Solidago compositum S solution d/in. amp. 2.2ml No.5

Solution for injection "Solidago compositum C" is used for the following indications:

  • in the complex treatment of subacute and chronic diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, such as cystitis, cystopyelitis, urolithiasis, hydronephrosis;
  • nocturnal enuresis, dysuria in stage I prostate adenoma, narrowing of the urethra;
  • arterial hypertension in acute glomerulonephritis;
  • to stimulate the excretory functions of the kidneys, including in the case of hyperhidrosis.


Thanks to such a rich composition and organic combination of its components, Solidago compositum is able to have the following positive effects on the body:

  • timely excretion of urine, which prevents the occurrence of stagnation and swelling;
  • restoration of mucous tissues of the urinary organs;
  • relief of spastic manifestations;
  • cleansing the body of toxic substances;
  • cleansing at the cellular level of the mucous membranes;
  • elimination of inflammation processes.

Solidago compositum also has a regenerating effect on damaged mucous membranes of the urinary organs. It has a general detoxification effect, that is, it is aimed at neutralizing the effects of toxic substances and removing them from the body. Under the influence of the drug, the impaired functioning of internal organs is restored, the internal forces of the body are activated, and the ability to resist infections increases.


Description of the drug Solidago compositum S solution d/in. amp. 2.2ml No. 5 on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

Description of the drug

The full name of the drug is Solidago compositum S. It is a complex homeopathic remedy used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases affecting the urinary system.
Source: flickr (Eugene Evehealth). The release form is an ampoule containing a solution for preparing injections, mainly used parenterally, i.e. administering the drug bypassing the gastrointestinal tract.

The medicinal solution is colorless and odorless. In some cases, internal use is possible.

Solidago compositum is enriched with a composition containing homeopathic doses of substances extracted from mineral components, medicinal plants and animal organisms. The therapeutic effect is determined by the harmonious combination of all components of the drug.

Suis - organ preparations:

  • Vesica urinaria suis D8. A drug obtained from the pig bladder, which is used for the development of cystitis, prostate tumors, and kidney stones.
  • Pyelon suis D10. Pork kidney pelvis preparation. Prescribed for chronic kidney diseases, as well as in cases of enlarged prostate volume.
  • Urethra suis D10. From the tissue structure of the pig urethra. Indications for use are inflammation processes occurring in the urinary system, as well as when itching sensations appear in the vulva.
  • Ureter suis D10. The drug obtained from ureteral tissue is used to treat kidney stones, nephrosis, and prostate diseases.


  • Pirogenium nosode - a nosode made from rotten beef is used in case of threat of sepsis and complex infections.
  • Colibacillinum nosode is a nosode of cultured E. coli for the treatment of urinary tract infections caused by E. coli.
  • Coxsackie virus nosode - the virus is prescribed for urinary tract infections.


  • Berberis (Berberis vulgaris) D4. The drug from Barberry vulgaris helps in case of pathological processes of the gallbladder and liver, as well as the urinary organs.
  • Barosma D8. Birch barosma contains substances that help relieve inflammatory processes and remove urine from the body. Mainly used in cases of inflammatory damage to the urinary organs.
  • Solidago virgaurea has a diuretic effect.
  • Resina laricis D6. It is turpentine, which is prescribed for nephritis, occurring in combination with hematuria and occurring in an acute form.
  • Capsicum annuum D6. Made from the fruits and seeds of capsicum, it is used to treat rheumatic pain and inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the bladder and ureter.
  • Orthosiphon (Orthosiphon aristatus) D6. From the dried leaves of the plant for the treatment of kidney stones.
  • Equisetum hiemale D4. Horsetail extract for the treatment of kidney and urinary tract diseases.
  • Chondrodendron (Chondodendron tomentosum) D6. A preparation from the dried root of the plant for the treatment of the bladder, urethra and prostate gland.
  • Baptisia tinctoria D4. Extract of fresh wild indigo for severe febrile infections.
  • Sarasparilla Smilax (Sarsaparilla) D6. Made from dry Sarasparilla root, it is used for irritation of the genitourinary tract.


