Birch buds: medicinal properties and contraindications

How little we humans know about the world around us. Any plant was created by nature for a reason, namely with care for the life existing on the planet. In the crazy rhythm of our existence, we give preference to fast-acting medications and do not think at all about the consequences.

But everything our body needs for healthy and fulfilling life is very close. For example, birch buds. We will consider the beneficial properties and contraindications, methods of use, collection and storage of this amazing plant in detail below.

Main characteristics

Birch is one of the most common trees not only in our country. In total, there are about 65 species of this plant in nature and each has a huge supply of useful substances, but if you conduct a comparative analysis, then it is the buds of silver birch that have the most pronounced medicinal properties, and this, of course, depends on the composition.

Alkaloids, flavonoids, various resins, aromatic oils that are rich in palmitic acid and betulol. They contain almost all vitamins, as well as a large number of micro and macroelements, such as zinc, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium.

4.Treatment of cysts

If the kidney cyst does not cause any concern and the kidneys are working well, the cyst may not be treated or touched at all. All that is required is regular examination by a doctor to ensure that the disease does not progress.

But if necessary, procedures and manipulations associated with the treatment of kidney cysts may be as follows:

  • The doctor pierces the cyst with a long needle through the skin. In this case, an ultrasound is performed to accurately see the movement of the needle and the cyst itself;
  • The doctor may drain fluid from the cyst and then fill the empty cavity with a solution that contains alcohol. This causes the tissue to harden and reduces the chance of recurrence. A scar forms inside the cyst, called sclerosis.

It happens that after treatment the cyst appears again and fills with fluid. If necessary, a patient with such a problem may be recommended abdominal surgery to treat a kidney cyst, which is performed under anesthesia

. During the operation, the surgeon uses a laparoscope and other instruments to see the cyst, drain fluid from it, and manipulate its outer walls. Surgical treatment of a kidney cyst may be recommended when the patient has cyst symptoms that bother him, as well as in the presence of complications (oncology, infectious diseases).

Birch buds medicinal properties

Birch buds have excellent diuretic and diaphoretic properties. They help cope with harmful bacteria and various inflammations. They are often used to treat wounds, abrasions and burns. If you need to reduce joint pain, apply compresses from a freshly prepared decoction to the desired area.

The aromatic oils that birch buds are rich in are used in the treatment of the genitourinary system and oncological diseases. In addition, they do an excellent job as a natural flavoring agent.

They are successfully used in the treatment of tuberculosis due to their expectorant and hemostatic effects. Kidneys are an excellent antispasmodic and help relieve inflammation, which is necessary for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

In addition, the use of birch buds also has benefits for hair: hair loss is noticeably reduced and growth is stimulated.

Thanks to the huge amount of essential vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, birch buds help cope with vitamin deficiency and have a general strengthening effect on the body.

It is also worth noting their choleretic, disinfectant, cleansing and hematopoietic abilities.

3. Symptoms of the disease

A simple kidney cyst usually does not cause any symptoms. Most often, the doctor finds this disease during an ultrasound or computed tomography scan prescribed for other reasons. However, a kidney cyst may


  • Cause pain in the side, back (lower back) or abdomen in the kidney area if it increases and begins to put pressure on other organs;
  • Bleeding (a sign of a cyst may be blood in the urine);
  • Be infected and cause fever, chills and other signs of infection;
  • Harm your kidney function (this is rare).

A simple kidney cyst may be associated with high blood pressure, but the reason for this relationship has not been established to date.

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Collection of birch buds

Birch buds can be purchased without any problems at any pharmacy, but it is safer to collect them yourself. It is recommended to do this from mid-March to the end of April. This significant variation depends on location. You need to choose buds that have swollen, but have not yet blossomed. It is during this period of time that they are maximally filled with useful substances. If leaves have already appeared on them, then you should not use them.

It is also better not to collect birch buds during or immediately after rain, near highways and industrial factories.

You can collect them in two ways:

  1. Pick buds directly from the branch. This is a rather lengthy and labor-intensive process;
  2. Cut young branches, dry them, and then thresh them. This method is much faster, but it destroys the branches of the plant, and this is undesirable.

It is better to dry birch buds in a dark, warm room; it is under these conditions that all medicinal properties are preserved to the maximum.

They can be stored for a year in a glass jar or in bags made of thick fabric.

