Prevention of colds: how to protect your body from infections

For what diseases are antiviral drugs prescribed?

The name of the group of drugs under consideration clearly demonstrates their main purpose - the treatment of numerous viral diseases, and in some cases - the prevention of such diseases. The most common viral infections include:

  • flu;
  • ARVI (acute respiratory viral infections);
  • viral hepatitis (B and C);
  • herpes;
  • HIV and many others.

Classification of viral infections is usually carried out according to the organ or vital system on which they affect. This criterion allows us to divide diseases into the following categories:

  1. Respiratory . The upper respiratory tract is affected. The usual mode of transmission is airborne. The main symptoms are cough, runny nose, high temperature. Examples are influenza, adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, coronaviruses and many others.
  2. Gastrointestinal . The method of transmission is oral. The main symptoms are diarrhea and vomiting. Examples are rotaviruses, adenoviruses, astroviruses.
  3. Neurological . They affect the nervous system. Usually carried by insects. A typical example is encephalitis.
  4. Dermatotropic . Affects mucous membranes and skin. Often cause cancer. Examples: herpes, papillomas.
  5. Liver infections . Method of transmission: blood, oral, secretions. Includes five types of hepatitis.

It is important to note that the number of diseases caused by viruses is extremely large. As well as the number of drugs classified as antiviral. An additional and very significant point is the fact that many medicines have a narrow specialization, that is, they are aimed at treating a specific disease. Therefore, their appointment is made exclusively by a doctor who is professionally versed in this issue.

Effective prevention of influenza and ARVI

Prevention of acute respiratory infections involves maintaining a healthy lifestyle, replenishing vitamin deficiencies and deficiencies of macro- and microelements. During the epidemic, it is recommended to avoid public places, wear protective masks and pay attention to wet cleaning of premises and regular ventilation.

Additional prevention includes vaccination against influenza - optional, but mandatory for people at risk, for example, with immunodeficiencies. Vaccination against streptococcus is also performed. Seasonal and emergency prophylaxis involve the use of specific immunomodulatory agents2.

What groups of drugs are classified as antiviral?

Antiviral drugs include very diverse drugs. Most of them are intended to treat a specific disease, which becomes one of the key criteria for classification. There are several groups of the most common antiviral drugs.


The most numerous category of medicines. There are two main subgroups of drugs: neuraminidase inhibitors and M2 ion channel blockers. For greater clarity, it makes sense to give specific examples. The former include such well-known drugs as zanamivir and oseltamivir, the latter – amantadine and rimantadine.

The remaining anti-influenza drugs are included in a separate subgroup. These include: Kagocel, interferon, alpha-2b and many others. Interferons are often classified into a separate group, which is due to the presence of several varieties and high efficiency.

It is important to note that the name anti-influenza is very arbitrary. The fact is that such drugs are active against respiratory viruses, which cause almost all colds - influenza, ARVI, sore throat, etc.


Herpes is one of the most common diseases. Its main symptom is characteristic rashes that appear on some parts of the body, for example, the lips.


They are drugs that slow down and prevent the development of HIV infection. Their regular use prevents the destruction of the immune system.

How to choose antiviral drugs

Self-administration of antiviral drugs can hardly be called the correct method of treatment, regardless of the type of disease and the characteristics of its course. The best course of action is to consult a doctor, especially in a situation where the patient is a child or a pregnant/lactating woman.

The main criterion for choosing a suitable drug is the type of viral disease. It is determined based on symptoms that are very different, for example, for herpes, hepatitis B and influenza. Therefore, you should take the issue as seriously and responsibly as possible, do not self-medicate and entrust the solution to professional doctors.

Complications of respiratory infections

The most dangerous complication of ARVI is infectious-toxic shock. It develops in patients with influenza infection who are not receiving treatment and are often weakened. Requires immediate medical attention, but is rare outside the epidemic period.

The most common complication is the addition of a bacterial infection. The definition criterion is the duration of fever over 3-5 days with progression of clinical manifestations. In such situations, it is necessary to include antibacterial therapy.

Help prevent the development of complications:

  • Seasonal prevention of acute respiratory infections;
  • Maintaining immunity;
  • Timely treatment of viral infections.

The problem is that patients visit doctors late - 3-4 days after the onset of ARVI, when the risk of bacteria (especially during an epidemic period) approaches 100%. Prophylactic antibiotics are not prescribed for the development of acute respiratory infections.

The best inexpensive antiviral drugs

The list of effective antiviral drugs is regularly updated. Although some drugs have been present in it for quite a long time. It is advisable to list the most popular in Russia today in the form of a table.

Name of medicine Features and scope
Arbidol Available in several versions, usually in capsules, less often in tablets. Widely used for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, including influenza. Effectively solves the following problems:

· preventing the virus from entering the cells of the human body;

· reducing the duration and severity of the disease;

· activation of the immune system.

