Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte chewable tablets with lemon flavor 500 mg/400 me No. 30


The recommended daily dose corresponds to 4 tablets (weight 0.84 g) and allows you to fully satisfy the body's need for these elements and vitamins, it includes: 1,000 mg of calcium carbonate , 5.1 mcg of manganese, 200 IU of vitamin D3 , 5.1 mcg titanium.
Shilajit 0.8 μg of molybdenum, 1.57 mg of magnesium, 0.4 μg of boron, 204 μg of silicon, 0 .13 µg silver, 128 µg aluminum, 0.05 µg chromium, 107.5 µg sodium, 0.05 µg selenium, 23 µg iron, 0.02 µg tungsten, 20.5 µg barium, 0.02 µg cobalt, 18 µg zinc, 0.003 µg zirconium, 12 µg sulfur, 0.003 µg bismuth, 6.7 µg copper, 0.001 µg beryllium.

Excipients are: starch, MCC, magnesium stearate and calcium stearate, maltodextrin and aerosil.

Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte chewable tablets with lemon flavor 500 mg/400 me No. 30


Calcium D3 Nycomed forte No. 30


Round, biconvex, white, uncoated tablets. May have small inclusions and uneven edges. There may be a small amount of powder at the bottom of the bottle.

Main active ingredient

Colecalciferol+calcium carbonate

Release form



400 iu+1.25 g

Special instructions and precautions

During long-term treatment, it is necessary to monitor serum calcium levels and monitor renal function by determining serum creatinine. Monitoring is especially important for elderly patients receiving concomitant treatment with cardiac glycosides or diuretics (see section "Interactions with other drugs"), and for patients with a strong tendency to form kidney stones. In case of hypercalcemia or signs of renal impairment, the dose should be reduced or treatment discontinued. Calcium carbonate tablets with cholecalciferol should be used with caution in patients with hypercalcemia or signs of renal impairment; Calcium and phosphate levels should be monitored. The risk of soft tissue calcification must be taken into account. When used concomitantly with other sources of vitamin D and/or drugs or nutrients (such as milk) containing calcium, there is a risk of developing hypercalcemia and milk-alkali syndrome with subsequent impairment of renal function. Serum calcium levels and renal function should be monitored in these patients. Calcium-D3 Nycomed Orte should be used with caution in patients with sarcoidosis due to the risk of increased metabolism of vitamin D3 to its active form. In these patients, serum and urine calcium levels should be regularly monitored. Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte should be used with caution in immobilized patients with osteoporosis due to the increased risk of hypercalcemia. Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte contains isomalt (E953) and sucrose. Patients suffering from rare hereditary disorders such as fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption or sucrase-isomaltase deficiency should not take this drug. With long-term use, sucrose can have a negative effect on tooth enamel.

Pharmacological properties

Vitamin D3 increases calcium absorption in the intestines. The administration of calcium and vitamin D3 counteracts the increase in parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels caused by calcium deficiency and leading to increased bone resorption. A clinical study in patients suffering from vitamin D deficiency showed that daily supplementation with 1000 mg calcium and 800 IU vitamin D for 6 months normalized the 25-hydroxylated metabolite of vitamin D3 and reduced the severity of secondary hyperparathyroidism and alkaline phosphatase levels. In an 18-month, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 3,270 women aged 84 ± 6 years who received 800 IU of vitamin D and 1,200 mg of calcium (as calcium phosphate) per day, there was a significant decrease in parathyroid hormone secretion. After 18 months of treatment, there were 80 hip fractures in the test group and 110 hip fractures in the placebo group (p = 0.004). After 36 months of follow-up, there were 137 women with a hip fracture in the test group (n = 1176) and 178 women with a hip fracture in the placebo group (n = 1127) (p ? 0.02).


