Pituitary adenoma symptoms in women and men treatment

The pituitary gland is an endocrine gland located in the sella turcica (a formation in the human skull). Despite its miniature size, it controls many functions in the body. It is the pituitary gland that produces hormones that are responsible for the functioning of the entire endocrine system. Nature has reliably protected this gland from external influences, but internal factors can still cause pathological changes. One such problem is pituitary adenoma. It can be recognized by hair loss, infertility, changes in appearance, sexual dysfunction and many other signs.

Types of pituitary adenoma

There are various criteria for classifying benign pituitary tumors.

To size:

  • microadenoma – tumor size up to 10 mm;
  • mesoadenoma - a tumor measuring from 10 mm to 20 mm, located within the sella turcica;
  • macroadenoma - a tumor measuring from 10 mm to 30 mm, or extending beyond the boundaries of the sella turcica;
  • giant adenoma – a tumor larger than 30 mm.

In a simplified classification, meso- and giant adenomas are classified as medium and giant macroadenomas, respectively.

By nature of distribution:

  • endosellar (intrasellar) – the tumor does not extend beyond the boundaries of the sella turcica;
  • endosuprasellar - the adenoma grows upward beyond the sella turcica towards the optic chiasm;
  • endolaterosellar - spread of the neoplasm into the cavernous sinuses by germination of the lateral wall of the sella turcica;
  • endoinfrasellar – pituitary adenoma grows downwards from the sella turcica.

A tumor growing in different directions is called endo-supra-infra-laterosellar.

By origin:

  • primary tumors;
  • secondary, developed as a result of hypofunction of peripheral endocrine glands;
  • adenomas caused by disruption of the hypothalamus, as well as the production of releasing hormones in ectopic formations located in non-endocrine organs.

Based on hormonal activity, pituitary adenomas are divided into active (about 60% of adenomas) and inactive (about 40%). Hormonally active tumors, based on the type of hormones they produce, are divided into:

  • somatotropinomas;
  • corticotropinomas;
  • thyrotropinomas;
  • prolactinomas.

Gonadotropinomas are also isolated, which most often do not affect hormonal levels, since they produce biologically inactive hormones. However, sometimes these tumors produce active forms of follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone.

There are mixed tumors that produce more than one type of hormones.

Causes of pathology

The reasons for the development of pituitary adenoma are factors that directly affect the brain and the gland itself (trauma, neuroinfections), as well as those that have an indirect effect due to the pathology of other glands and organs. The latter include disorders of the regulatory function of the hypothalamus, thyroid gland, gonads, as well as the appearance in organs that are not endocrine glands of areas that produce hormones (for example, such accumulations of cells are found in small cell lung cancer).

In hereditary forms of the disease, mutations in suppressor genes that suppress the process of tumor cell changes play a role in the occurrence of tumors. The causes of the mutation are unknownSource: Pituitary adenomas within hereditary syndromes. Mamedova E.O., Przhiyalkovskaya E.G., Pigarova E.A., Mokrysheva N.G., Dzeranova L.K., Tyulpakov A.N. Problems of endocrinology, 2014. p. 51-59.

Symptoms of pituitary adenoma

Clinical manifestations of the disease can be divided into two groups. With microadenomas or small endosellar tumors, endocrine symptoms come to the fore, varying depending on the hormones secreted.

With large hormonally inactive adenomas spreading beyond the sella turcica, neuro-ophthalmological symptoms prevail, which are different for tumors growing in different directions.

Endocrine symptoms


A tumor that produces somatotropin, or growth hormone. Its manifestations depend on the period of tumor onset. Before the growth of bone tissue is complete (in adolescence and young adulthood), it manifests itself as symptoms of gigantism; in adults, acromegaly.

Gigantism is a proportional increase in bone length and overall height. Women can reach a height of 190 cm, men - over 2 meters.

Acromegaly is characterized by pathological growth of bones, soft tissues, cartilage, and corresponding changes in appearance - the nose, lips, chin, brow ridges, hands, feet increase disproportionately to the rest of the body. Patients experience hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), hirsutism (excessive hair growth), severe sebum production, and the appearance of papillomas, warts, and nevi on the skin.