Can be used by children over 3 years of age. Minimizes the risk of complications after ARVI.

Tamiflu Available in capsules. The active substance of the drug is oseltamivir phosphate. The drug is effective against two types of influenza - A and B. It is used for treatment and prevention. Approved for use by children starting from 1 year.
Amiksin Available in tablets. Used to treat a wide range of viral diseases, including tuberculosis, herpes, hepatitis, pneumonia and many others. Belongs to the group of interferons. Suppresses the ability of the virus to reproduce, which explains the high effectiveness of the drug.
Ingavirin A popular form of release is capsules. Used for colds. Has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Particularly effective against adenovirus, parainfluenza, and some coronaviruses. Helps increase interferon levels, has low toxicity, stimulates leukocytes to increase activity.
Kagocel Available in tablets. It is considered the best flu remedy for children over 3 years of age and adults. They stand out among other antiviral drugs due to their lack of toxicity. It is often prescribed together with antibiotics, which allows for an additive effect (mutual reinforcement).
Lavomax Available in film-coated tablets. The active substance is tilorone, which actively induces the synthesis of interferon. It is used for acute hepatitis, herpes zoster, chicken pox and other similar diseases. Effective against influenza and ARVI. Acts on viruses by suppressing reproduction.

Nobasite Available in film-coated tablets. Belongs to the group of interferons. Prevents the penetration of viruses through cell membranes. Minimizes the negative consequences of the disease and reduces its duration. It is usually prescribed as part of complex therapy, enhancing the effects of other medications, including antibiotics.
Triazavirin Available in capsules. Prescribed for the treatment of diseases caused by RNA viruses. Often used together with other medications. Not for use during pregnancy.
Ergoferon The main form of release is dissolvable tablets. It has a complex effect - antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory. The high effectiveness of the drug has been proven experimentally and clinically. Used for coronavirus, influenza, and other acute respiratory viral infections. It is allowed to prescribe to children starting from 6 months of age.
Viferon Available in the form of a gel for local and external use. Has a long lasting effect. Prescribed as part of complex therapy. The active substance of the drug is interferon alpha-2b.
Grippferon. Available in the form of a nasal spray for topical use. Effective against ARVI and influenza. Prescribed for adults and children. The medicine can be used by pregnant and lactating women. The only possible side effect is a local allergy, but such cases are extremely rare in practice.
Areplevir A popular form of release is tablets. The active ingredient is favipiravir. Effective against COVID-19. It is considered the most effective drug against the new coronavirus infection. Not used during pregnancy. It has no other serious contraindications.
Ingaron Available in powder form for preparing a solution. The active ingredient is interferon gamma, which activates the immune system. It is used intranasally. Effective against hepatitis B and C, pulmonary tuberculosis, HIV and a number of other viral infections. Allowed for children over 7 years of age. Contraindicated for pregnant women.
Cycloferon Available in coated tablets. Used against influenza, ARVI, herpes. Capable of suppressing the virus in the early stages of infection. Significantly reduces the severity and duration of the disease.

The list of antiviral drugs given in the table is far from complete. It is constantly expanding with new drugs developed and released to the market by pharmaceutical companies every year.

What's next?

In the future, the improvement of therapy will go in the direction of reducing the duration of treatment by increasing the power of the antiviral action of drugs, as well as in the direction of creating a drug that is equally effective against all genotypes of the virus, and developing easy-to-use composite drugs - one tablet will contain 2 or 3 direct acting drug. Taking one tablet a day for what appears to be 6-8 weeks will be enough to completely eliminate the hepatitis C virus.

Chronic hepatitis C virus infection is the first chronic infection in the world that can realistically be eradicated not through a vaccine (which does not exist) but through effective treatment.


What diseases are treated with antiviral drugs?

The main feature of viral diseases is their multiplicity and heterogeneity. They affect a variety of organs and systems of the human body, from the respiratory tract (influenza, ARVI, coronavirus) and liver (various types of hepatitis) to the nervous system (encephalitis) and mucous membranes (herpes).

What drugs are antiviral?

Considering the previous answer, it becomes clear that antiviral drugs combine a large group of drugs, both highly specialized and broad-spectrum. It is simply impossible to list everything. As well as giving a classification recognized by everyone - such heterogeneous and diverse drugs are considered antiviral.

How to choose the right antiviral agent?

The answer is extremely simple - by consulting a doctor. Most viral diseases are fraught with serious consequences, and therefore you should not self-medicate. Moreover, modern antiviral drugs have an extremely strong effect on the body, which, if used incorrectly, can cause significant harm.

What antiviral drugs are most commonly used?

The most popular drugs of this type in Russia are: Arbidol, Cycloferon, Triazavirin, Amiksin and many others.

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