  • Hydrargyrum bichloratum D8. Sublimate is used for acute kidney inflammation.
  • Arsenicum album (Acidum arsenicosum) D28. Prescribed for malignant and benign neoplasms and inflammation.
  • Cuprum sulfuricum D6. Copper sulfate is prescribed for seizures.
  • Hepar sulfuris D10. An indispensable remedy for the treatment of the prostate.
  • Argentum nitricum D6. Silver nitrate treats migraines, nephritis and diseases of the digestive tract.


  • Apisin (Apisinum) D8. Honey bee venom is prescribed to treat allergies and diseases accompanied by fluid accumulation in tissues.
  • Lytta vesicatoria D6. Powder from dried Spanish fly beetle - used for acute inflammation.
  • The auxiliary elements are water for the preparation of injection solutions and sodium chloride, necessary for catalyzing the isotonic process.


Solidago virgaurea - Golden rod - refers to

to the Asteraceae family. The drug is prepared from a tincture of all fresh

plants, flower tinctures, decoctions

dried leaves and flowers.

CHARACTERISTICS Golden rod - a typical representative of the genus

Solidago in the UK. This plant is often

Found in forests and heathlands. “This is grass,” writes

Rademacher is an ancient and reliable kidney medicine. She

specifically affects the kidneys, returning them to their normal state.” According to Buck, Solidago is especially suitable for scrofulous subjects, but

may also be used in other patients. The basis of the medicinal

picture of this drug is the condition of the kidneys and the amount excreted

urine. Diseases arising from impaired renal function

very often require the appointment of Solidago. Leading symptoms: pain and

tension in the kidney area; pain spreading from the kidneys to the abdomen, in

bladder, down legs; urine is dark, red-brown, scanty,

thick, difficult to come off; containing protein, mucus and phosphates. “Clear, foul-smelling urine” is a key symptom suggested by Cooper.

CLINIC Albuminuria. Anuria. Asthma. Beli. Insomnia. Bright's disease. Bronchitis

chronic catarrhal. Rashes. Headache. Dysentery. Dysuria.

Constipation. Scrofula. Scrofulous ophthalmia. Insomnia. Sciatica. Stone formation.

Uterine bleeding. Croup Rheumatic fever. Flatulence. Dyspnea.

Oliguria. Gout. Diarrhea. Rheumatism. Rheumatism of the intercostal muscles.

Hearing loss. Prostate enlargement. Phosphaturia. Enteritis

chronic. Ulcers.

SKIN Scrofulous rash. Very persistent itchy rash. Small plaques on the hands and feet, very itchy. Rash on the lower extremities without swelling of the inguinal lymph nodes, but with

urinary disorders (kidney catarrh).

SLEEP Insomnia (insomnia).

FEVER Rheumatic fever. Very fast pulse. Heat.

HEAD Headache.

EYES Scrofulous, herpetic inflammation of the eyes. Scrofulous ophthalmia.

EARS Sudden loss of hearing, with ringing in the ears and protein in the urine.


RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Copious expectoration. Chronic catarrhal bronchitis. Croup with small plaques on the hands and oliguria. Prolonged shortness of breath. Periodic asthmatic attacks with nocturnal dysuria.

CHEST Rheumatism of intercostal muscles.

NOSE Nose is dry; covered with blood crusts inside; scalding and very scanty

brown urine.


MOUTH Flat ulcers in the mouth and throat. The tongue is covered with a thick coating; the plaque disappears only when the urine normalizes. • taste. Long-lasting bitter taste that interferes with sleep,

especially at night.

STOMACH Flatulence with bloating. Chronic enteritis. Pain in the abdomen, on both sides of the navel, with deep pressure. Strong punctures in both hypochondrium to the kidney area and further to the legs,

with bitterness in the mouth, brown urine, etc.

ANUS AND RECTUM Diarrhea with scanty dark urine. Dysentery. Constipation.

URINARY SYSTEM “An old and very good kidney medicine” (Rademacher). Kidney pain. Pain in the kidney area when pressed. Pain in the kidneys extending forward to the abdomen and bladder. Dysuria; urine is scanty and difficult to pass. Urine: dark, red-brown, with thick sediment, dark with sediment

phosphates; slightly acidic, neutral or alkaline; with a lot of

epithelial cells or small mucus particles; epithelial cells with

triphosphate or calcium phosphate. Clear, foul-smelling urine. Anuria. Dysuria. Oliguria. Phosphaturia. Albuminuria.

Bright's disease. Stone formation.