In addition, the patient’s internal organs become enlarged, and metabolic and endocrine processes are disrupted. From the cardiovascular system, increased blood pressure, cardiomyopathy, and cerebrovascular accidents are observed. From the nervous system - polyneuropathy, manifested by pain, paresthesia, decreased sensitivity of the peripheral parts of the extremities. The development of obesity, secondary diabetes mellitus, and thyroid pathologies is possible. Source: Main types of complications with pituitary adenomas. K. E. Makhkamov, M. M. Azizov. Bulletin of Emergency Medicine, 2015. p. 90-92.


A pituitary adenoma that produces ACTH is an adenocorticotropic hormone, an excess of which develops Cushing's disease. Its symptoms:

  • Cushingoid obesity - an increase in the volume of adipose tissue on the face, back, hips and buttocks, and abdomen;
  • swelling and congestion of the face;
  • striae - stretch marks of purple-violet color on the skin of the abdomen and thighs;
  • skin atrophy, especially on the back of the hands, pustular diseases, fungal infections;
  • osteoporosis accompanied by multiple compression fractures;
  • arterial hypertension, cardiovascular failure;
  • secondary diabetes mellitus.


A neoplasm that produces thyroid-stimulating hormone. Thyrotropinoma can be primary or secondary.

Primary thyrotropinoma has characteristic signs of thyrotoxicosis (excess thyroid secretion). Its symptoms:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • tremor - trembling throughout the body, shaking fingers;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • nervousness;
  • bad dream.

Secondary thyrotropinoma develops as a result of a long course of uncompensated hypothyroidism. It is characterized by:

  • weakness, lethargy;
  • body swelling and weight gain;
  • lethargy, absent-mindedness, memory impairment;
  • slow metabolism.


One of the most common gland tumors. It arises from cells that synthesize the hormone prolactin. The symptoms of this pituitary adenoma are different in women and men. Source: Aggressive pituitary adenomas (literature review and clinical observation). Kalinin P.L., Trunin Yu.Yu., Fomichev D.V., Chernov I.V., Ryzhova M.V. Tumors of the head and neck, 2022. p. 74-80.

Among women:

  • decreased sexual desire up to frigidity;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • discharge from the nipples outside the period of breastfeeding;
  • infertility.

For men:

  • gynecomastia – enlargement of the mammary glands;
  • hypoplasia of secondary sexual characteristics;
  • decreased libido, erectile dysfunction;
  • infertility.


Most often hormonally inactive, they can rarely produce active forms of follicle-stimulating or luteinizing hormones, causing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome in women.

Neuro-ophthalmological signs

With endosuprasellar adenoma, partial loss of visual fields is observed while maintaining visual acuity. An increase in tumor size leads to gradual atrophy of the optic nerves and blindness.

A tumor growing to the sides causes impaired oculomotor function (ophthalmoplegia) and double vision (diplopia), and decreased visual acuity.

When an adenoma grows into the bottom of the sella turcica, patients note nasal congestion, simulating the clinical picture of sinusitis or nasal tumors.

If the tumor grows towards the hypothalamus, patients complain of sleep disturbances, uncontrolled appetite, unstable thermoregulation (fever, chills), emotional disturbances: unstable mood, tearfulness, irritability.

With a large adenoma and its multidirectional growth, the symptoms will overlap each other and be masked. The following neurological manifestations are possible:

  • headache, dizziness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • speech and facial expression disorders;
  • dysphagia is a swallowing disorder.

Methods for diagnosing pituitary microadenoma

If there are primary signs of the development of a benign pituitary tumor, the patient must undergo a comprehensive examination, the main task of which is to establish the type of microadenoma and detect the factors that provoked the development of the tumor. In most Israeli clinics, the following methods for diagnosing the disease are used today:

  • the patient is prescribed a comprehensive hormonal profile study;
  • a complete ophthalmological examination of the patient to identify pathologies of visual function;
  • Magnetic resonance therapy is prescribed, a procedure performed to directly visualize a pituitary tumor;
  • computed tomography and x-ray examination.

A study of the patient's hormonal profile involves identifying decreased or increased levels of hormones produced by the pituitary gland. This examination helps to detect hormonally active formations, at a level with the differential diagnosis of the work of other endocrine glands of the body. Israeli doctors use the radioimmunological method for this procedure. Pituitary microadenoma

one of the first to affect the visual function of the body, therefore, in the process of diagnosing the disease, it is often necessary to resort to ophthalmological examinations. This technique allows you to determine the presence of a congestive optic disc, detect a narrowing of the visual fields, and its acuity.