Birch buds, beneficial properties and contraindications for women

Due to their anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and general strengthening properties, preparations based on birch buds are recommended to be taken for a speedy recovery after childbirth. They also improve metabolism and promote weight loss.

Such drugs are often prescribed for hormonal disorders during menopause and for irregularities in the menstrual cycle.

But it is worth remembering that during pregnancy, birch buds can only be used under the close supervision of a doctor. This is caused by a possible increase in protein in the urine.

Use for beauty and weight loss

One of the most important problems that worries the fair sex is appearance. Beautiful, flowing hair that frames the face is a true decoration. Birch buds for hair are a panacea for many troubles:

  1. Decoctions solve the problem of increased fat content. Their effect is especially effective in combination with calamus roots. Rinsing your hair with a decoction of wine or apple cider vinegar also helps.
  2. For baldness, concentrated decoctions are used. A swab dipped in a “healing potion” is used to treat the affected areas of the scalp.
  3. An alcohol tincture, diluted before use, is used to treat the skin, rubbing it into the roots. Hair growth improves and shine returns to hair.

Masks are prepared using birch buds, adding additional ingredients (sour cream, oak bark, onion peel). They restore the structure of damaged curls and stop their loss. Recommended use once a week.

Hair treatments should be carried out regularly at certain intervals. One-time use will not bring the desired results.

Another equally serious task is a slender figure, for the creation of which raw materials are suitable. Birch buds for weight loss are used with the addition of linden flowers and peppermint, on the basis of which a decoction is prepared.

  1. The components are mixed in equal proportions.
  2. 1 tbsp. l. The collection is brewed with a mug of boiling water.
  3. Let stand until cool.
  4. Drink half a glass the night before lunch and dinner.

But this is not enough to get a chiseled figure. Some more effort needed:

  • limit eating high-calorie foods;
  • increase physical activity by selecting complexes aimed at weight loss;
  • Take the drink for up to one and a half months.

Treatment of women with birch buds is not limited to this. With the help of decoctions and herbal teas, they cleanse the blood, regulate metabolic processes, and help recover after childbirth. Sometimes they are recommended for hormonal imbalances during menstruation and normalization of well-being before menopause.

Birch buds benefits for children

Any medicines prepared on their basis should not be taken by children under 12 years of age. In exceptional cases, only a doctor can prescribe such treatment for a small child based on certain indications.

These may be diseases of the urinary system and gastrointestinal tract, the need for a mild anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. In addition, it is worth remembering that these infusions and decoctions have a very unpleasant taste and can lead to refusal of their use.


Pregnant and lactating women, children under 12 years of age, those with individual intolerance, and those with severe and long-term diseases of the kidneys and urinary system should not take preparations based on birch buds.

In any case, before taking birch buds, you should consult your doctor. Only he can confirm the need for treatment and select the optimal dosage.

The benefits of birch buds for the human body are undeniable. However, those who decide to use them for health and beauty should carefully study the recipes. Wrong use can deprive a natural healer of his talents.

Birch bud tincture

There are three most effective cooking methods. In the first, the tincture is made from 100 g. kidneys and 500 ml of regular vodka. The ingredients must be mixed and placed in a cool, dark place for ten days. Then strain and store in a dark place, but not in the refrigerator.

The second method is to mix 2 liters of moonshine with 100 grams of buds and put them in a dark place for three days. Then shake well and add another 50 grams of fresh buds. After another three days, repeat the procedure and leave the future medicine alone for three weeks. Then strain.

There is another way. To do this, 500 ml of medical alcohol is mixed with 100 grams of dried buds and infused for 16-20 days. Afterwards, the tincture must be strained and mixed with two tablespoons of melted honey.

The resulting products can be used externally, wiping the areas of inflammation of the joints, as well as making compresses, diluting 1:3 with warm water. You can wipe wounds and abrasions with a cotton pad soaked in the tincture. This will significantly speed up the healing process. This disc will also help with severe toothache, but it is better to dilute the tincture a little with water so as not to burn the gums.

This product is indispensable for rubbing against flu, colds and infectious diseases. Ingestion of an equally popular folk medicine, radish with honey, will help significantly speed up recovery.

