Goodluck instructions for use of the drug

Release form, packaging and composition of the drug Clinical-pharmacological group Pharmaco-therapeutic group Pharmacological action Indications for use Method of administration and doses Side effects Contraindications for use Use in children Special instructions Drug interactions

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Good luck

The drug is approved for use as an over-the-counter productGood luckSyrup
No.: LSR-003485/10 from 04/27/10 - Indefinitely

Release form, packaging and composition of the drug Goodluck


transparent, viscous, from light yellow to brownish-yellow in color, with the smell of caramel.

1 ml
lactulose (as liquid lactulose)667 mg


: potassium sorbate (E202) - 0.7 mg, caramel flavor 12788 - 2 mg, purified water - up to 1 ml.

15 ml - multilayer foil bags (10) - cardboard packs. 200 ml - dark glass bottles (1) complete with a measuring cup - cardboard packs.


Sorbitol is one of the sugar substitutes. It acts as an antispasmodic and choleretic, as well as a detoxifying agent. Sorbitol is also called glucite. Chemically, it is a type of alcohol and has a sweetish taste. In the food industry it is used as an additive, which is designated E420. The sweetness of sorbitol is 2 times less than that of regular sucrose (sugar). Sorbitol is usually produced from corn starch.

The solution is used to replenish fluid deficiency in the body. It has a caloric content of 4 kcal/g. This indicator coincides with a solution of dextrose and fructose. In this case, sorbitol does not lead to an increase in glucosuria or glycemia. If taken in increased quantities, it can lead to a laxative effect and decreased bile secretion.

Often the product is produced in the form of an organic salt called potassium sorbate (sorbitol) - this is a food additive E202. It is a preservative that is used to preserve vegetables, fruits, berries, meat, fish and other products. It is used everywhere and does not pose a threat to health.

pharmachologic effect

Laxative drug. It has a hyperosmotic, laxative effect, stimulates intestinal motility, improves the absorption of phosphates and calcium salts, and promotes the excretion of ammonium ions.

Under the influence of the drug, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus bifidus multiply in the intestines, under the influence of which lactulose is broken down to form lactic acid (mainly) and partially formic and acetic acids. At the same time, the osmotic pressure increases and the pH in the lumen of the large intestine decreases, which leads to the migration of ammonia from the blood into the intestine, its ionization and retention, as well as an increase in the volume of feces and increased intestinal motility. The removal of bound ammonium ions occurs with the development of a laxative effect.

Inhibits the formation and absorption of nitrogen-containing toxins in the proximal colon.

Reduces the proliferation of salmonella.

The effect occurs 24-48 hours after administration, which is due to the duration of passage of the drug through the gastrointestinal tract.

Description of the drug

Goodluck is a laxative that stimulates intestinal motility. This effect is achieved due to the fact that this drug contains lactulose, a disaccharide.

Once in the intestines, lactulose is broken down by enzymes of the intestinal microflora to form organic acids such as lactic, acetic acid, etc.

As a result of this breakdown, processes begin in the body that lead to the movement of ammonia from the blood into the intestines. All these actions lead to an increase in the volume of feces, as well as to increased peristalsis in the intestines. Thus, the laxative effect of the drug is manifested.

In addition to lactulose, Goodluck contains the following excipients:

  • purified water;
  • potassium sorbate;
  • caramel flavoring.

The drug is available in the form of a syrup with a yellowish color and a caramel smell in 200 ml bottles.

Mode of application

Goodluck is used to relieve constipation starting in childhood. The drug is used as a daily dose in the morning, once and with meals. If desired, you can wash it down.

The effect of the drug may not occur immediately, but within two days. If the drug does not have a laxative effect, then you can slightly increase the dose.

To achieve a therapeutic effect, Goodluck should be taken after eliminating constipation as a maintenance effect.

Recommended dose Goodluck

AgeInitial dose for the first 3 days (ml)Maintenance dose (ml)
Newborns and children up to one year old55
Children from 1 year to 6 yearsfrom 5 to 10from 5 to 10
Children from 7 to 14 years old15from 10 to 15
Children over 14 years old and adultsfrom 10 to 45from 10 to 25

Indications for use There are no data on an overdose of the drug Goodluck, but if pain or diarrhea occurs, it is better to stop using the drug.

Goodluck is used not only as a laxative. There are the following indications for its use:

  • Constipation, chronic constipation, difficulty in defecation due to hemorrhoids;
  • Recovery after surgery on the colon, anal area;
  • Preparation for surgery;
  • Improved bowel movements after hemorrhoidal surgery;
  • Hepatic precoma, encephalopathy, coma.


Goodluck should be used only after consultation with a specialist or if you are sure you have no contraindications to its use.

Contraindications to treatment with Goodluck:

  • Rectal bleeding;

  • Signs of appendicitis;
  • Presence of colostomy, ileostomy;
  • Galactosemia;
  • Individual lactose intolerance or deficiency;
  • Intestinal obstruction;
  • Excessive sensitivity to lactulose or other components of the drug.

Directions for use and doses

The daily dose is taken once in the morning with meals.