Calcium Absorption: On average, the amount of calcium that is absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract is approximately 30% of the consumed dose. Distribution and Metabolism: 99% of calcium in the body is concentrated in the hard structures of bones and teeth. The remaining amount (1%) is present in intra- and extracellular fluid. About 50% of the total calcium contained in the blood is present in the physiologically active ionized form, with approximately 10% forming complexes with citrate, phosphate and other anions; the remaining 40% is associated with proteins, mainly albumin. Excretion: Calcium is excreted in feces, urine and sweat. Renal excretion depends on glomerular filtration and tubular reabsorption. Cholecalciferol Absorption: Vitamin D3 is easily absorbed in the small intestine. Distribution and metabolism: Cholecalciferol and its metabolites circulate in the blood in association with a specific globulin. Cholecalciferol is converted in the liver by hydroxylation to the active form 25-hydroxycholecalciferol. The latter is then converted in the kidneys to 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol, a metabolite responsible for increasing calcium absorption. Unmetabolized vitamin D3 is stored in adipose and muscle tissues. Excretion: Vitamin D3 is excreted from the body in feces and urine.

Indications for use

Prevention and treatment of vitamin D and calcium deficiency in older people. Meeting vitamin D and calcium requirements as an adjunct to specific osteoporosis therapy in patients at risk of vitamin D and calcium deficiency.

Directions for use and doses

Dosage regimen Adults, including elderly patients 1 chewable tablet 1 time per day. Children Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte is not used in children. Special groups of patients Renal failure Calcium-D3 tablets Nycomed Forte should not be used in patients with severe renal failure (see section “Contraindications”). Liver failure No dose adjustment required. Method of administration Oral. The tablet can be chewed or dissolved. The drug is taken regardless of meals. You should not take an additional dose of the drug if you miss a pill.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy The drug Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte can be used during pregnancy in case of vitamin D and calcium deficiency. During pregnancy, the daily dose should not exceed 2500 mg of calcium and 4000 IU of vitamin D. Animal studies have shown reproductive toxicity of high doses of vitamin D. Overdose of calcium and vitamin D should be avoided in pregnant women, as persistent hypercalcemia has been associated with adverse effects in developing fetus. There is no data on the teratogenic effect of vitamin D in therapeutic doses in humans. Breastfeeding The drug Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte can be used during breastfeeding. Calcium and vitamin D3 pass into breast milk. This should be taken into account when supplementing vitamin D to a child.

Interaction with other drugs

Thiazide diuretics reduce urinary calcium excretion. Due to the increased risk of hypercalcemia during use of thiazide diuretics, serum calcium levels should be regularly monitored. Calcium carbonate may interfere with the absorption of concomitantly prescribed tetracycline drugs. For this reason, tetracycline medications should be administered at least two hours before or 4 to 6 hours after oral calcium intake. The development of hypercalcemia during treatment with calcium and vitamin D may increase the toxicity of cardiac glycosides. In such patients, electrocardiogram (ECG) and serum calcium levels should be monitored. When concomitantly using a bisphosphonate, the latter should be taken at least an hour before taking Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte to avoid decreased absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. The effectiveness of levothyroxine may be reduced with concomitant use of calcium due to decreased absorption of levothyroxine. An interval of at least four hours should be maintained between taking calcium and levothyroxine. The absorption of quinolone antibiotics may be impaired when calcium is administered in parallel. Quinolone antibiotics should be taken two hours before or six hours after taking calcium. Calcium salts may reduce the absorption of iron, zinc and strontium ranelate. Therefore, it is recommended to take iron, zinc or strontium ranelate supplements two hours before or two hours after taking Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte. Treatment with orlistat may potentially interfere with the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (eg vitamin D3).

  • Hypersensitivity to the active substances or to any of the excipients listed in the “List of excipients” section.
  • Severe renal failure (glomerular filtration rate
  • Diseases and/or conditions leading to hypercalcemia and/or hypercalciuria.
  • Kidney stone disease (nephrolithiasis).
  • Hypervitaminosis D.

Composition per tablet Active ingredients: calcium 500 mg in the form of calcium carbonate 1250 mg; cholecalciferol 10.0 mcg (400 IU) as cholecalciferol concentrate (powder) 4.0 mg. For a complete list of excipients, see the “List of excipients” section.


