucleotides. Ensures the growth of all embryonic cells. It is an important factor in hematopoiesis and the development of epithelial cells; necessary for folic acid metabolism (folate cycle) and myelin synthesis. Increases the resistance of red blood cells to hemolysis. Increases the ability of tissues to regenerate.

Iron - participates in erythropoiesis, as part of hemoglobin it ensures the transport of oxygen to tissues; prevents the development of anemia in pregnant women, especially in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Iron contributes to the normal development of the infant's cognitive functions.

Zinc - participates in the normal formation of the fetal skeleton and tissue regeneration, participates in the formation of certain hormones, including insulin; reduces the likelihood of developing intrauterine anomalies. In combination with vitamin A, it promotes the formation of normal twilight and color vision.

Copper - prevents anemia and oxygen starvation of organs and tissues, helps prevent osteoporosis. Helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Manganese - promotes bone mineralization. Has anti-inflammatory properties.

Chromium - increases tissue sensitivity to insulin, reduces the risk of impaired glucose tolerance and gestational diabetes.

Iodine is necessary for the formation of thyroid hormones and normal function of the thyroid gland: it participates in lipid and protein metabolism. Reduces the risk of complications during pregnancy that occur due to iodine deficiency: intrauterine fetal death and spontaneous abortion. Prevents retardation in mental and physical development.

Selenium - provides antioxidant protection to cell membranes, potentiates the effect of vitamin E. Necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system.

Calcium - is involved in the regulation of nerve conduction, muscle contractions and is a component of the blood coagulation system, increases bone density.

Release form:

Film-coated tablets, weighing 1470 mg, 30 pieces in a bottle, 1 bottle in a cardboard box.

Indications for use

Vitrum Prenatal Forte is used for the prevention and treatment of vitamin and mineral deficiencies in women carrying a child, as well as during the period of preparation for conception and during recovery after childbirth.

The drug is used to prevent calcium deficiency and prevent iron deficiency anemia. It is prescribed for this purpose for pregnant women, as well as for nursing mothers. The vitamin complex is used both in any trimester of pregnancy and at the planning stage of conception, as well as during breastfeeding.

Whether non-pregnant women can take these multivitamins is determined by the attending physician on an individual basis.

Main indications

The pharmaceutical drug Vitrum Prenatal is recommended as an additional source of minerals and vitamins for the prevention of pathological conditions in women during planning for conception, at all stages of pregnancy, during the recovery of the body after childbirth and during lactation.

The need to use the drug for various conditions of a woman is assessed by a doctor. Before starting the course, it is advisable to undergo an examination to identify risk factors for health problems and possible contraindications.


You should not take the drug in the following cases:

  • individual hypersensitivity to its components;
  • state of hypercalciuria , hypercalcemia , hypervitaminosis ;
  • pernicious anemia ;
  • vitamin A hypervitaminosis;
  • excessive calcium and iron content in the body;
  • urolithiasis , excessive excretion of calcium in the urine.

Instructions for use (Method and dosage)

If a woman is going to start taking Virtum Prenatal, the instructions for using the product must be followed very precisely.

The instructions for Virtum Prenatal Forte include taking one tablet daily after meals. Vitamins should be taken with a small amount of water, but the tablet should not be chewed. As a rule, Virtum Prenatal for pregnant women is recommended to be taken in the morning, immediately after breakfast.

The duration of the course of taking the drug is determined by the attending physician.


This medication should not be taken at the same time as other multivitamins, as this may lead to the development of hypervitaminosis.

Due to the content of calcium and iron in the drug, when taking it, there may be a slow absorption in the intestines of antibiotics belonging to the group of tetracyclines and antimicrobial drugs - fluoroquinolone .

Under the influence of vitamin C, the influence and side effects of antimicrobial drugs belonging to the group of sulfonamides .

When taking diuretics belonging to the thiazides , the risk of hypercalcemia .

How to take Vitrum Prenatal correctly

For vitamins to work effectively, it is important to follow the regimen and dosage when consuming them. The pills should be swallowed without chewing and washed down with several sips of warm water. Best time to take: morning or afternoon. It is advisable to take the drug after breakfast or lunch so that its components are mixed with food and absorbed most actively.

Recommended daily dose: 1 tablet. The full course varies from 1 to 4 months depending on the individual health status of each woman. The frequency of administration is discussed with the doctor. It is prohibited to exceed the recommended dosage of Vitrum Prenatal. It contains fat-soluble vitamins, which, if consumed in excess, cause intoxication. For this reason, it is also undesirable to use other similar means during the prevention period.

Vitrum Prenatal may reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics from the group of fluoroquinolones and tetracyclines. Side effects of sulfonamides may increase. It is important to remember this if during the course of treatment there is a need to treat infections. The beneficial effect and absorption of vitamins is reduced with frequent vomiting, increased urination, and while taking diuretics.


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Complivit Trimester

Analogues of the product are considered to be other multivitamins containing similar ingredients. These are Bio-Max , Vitaftor , Vitatress , Glutamevit , Duovit , Complivit , Multi-tabs , etc.

Which is better: Vitrum Prenatal Forte or Elevit?

