"Acarbose" for weight loss: reviews, mechanism of action, instructions for use

For some people, the desire to lose weight is as strong as their laziness. In modern society, many people do not want to do anything, but at the same time they passionately dream of a chiseled figure. Of course, this request is far from reality, especially considering the large amount of fast food and other high-calorie delicacies that await us at almost every turn. That's why the search for a universal recipe for slimness stops. There are no magic pills that will solve your problems once and for all. So what should we do?

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug subjects oligo- and polysaccharides to hydrolysis reactions by competitively inhibiting pancreatic alpha-amylase and intestinal membrane-bound alpha-glucosidases . Under the influence of Acarbose, di- , oligo- and trisaccharides into various monosaccharides and glucose in the lumen of the small intestine. The intensity of formation and absorption of glucose in the intestine decreases, and the daily level of glucose in the blood stabilizes. The drug does not stimulate insulin and does not lead to hypoglycemia .

The substance is not mutagenic and does not affect fertility or the ability to reproduce in general.

When systematically taking the drug in patients with impaired glucose tolerance, the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus , myocardial infarction and cardiovascular diseases is reduced.

Acarbose has a low degree of systemic absorption, about 35%. Bioavailability is about 1-2%. The maximum concentration of the substance itself is observed in the blood an hour after administration, and its metabolites - after 14 hours - a day.

In persons suffering from renal failure, the level of maximum concentration increases up to 5 times, in elderly patients this figure increases by 1.5 times.

The drug is metabolized in the digestive tract with the participation of intestinal bacteria and digestive enzymes; Acarbose has about 13 metabolites. These are mainly derivatives of 4-methylpyrogallol . The unchanged substance (about half the dose) is excreted in the feces within 96 hours. About 35% of the drug is excreted in the form of metabolites through the kidneys. The half-life is 4 hours (distribution phase) and up to 10 hours (elimination phase).

Active substance

It is almost impossible to purchase it without a doctor's prescription. Of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to convince an endocrinologist that you need him to correct figure defects. This is a medical drug, the use of which must be justified. In addition, when taking Acarbose and other medications together, side effects may increase.

The active ingredient is acarbose, a blocker of alpha-glucosidase, a pancreatic enzyme. It is what breaks down complex sugars into glucose and fructose. Let's stop here a little, because it is important to understand how the drug works and why Acarbose helps you lose weight. Reviews from doctors are not very optimistic; they simply do not recommend experimenting with your health.

So, an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor inhibits the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates in the small intestine. Consequently, the rise in blood glucose after consuming carbohydrate-containing foods is reduced. As a result, your body receives fewer calories, which leads to gradual weight loss.


The drug is contraindicated for use:

  • if you are allergic to Acarbose;
  • patients with diabetic ketoacidosis , liver cirrhosis ;
  • for chronic and acute inflammatory bowel diseases, accompanied by digestive and absorption disorders;
  • patients with Roemheld syndrome ;
  • nursing women;
  • for pathologies of the digestive tract, accompanied by ulcerative colitis , flatulence , intestinal obstruction (including partial);
  • patients with intestinal strictures and ulcers, large hernias;
  • for chronic renal failure ;
  • during pregnancy .

Caution is exercised when taking Acarbose:

  • patients with infections, injuries, after surgery;
  • in a state of fever ;
  • persons under 18 years of age.

Way out

We have already examined the mechanism of action of Acarbose. Carbohydrates accumulate in the intestines because they cannot be broken down and absorbed. They wander there, which leads to such consequences. Therefore, we can say that the drug also has an educational function. Teaches him to eat sweets only at home and on weekends. This in itself is good. And if it starts to “screw up”, then we remove all carbohydrates, including bread and cereals, for 4-6 hours - and everything goes away. This is what people write in their reviews. But is it worth losing weight this way? Disturbances in the body can sometimes be irreversible.

Side effects

The most common adverse reactions from the gastrointestinal tract:

  • increased gas formation, diarrhea , pain in the abdomen, vomiting, indigestion ;
  • nausea, complete or partial intestinal obstruction ;
  • jaundice , increased activity of liver enzymes, hepatitis .

The following may also be observed: swelling, thrombocytopenia , urticaria , skin rashes, erythema .

Practical experience

The most common, as follows from the instructions, negative reactions are problems with the gastrointestinal tract. But there are not timid people who decide to test the effect of the miracle remedy on themselves. Acarbose is affordable, which is an additional reason to try this drug. As a result, for some people losing weight, everything turns out to be so good that they take it for several months in a row, at the same time treat themselves to sweets and lose several kilograms. Unfortunately, not everyone is so lucky.

It must be remembered that it is a real litmus test that demonstrates immoderation in carbohydrate consumption. But it is so, and in the coming days people will become convinced of this. If the diet is balanced, then there is no discomfort.

An exception is diarrhea or nausea in the first 2-3 days of taking the medicine. But as soon as you increase the amount of sweets, a “war” begins in the stomach. The sensations, judging by the reviews of sufferers, are unpleasant: nauseating, twisting, cutting, rumbling and seething.

