Buy Euphorbium compositum Nazentropfen C nasal spray 20ml in pharmacies

Homeopathic medicines for children to improve immunity

Today, the category of frequently ill children is growing. Such children definitely need to strengthen their immunity. The German remedy Galium-Heel copes well with this task in preschool children. It is used to activate the body's immune cells and prevent viral and bacterial diseases.

Engystol is a drug that has proven itself to be an effective means of strengthening the immune system during viral infections. It accelerates metabolic processes in the children's body and is used during periods of epidemics.

Echinacea Compositum is used to relieve inflammatory processes in children and accelerate the elimination of toxins.

There are homeopathic remedies that simultaneously treat colds and boost immunity. These are Influcid, Antigrippin, Aflubin.

Influcid is produced by the German Homeopathic Union in the form of tablets and solution. It is recommended for children of primary preschool age. If we talk about domestic complex homeopathic preparations, then parents can recommend Edas, Silicea compositum and Lachesis compositum, Oscillococcinum, Zinfil, Coryzalia to increase the immunity of their children.

Organic preparations, which are extracts from the body of animals, are also used for this purpose. These are Mutsosa tsop, Larynkh tsop, Tonsilla tsop.

Homeopathy Heel Euphorbium compositum Nazentropfen S - reviews


Caused bronchospasm!!!!!!!! I first used it when I was pregnant. Then I didn’t understand its effect. I used it according to the instructions for at least a week. Now I remember in front of him. 3 days Kapuya. I woke up from a terrible bronchospasm. I don’t take any other medications except salt water. This is definitely from euphorbium. After the first dose there was a burning sensation. But I didn’t pay much attention. This is the result! Seemingly harmless homeopathy. Don’t repeat my mistake.


I continue to share my experience in treating my sinusitis. He visited me more than once, I know what punctures are.

Once again, for sinusitis, the treating ENT specialist prescribed Euphorbium compositum for complex treatment.

My skepticism towards homeopathy was just beginning to emerge and that’s why I bought it. Price per bottle of 20 ml. around 500 rubles. Not too bad.

The composition is very multi-component. I knew only luffa in it (I made a washcloth from it) and Argentum, kind of like silver. It’s already closer, I remembered PROTARGOL. In general, there was a lot of hope.

Indications: rhinitis and sinusitis of various etiologies (this means that it MUST treat viral, bacterial, and allergic agents).

There are a number of contraindications. The issue of taking it during breastfeeding and pregnancy is controversial. Suitable for children from 4 years old.

The method of application depends on age, but is not very different.

The bottle is ordinary, made of dark glass.

The sprayer is good, it does not spray, but gently and abundantly irrigates the nasal cavity.

There is no smell, the consistency and color are like water. I didn't feel anything during use. The nose was also breathing poorly, even on the 4th day, sinusitis was flourishing - my teeth were aching, pus was flowing in a stream, my temperature was high. The only thing is that it moisturized my nose. But for 500 rubles???? It is better to take Salin or Nazol aqua. It’s even more economical to dilute the saline solution with water for injection 1 to 1. Humidification is no worse, and the price is several times less. I stopped using it, changed the antibiotic and relief came.

When I had a cold I sprayed it on my daughter. I didn’t notice anything other than increased flow from the nose. As a result, the nose was treated with Rinofluimucil.

Once again I understand that homeopathy is an expensive dummy.



convenient spray bottle


ineffective, high price

Well, we bought euphorbium compositum. It's not the cheapest, of course. But I want to be cured. And the drug is positioned as homeopathic, that is, in theory there should be no harm from it.

Before using euphorbium, I rinsed my nose with saline solution for greater effectiveness. Dripped and dripped according to the instructions. But nothing surprising happened. For a week and a half, my runny nose did not disappear anywhere, although it seemed like it should have gone away in a week. My husband has approximately the same picture, but his runny nose worsened during the first two uses of euphorbium. We only used the drug for a week, then stopped due to the lack of effect. The runny nose went away on its own after two weeks.

I don’t even know how positive reviews about this medicine can appear. Either it only affects a few people, or it's just a mystery.


doesn't help at all. We are 2.5 months old. The sniffles started. We washed out the nose, then used euphorbium. We sprayed it for 2 weeks. It ended with the sniffles not only not going away, but also pus flowing out of the ear. Now we are undergoing a new treatment.