Modern methods for diagnosing adenoma have become possible largely due to the availability of the necessary equipment. X-ray studies and nuclear magnetic resonance imaging make it possible to determine characteristic changes in the location of the pituitary gland and determine the infiltrative level of tumor growth. The presence of additional opportunities and means for examining the patient ensures the accuracy of the diagnosis of the disease.

Diagnosis of the disease

Patients with suspected pituitary adenoma complain to various doctors: a neurologist, ophthalmologist or endocrinologist.

At the initial appointment, the doctor will conduct a general examination, collect an anamnesis of life and illness, prescribe laboratory and instrumental tests: general blood and urine tests, blood biochemistry, ECG. A doctor of appropriate specialization will conduct an ophthalmoscopy, test visual acuity, neurological examination, and evaluate the existing symptoms.

In addition, the following studies are indicated for patients with pituitary adenoma:

  • radiography of the skull;
  • CT, MRI of the brain;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland, heart, liver, spleen;
  • analysis of hormone levels in blood and saliva.

If surgical intervention is indicated, the patient must consult a neurosurgeon.


Typically, the procedure is performed through a unilateral endonasal approach with the endoscope as the only imaging tool without the use of a microscope or nasal dilator, with surgical instruments inserted through the same half of the nasal cavity as the endoscope. During the procedure, the rigid endoscope is held by the surgeon in the non-dominant hand or can be fixed using a special holder to the operating table. Refusal to use a nasal dilator allows for wide amplitude movements of instruments during surgery in all directions, not limited by the rigid jaws of the dilator. For large tumors, especially in the presence of laterosellar spread, it is recommended to use a bilateral endoscopic approach (through both halves of the nose), which allows you to work freely with four hands (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Moments of the operation. a — location of the operating team; b - work through both halves of the nose “in four hands”.

The operation consists of several stages: nasal, sphenoidal, sellar, extrasellar and the stage of plastic surgery of postoperative defects.

At the nasal stage

access is made to the anterior wall of the main sinus by lateralizing the middle turbinate and eliminating other anatomical obstacles (deviated nasal septum, bony spines of the septum, polyps). After visualization of the main anatomical landmark of this stage of the operation - the anastomosis of the main sinus - coagulation of the mucous membrane of the sphenoethmoidal pocket is performed, which leads to exposure of the bony anterior wall of the main sinus.

At the sphenoidal stage

Resection of the posterior parts of the nasal septum and the widest possible anterior sphenoidotomy are performed using a drill or bone cutters. Next, the intersinus septa that interfere with access are resected. After removal of the intersinus septa, the key anatomical landmarks of the main sinus become visible - the bottom of the sella turcica, the platform of the main bone, the clivus, the bony projections of the internal carotid arteries, the bony projections of the optic nerves, the optic-carotid recess.

At the sellar stage

During the operation, the bottom of the sella turcica is trepanned, the dura mater is dissected, and the tumor is removed from the cavity of the sella turcica. Removal of pituitary tumors must be done sequentially. First of all, the lower and lateral parts of the tumor (but not the laterosellar) are removed from the cavity of the sella turcica. Removal of these parts of the tumor is performed using 0 and 30° endoscopes.

During the extrasellar
the tumor is removed from the suprasellar and parasellar spaces. At this stage, it becomes necessary to consistently use 30, 45, 70° endoscopes. When using endoscopes with different viewing angles, wide visualization of endo-, supra-, and laterosellar structures is possible in conditions of good illumination of the surgical wound. This allows you to reduce the risk of damage to the main anatomical structures, remove the tumor as radically as possible, including from hard-to-reach places, promptly identify intraoperative liquorrhea and reliably close the defect in the capsule. The stages of the operation are presented in Fig. 5.