Daily doses are determined according to individual need and response. Due to the specific mechanism of action of the drug, the clinical effect occurs within 1-2 days.

If there is no effect after the first two days of taking the drug, the dose can be increased.

Constipation and the clinical need for relief of defecation

AgeInitial daily dose (first 3 days)Maintenance daily dose
Adults10-45 ml10-25 ml
Children 7-14 years old15 ml10-15 ml
Children 1-6 years old5-10 ml5-10 ml
Children < 1 year5 ml5 ml

Hepatic precoma, coma and encephalopathy

The initial daily dose is 3 times 30-50 ml. The daily dose can be 90-190 ml. The maintenance daily dose is selected individually so that there are “soft stools” 2-3 times a day, with the calculation that the stool pH is in the range of 5.0-5.5.

Conditions and periods of storage of the product

The drug is stored at a temperature that does not exceed 25 0C, but it cannot be frozen. The shelf life of the drug is 2 years from the date of manufacture, which is usually indicated on the packaging.

After opening the drug, the shelf life is reduced to 28 days.

The drug should be stored in places that are difficult for children to reach to avoid undesirable consequences.

Side effect

From the digestive system:

in the first days of taking it, flatulence may appear (usually it gradually decreases and goes away); when taken in doses higher than recommended, abdominal pain and diarrhea are possible, which requires dose adjustment. Rarely - nausea.

When using the drug in high doses for a long time

for the prevention and treatment of hepatic precoma and coma, diarrhea and impaired water-electrolyte metabolism are possible.

From the nervous system:

rarely - convulsions, headache, dizziness.


possible allergic reactions; rarely - arrhythmias, myalgia, increased fatigue, weakness.

Device and equipment

In appearance, the GL4500 chainsaw looks quite presentable. It consists of the following parts:

  • plastic housing;
  • aluminum handle;
  • controls.

In the first days of intensive use, you can see how scratches and other defects form on the case. This is due to the fact that cheap materials are used in the manufacture of units. Therefore, you need to handle the chainsaw as carefully as possible, avoiding the device falling. The most common breakdown due to mechanical impact is a malfunction of the brake lever.

In most cases, no other problems arise when using the saw. It starts easily, gradually picks up speed and makes it possible to control the supply of lubrication to the chain.

Consumers note that the issue of finding spare parts for this chainsaw is resolved quite simply. And if you acquire all the necessary tools and skills, you can repair equipment yourself. The GL4500m saw package includes the following:

  • the unit itself;
  • bus and chain (headset);
  • serrated hook (convenient for cutting tree trunks);
  • a pair of hex keys, an adjusting screwdriver, a combination wrench;
  • case for convenient transportation;
  • tank for preparing the fuel mixture;
  • user manual.

Such completeness makes it possible to start working with a chainsaw immediately after purchasing it. All that remains is to tighten the chain blade if necessary and/or remove minor defects.

How to distinguish an original from a fake

The GoodLuck chainsaw is characterized by an optimal combination of cost and quality. However, unscrupulous manufacturers are trying to sell counterfeits under the guise of original products. To avoid purchasing a low-quality unit, you need to understand the following points:

  1. The original is equipped with special instructions in English and different colors.
  2. The original brake cover has a triangular shape.
  3. The 4500 m chainsaw has a distinct burgundy color.
  4. There must be GL embossing on the inside of the lid.
  5. The individual number is located on the bottom.

special instructions

If there is no clinical effect within several days or if constipation returns after stopping treatment, you should consult your doctor. The recommended daily doses for treating constipation and facilitating bowel movements can also be prescribed to patients with diabetes mellitus. Higher doses used for the treatment of hepatic precoma and coma should be prescribed with increased caution in the presence of diabetes mellitus. The drug contains galactose, and therefore its use is not recommended for patients with lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency, glucose-galactose malabsorption. With long-term use (more than 6 months) monitoring of potassium, chlorine and carbon dioxide ions in the plasma is necessary. For gastrocardial syndrome, doses should be gradually increased to avoid flatulence (which disappears on its own on the 2-3rd day of treatment). In elderly patients and weakened patients taking lactulose for more than 6 months, it is recommended to periodically monitor the concentration of electrolytes in the blood serum. If diarrhea occurs, treatment is canceled. Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

Goodluck does not affect the ability to drive vehicles or operate machinery.

Instructions for use "Sorbitol"

Dosage and other rules of administration depend on the purpose of treatment and dosage form. Sorbitol powder is dissolved in warm boiled water and taken orally 1 or 2 times a day every day, a few minutes before meals. Therapy lasts from 1 to 2.5 months.

The solution is also administered intravenously using a dropper. The maximum injection rate is a drop per second, i.e. up to 60 drops per minute. Duration of therapy is 10 days. Treatment is carried out in a hospital setting.

To wash the liver, gallbladder, biliary tract, and kidneys, the tubage procedure is used, i.e. washing. Cleaning is carried out using Sorbitol and rose hips. Take 10 dried berries, chop them and pour boiling water over them (it’s better to infuse in a thermos). After the infusion is complete (10-12 hours), add Sorbitol and drink the strained infusion in the morning. Moreover, it is also recommended to do this a few minutes before breakfast.

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