I treat homeopathic medicines as placebos . Almost 100% of the composition is from unknown plant components that do not grow in Russia.

From the age of 2, my son could not breathe through his nose, constantly sniffled at night, or worse, snored. In cool weather, there is immediate “drip” from the nose, and the mouth is constantly open.

We contacted an ENT specialist several times, and he prescribed Nasonex (it helped while we were using it), Isofra (there was an effect, but the wheezing quickly returned after the course of treatment), and Sinupret (no result). physical procedures , but didn’t notice any special results.

When we once again came to see the doctor, she sighed and prescribed Euphorbium, saying that if it doesn’t help, then only surgery to remove the adenoids will save you.

We bought it at the pharmacy on the same day, about 400 rubles. In the evening, before going to bed, I sprayed my nose.

In the morning, my son woke up with reddened eyelids, a swollen face, and constantly pulled his hands to his eyes, they itched. Pink spots appeared on his body. He became moody and irritable. I gave Zyrtec, the swelling did not go away.

On the same day we had an appointment with a pediatrician, she immediately wrote out a referral to the hospital and advised not to delay.

In the hospital we were given IV drips for 5 days. It was scary.

The adenoids went away when we changed to a drier climate.


It's a shame to even give one star.

And as soon as I (with a higher medical education) fell for it... Sound signal =)... But a friend, an ENT specialist, advised me when the child was sick, and I bought it.

Firstly, this is homeopathy (= obviously a scam, since the water or alcohol in which the herbs are swam remains water or alcohol). By the way, the countries that produce THIS do not consider THIS a medicine and are not treated with it.

Secondly, it is not cheap at all - about 6 - 7 euros. The desire of producers to earn more and quickly is obvious.

Thirdly, of course, it does not work, either as a preventive measure, much less as a treatment. I rinse my nose with it in the morning (so as not to throw it away) and still get sick.

When I have a runny nose, regular instillation of salt water, ectericide, a damp towel on the radiator, and plenty of warm drinks help me. It is advisable not to lower the temperature for the first 3 - 4 days. (Long live Doctor Komarovsky!).

Why does he “help” some? Yes, because in 90% of cases, a runny nose goes away on its own in 5 - 7 days, and this is the merit of our body, and not some kind of medicine. And if you are used to treating a runny nose with vasoconstrictor drops and/or antibiotics, then it’s better to use homeopathy. Although it is completely useless, it is less dangerous (although no one has canceled the side effects).

Don't be fooled by homeopathy - don't make scammers rich!

Continuation of the topic about scams -


Other medicines -


Olena Oleksandrivna


I bought a package of this homeopathic medicine several years ago for my daughter. At that time she had a constantly stuffy nose, and her diction did not even suffer much. At school, some kids noticed this and laughed.

My daughter is allergic to household allergens, so she had symptoms of chronic runny nose, which were treated with antihistamine tablets. But they do not affect nasal breathing in any way. A couple of times I even bought the Beconase hormonal spray, but such medications are not recommended for children under 18 years old, except in extreme cases.

After watching enough commercials on TV, I decided to buy Euphorbium. The price is of course high. But this was the last hope. The instructions indicate in the indications that it can be used for any form of runny nose.

Used it for about 3 weeks, maybe a month, no effect. Disappointed, I stopped forcing my daughter to use it. During this time, well, absolutely no improvement! Like some water.

The rest of the medicine was lying around in the medicine cabinet at home. And so, when I had an exacerbation of sinusitis, I decided to “finish off” Euphorbium. And, to my surprise, the unpleasant symptoms of sinusitis began to recede faster than usual. The lost sense of smell appeared, the nose began to breathe more freely.

It turns out that this drug does not help with all problems with the nose.

I didn’t buy it again, because the price still “bites”. I use more affordable medications.

For some reason, homeopathy is terribly expensive and not very effective.



did not find


may cause allergies

This drug made me constantly want to sneeze, and if I didn’t sneeze, the itching inside my nose bothered me quite a lot. Before this, I had never experienced an allergic reaction in my entire life. I didn’t notice any results and I can’t use it anymore. So be careful when using this drug in children, listen to their feelings.