5. Stages of standard endoscopic endonasal surgery for removal of pituitary adenoma. a — lateralization of the middle turbinate (right-sided approach): 1 — middle turbinate, 2 — nasal septum, 3 — spatula; b — coagulation of the mucous membrane of the sphenoethmoidal recess: 1 — anterior wall of the main sinus, 2 — superior turbinate, 3 — nasal septum, 4 — middle turbinate; c — anterior sphenoidotomy: 1 — bottom of the sella turcica, 2 — remains of the anterior wall of the main sinus; d - anatomical landmarks of the main sinus: 1 - bony protrusions of the internal carotid arteries, 2 - bottom of the sella turcica, 3 - bony protrusions of the optic nerve canal, 4 - optocarotid recess, 5 - platform of the main bone, 6 - clivus, 7 - intersinus septum ; d — removal of pituitary adenoma. 0° endoscope: 1 - tumor (pituitary adenoma), 2 - curette, 3 - suction; e — view of the suprasellar capsule after tumor removal. 70° endoscope: 1 - thinned capsule in the interneural space - no obvious tumor remains, 2 - projection of the right optic nerve, 3 - projection of the chiasm. To straighten the overstretched suprasellar capsule of the tumor, a technique of controlled intracranial hypotension is used, by removing cerebrospinal fluid through an external lumbar drain installed at the beginning of the operation, as well as by raising the head end of the operating table and using a hypertonic NaCl solution.

The use of endoscopic techniques to remove secondary tumor nodes arising from its suprasellar region, as well as from the upper pole of the cavernous sinuses, is invaluable. With an endoscope, it is almost always possible to find the entrance to the secondary node and radically remove it. To stop bleeding (both from the cavity of the cavernous sinus and from the cavity of the removed tumor), all available means for local hemostasis are used: pads soaked in hydrogen peroxide, hemostatic gauze Surgicel ETHICON, Inc, Tachocomb “Nycomed” plates, Surgiflo ETHICON, Inc, endonasal mono- and bipolar coagulation. However, it is recommended to avoid the use of coagulation in the cavity of the sella turcica and suprasellar space, as well as in the cavity of the cavernous sinus (especially monopolar) unless absolutely necessary. Unfortunately, effective means of local hemostasis that are widespread abroad (Tissuflease “Baxter”, etc.) have not yet been certified in the Russian Federation and are currently unavailable.

Intraoperative liquorrhea is not a complication, but only a feature of the operation. Quite often, intraoperative detection of cerebrospinal fluid leaks occurs as a result of more radical removal of the tumor and better, compared to a microscope, visualization of even a small cerebrospinal fluid fistula.

At the stage of plastic surgery of postoperative defects, the sellar cavity is sealed using various adhesive substances to prevent postoperative liquorrhea. It is recommended in all cases of removal of pituitary adenomas to prevent postoperative liquorrhea (even in the absence of intraoperative liquorrhea) to seal the cavity of the sella turcica using Tachocomb Baxter plates in combination with fibrin-thrombin glue (EviselETICON or its analogues). Autologous tissues are used for sealing extensive defects of the skull base, primarily when implementing extended endoscopic approaches, as well as in cases of significant defects of the suprasellar capsule or its complete absence.

If there is a significant deviation of the suprasellar part of the pituitary adenoma to the site of the main bone, removal of the tumor through the bottom of the sella turcica will obviously be non-radical and associated with a high risk of damage to the anatomical neurovascular structures. In these cases, the trepanation zone is expanded to the main bone site, i.e., an anterior extended transsphenoidal endoscopic endonasal approach is performed (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Scheme and examples of tumors removed from the anterior extended transsphenoidal endoscopic endonasal approach (craniopharyngiomas, meningiomas, pituitary adenomas, gliomas, cholesteatomas). On the left is an anatomical specimen showing the boundaries of the anterior extended approach (yellow dotted line). The green dotted line shows trepanation of the bottom of the sella turcica using standard transnasal access. 1 – intracavernous part of the ICA; 2 – platform of the main bone; 3 – sella turcica; 4 – slope. On the right is an example of an endosuprasellar pituitary adenoma removed through an anterior extended transsphenoidal endoscopic endonasal approach. On the MRI before surgery (top), a large endosuprasellar adenoma is visible, the suprasellar part of which falls anteriorly onto the platform of the main bone (indicated by the arrow). MRI 1 year after surgery (bottom). There are no tumor remains. There are postoperative changes in the area of ​​the main sinus.