Taking the tincture orally allows you to quickly and effectively:

  • get rid of adenoma (30 drops three times a day 15 minutes before meals for a month);
  • cure prostatitis (dilute the tincture 1:5 with water and mix a tablespoon with a glass of warm milk. Drink three times a day for 2-3 weeks);
  • overcome gout (35 drops 4 times a day for a month);
  • heal chronic otitis media and sinusitis (in the first case, you need to mix the tincture of birch buds in half with the tincture of walnut shells and insert cotton wool soaked in the resulting solution into your ears overnight; in the second case, inhalation will help. To do this, dilute 25 ml of tincture in 2 liters of hot water, add a couple of drops of eucalyptus or tea tree essential oil, inhale for at least 5 minutes twice a day);
  • tidy up women's health (douche once a day, mixing 25 drops of tincture with warm water, and at the same time take 30 drops orally three times a day).

Taking 15 drops daily on an empty stomach helps strengthen the immune system and restore the functioning of all internal systems and organs.

Birch bud decoction

To make a decoction, add 5 birch buds to 200 ml of water and boil for 15 minutes. You can drink the decoction after straining half a glass before meals.

This medicine copes well with colds, flu, and sore throat. It is an excellent diuretic and choleretic drug.

For periodontal disease, stomatitis and other similar diseases, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with this decoction 5 times a day.

For large affected areas of the skin, it is recommended to take baths with a decoction. To do this, take 1 kg of kidneys per 10 liters of water. It is prepared in the same way as indicated above. You can add some hop cones to the bath. This will speed up recovery and relieve itching.

Birch bud infusion

To prepare this remedy, you need to pour 600 ml of warm water and 1.5 tablespoons of dry birch buds into an enamel or glass container. Mix all this and place in a water bath for 15-20 minutes, let cool and dilute with water to the original volume.

You need to take the infusion before meals, 200 ml three times a day.

Thanks to it, hormonal and metabolic processes are normalized in the human body, bleeding during menopause is reduced, and the risk of depression is reduced. Nephropathy in pregnant women is treated in consultation with a doctor.

Ointment based on birch buds

This ointment is usually used for sore joints, muscles and skin problems. It is applied to the desired area in the evening and left overnight.

To prepare it, take a clay pot or an enamel pan with a thick bottom. Lay out inside in layers of 0.4 kg. kidneys and 0.8 kg of butter or lard. All this is tightly closed with a lid, covered with unleavened dough to prevent air from entering and placed in a hot oven for a day. Then this mixture is filtered and camphor powder (10g) is added. The ointment is stored in the refrigerator in a glass container.

Birch buds, whose medicinal properties are undeniable, have long been used in both folk and official medicine. Their potential is simply enormous, and they are practically universal, because... They are used to treat completely different diseases, ranging from skin problems to oncology.

But it is worth remembering that only if used correctly, medicinal products based on birch buds can help, otherwise they will cause harm.

Use of birch buds in cosmetology

Birch buds also play a significant role in cosmetic recipes. It is believed that a decoction of birch buds helps with oily seborrhea - they are advised to wash their hair 2-3 times a week, carrying out treatment in courses of 15 procedures.

Birch buds

Another remedy is an alcohol tincture of birch buds, which must be rubbed into the scalp during a course of 20 procedures. But this method has a significant drawback - the hair can become too dry. To avoid this, you need to reduce the concentration of the tincture by diluting it with water. Also, various decoctions and infusions of birch buds help solve the problem of oily and acne-prone skin.

Even if you weren’t able to stock up on such a useful remedy this year, don’t worry - medicinal birch buds can be bought in dried form in many pharmacies.

In addition to the buds, birch leaves, sap and bark are also used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. They are used to make infusions, decoctions, masks and other remedies. Often these products contain several birch components at once.

Nourishing ointment for dry skin

Mix pre-melted lanolin with alcohol tincture of birch buds in a 1:2 ratio. After the lanolin has cooled, drain off the excess liquid. The ointment can also be used for skin irritation and inflammation.

Tincture for oily skin

Pour a tablespoon of birch buds, ground into powder, with five tablespoons of 45% alcohol or vodka. Infuse for a week in a well-closed container, then strain. With the same composition you can make lotions and compresses on irritated and inflamed skin, and also use it to treat abrasions.

Birch juice

Infusion for sensitive skin

Dip a teaspoon of birch buds in ½ cup of boiling water and leave for an hour. Wipe your face with the infusion. It also promotes the healing of minor scratches, cracks and cuts.

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