OKI solution for local approx 16 mg/ml 150 ml bottle plast/pack of cards x1

"OKI" is a drug that has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects. Available in different forms:

  • granules (used to prepare a solution to be taken orally);
  • suppositories (candles) for children;
  • suppositories (candles) for adults;
  • solution (applied externally).

In all cases, the active ingredient is ketoprofen in the form of lysine salt. The drug is dispensed without a prescription, with the exception of granules. Storage conditions are standard - room temperature (no more than 25 degrees), moderate humidity, no access to children. The general shelf life is 2 years for solution, 3 years for suppositories for children, 5 years for suppositories for adults and 3 years for granules.

Solution "OKI": indications for use

The drug is indicated for use by adults and children over 7 years of age. Adults use medications to treat certain joint diseases associated with inflammatory processes:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • spondyloarthritis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • gouty type arthritis;
  • inflammation in the area of ​​periarticular tissue.

For children, the drug is indicated to relieve inflammatory processes that manifest themselves against the background of:

  • otitis;
  • diseases of bones, joints;
  • postoperative complications.

The solution is also used for gargling in the treatment of such pathologies;

  • pharyngitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • chronic periodontal disease;
  • tonsillitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • angina;
  • glossitis;
  • laryngitis.

Less commonly, the product is used during dental interventions. In this case, “OKI” is used as an anesthetic drug.


Oki (ketoprofen) is an NSAID whose precursor is methylacetic acid. It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. The pharmacological activity of the drug is a consequence of its ability to inhibit the activity of the enzyme cyclooxygenase, which takes part in the metabolic reactions of the precursor of pain and inflammation mediators arachidonic acid. Prostaglandins, in turn, are a kind of instigator of a “biochemical revolution” in the body in the form of pain, fever and inflammation. The analgesic effect of the drug develops according to two physiological patterns: peripheral (supported by inhibition of the formation of the prostaglandins already mentioned above) and central (associated with the suppression of the synthesis of prostaglandins in the central nervous system and the influence on the biological activity of other substances that can interact with neurons and are involved in the release of algogenic neurotransmitters in the spinal brain). In addition to this, the drug suppresses the activity of bradykinin, stabilizes the state of lysosome membranes, and inactivates neutrophil granulocytes in individuals with infectious nonspecific polyarthritis. Prevents platelets from sticking to each other. When taken orally and in suppositories, it is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Peak concentration in the blood is observed at 2-5 hours (oral form) and 45-60 minutes (suppositories) from the moment of administration. Almost all of the incoming amount of the drug interacts with plasma proteins. Undergoes metabolic transformations in the liver. Elimination from the body occurs mainly through urine and, to a lesser extent, through feces. Half-life is 1.5-2 hours. Used for infectious nonspecific polyarthritis, deforming arthrosis, ankylosing spondylitis, inflammation of periarticular tissues of large joints (joint capsule, ligaments, surrounding tendons and muscles), synovial membrane of joints, inflammation and degeneration of tendon tissue, inflammation of the joint capsule, spinal pain, muscle pain , sports and household injuries (dislocations, bruises, sprains), as part of combined pharmacotherapy for inflammation of the vessels of the venous and lymphatic beds (inflammation of the venous walls, tissues surrounding the vein, lymphatic vessels and superficial lymph nodes).

The dose of the drug (initial, loading, maintenance) is set individually depending on the clinical picture and individual characteristics of the patient. Possible side effects: epigastric pain, vomiting, involuntary eruption of stomach contents through the mouth, constipation or diarrhea, loss of appetite, stomach pain, liver dysfunction, headaches, partial loss of balance, tinnitus, sleep disorder accompanied by a constant or periodic desire to sleep during times not intended for sleep, renal dysfunction, bronchospasm. The drug is not used for ulcers and erosions of the stomach and duodenum in the acute phase, intolerance to aspirin, severe disorders of the liver and kidneys, pregnancy, individual intolerance to the active component and any salicylates (oral form - granules), inflammation of the rectum and bleeding from the , incl. preceding treatment (for suppositories), weeping dermatitis, eczematous skin lesions, bacterially contaminated wounds in the treatment area (for topical solution). Persons suffering from diseases of the liver or kidneys, the digestive tract, with signs of dyspepsia while taking the drug should be under regular medical supervision with monitoring of the main functional indicators of the liver and kidneys. It is not recommended to use the drug with other NSAIDs: this increases the risk of damage to the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. When OCIs are used together with antihypertensive drugs, the effect of taking the latter is reduced.