Dummy, doesn't help

My daughter went to kindergarten, and endless snot began, as a result of grade 1 adenoids. After another round of snot, our nose started to clog (transparent snot was gurgling somewhere in the depths and there was no way to blow our nose). The ENT specialist prescribed Euphorbium for us. Before I bought it, I talked to other mothers who had used it in the past, and the answer was clear: it doesn’t help. I decided to buy it because there is a chance that it didn’t help someone, but it’s just right for you. They began to squirt, and after 2 weeks I went to the pediatrician with complaints that the snot was still sitting in my nose. We were prescribed Rinofloimucil, and in two days we got rid of the snot completely. I have been using Euphorbium for over a month. Result: the adenoids remained, during this time they fell ill with RSV 3 times (many use it as protection during the period of RSV - complete nonsense), when you have a runny nose, its effect is not visible. A waste of money and time. Hopes don't live up to.

Homeopathic medicines for the treatment of adenoids in children

The basis of homeopathy for adenoids in children is the anti-inflammatory effect and improvement of metabolic processes. Strict adherence to the recommendations of a homeopathic doctor and long-term treatment with such remedies makes it possible to avoid surgical intervention for adenoids in children. Doctors usually recommend thuja oil as a monotherapy.

Barberry Comp Job Baby has a complex effect. It contains thuja, iodine, berberis, and eupatorium. Complex aerosol Euphorbium compositum Nazentropen S is used for irrigating the throat cavity and contains several plant components.

Treatment of adenoids in children with the above drugs makes it possible to achieve resorption of the formations themselves. After just 6 months of taking such drugs, the inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx and throat that accompany adenoids cease. However, it is recommended to treat this childhood illness with homeopathy for at least a year with strict adherence to the doctor’s instructions and regular monitoring.

Homeopathic medicines for the treatment of the thyroid gland in children

Unfortunately, today pediatricians and endocrinologists are increasingly diagnosing decreased thyroid function in children, that is, hypothyroidism. The disease is manifested by weakness of all processes occurring in the body. You can suspect something wrong with the thyroid gland in a child based on the following symptoms: weight gain, drowsiness, lethargy, chilliness, shortness of breath, low blood pressure, slow bowel function (regular constipation), impaired kidney function (swelling).

Most representatives of official medicine prescribe hormones for children with hypothyroidism. The consequences of such treatment are usually manifested by weight gain and obesity.

The choice of homeopathic medicines for thyroid diseases in children depends on the symptoms. For example, Calcarea carbonica is prescribed to overweight children with a large belly. As a rule, their teeth erupt late, their fontanelles do not heal for a long time, they experience night sweats of the head and a tendency to allergies. Often these children have enlarged lymph nodes.

Calcarea carbonica is also suitable for treating teenage girls with thyroid disease and heavy menstruation.

Calcium carbonicum is a drug prescribed in the clinic of hypothyroidism in children with delayed mental and sexual development. Such children experience delayed speech development and decreased intelligence.

Argentum nitricum is a remedy recommended for the treatment of toxic goiter. This disease is characterized by impulsiveness and haste of the child, stabbing pain in the throat, tremors of the limbs, and a tendency to lose weight. The drug Nux vomica has a similar effect.


Homeopathic nasal spray1 fl.
100 g required for preparation
active substances:
Euphorbium (euphorbium) D41 g
Pulsatilla pratensis (Pulsatilla) (Pulsatilla pratensis (Pulsatilla) D21 g
Luffa operculata (luffa operculata) D21 g
Hydrargyrum biiodatum (Mercurius bijodatus) D81 g
Mucosa nasalis suis (mucosa nasalis suis) D81 g
Hepar sulfuris (Hepar sulfuris calcareum) (Hepar sulfuris (Hepar sulfuris calcareum) D101 g
Argentum nitricum (argentum nitricum) D101 g
Sinusitis-Nosode (sinusitis-Nosode) D131 g
excipients: benzalkonium chloride solution - 0.02 g; sodium chloride - 0.8292 g; sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate - 0.0628 g; sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate - 0.02 g; purified water - 91.068 g

