Instructions for use MILGAMMA® COMPOSITUM

Osteochondrosis is a disease associated with severe pain in the intervertebral discs. Pain begins to bother you from the initial stage. The cause of the disease is pinched nerve endings, which is characterized by sharp, unpleasant painful sensations. Numerous methods are used to eliminate the manifestation of these symptoms. The most effective treatment for them is a course of injections. Medicines with an analgesic effect are also suitable. They are used to eliminate inflammation. Typically, such drugs have a positive effect on the nervous system. Such drugs include the drug "Milgamma".

"Milgamma" injections: reviews for osteochondrosis

“Milgamma” injections: reviews for osteochondrosis, rules for using the drug, indications and contraindications - we’ll talk about all this in the article.

pharmachologic effect

Milgamma compositum tablets are a complex of B vitamins. The active ingredients of the drug - benfotiamine and pyridoxine hydrochloride - alleviate the patient’s condition with inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the nerves, as well as the musculoskeletal system. Milgamma tablets activate blood flow and improve the functions of the nervous system.

Benfotiamine is a substance that plays an important role in carbohydrate metabolism. Pyridoxine is involved in the body's metabolism of protein; it is also partially involved in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. Benfotiamine and pyridoxine in high doses act as an analgesic due to the participation of benfotiamine in the synthesis of serotonin . A regenerating effect is also noted: under the influence of the drug, the myelin sheath of the nerves is restored.

How to use?

Initially, foci of inflammation are reduced, for which analgesics and drugs aimed at stopping them are used. After this, blood circulation is restored, for which drugs containing B vitamins are used. This includes the drug “Milgamma”.

To give an injection, use a solution that is in ampoules. It should be administered slowly to prevent fainting and seizures.

"Milgamma" is used for all forms of osteochondrosis, but most often for cervical and lumbar. It is used to restore intervertebral discs when they are degeneratively damaged. It is better to take Milgamma in the form of injections, as they have a number of advantages over tablets.

It is important to use the drug correctly so as not to harm your health.

When using "Milgamma" for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, sudden movements should be avoided so as not to damage the nerve endings going to the spine. During pain due to lumbar osteochondrosis, Milgamma is used when all other available treatment methods have been tried. This drug can be combined with ointments and gels to enhance the therapeutic effect. Doctors usually advise using Milgamma together with diclofenac. In this case, injections should be given at different times of the day.

The doctor should leave instructions on how many days and in what dosage the medicine should be used. Usually the course lasts from 5 to 10 days. If the effect appears quickly, Milgamma injections can be replaced with tablets of this drug. The dosage depends on the nature of the pain syndrome. Milgamma injections are usually given 2-3 times a week.

How to give an injection correctly?

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

Benfotiamine is a fat-soluble derivative of vitamin B1 (thiamine). In the body, this substance is phosphorylated into thiamine diphosphate and thiamine triphosphate, which are biologically active coenzymes. The main part of benfotiamine is absorbed in the duodenum, the rest of it is absorbed in the small intestine.

Pyridoxine is converted into pyridoxal phosphate. This enzyme affects the non-oxidative metabolism of amino acids. It takes part in the production of physiologically active amines. It is mainly absorbed in the upper parts of the digestive tract through the process of passive diffusion.

Both active substances are excreted mainly through the kidneys. The half-life of benfotiamine from the blood is 3.6 hours, the half-life of pyridoxine is 2–5 hours.

Indications for use

The following indications for the use of Milgamma compositum as part of complex treatment are determined:

  • neuritis;
  • retrobulbar neuritis;
  • neuralgia;
  • ganglionitis;
  • facial nerve paresis;
  • plexopathy;
  • polyneuropathy;
  • neuropathy;
  • lumboischialgia;
  • radiculopathy.

There are also indications for the use of this drug in people who regularly suffer from night cramps (primarily older people) and muscle-tonic syndromes. For what else the drug is prescribed, the doctor determines individually.

How does osteochondrosis develop?

The basis of the human skeleton is the spine, which contains from 33 to 35 vertebrae. They are connected through intervertebral discs, which serve to strengthen the spine and provide shock absorption. Thanks to them, the spinal column gains mobility and elasticity. Each intervertebral disc contains a jelly-like substance surrounded by a hard fibrous ring. Hyaline cartilage covers the intervertebral disc both above and below.

An unpleasant complication of osteochondrosis, if untreated, can be a herniated disc, which is much more difficult to get rid of than its “predecessor”

Due to this pathology, metabolic disorders occur and blood circulation suffers. During the first, or initial stage of the disease, the strength and mobility of the intervertebral discs decreases. The disks themselves seem to be getting smaller. Cracks and protrusions occur in the fibrous ring, as the load increases due to abrasion. Eventually, the annulus fibrosus may rupture, causing a herniated disc. In the later stages, all of the above leads to curvature of the spine and serious mobility impairments.

What causes osteochondrosis?