In some cases, the use of all forms of the drug is excluded:

  • increased sensitivity to individual components;
  • Aspirin asthma;
  • gastrointestinal ulcers in the acute stage;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • blood clotting problems, including hemophilia;
  • chronic kidney disease;
  • diverticulitis;
  • pregnancy (last stage);
  • lactation period;
  • children under 6 years of age (for using candles - children under 18 years of age).

In some cases, there is no strict prohibition on taking the drug. Patients with the following disorders can use it with caution:

  • anemia;
  • severe dehydration;
  • swelling;
  • sepsis;
  • liver failure;
  • increased bilirubin content;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic heart disease;
  • blood diseases;
  • high blood pressure.

Additional restrictions on taking suppositories and granules (with caution):

  • bad habits (drinking alcohol, smoking);
  • liver cirrhosis due to alcoholism;
  • elderly patients;
  • pregnancy (trimester 1 and 2).

A sore throat

Causes: Most often, a sore throat appears as one of the symptoms of an infectious disease. It is most often caused by two groups of pathogens:

  • viruses - sore throat with influenza, ARVI, etc.;
  • bacteria - pain with tonsillitis, pharyngitis, etc.

At the same time, a sore throat can have a non-infectious origin, for example, due to chemical irritation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, overload of the vocal cords.

Symptoms: with all the variety of manifestations, one can identify the main signs that distinguish a bacterial infection from infections caused by other pathogens (Table 1).


Prescription drugs that can be prescribed by doctors for severe infectious and inflammatory diseases of the throat include various systemic antimicrobial agents.

Systemic antibiotics

Purpose of use: etiological treatment of acute and chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases of the throat of bacterial origin.

Principle of action: suppression of the growth or reproduction of bacterial flora or its destruction.

Group representatives:

  • penicillins - amoxicillin + clavulanic acid (originators - Augmentin, Augmentin SR, generics - Amoxiclav, Arlet Panclave, etc.), amoxicillin (originator - Flemoxin Solutab, generics - Amoxicillin, etc.);
  • cephalosporins - cefixime (originators - Suprax, Suprax Solutab; generics - Pancef, etc.), cefuroxime (originator - Zinnat), etc.;
  • macrolides - josamycin (originators - Vilprafen, Vilprafen Solutab), clarithromycin (originators - Klacid, Klacid SR, generics - Klabaks, Fromilid, etc.), azithromycin (originator - Sumamed, generics - Hemomycin, AzitRus, Zitrolide forte, Ecomed, etc. ) and etc.

Notes to the pharmacist

  • Currently, throat diseases caused by group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus are considered as practically the only indication for systemic antibiotic therapy.

Microbial immunomodulators

Purpose of use: treatment and prevention of recurrent throat infections, incl. in frequently ill children.

Principle of action: stimulation of nonspecific and specific immunity (increased production of IgA antibodies) in response to the introduction of lysates or structural fragments of bacteria that most often cause ENT infections.

Representatives of the group: bacterial lysates (Ismigen), ribosomal proteoglycan fragments of bacteria (Ribomunil).

Notes to the pharmacist

  • Other microbial immunomodulators are approved for sale without a prescription (see section “OTC zone”).

OTC zone

The over-the-counter segment of medications used in the complex treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the throat includes numerous topical agents. They are the ones who can be recommended by the chief of staff if the client directly complains of a sore throat.

Local antiseptic/antibiotic based products

Rationale for the recommendation: suppress the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microbes in the mucous membranes of the throat and larynx, help relieve inflammation and pain due to the content of additional components.

Offer options:

  • products without antiseptics - lozenges Lizobakt, Strepsils, Faringosept, Falimint, etc., sprays Bioparox, Ingalipt, Kameton, Stopangin, etc., solutions Yox, Miramistin, Stopangin, etc.;
  • products with antiseptics - lozenges and sprays Anti-angin formula, Strepsils Plus, TeraFlu LAR, etc., TeraFlu LAR solution.

