Review of contraceptive suppositories Patentex Oval N

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Patentex Oval N is a contraceptive with spermocidal action. The suppositories melt in the vagina and form foam, which creates a mechanical barrier that prevents sperm from penetrating into the uterus. The active component of the suppositories causes fragmentation, reduces sperm motility and death within a few seconds. In addition, it has antifungal, antimicrobial, and antiviral effects. Thus, the drug can be considered as a prophylactic against sexually transmitted infections.


Data not provided.

Advantages and disadvantages of Patentex Oval contraceptive suppositories

Patentex Oval spermicidal suppositories are popular among women of different social groups. They have advantages over other methods of birth control:

  • can be used in sexually active women at any age;
  • do not affect the menstrual cycle and hormonal levels;
  • act locally, therefore they are suitable for women with diseases of the liver, blood vessels and other organs, when hormones are contraindicated;
  • do not affect the vaginal microflora;
  • do not require special skills or calculations;
  • before starting use, you do not need to visit a doctor and undergo an examination;
  • can be combined with other contraceptives;
  • can be used as a lubricant;
  • protect against sexually transmitted infections.

But Patentex contraceptive suppositories are not suitable for all women ; there is always the possibility of individual intolerance. Other disadvantages of the drug are:

  • connection with sexual intercourse, the need to use every time before sex;
  • an exposure period that lasts 10 minutes so that the drug has time to dissolve;
  • increased amount of discharge during sexual intercourse;
  • prohibition of toileting of genitals for 6 hours.

You should not shower, douche, or use soap immediately after sex. This will destroy the protective vaginal film and may lead to pregnancy.

Attention! A new suppository is required for each sexual intercourse, even if the interval between them is more than an hour. A man may have residual ejaculate in his urethra, which involuntarily flows into the genital tract.

Patentex Oval N candles, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Before sexual intercourse, the suppository is inserted deep into the vagina, it should be in contact with the cervix. In 10 minutes. the substance is evenly distributed and the activity of the drug is manifested. In case of prolonged intercourse or repeated acts (even if the interval between them is less than 1 hour), additional administration of a suppository is necessary.

The instructions for Patentex Oval N contain a warning that after sexual intercourse you should not perform vaginal toileting for 6 hours, since the contraceptive effect of the drug may be lost. It is possible to use the drug for a long time.

Patentex Oval N

Release form, composition and packaging

Vaginal suppositories are white, cylindrical, without inclusions in the longitudinal section, the presence of an air rod or funnel-shaped depression is allowed. 1 sup. nonoxynol-9 75 mg. Excipients: polyethylene glycol (macrogol) 1500, polyethylene glycol (macrogol) 1000, tartaric acid, sodium bicarbonate, sodium lauryl sulfate.

Clinical and pharmacological group: Vaginal contraceptive with spermicidal action.

pharmachologic effect

Vaginal contraceptive with spermicidal effect.

Patentex Oval N suppositories melt at body temperature and, regardless of the amount of vaginal secretion, form foam. The drug reduces the surface tension of the lipid membrane of sperm and irreversibly paralyzes their ability to move. The drug has a mechanical effect, because The spermicidal substance, evenly distributed in the vagina, forms a stable barrier that prevents the penetration of sperm into the uterus.

The drug Patentex Oval N has a preventive effect against sexually transmitted infections.


Data on the pharmacokinetics of the drug Patentex Oval N are not provided.



  • if necessary, occasional protection from pregnancy (including with irregular sexual activity);
  • with an irregular menstrual cycle;
  • if a woman wishes, use contraception regardless of her partner;
  • if necessary, stop (short or long term) the use of oral hormonal contraceptives;
  • with the simultaneous use of drugs that reduce the effectiveness of oral hormonal contraceptives;
  • if there are contraindications to the use of oral contraceptives or to the use of intrauterine contraception.

Dosage regimen

A prerequisite for the effectiveness of Patentex Ovala N is its correct use. Before use, the suppository is removed from the blister at the marked location. Before each sexual intercourse, the suppository is inserted deep into the vagina. The drug becomes active 10 minutes after administration. During this time, the active spermicidal substance is evenly distributed throughout the vagina and forms a stable barrier that prevents the passage of sperm into the uterus.

During prolonged sexual intercourse (more than 1 hour), repeated administration of another suppository is necessary. Before each new sexual intercourse, it is necessary to re-administer the suppository, even in cases where the time interval between two sexual acts is less than 1 hour. It is possible to use Patentex Ovala N for a long period of time.

Side effect

The drug is well tolerated by both partners. In rare cases, a feeling of warmth appears. If the vaginal microflora is disturbed, there may be a feeling of itching and burning in the vagina (or penis).


  • abnormal development of the genital organs;
  • cervical erosion;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Pregnancy and lactation

Data on the safety and effectiveness of the drug during lactation (breastfeeding) are not provided.


To date, no cases of overdose of Patentex Oval N have been reported.

Drug interactions

Patentex Oval N is practically not subject to systemic absorption, so interaction with other drugs is unlikely.

Storage conditions and periods

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life: 2.5 years. The drug should not be used after the expiration date indicated on the packaging.