Symptoms Overdose can lead to hypercalcemia and hypervitaminosis of vitamin D. Symptoms of hypercalcemia may include anorexia, thirst, nausea, vomiting, constipation, abdominal pain, muscle weakness, fatigue, mental disorders, polydipsia, polyuria, bone pain, nephrocalcinosis, kidney stones and, in severe cases, cardiac arrhythmias. Extreme hypercalcemia can lead to coma and death. Persistently high calcium levels can lead to irreversible kidney damage and soft tissue calcification. Milk-alkali syndrome can occur in patients who ingest large amounts of calcium and absorbable alkaline foods. Treatment of hypercalcemia Treatment is mainly symptomatic and supportive. Treatment with calcium and vitamin D should be discontinued. It is also necessary to stop treatment with thiazide diuretics and cardiac glycosides (see section “Interaction with other drugs and other types of interactions”). For patients with impaired consciousness, removal of gastric contents is indicated. Rehydration and, depending on the severity, isolated or combined treatment with loop diuretics, bisphosphonates, calcitonin and corticosteroids. Monitoring of serum electrolytes, renal function and diuresis is mandatory. In severe cases, electrocardiogram and central venous pressure should be monitored.

Side effect

Adverse reactions are listed below according to classification by system-organ class and frequency of development. Frequency is defined as: uncommon (? 1/1000,

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature not exceeding 30°C in a place protected from moisture. Keep out of the reach of children.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Mountain Calcium D3 Evalar contains components that determine its effect on the body, such as:

  • Calcium is one of the most important elements of the body’s vital functions at the stage of formation of teeth and bones, as well as for the prevention of osteoporosis . It is important to remember that bone mass accumulates and gives increased strength to bones only up to 30 years of age, therefore experts recommend accumulating calcium as much as possible before this milestone, so that the processes of decreasing bone strength after 40 and especially in women during menopause do not turn out to be critical and do not lead to early osteoporosis .
  • Vitamin D3 is necessary for better absorption of calcium.
  • High-mountain mumiyo improves the mineral composition of bone tissue and increases the bioavailability of calcium.

Mountain calcium D3 tab. 0.84 g. No. 80

The combination of calcium, vitamin D3 and Altai mumiyo in 1 tablet 100% replenishes calcium deficiency in the body.

Calcium is like the difficult child in the micronutrient family. For its assimilation, many additional conditions are required. One of them is the presence of vitamin D3, and most importantly the presence of microelements: manganese, copper, boron, phosphorus, zinc, silicon, etc. Mountain calcium D3 with mumiyo fully meets these conditions.

Mountain calcium 100% satisfies the body's daily need for both calcium and vitamin D3.

Shilajit contained in Mountain Calcium contains more than 30 macro- and microelements, which promotes more complete absorption of calcium by the body. Shilajit is a natural catalyst (accelerator) for the delivery of calcium to bone tissue, helping to improve the mineral composition and structure of bone tissue. That is why Mountain Calcium D3, combined in one tablet with mumiyo, promotes better absorption of calcium, maintaining its metabolism, and regeneration of bone tissue in case of fractures.

Calcium plays an important role in the life of the body, it is especially necessary for the formation of teeth, bones, prevention of structural changes in bone tissue and its natural renewal, as well as for maintaining healthy skin, hair and nails. First of all, it is necessary to remember that the accumulation of bone mass (increasing bone strength) occurs before the age of 30. Experts recommend doing everything to ensure that bone mass is at its maximum by the age of 30 (this requires sufficient calcium and vitamin D in the diet, sun exposure, and adequate physical activity).

It should also be remembered that bone mass and bone strength begin to decline after the age of 40. In women after menopause, this process accelerates sharply. It has been established that after 40 years, women lose 35-50% of bone mass, men 15-20%, so older people especially need additional calcium intake. The role of calcium is significant in the functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems.