Homeopathic medicines for children for cough and runny nose; for the treatment of acute respiratory infections, flu, colds

Colds in children are the most common. Their treatment involves choosing from a wide range of homeopathic remedies:

  1. Aconitum napellus. It is used to treat a cold that occurs in a child after hypothermia. The drug copes well with dry cough and fever. The remedy will be effective only when parents begin to use it at the first signs of the disease.
  2. Alium sulfur. A good drug for the treatment of rhinitis. For heavy, mucous nasal discharge that irritates the nostrils, the product will help relieve symptoms and normalize nasal breathing.
  3. Arsenitsum album. This remedy is also used to treat children's runny nose. It softens the child’s anxiety and irritability, reduces severe chills, and normalizes breathing through the nose.
  4. Ferrum phosphoricum. Homeopathic medicine copes well with fever in the early stages of colds, acute respiratory infections, and flu. It relieves redness of the throat and face.
  5. Gelsemium. If, with the flu and acute respiratory infections, a child is worried about dizziness, cold in the back, muscle aches and headaches, then the drug will help cope with such symptoms.
  6. Mercurius solubilis or vivus. A homeopathic remedy used for thick discharge from a child’s nose, a coated tongue, and sore throat.
  7. Nuh vomitsa. More often the remedy is used for flu with cough and sneezing.
  8. Pulsatilla is a remedy for eliminating fever and nasal discharge due to influenza.

If your child often suffers from colds, then he definitely needs to take homeopathy courses several times a year to improve immunity. Then colds and acute respiratory infections will occur much less frequently and be milder. The baby will become more resistant to infection with viruses and infectious diseases.

Directions for use and doses

Intranasally. Children from 6 to 12 years old, as well as persons over 12 years old and adults - spray 1-2 doses into each nostril 3-5 times a day. For children from 4 to 6 years old, carefully inject 1 dose 3-4 times a day.

Figure 1. Remove the protective ring.

Figure 2. Remove the protective cap.

Figure 3. Before using the drug for the first time, squeeze the container several times, as if using a pump, until a light cloud appears.

Figure 4. Insert injection hole into nostril and inject.

Homeopathic medicines for children from allergies

Allergic reactions today tend to become more frequent in childhood. And while adults are more patient, itching and skin irritation as allergy symptoms are difficult for children to tolerate. They scratch the body until it bleeds and thereby contribute to the spread of infections. The drug Rhus tochicodendron is used to reduce itching that occurs with eczema, urticaria, and atopic dermatitis. Rus 3 has a similar purpose.

Belladonna 3 is prescribed by homeopaths at the first manifestations of allergies, skin redness and swelling.

Alumina 6 is a homeopathic remedy that helps with exacerbation of itching in a warm room.

Coffea 6 is used at night to soothe severe itching of a child's skin.

Ointments for external use are often prepared from the above-mentioned drugs. They are applied to children directly on the itching areas. Do this 2-3 days in a row.

Treating allergies with homeopathic remedies helps parents and children cope more peacefully at night, when itching and tingling of the skin traditionally increases.

It is worth noting that sometimes the use of such remedies for allergies in children leads to an increase in their mobility and strengthening of the immune system, provided that the advice of a homeopathic doctor is strictly followed. As a rule, having achieved stable remission, doctors prescribe medications to increase immunity and cleanse the child’s body.

Calming homeopathic preparations for children: for teething, for nervousness, for sleep

Most mothers know how difficult the teething period can be for children in the first year of life. At this time, children experience general discord in their bodies. These include fever, diarrhea, nervousness, and vomiting. Proven homeopathic remedies can help a girl or boy eliminate such accompanying symptoms. For example, Chamomilla (Chamomilla), or chamomile, is used for elevated body temperature and swollen gums. The drug is a sedative and relieves anxiety. If the baby’s teething occurs against the background of a cough, runny nose and excessive salivation, then the child can be helped by homeopathic mercury Mercurium solubilis.

Borax is a homeopathic corrector for gum pain and inflammation. It relieves pain and calms the baby when teething.

PS/: 2 days after the topic was created, a story about homeopathy was released on Channel One. Who is interested - here

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