Acarbose, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Tablets are prescribed orally, 20 minutes before meals or an hour after meals.

At the initial stages of treatment, 50 mg of the drug is used 3 times a day, then the dosage is gradually increased to 0.1-0.2 grams, depending on tolerability.

The average dosage for patients weighing less than 60 kg is 50 mg, over 60 kg - 300 mg per day. The maximum daily dose is 0.6 grams.

For prevention, the drug is prescribed at a dose of 50 mg per day, and over 3 months it is gradually increased to 0.1 grams.

What you should know

Usually, the patient does not need to study the composition of the drug and select the dosage if the doctor gave the recommendations and prescribed the dosage regimen. But if you decide to take it yourself, be sure to read the instructions for use. "Acarbose" is used for type 2 diabetes when diet therapy is ineffective. In this case, the duration of the latter must be at least 6 months. The drug is also prescribed as part of complex therapy for type 1 diabetes.


sulfonylurea derivatives , metformin , and insulin .

Cholestyramine , antacids and adsorbents that are active in the intestines reduce the effectiveness of Acarbose treatment.

Glucocorticosteroids, estrogens , thyroid hormones, thiazide diuretics, phenothiazines, phenytoin , oral contraceptives, nicotinic acid , isoniazid , adrenergic stimulants and other drugs that cause hypoglycemia significantly reduce the activity of the drug, up to decompensation of diabetes mellitus .

First impressions

Now let's look at how this tool actually works. Its beneficial properties are as follows:

  • The drug almost completely blocks the absorption of incoming carbohydrates, with the exception of a small amount. As a result, the weight begins to fall quite quickly. About the same as if you gave up sugar, bread, buns and pastries.
  • This process does not affect muscle mass, since the protein entering the body is absorbed without any problems.
  • The drug reduces appetite, making the weight loss process even easier.

It should be noted that not only Acarbose, but also other hypoglycemic drugs have one common side effect. With diabetes, patients limit their consumption of sweets, pastries and bread, so there are no problems when taking medications. But the average person is not familiar with these rules and continues to have breakfast with sweet tea with milk, a bun or cookies. What happens as a result? There is an excess of carbohydrates in the intestines, there is nothing to break them down, severe flatulence, pain and the urge to go to the toilet develop. Don't want to experience these feelings? Avoid carbohydrate sources other than whole grain cereal in moderation. Then hypoglycemic drugs will not be required. The effect will come on its own.

These are the recommendations of most doctors, nutritionists and endocrinologists. There is no need to take a drug that is clearly intended for other purposes. But of course, women are very persistent. And if they have already decided to use “Acarbose”/analogues of this drug, they will not stop. Well, beauty requires sacrifice. But are these the kind of victims we are talking about in such a popular saying? You need to imagine the consequences of such a step.

special instructions

During treatment with the drug, you must follow your doctor’s recommendations and follow a diet. Drinks and foods that contain carbohydrates and sugar can cause intestinal problems.

During treatment, it is also recommended to monitor blood and urine sugar levels, levels of glycated hemoglobin and transaminases, especially in the first 12 months of treatment.

When the dose is increased to more than 0.3 grams per day, there will be a slight decrease in hyperglycemia and an increase in the risk of hyperfermentemia .

During treatment with the drug, it should be remembered that ordinary table sugar breaks down slowly and is not able to quickly eliminate hypoglycemia . To eliminate this condition, it is recommended to use large doses of glucose (not sucrose), preferably intravenously.

Eat and lose weight

This is the main dilemma. People are not satisfied with simple recommendations such as limiting fats and increasing the amount of vegetables, boiled fish and whole grains in the diet. As a rule, you want to eat what gives you the most pleasure and irritates your taste buds. And at the same time, not only do not gain weight, but also get rid of the accumulated weight. Unfortunately, there are no miracles in the world. If you consume more calories than you expend, they will be stored on your sides.

But this rule is not obvious to everyone. How else can we explain the rapid rise of various fat and carbohydrate blockers? Advertising promises us that we will be able to enjoy our favorite foods only after taking a pill. And everything eaten will leave the body without harm. Is this so - let's figure it out together.


Reviews about the drug to combat diabetes are mostly positive. The most common and troubling side effect is increased gas production and stomach discomfort. Reviews of Acarbose for weight loss are divided. This medicine suits some people, but others, after taking the pills, begin to actively consume sweets and lose control. It should be noted that during treatment it is necessary to follow a diet, otherwise the effectiveness of therapy is sharply reduced.

All means are good

It is very easy to come to this conclusion; just consider the market for modern weight loss pills. Among them there are drugs and even pesticides and hormonal drugs. Recently, a drug that is intended to treat patients with diabetes has begun to gain popularity. This is Acarbose used for weight loss. Reviews from those who have tried the drug vary greatly, some of them are negative. No, people really lost weight, but the side effects were such that the result was not at all pleasing. So that everyone has the opportunity to think about the consequences, today we will consider the features of this drug, its purpose and effect on the body.

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