Level 4 ATC code matches: Nonoxynol





Contraceptin T (suppositories), Pharmatex (cream, vaginal tablets and capsules, tampon), Nonoxynol (suppositories), Sterilin (suppositories).

Where to buy Patentex Oval N candles?

You can buy vaginal suppositories at the pharmacy for about 440 rubles per pack of 6 suppositories. But the demand for them is low, so not every pharmacy purchases this product. It is recommended to store birth control suppositories out of the reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C, to avoid their melting and deformation. It is not necessary to store suppositories in the refrigerator; a dark cabinet in a dry place is sufficient. The shelf life of the drug is indicated on the packaging, most often it is 2 years.

Reviews about Patentex Oval N

Patentex Oval N suppositories are chemical methods of contraception. The main spermicides that have a detrimental effect on sperm are nonoxynol-9 (as in this case) and benzalkonium chloride ( Pharmatex ).

Reviews from a gynecologist note the advantages of this method, which include the short duration of action of the chemical, the absence of systemic action of suppositories, a small number of unwanted reactions and simultaneous protection against sexually transmitted infections (the chemical nonoxynol has a bactericidal and viruscidal effect). It inhibits the growth of chlamydia , mycoplasma , gardenerella , gonococcus , ureaplasma , and trichomonas . At the same time, doctors also recognize disadvantages: the possibility of allergic reactions and low contraceptive effectiveness, which is assessed by the Pearl index. The lower the index, the more reliable the method. In this case it is 6-20. For comparison, oral hormonal contraception has a Pearl index of 0.1-0.9 - this is a very effective method. When compared with Pharmatex , the active substance benzalkonium chloride is 4 times more effective in terms of spermicidal action and has a Pearl index of 0.68. When combining intravaginal spermicides and barrier contraception, the effect increases.

Contraceptive suppositories, reviews of which vary widely, have several features of use. First, you should not use soap before or after their use, as it neutralizes the effect of the drug. Secondly, before repeating the act, you need to use a new candle.

“... They fit me, I’m glad that I found a convenient method of protection for myself. They don’t cause discomfort and don’t foam.” “... It’s convenient and reliable for me - in six months of use it has never let me down.” “... Much more profitable in monetary terms compared to oral contraceptives. You can use it as needed, and not drink constantly, like hormones. I consider this a plus. I didn’t have any irritation.” “... For irregular sexual intercourse, it is very convenient, much better than pills and more profitable. There are no unpleasant sensations. “... It may leak if the candle is not inserted correctly. I read that the method is not reliable.” "… Did not like. The candle melts instantly, even upon contact with your fingers. After them, there was an incredible burning sensation in the vagina, the irritation intensified and the burning became constant and very strong.” “... I used it just once and my husband and I developed an unbearable burning sensation. A few days later, thrush started.” “... Personally, they didn’t suit me, as there was severe irritation after 5 times of use.”

Composition of contraceptive suppositories Patentex Oval N

Patentex Oval N nightwear contains nonoxynol. This is a spermicidal substance that, after dissolving the suppository, forms foam in the vagina. Its amount does not depend on the initial moisture content of the mucous membrane.

The sperm membrane is composed of a stable phospholipid membrane. The active substance of the spermicidal suppository reduces the surface tension of lipids, which leads to suppression of the motility of germ cells and their destruction. A similar effect manifests itself in relation to bacteria, viruses, and fungi. But nonoxynol does not affect the vaginal microflora.

The effectiveness of the drug is high, but the duration of action is on average about an hour. Therefore, if sexual intercourse lasts a long time, a repeated dose is necessary.

Indications and contraindications for use

Patentex Oval contraceptive suppositories are used for contraception in the following cases:

  • with rare sexual intercourse;
  • with contraindications to other drugs;
  • for the prevention of infectious diseases;
  • in women of late reproductive age instead of a lubricant;
  • in case of violation of the regimen of taking contraceptive pills or a forced break;
  • if the menstrual cycle is disrupted, if the disruption does not allow you to use the calendar method.

The drug is well tolerated, but to reduce the risk of unwanted effects, it is not recommended to use it in the following conditions:

  • colpitis, vaginitis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the ovaries, uterus;
  • individual intolerance;
  • cervical erosion.

If you have previously experienced burning and itching when using nonoxynol, you can try replacing it with Pharmatex or Benatex, which has a different active ingredient.

Features of use in pregnant and lactating women

Patentex Oval contraceptive suppositories act locally and are not absorbed from the surface of the mucous membrane. Therefore, its use in lactating women is allowed.

Pregnant women do not need to use birth control. Only when changing partners do you need protection from possible sexually transmitted infections. You can use Patentex for this, but its protection is lower than that of a condom.

Analogs of contraceptive suppositories Patentex Oval

You can find analogues of the drug that have similar reliability, composition and mechanism of action.
Pharmacies offer Nonoxynol suppositories, which cost about 330 rubles. The mechanism of action of nonoxynol is similar to other spermicidal suppositories. Replacement with Pharmatex, Benatex, which contain benzalkonium chloride, is allowed. It also contributes to the destruction of the sperm membrane, has similar indications and contraindications, and therefore can be used as an equivalent replacement.

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