The drug Elevit is also a multivitamin complex that is prescribed during pregnancy. However, it does not contain some necessary elements for expectant mothers. Therefore, when choosing between Elevit Pronatal or Vitrum Prenatal Forte, a pregnant woman should take into account that when taking Elevit it is necessary to take some additional medications.

Which is better: Vitrum Prenatal or Prenatal Forte?

Vitrum Prenatal contains 10 vitamins and 3 minerals, while Vitrum Prenatal Forte contains 13 vitamins and 10 minerals. The price of Vitrum Prenatal and Vitrum Prenatal Forte differs insignificantly, so it is advisable for a woman to choose the remedy that the doctor prescribes for her.

When Vitrum Prenatal can be harmful

Like most pharmacy multivitamins for adults, Vitrum Prenatal has a fairly high dosage of active ingredients. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the mineral content in the body is normal or reduced before using them. The drug is contraindicated:

  • with excess content of fat-soluble vitamins: A, E or D;
  • with high levels of iron or calcium in the blood;
  • with increased excretion of mineral salts in the urine;
  • with urolithiasis.

Vitrum Prenatal should not be taken if allergic reactions to any of the components are detected: swelling, itching, skin redness, rashes, allergic conjunctivitis, nausea, intestinal spasms or other severe symptoms. All reactions to the drug must be reported to the doctor, and its use must be interrupted immediately.

While taking a vitamin supplement, urine may turn bright yellow. This corresponds to the norm, since it contains riboflavin, a yellow pigment. In addition to the pharmaceutical industry, it is used in the food industry as a dye.

During pregnancy

Vitrum for pregnant women is the optimal drug, as it ensures the normal course of pregnancy and protection from possible complications during this time. Vitamins for pregnant women help reduce the likelihood of developing birth defects and promote the proper formation of the fetal brain.

In addition, reviews of Vitrum Prenatal vitamins for pregnant women indicate that the product improves the well-being of the expectant mother, reduces the intensity of toxicosis , improves immunity and prevents anemia. The composition of multivitamins is optimal for the period of gestation and for use during lactation. In this case, the instructions must always be followed.

Reviews for Prenatal Vitrum

Reviews from pregnant women indicate that the Vitrum Prenatal vitamin complex is in demand and is the best option for many due to its composition. Reviews of Vitrum Prenatal Forte also often contain the opinion that this drug is convenient for pregnant women to take, since it is enough to take only one tablet per day. Women note that Vitrum Prenatal improves overall well-being and does not cause side effects. In addition, pregnant women notice that these vitamins reduce the symptoms of toxicosis.

Virtum Prenatal price, where to buy

The price of Virtum Prenatal Forte (30 tablets) averages from 310 to 400 rubles. The price of pregnancy vitamins depends on where exactly they are sold.

Vitrum Prenatal Forte (100 tablets) can be bought for an average of 800-1000 rubles. The price of Virtum Prenatal Forte 100 tablets in Ukraine averages 200 UAH.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Vitrum Prenatal Plus tablets No. 30Eagle Nutritionals
    588 RUR order
  • Vitrum Prenatal Plus tablets No. 100Eagle Nutritionals

    RUB 1,583 order

show more


  • Vitrum Prenatal Plus No. 30 tablets Eagle Nutritionals, Inc.,/Unipharm, Inc., USA
    164 UAH order
  • Vitrum Prenatal Plus No. 100 tablets Eagle Nutritionals, Inc.,/Unipharm, Inc., USA

    426 UAH order


  • Vitrum Prenatal film-coated tablets No. 30, Unipharm

    170 UAH order

  • Vitrum Prenatal film-coated tablets No. 100, Unipharm

    366 UAH order

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Composition and release form

Film-coated tablets1 table
retinol acetate860 mcg
(corresponds to 2500 IU vitamin A)
betacarotene1500 mcg
(corresponds to 2500 IU betacarotene)
DL-alpha tocopherol acetate30 mg
(corresponds to 30 IU of vitamin E)
colecalciferol10 mcg
(corresponds to 400 IU vitamin D3)
ascorbic acid (vitamin C)120 mg
thiamine mononitrate (vitamin B1)3 mg
riboflavin (vitamin B2)3.4 mg
pantothenic acid (calcium pantothenate)10 mg
pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6)10 mg
folic acid800 mcg
cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12)12 mcg
nicotinamide20 mg
biotin30 mcg
calcium (as calcium carbonate)200 mg
magnesium (as magnesium oxide)25 mg
iron (as ferrous fumarate)60 mg
copper (in the form of copper oxide)2 mg
zinc (as zinc oxide)25 mg
iodine (as potassium iodide)150 mcg
manganese (as manganese sulfate)5 mg
molybdenum (as sodium molybdate)25 mcg
Selenium (as sodium selenate)20 mcg
chromium (as chromium chloride)25 mcg
excipients: stearic acid; MCC; magnesium stearate; croscarmellose sodium; silicon dioxide; triacetin; hypromellose; titanium dioxide; dyes E151, E129

in polyethylene bottles of 30, 60, 75, 100 or 120 pcs.; 1 bottle in a cardboard pack.

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