WOMEN'S Bleeding. Chronic leucorrhoea combined with copious watery urine and

sediment in the form of mucus particles and cylinders, with epithelium.

MEN Enlarged prostate gland; difficulty passing urine.

MUSCLES Rheumatism of intercostal muscles.

JOINTS Gout. Rheumatism.

BACK Chronic lower back pain.

EXTREMITIES Gout. Rheumatism. • Hands. Small plaques on the hands, very itchy. • Legs. Sciatica. Small plaques on the feet, very itchy. Rash on

lower extremities without swelling of the inguinal lymph nodes, but with disturbances

urination (catarrhal inflammation of the kidneys). Limps, drags

leg. Rheumatic pain in legs. Pain in the hips. Horizontal

moves his legs freely, but when he stands he begins to limp.

RELATIONSHIPS Should be compared : Damage to the prostate gland and urinary tract - Sabal serrulata, Santalum,

Hydrangea abrorescens, Triticum repens. Soreness - Santalum. Gonorrhea and its consequences; sciatica - Medorrhinum.

Source: John Henry Clarke. “Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica in 6 volumes” (Homeopathic Medicine Publishing House. Moscow, 2001).

Features of application

The advisability of treatment with the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding is determined by the attending physician based on an assessment of possible risks and benefits.
Source: flickr (harie.m). Solidago compositum is also approved for use in children starting from 6 years of age, strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

If symptoms persist or general condition worsens, it is possible to stop taking the homeopathic remedy. The ability of the drug to influence the reaction rate when driving a vehicle or operating other mechanisms has not been identified.

Solidago compositum S

Release form, composition and packaging

Ampoules for injections.

2.2 ml injection solution contains:

  • Solidago virgaurea D3,
  • Berberis vulgaris D4,
  • Vesica urinaria suis D8,
  • Pyelon suis D10,
  • Ureter suis D10,
  • Urethra suis D10,
  • Terebinthina laricina D6,
  • Mercurius sublimatus corrosivus D8,
  • Acidum arsenicosum D28,
  • Cuprum sulphuricum D6,
  • Bucco D8,
  • Hepar sulphuris D10,
  • Capsicum annuum D6,
  • Orthosiphon stamineus D6,
  • Equisetum hyemale D4,
  • Pareira brava D6,
  • Cantharis D6,
  • Apisinum D8,
  • Baptisia tinctoria D4,
  • Natrium pyruvicum D10,
  • Pyrogenium-Nosode D198,
  • Sarsaparilla D6,
  • Bacterium coli-Nosode D13,
  • Coxsackie-Virus-A9-Nosode D8,
  • Argentum nitricum D6 22 µl each.
  • Excipients: isotonic (0.9%) sodium chloride solution.

pharmachologic effect


suis organ:

Vesica urinaria suis D8 (from the bladder) Cystitis, bladder tenesmus, prostate adenoma. Impaired excretory function of the kidneys. Oxalaturia, uremia, kidney stones. Bladder papilloma.

Pyelon suis D10 (from fresh renal pelvis tissue) Hydronephrosis, chronic pyelitis, nephrolithiasis, cystopyelitis, uremia, eclampsia. Prostate hypertrophy.

Ureter suis D10 (from tissue of the ureter) Disorders of excretory functions of the kidneys, kidney stones, hydronephrosis, nephrosis. Prostate diseases.

Urethra suis D10 (from urethral tissue) Chronic irritation of the urethra and genitourinary organs, narrowing of the urethra. Itching of the vulva.


Pyrogenium-Nosode D198 (rotten beef nosode) Severe febrile infectious diseases; tendency to septic conditions.

Bacterium coli-Nosode D13 (nosode from cultured Escherichia coli) Urinary tract infections, eg pyelitis, cystitis, urinary tenesmus (worse in wet weather).

Coxsackie-Virus-A9-Nosode D8 (nosode from inactivated Coxsackie virus subgroup A9) Diseases of the urinary tract, for example, cystopyelitis, acute and chronic cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis), diseases of the epididymis.


Solidago virgaurea D3 (Golden rod) Diuretic effect. Dysuria, albuminuria with dark, foul-smelling, mucous-bloody urine. Prostate hypertrophy. Nephrosis, kidney stones, dropsy.

Berberis vulgaris D4 (Common barberry) Dry skin rashes, liver and gall bladder diseases; diseases of the kidneys and bladder, for example, nephritis, kidney stones, cystitis.