Notes to the pharmacist

  • Despite the local type of action, most drugs in this group are either contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women or used with caution (only after consulting a doctor). There are no contraindications or restrictions for use in these groups of patients: Lizobakt, Miramistin, Sangviritrin solution.
  • Many drugs in the group differ significantly in terms of age restrictions (Table 2).
  • All drugs in this group have an antibacterial effect. If the type of pathogen causing the throat infection is unknown, it may be advisable to choose a local antiseptic that acts on a wide range of pathogenic microbes - not only bacteria, but also viruses and fungi. Such universal antiseptics include drugs containing cetylpyridinium chloride (Grammidin line, Novosept forte, Septolete-Neo, Septolete plus), povidone-iodine (Yox), miramistin (Miramistin), benzoxonium chloride (TeraFlu LAR), lysozyme (Hexaliz, Lizobact) .
  • Antiseptics with anesthetics help to quickly relieve severe sore throat due to a local decrease in the sensitivity of the mucous membranes. Their use may be relevant for bacterial tonsillitis, a typical symptom of which is intense sore throat, incl. when swallowing.
  • It is not advisable to combine several drugs containing anesthetics due to the increased likelihood of side effects.

Local NSAIDs

Rationale for recommendation: due to the pronounced local anti-inflammatory effect, they help quickly relieve sore throat of any origin.

Offer options: benzydamine - Oralcept spray, Tantum Verde spray/solution/lozenges; ketoprofen - OKI solution; flurbiprofen - Strepsils Intensive lozenges.

Notes to the pharmacist

  • Benzydamine preparations (Oralsept, Tantum Verde, etc.), unlike other NSAIDs for the throat, have antibacterial and antifungal activity.
  • At the end of 2015, benzydamine in Russia took first place among local NSAIDs in terms of volume of prescriptions by otolaryngologists for acute tonsillopharyngitis**.
  • OCI and Strepsils Intensive are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women; Oralcept can be used after consultation with a doctor. It is possible to use drugs from the Tantum Verde line in these patients.
  • The lowest age threshold for use - from 3 years - is Oralcept spray, spray and Tantum Verde lozenges. OKI is approved for use from 6 years of age, Strepsils Intensive, as well as Tantum Verde solution - from 12. Tantum Verde Forte spray is contraindicated in children.
  • The advantages of drugs in the form of sprays (Oralsept, etc.) include ease of use, dosing accuracy (1 press = 1 dose), uniform irrigation of various areas of the sore throat.


Rationale for the recommendation: they strengthen specific and non-specific anti-infectious immunity to pathogens of ENT infections, and are used for the prevention and complex treatment of frequently recurring infectious diseases of the throat.

Offer options:

  • local forms - Imudon lozenges, IRS 19 nasal spray (microbial immunomodulators);
  • forms for oral administration - sublingual tablets Galavit, microbial immunomodulators (capsules Broncho-Vaxom, Broncho-munal, Broncho-munal P).

Notes to the pharmacist

  • This group of drugs is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating patients.
  • IRS 19 is approved for use from 3 months of age, Imudon, Likopid (1 mg), children's forms of Broncho-vaxoma and Broncho-munal - from 3 years, Galavit - from 6 years. Broncho-vaxom adult and Broncho-munal are used from 12 years of age.
  • During the use of microbial immunomodulators, body temperature may rise to febrile levels.
  • You cannot take several microbial immunostimulants at the same time.

Systemic NSAIDs

Rationale for recommendation: they have a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. They can be used if a sore throat is not relieved by local remedies or is accompanied by a pronounced rise in temperature (sore throat, flu, etc.).

Offer options:

  • tablets Aspirin, Voltaren-akti, Nalgesin, Nurofen Express and other preparations of acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen;
  • Nurofen suspension or suppositories for children.

Notes to the pharmacist

  • This group of drugs is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating patients or used with caution.
  • Tablet forms of over-the-counter NSAIDs are used only in adult patients (from 12 years of age, Aspirin - strictly from 15 years of age). Nurofen suspension and suppositories for children are approved for use from 6 months of age.
  • Without a doctor's prescription, over-the-counter NSAIDs can be used for no more than three days as antipyretics and no more than five days as pain relievers.

Non-medicinal range

Rapid test for diagnosing streptococcal sore throat

Rationale for recommendation: used for home self-diagnosis of diseases caused by group A β-hemolytic streptococcus.