With significant laterosellar spread of the adenoma into the cavity of the cavernous sinus, especially with medial displacement of the intracavernous part of the internal carotid artery, in some cases it is advisable, in addition to trephination of the bottom of the sella turcica, between the tubercles of the carotid arteries, to perform resection of the bones of the anterior wall of the cavernous sinus lateral to the carotid artery (the so-called lateral extended transsphenoidal endoscopic endonasal approach, (Fig. 7). This access can be considered as an alternative to the rather traumatic intra-extradural intracranial access according to Dolens. There are several options for extended lateral approaches to the cavernous sinus: with resection of only the middle turbinate; with resection of the middle, superior nasal conchae and posterior cells of the ethmoidal labyrinth; lateral to the middle turbinate with resection of a group of anterior, middle and posterior ethmoidal cells. With this approach, the use of a micro-Doppler ultrasound sensor is indicated for locating the intracavernous part of the ICA.

Rice. 7. Scheme of the lateral extended transsphenoidal endoscopic endonasal approach and an example of a pituitary adenoma removed from this approach. On the left is an anatomical specimen, in the center is an intraoperative photo showing the boundaries of the lateral extended approach (yellow dotted line). The green dotted line shows trepanation of the bottom of the sella turcica using standard transnasal access. The red curved line is the intracavernous part of the left ICA. 1 - intracavernous part of the ICA; 2 - sella turcica; 3 - slope. On the right is an example of an endolaterosellar pituitary adenoma removed through a lateral extended transsphenoidal endoscopic endonasal approach. MRI before and 1 year after surgery (the position of the left ICA is indicated by the arrow).

Extended transsphenoidal approaches are quite complex and should be performed by neurosurgeons with extensive experience in endoscopic endonasal surgery, which is reflected in the presence of specific skills and a clear understanding of endonasal endoscopic anatomy on the operating team [13–16].

Transcranial surgery of pituitary adenomas

Currently, the share of transcranial operations in the surgery of pituitary adenomas is less than 10%. It is currently difficult to formulate strict indications for transcranial access, because it largely depends on how modern transsphenoidal endoscopic endonasal operations have been mastered and implemented in each clinic [1].


Conservative treatment of pituitary adenomas

Drug treatment can be divided into three types [1, 5, 7, 9].

Pathogenetic therapy

. It is carried out with drugs that inhibit the hypersecretion of pituitary tropic hormones. These drugs are used as a combination treatment of GH-producing or mixed GH+PRL-secreting pituitary adenomas (somatostatin analogues, dopamine agonists, growth hormone receptor agonists) or as a primary treatment method for PRL-secreting pituitary adenomas (dopamine agonists).

Symptomatic therapy

. It is carried out to treat various syndromes accompanying the main manifestations of the disease.

Hormone replacement therapy

. It is used to compensate for endocrine insufficiency in patients with pituitary adenomas.

Results of surgical treatment of pituitary adenomas

The technique of endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal removal of pituitary adenomas made it possible to solve the main problem of transsphenoidal surgery - the lack of a panoramic view of the surgical field. The introduction of endoscopic technologies provides a wide overview of the intervention area in good lighting conditions and allows tumors to be removed under direct visual control. These factors led to an increase in radicality rates and a decrease in the risk of damage to important anatomical structures [2–4, 10, 11, 14].

To judge the results of surgical treatment, the following indicators are assessed: the dynamics of the main clinical syndromes (neuro-ophthalmological symptoms, neurological and hormonal status), the radicality of the operation, the frequency and nature of postoperative complications, postoperative mortality, the number of disease relapses, etc.

Improvement in visual function after surgery was noted in 32% of patients with pituitary adenomas [3, 4]. After endoscopic endonasal operations, deterioration in visual function at the time of discharge was noted in only 2% of patients [3, 4].

Study of hormonal status in patients with elevated urine levels before surgery

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Treatment of the disease

According to clinical guidelines, there are three main approaches to the treatment of pituitary adenoma:

  • conservative (medicines);
  • radiation therapy;
  • neurosurgical.

The drug method is indicated for small prolactin-producing adenomas. Treatment is carried out with prolactin antagonist drugs.

Radiation therapy is carried out in various ways: gamma, proton, external beam radiation therapy, stereotactic radiosurgery.