Terebinthina laricina D6 (turpentine) Acute hemorrhagic focal nephritis with hematuria, cystopyelitis, kidney stones.

Bucco D8 (Barosma birch) Contains hesperdidin essential oil, barosmin glycoside and resins that have anti-inflammatory and mild diuretic effects. Used for inflammation of the urinary tract.

Capsicum annuum D6 (Chilly pepper) Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder and ureters, incl. chronic urethritis. Rheumatic pain in the joints with cracking, clicking, as well as numbness and rigidity of various joints. Orthosiphon stamineus D6 (Orthosiphon stamineus) Kidney and bladder stones, uric acid diathesis, gout.

Equisetum hyemale D4 (Wintering horsetail) Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Pareira brava D6 (Chondrodendron tomentosa) Bladder disorders, inflammation of the urethra, enlarged prostate gland.

Baptisia tinctoria D4 (Wild Indigo) Severe febrile infections; general blood poisoning; clouding of consciousness.

Sarsaparilla D6 (medicinal sarsaparilla) Irritation of the genitourinary organs.


Mercurius sublimatus corrosivus D8 (mercury bichloride - sublimate) Acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the kidneys and urinary tract (acute glomerulonephritis with albuminuria), hematuria. Gonorrhea, primary syphilis. Leukorrhea in girls. Unquenchable thirst. Acidum arsenicosum (Arsenicum album) D28 Inflammation of varying severity in various organs and tissues; benign and malignant tumors.

Cuprum sulphuricum D6 (copper sulfate) Cramps of smooth and striated muscles, cramps at night. Renal colic, especially left-sided. Convulsions with uremia, eclampsia. Kidney diseases combined with hypotension.

Hepar sulphuris D10 (sulfur calcium liver) Inflammation and suppuration of the mucous membranes; increased nervous sensitivity; prostate adenoma in combination with urination disorders.

Argentum nitricum D6 (silver nitrate) Psychosomatic diseases of the digestive tract; migraine; chronic catarrh of the mucous membranes, incontinence, nephritis.


Apisinum D8 (honey bee venom) Inflammation and diseases accompanied by the accumulation of fluid in tissues and organs; allergies.

Cantharis D6 (dried and powdered beetle - Spanish fly) Acute inflammation of the mucous membranes and genitourinary organs.


Natrium pyruvicum D10 (sodium pyruvic acid) An influencing factor in the citric acid cycle and redox systems.

Has an effect:

  • drainage on the matrix of the mucous membranes of the genitourinary tract;
  • regenerating mucous membranes of the genitourinary tract;
  • diuretic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • general detoxification.

Also additionally provides:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunocorrective;
  • hypotensive effect.

In antihomotoxic therapy, Solidago compositum C is an organ-directed drainage drug (on the kidneys). Therefore, for any chronic diseases combined with kidney diseases, it is necessary to use Solidago compositum C as part of complex therapy.

The inclusion of Solidago compositum C in the complex therapy of urinary tract diseases allows you to reduce the dose of antispasmodics and analgesics, shorten the course of antibiotics, without reducing the overall effectiveness of the therapy.


Not described.


  • acute and chronic diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, including cystitis, cystopyelitis, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis, urethritis;
  • chlamydia, trichomoniasis and other protozoal, viral, bacterial infections that are sexually transmitted;
  • stimulation of excretory function of the kidneys in case of urolithiasis, gout, nephrosclerosis, hydronephrosis, drug nephropathy, secondary amyloidosis, hyperhidrosis, allergies, eczema, as well as other chronic and degenerative diseases;
  • dysuria in the first stage of prostate adenoma, nocturnal enuresis, urinary incontinence, prostatitis, narrowing of the urethra.

Dosage regimen

Single dose: for adults - usually 1 ampoule; for children: up to 2 years old, from 1/6 to 1/4 the volume of the ampoule contents, from 2 to 6 years old - 1/3-1/2 the volume of the ampoule, starting from 6 years old - 1 ampoule. The drug is administered intravenously, subcutaneously, intramuscularly, including segmentally or at acupuncture points (homeosynia), if necessary intravenously, 1-3 times a week, and in acute cases - daily. If parenteral administration is not possible, the drug can be taken in the form of “drinking ampoules”.

Side effect

Not identified.

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