Suggestion options: Streptatest.

Notes to the pharmacist

The device may be useful for a patient with a sore throat before visiting the clinic. Doctors for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the throat often prescribe antibiotics empirically - without prior examination of the pathogenic flora. Negative test results for streptococcus may free the patient from unnecessary and potentially dangerous antibiotic use.

Topical throat remedies with sea salt

Rationale for the recommendation: cleanse the mucous membranes of the throat and larynx from microbes, maintain their normal physiological state, and help reduce inflammation. Used as an addition to local medications.

Offer options: AquaLOR throat sprays with aloe and Roman chamomile, Aqua Maris for the throat, etc.

Notes to the pharmacist

These products may also be useful to the buyer for preventing new episodes of throat infections.

Non-medicinal throat lozenges

Rationale for recommendation: have a softening effect on the mucous membrane of the throat, help reduce inflammation. Can be used throughout the day in addition to medications.

Offer options: lollipops and lozenges Dr. Theiss Swiss herbs with honey and vitamin C, Carmolis with honey, Weeding, Terra-plant sage, etc.

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– * Synovate Comcon (Pharma-Q, HealthIndex, pharmacist opinion - Spring 2015). ** Synovate Comcon, according to the spring waves of the PrIndex study in 5 cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and N. Novgorod.

Side effects from rinsing "OKI"

The use of a rinse solution, as a rule, does not cause side effects, since the liquid does not penetrate inside or enters in small quantities. Allergic reactions are rarely possible.

If the solution is used internally, as well as taking suppositories, the following side effects are possible:

  • abdominal pain;
  • dyspnea;
  • diarrhea;
  • ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stomatitis;
  • increased bilirubin concentration;
  • dizziness;
  • unexplained mood changes;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • itching, rashes;
  • hives;
  • discomfort when urinating;
  • swelling;
  • cystitis;
  • vasculitis;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • chest pain;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • swelling of the pharynx.

Solution "OKI": instructions for use

To treat joint diseases, prepare a solution and take it orally. The instructions are simple:

  1. Take 1 sachet.
  2. Dissolve the contents in half a glass of water.
  3. Visually divide the volume into 3 parts and drink 3 times a day while eating.

Adults take the full dosage, children take half the dose. It is advisable for elderly patients to consult a doctor; the dose may be adjusted downward.

Instructions for use of candles

Suppositories are also used to treat joint diseases. They are administered rectally; the quantity and frequency of administration depends on the patient’s age:

  1. Children under 12 years old - 1 suppository with a dosage of the active substance of 60 mg 1 or 2 times a day.
  2. Children over 12, but under 18 years old - the same with an increase in the total amount up to 3 times in essence.
  3. Adults – 1 suppository 2 or 3 times a day.
  4. Elderly patients - 1 suppository 1 or 2 times a day.


The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor. Children and adolescents can take suppositories for no more than 5 days in a row.

"OKI" for rinsing: instructions

A ready-made solution is used to treat sore throat, stomatitis and other diseases of the oral cavity. With its help, 2 rinses are done per day, and 10 ml should be used once, which corresponds to 5 injections. You should proceed like this:

  1. Pour water up to half the volume into the glass supplied with the preparation.
  2. Inject exactly 10 ml of solution.
  3. Mix, put on the dispenser.
  4. Give 5 consecutive injections into the throat (for teenagers - a maximum of 3 injections).
  5. Repeat the procedure in the evening.

Oki solution for local use 16 mg/ml bottle with dose 150 ml


Active substance: ketoprofen lysine salt 16 mg. Excipients: glycerol - 200 mg, ethanol - 0.05 ml, methyl p-hydroxybenzoate - 1.5 mg, mint flavor - 3 mg, menthol - 0.7 mg, sodium saccharin - 2 mg, verde chertosa (brilliant green) - 0.16 mg , sodium hydrogen phosphate - 22 mg, purified water - 1 ml.


Ketoprofen is absorbed very slowly and practically does not accumulate in the body. Bioavailability is 5%. Ketoprofen penetrates into the subcutaneous tissue, ligaments and muscles, synovial fluid and reaches therapeutic concentrations there. The concentration of the drug in the blood plasma is extremely low. Ketoprofen is metabolized in the liver to form conjugates, which are mainly excreted in the urine. Ketoprofen is characterized by slow excretion in urine.