For somatotropinomas and corticotropinomas, neurosurgical removal is used. Before surgery, hormonal therapy is often prescribed to reduce the effect of hormone hypersecretion, which sometimes leads to a reduction in the size of the tumor. Drug and radiation therapy are also prescribed after surgery according to indications.

Neurosurgical intervention is recommended for macroadenomas that have severe symptoms and a risk of complications - visual impairment, up to complete blindness, hemorrhage, brain cysts. Source: Pituitary adenomas: history, prevalence, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment. V. P. Syty, A. A. Gonchar, Yu. V. Syty. Problems of health and ecology, 2010. p. 41-50.

Possible complications

Microadenomas grow extremely slowly in size and cause little concern. However, the hyperplasia of their tissues gradually leads to the fact that nearby structures begin to be compressed. As a result, this can cause neurological disorders, including epilepsy and visual impairment. The pathology also manifests itself as headaches, increased blood pressure, weight changes, and decreased libido. All this negatively affects personal life and work, and as a result can lead to psychological problems. The following complications of microadenoma are dangerous:

  • Cystic degeneration
    . The cyst leads to frequent occurrence of severe headaches, to an unreasonable increase in blood pressure, and to mental changes.

  • Hemorrhage
    . Its appearance is indicated by a sharp pain in the head and a sudden deterioration in vision. Hemorrhages most often occur with prolactinomas.

Hemorrhage is a dangerous complication of adenoma, but in most cases it does not lead to death. Cases of self-healing of patients after bleeding in adenoma tissue have been recorded.

Untreated advanced adenoma can lead to blindness

Timely treatment of adenomas that occur with dysfunction of the visual analyzers helps to subsequently restore vision.


Prognosis and rehabilitation

With timely diagnosis and proper treatment, pituitary adenoma has a generally favorable prognosis without undesirable consequences. Remission after removal of an adenoma occurs in 70-80% of cases, this figure is higher for microcorticotropins and lower for somatotropins and prolactin. The relapse rate is about 12%. Postoperative mortality is low - approximately 4%, decreasing to almost 0 for endosellar and endosuprasellar tumors. The risk of mortality is higher with a large adenoma, its penetration into the ventricular system, or tumor growth of blood vessels.

Rehabilitation, as a rule, does not take much time, since most pituitary adenomas are removed transnasally (through the nose) using endoscopic instruments. In the early postoperative period, the patient is prescribed painkillers, hemostatic agents, and antibiotic therapy. If there are no complications, after a few days the patient is discharged home and is under the supervision of a doctor (ENT, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist) in the clinic. No special rehabilitation measures are required.


There is no specific prevention of pituitary adenoma, since the exact causes of tumor development are unknown. If suspicious symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Timely diagnosis and treatment will help achieve the most favorable results and maintain the patient’s quality of life.


  1. The main types of complications from pituitary adenomas. K. E. Makhkamov, M. M. Azizov. Bulletin of Emergency Medicine, 2015. p. 90-92
  2. Pituitary adenomas within hereditary syndromes. Mamedova E.O., Przhiyalkovskaya E.G., Pigarova E.A., Mokrysheva N.G., Dzeranova L.K., Tyulpakov A.N. Problems of endocrinology, 2014. p. 51-59
  3. Aggressive pituitary adenomas (literature review and clinical observation). Kalinin P.L.,
  4. Trunin Yu.Yu., Fomichev D.V., Chernov I.V., Ryzhova M.V. Tumors of the head and neck, 2022. p. 74-80
  5. Pituitary adenomas: history, prevalence, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment. V. P. Syty, A. A. Gonchar, Yu. V. Syty. Problems of health and ecology, 2010. p. 41-50

Contraindications to surgical treatment

Surgical treatment for pituitary adenoma is in most cases the most effective method. Based on the diagnosis, a tumor removal scheme is developed (open or endoscopic surgery with the choice of optimal access).

Contraindications to radical treatment are:

  • advanced age;
  • heart and kidney failure in the stage of decompensation;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic organs;
  • untreated infections of any location;
  • post-infarction and post-stroke conditions;
  • systemic diseases that occur in severe form.

If surgery is not possible, other methods are prescribed to stop the progression of the pathological process and mitigate the symptoms of the disease.

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