If there is insufficient calcium intake from food, the body replenishes it from bone mass and there is a risk of developing many diseases, so it is important for health to ensure the daily calcium intake.

The rich complex of microelements mumiyo helps improve the structure and has a positive effect on the biological regulation of natural bone tissue renewal.

Recommendations for use: Adults: 2 tablets 2 times a day with meals, washed down with water.

Contraindications: Individual intolerance to components, pregnancy, breastfeeding. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

Shelf life: 3 years Storage conditions: store at a temperature not exceeding 25C.

Ingredients: calcium carbonate, mumiyo, sorbitol (sweetener), maltodextrin and croscarmellose (carriers), microcrystalline cellulose (carrier), vegetable calcium stearate (anti-caking agent), cholecalciferol (vitamin D3).

Indications for use

Mountain Calcium D3 Evalar is recommended for use:

  • as a biologically active food supplement and an additional source of calcium and vitamin D;
  • for the prevention and treatment of calcium and/or vitamin D3 deficiency;
  • to ensure full growth and strengthening during the period of the most intensive growth of bones, teeth, nail plates in children from 12 years of age;
  • as a preventive measure for osteoporosis (including women during menopause and after menopause);
  • for restoration of musculoskeletal tissue in various injuries and fractures .

Vitamins Evalar Mountain calcium D3 - reviews



Effect, price, number of tablets


Tablet size

My father is not a big fan of taking pills; in general, he is undergoing treatment. He endures until the last moment, but then he had to undergo treatment. Because in August I broke my ribs, and the doctor said that the ribs were not healing well. Well, his mother bought him vitamins Evvlvr Mountain calcium D3. There are 80 tablets in the package, but they are worth the money that my mother paid for them. Price 250 rubles. My father took the tablets according to the instructions and two weeks after starting to take mountain calcium, the doctor prescribed it. Because the bones are practically fused. The only downside to these tablets is their size. Otherwise, it is quite an effective drug for strengthening bones, hair and nails. Good day.






I had never taken calcium before, two weeks before the wedding I was looking for where I could get my nails done. My nails never grew because of weakness and because they kept peeling. I always had to cut them down to the very roots. Two weeks before the wedding, I went to the hospital for a week and started taking calcium tablets there, and began to notice how my nails began to grow and stopped peeling. I decided that I would not get my nails done and continued taking calcium. My nails have grown very well. In just two weeks they grew and became stronger. The only negative about these tablets is their large size and smell. I took Mountain Calcium D3. There are 80 tablets in one package, I take 2 of them twice a day after meals. The result is simply amazing.



Price, efficiency



I recommend this inexpensive drug to all mothers who have stopped breastfeeding. The drug contains both vitamin D3 and mumiyo. Rapid restoration of calcium deficiency in the body. Course of 2 tablets 3 times a day. The drug is available to everyone, the price is not so high. This is due to the fact that manufacturers did not add flavoring agents. The taste is specific. I called it “with the smell of a Russian bathhouse.” In principle, it’s not particularly nasty, it can be taken. Restores nails and even hair well. There are 80 tablets in a pack, and the course should be repeated after 3-4 months. Please note that you should not take it during pregnancy and breastfeeding!



In general, I was satisfied, it works quickly, relieves pain in the bones.



I rarely consume calcium-rich foods: milk, sour cream, fish, kefir and other calcium-rich foods. This is why my body doesn’t have enough calcium. It is especially difficult in winter, when I rarely even go out into the sun so that vitamins can be absorbed into the body through the sun. I use Mountain Calcium D3 more often than others to strengthen bones. I always take two tablets twice a day before meals. I drink it especially in winter, when the bones especially need these vitamins. It helps well, I buy it because of the affordable price and trouble-free operation. Helps strengthen bone tissue, bones, nails, teeth. Helps reduce the risk of injury, and helps faster recovery of bone tissue in case of fractures. The effect can be noticed after 2-3 weeks of use.



An effective, strengthening remedy.