Our spine requires regular exercise. Evolutionarily, he is adapted to perform active actions, but excessive load will only harm him. Osteochondrosis occurs for completely different reasons. They can serve as:

  • congenital injuries and spinal injuries;
  • genetic factor;
  • metabolic problems;
  • infections;
  • natural causes, that is, aging of the body;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • influence of chemicals;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • flat feet;
  • exposure to vibrations (for people with professions that involve long journeys, for example, truck drivers).

Osteochondrosis can occur due to a lack of measured physical activity, as well as due to curvature of the spine

There are also several factors that increase the risk of developing osteochondrosis:

  • obesity and poor eating habits;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • work related to driving or computer;
  • smoking;
  • excessive exercise in the gym;
  • poor posture;
  • constant stress on the legs associated with uncomfortable shoes and heels;
  • hypothermia;
  • stress.

An increased risk is observed among people involved in sports, loaders, and construction workers. Stressful situations also have a negative impact on health, including the spine. It is not recommended to walk with your head down, as this can provoke the development of cervical osteochondrosis.

Types of osteochondrosis

There are three main types of this disease.

Table No. 1. Types of osteochondrosis.

Side effects

Milgamma compositum tablets, like Milgamma injections, can cause some side effects, which, as a rule, appear only in rare cases. The following manifestations are possible:

  • urticaria , skin itching , difficulty breathing, angioedema , anaphylactic shock ;
  • tachycardia;
  • reactions associated with high sensitivity;
  • heavy sweating, acne ;
  • headache ; _
  • nausea.

If any of these side effects occur, you should immediately inform your doctor.

Instructions for use Milgamma compositum (Method and dosage)

When taken orally, tablets should be taken with plenty of liquid.

If the patient is prescribed Milgamma tablets, the instructions for use include taking 1 tablet per day. In acute diseases, the dose may be increased: 1 tablet three times a day. At this dosage, treatment can be carried out for no more than 4 weeks, after which the doctor decides to reduce the dose, since taking vitamin B6 in large quantities increases the likelihood of developing neuropathy. In general, the course of therapy lasts no more than two months.

How to treat osteochondrosis?

First of all, a diagnosis is required. Diagnostics involves taking an anamnesis, palpation, hardware and laboratory examination. This helps the doctor make an accurate diagnosis and determine a set of treatment measures.

Osteochondrosis can be treated with medications, surgery and physiotherapy. Treatment is carried out comprehensively. A miracle drug for this disease has not yet been invented. The patient must go through a set of treatment procedures, mainly ointments, gels, capsules, tablets, injections, etc.

It is also worth paying attention to manual therapy and massages, which will improve and enhance the effects of medications. Some folk remedies may also be beneficial, such as herbal infusions.

Osteochondrosis must be treated comprehensively, resorting to drug therapy and folk remedies, as well as exercise therapy and physiotherapy

The treatment is slow, so the patient needs to be patient and follow the doctor's recommendations. During treatment, bed rest is recommended. This is the easiest way to reduce the load on the spinal column. It is better to sleep on a hard surface. Initially, doctors try to reduce pain in the spine, then they prescribe anti-inflammatory medications, as well as drugs that eliminate swelling. It is allowed to use ointments and gels with similar effects. At the same time, medications are used to help relax muscles, improve blood circulation, as well as drugs that restore cartilage cells. The best results are achieved by taking medications and physiotherapy together. After the above measures, patients undergo a course of ultrasound, electrophoresis, magnet, etc.


An overdose of vitamin B6 may cause neurotoxic effects. When treated with large doses of this vitamin for more than six months, neuropathy may develop. polyneuropathy may occur , which is accompanied by ataxia. Taking large doses of medication may cause convulsions. An overdose of benfotiamine when taken orally is unlikely.

After taking high doses of pyridoxine, induce vomiting and then take Activated Charcoal . However, such measures are effective only in the first 30 minutes. In more serious cases, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Analogues of Milgamma compositum

Level 4 ATX code matches:
Neurobex Forte






Analogs of Milgamma compositum tablets are medications that contain the same components. Such medicines are:

  • Milgamma
  • Combilipen
  • Neuromultivitis
  • Triovit

The price of analogues depends on the number of tablets in the package, the manufacturer and other factors.

Prices for the drug and its main analogues, average in Russia

To replace the expensive drug Milgamma, the doctor can select analogues of Russian and foreign production, which are cheaper, presented in solution for injection and in tablets:

Name of the medicineDosage (mg, ml)Number of pieces per package (tablets, ampoules)Average price in rubles
Milgamma solution
Milgamma Compositum






Binavit2 ml10151-168
Neurobex Forte10030130-160
3 ml
3 ml
Combilipen solution
Compligam B solution




Milgamma compositum price, where to buy

Price of Milgamma compositum tablets 30 pcs. is from 700 rubles. Buy dragees in a pack of 60 pieces in Moscow. possible at a price of 1300 - 1400 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia


  • Milgamma compositum tab.
    p/o 30 pcs. Vervag Pharma/Mauermann-Artsneimittel 679 rub. order
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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