Indications for use

Symptomatic treatment of inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract - tonsillitis (sore throat), laryngitis, pharyngitis; inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity - stomatitis, gingivitis, glossitis, aphtha, periodontopathy, chronic periodontal disease; as an analgesic during dental procedures.


  • hypersensitivity to ketoprofen;
  • hypersensitivity to salicylates, tiaprofenic acid or other NSAIDs, fenofibrate, UV blockers, fragrances;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin (eczema, weeping dermatitis, open or infected wound);
  • indications in the anamnesis of attacks of bronchial asthma caused by taking NSAIDs and salicylates;
  • history of photosensitivity reactions;
  • exposure to sunlight, incl. indirect sunlight and UV irradiation in a solarium throughout the entire treatment period and for another 2 weeks after stopping treatment;
  • III trimester of pregnancy;
  • children under 15 years of age.


Impaired liver and/or kidney function, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, blood diseases, bronchial asthma, chronic heart failure.

Directions for use and doses

Two rinses per day, 10 ml of solution per dose.

10 ml of solution should be measured using the measuring cup included in the package and diluted in 100 ml (half a glass) of drinking water.

To open the bottle, press firmly on the top of the cap and turn counterclockwise. After use, screw the cap back on tightly.

Accidental ingestion of the solution does not lead to serious consequences, because a single dose for rinsing contains 160 mg of ketoprofen lysine, which corresponds to the dose intended for oral administration.

Storage conditions

Store out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Best before date

2 years. Do not use the drug after the date indicated on the package.

special instructions

It is necessary to avoid contact of this product with the eyes, the skin around the eyes, and mucous membranes.

Ketoprofen can be used externally in combination with oral administration. The total daily dose, regardless of the dosage form, should not exceed 200 mg.

To reduce the risk of developing photosensitivity, it is recommended to protect skin areas treated with ketoprofen with clothing from exposure to ultraviolet radiation throughout the entire treatment period and for another 2 weeks after stopping use of the gel.

Do not use as occlusive dressings.


NSAIDs for topical use in ENT practice and dentistry.

Dosage form

The solution for topical use is transparent, green in color, with a characteristic mint odor.

Use in children

Contraindication: children under 15 years of age.


NSAIDs. It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effects. Inhibits the activity of COX, which leads to inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis. In addition, ketoprofen inhibits lipoxygenase, bradykinin synthesis, stabilizes lysosomal membranes and prevents the release of enzymes involved in the inflammatory process.

Ketoprofen does not have a negative effect on the condition of articular cartilage.

Side effects

Allergic reactions: very rarely - angioedema, anaphylaxis.

From the skin and subcutaneous fat: infrequently - erythema, itching, burning, eczema, mild transient dermatitis; rarely - urticaria, rash, photosensitivity, bullous dermatitis, purpura, erythema multiforme, lichenoid dermatitis, skin necrosis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome; very rarely - a single case of severe contact dermatitis (due to poor hygiene and insolation), a single case of severe generalized photodermatitis, toxic epidermal necrolysis.

From the respiratory system: very rarely - asthmatic attacks (as a variant of an allergic reaction).

From the urinary system: very rarely - deterioration of renal function in patients with chronic renal failure.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Use is contraindicated in the third trimester of pregnancy. Use in the first and second trimesters is possible in cases where the expected benefit of therapy for the mother outweighs the potential risk for the fetus.

Use during lactation (breastfeeding) is not recommended.


Since the concentration of ketoprofen in the blood plasma is extremely low, symptoms of interaction with other drugs (similar symptoms with systemic use) are possible only with frequent and prolonged use.

The simultaneous use of other topical products containing ketoprofen or other NSAIDs is not recommended.

Simultaneous administration of acetylsalicylic acid reduces the degree of binding of ketoprofen to plasma proteins.

Ketoprofen reduces the excretion of methotrexate and increases its toxicity.

Patients taking coumarin-containing anticoagulant drugs are advised to undergo treatment under medical supervision.


Currently, no cases of overdose with OCI have been reported.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

There is no data on the negative effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles and engage in other potentially hazardous activities that require concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

special instructions

Taking OKI in the form of a rinse solution does not affect the ability to drive a car or operate machinery, since it does not reduce reaction and performance. However, when taking the drug orally, as well as suppositories, inhibition is possible, so it is better to refrain from such activities.