I have taken this dietary supplement several times and have never been disappointed in its quality. I took it at a time when my teeth were very crumbling and my nails were seriously peeling. Of course, it is not that cheap, but since this active product contains a rich composition (calcium, purified, mountain mumiyo, vitamins, etc.), then, in my opinion, it fully justifies its inflated cost. I drank these light-colored tablets for two months, one tablet three times a day after meals, ten to fifteen minutes later. At first there was no effect, but after seventeen to eighteen days I noticed that my hair began to fall out significantly less, that is, if before there was almost a whole clump of hair on the comb, now, when combing, I see only a few hairs . Later, after about thirty to thirty-five days, my nails began to gradually become stronger and did not begin to peel at all. After a month and a half, I felt how my teeth began to strengthen, that is, I could already calmly eat various solid foods (nuts, crackers, caramel, apples, etc.), and not be at all afraid of what happened to me while eating , some weak and fragile tooth will break off. By the way, I also noticed that my spine began to hurt much less, especially when I did some small, physical work. In general, in my opinion, this is an excellent, strengthening, fortified biological product. I recommend everyone to buy and use the dietary supplement from Evalar “Mountain Calcium D3”. This most active remedy will perfectly help you strengthen the skeletal system and get rid of many minor health problems.



price and effect


take 4 tablets

I don’t have enough Calcium in my body and it’s immediately noticeable. Teeth and hair and nails do not look at all as they should. At the pharmacy it is useless to ask what to drink in order to increase calcium in the body. Pharmacists will recommend expensive, well-advertised dietary supplements. Therefore, I read and studied myself, taking into account finances. In general, Evalar is a good domestic pharmaceutical company; I have already tried a lot from their range. So I decided to try this mountain calcium. Of course, it is not customary to save on medicines, but you also don’t want to overpay for advertising. What was really surprising was that you need to take 4 tablets a day, but it’s necessary. I started drinking and immediately realized that there was an effect, my nails became stronger, my hair began to grow less. It turned out the way I wanted and I didn’t go broke and the calcium actually increased.


Hi all!

When winter began, my nails became brittle, and my hair began to fall out like crazy, I realized that it was time to do something about it. I started reading about different preparations with calcium, from the affordable Complivit to other rare ones with an unclear name. All the reviews were very controversial and I didn’t know what to buy. Then, on the advice of a friend, I took a risk and bought Mountain Calcium D3 from the company Evalar


It includes 4 blisters of 20 tablets each, as well as instructions and a catalog with other products from this company


The disadvantage can be considered the large size of the tablet, and even more so when you consider the fact that you need to drink 2 tablets at a time, and also the unpleasant smell that comes from it. However, you can train yourself to do anything.


I can’t say anything about my nails; I don’t watch them that closely. But hair loss has decreased significantly; if previously the entire bathtub was covered in hair, now you can’t even find 1-2 hairs. But I took it in the winter, and then decided to take a break for a month. Now my hair has started to fall out a little again, so I bought it again, and at the same time I’ll tell you

Thank you for your attention!


Here everyone writes about brittle nails, brittle hair, etc. We have a much more serious problem in our family. An 89-year-old grandmother broke her hip. We managed to read all sorts of horrors.. Fortunately, the fracture turned out to be impacted, but nevertheless.. Immediately after the fracture, a doctor was called to the house, he took an x-ray, gave initial recommendations, advised us to go to the hospital, but we decided on home treatment. The doctor recommended taking a repeat x-ray in a month to check whether the displacement had progressed.

They immediately started giving Grandma Mountain Calcium D3 twice a day, two tablets and

Golden mumiyo, one tablet once a day.

After two weeks, they didn’t follow once - Grandma got up and went out into the corridor. Fortunately, everything worked out, she didn’t get up unattended again. A month later, the same doctor took a repeat x-ray. He said that the healing is progressing significantly ahead of time, and it’s time to walk with a walker and a cane under supervision.

So. Since they were given simultaneously with mumiyo, I can’t say for sure that it was calcium that helped, but together with mumiyo, the effect was confirmed by x-rays!!!

Highly recommend!!!!

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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