If during the course of "OKI" the patient becomes infected with an infection, he may not have the corresponding symptoms for some time, since the drug masks them.

If the patient has persistent dysfunction of the liver and kidneys, the dosage of ketoprofen should be reduced. There is also a risk of an asthma attack. In such cases, taking the medicine is allowed only in consultation with the doctor. If a woman is planning a pregnancy, it is better for her to refrain from using OKI orally and use alternative drugs.

Oki 1.6% 150ml rinse solution Dompe Pharmaceutici S.p.A.

pharmachologic effect

Other drugs for the treatment of oral diseases.

Composition and release form Oka 1.6% 150ml rinse solution Dompe Pharmaceutici sp.a.

Solution - 10 ml:

  • Active ingredient: ketoprofen lysine (ketoprofen lysine salt) - 160.0 mg;
  • Excipients: glycerol 85% 2000.0 mg, ethanol 0.5 ml, methyl parahydroxybenzoate 15.0 mg, mint flavor 30.0 mg, levomenthol 7.0 mg, sodium saccharinate 20.0 mg, Verde chergoza dye (diamond green) 1.6 mg, sodium hydrogen phosphate to pH 6.0-6.5. purified water up to 10 ml.

150 ml of the drug in a plastic bottle. The bottle is closed with a child-resistant plastic cap.

1 bottle complete with a polypropylene measuring cup and instructions for use in a cardboard box.

Description of the dosage form

A transparent green solution with a characteristic mint odor.



Directions for use and doses

Two rinses per day, 10 ml of solution per dose.

10 ml of solution should be measured using the measuring cup included in the package and diluted in 100 ml (half a glass) of drinking water.

To open the bottle, press firmly on the top of the cap and turn counterclockwise. After use, screw the cap back on tightly.

Accidental ingestion of the solution does not lead to serious consequences, because a single dose for rinsing contains 160 mg of ketoprofen lysine, which corresponds to the dose intended for oral administration.


Has anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. By inhibiting cyclooxygenase types I and II, it inhibits the synthesis of inflammatory mediators (prostaglandins, thromboxane, etc.). Stabilizes lysosome membranes and delays the release of enzymes that contribute to tissue destruction during inflammation. Inhibits the activity of neutrophils. Has antibradykinin activity.

The drug does not have an antibacterial effect.


A single dose of 160 mg results in a plasma drug level of less than 400 ng/ml, which is insufficient for systemic action.

Indications for use Oka 1.6% 150ml rinse solution Dompe Farmacheutichi sp.a.

Symptomatic treatment of inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract - tonsillitis (sore throat), laryngitis, pharyngitis; inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity - stomatitis, gingivitis, glossitis, aphtha, periodontopathy, chronic periodontal disease; as an analgesic during dental procedures.


Hypersensitivity to ketoprofen and other components of the drug, acetylsalicylic acid or other NSAIDs, complete or incomplete combination of bronchial asthma, recurrent nasal polyposis or paranasal sinuses and intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid and other NSAIDs (including a history), children's age (up to 12 years) .

With caution: erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract (exacerbation), Crohn's disease, diverticulitis, peptic ulcer, hemophilia and other bleeding disorders, chronic heart failure, bronchial asthma, old age, pregnancy (I and II trimester).

Application of Oka 1.6% 150ml rinse solution Dompe Farmacheutichi sp.a. during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of the drug in the third trimester of pregnancy is contraindicated.

The use of the drug in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy is possible only after consultation with a doctor, if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

The use of the drug during breastfeeding is not recommended.

special instructions

Long-term use may cause hypersensitivity reactions. In this case, you should stop using the drug and select adequate treatment methods.

When using high doses and a long course of treatment, absorbed ketoprofen can compete with other drugs that have a high affinity for plasma proteins.

The drug contains methyl parahydroxybenzoate, which can cause allergic reactions (including delayed allergic reactions).

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

There is no data on the negative effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles and engage in other potentially hazardous activities that require concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.


Currently, no cases of overdose with OCI have been reported.

Side effects of Oka 1.6% 150ml rinse solution Dompe Farmacheutichi sp.a.

Allergic reactions.

Drug interactions

Not found.

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