Pain in the toe is a symptom indicating dangerous diseases. Read below...

The structure of human hands distinguishes him from representatives of other biological species. Thanks to them, we can not only serve ourselves, but also perform a wide variety of work. The fingers of the human hand are parts of the upper limbs, which in the process of development received a very important functional load. That's why, when your fingers hurt, it becomes difficult to hold a fork or spoon, type text on a PC, cook food, or even just lace up your shoes.

The reasons why your fingers hurt can be different. In addition to being susceptible to injury, there are a number of medical conditions that can affect their mobility. In addition, pain in the joints of the fingers can be caused by inflammatory processes (arthritis).

At CELT you can get advice from a specialist algologist.

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How do pain in the fingers behave with neuropathies?

Various forms of neuropathy are also characterized by pain in the fingers. These are evening pains, a feeling of fatigue in the foot, which usually gets better in the morning.

Treatment methods

Joint reconstruction
1 procedure per course FREE!

Introduction of organic serum with hyaluronic acid into the joint capsule. As a result, cartilage reconstruction occurs Read more…

Neuroprotective therapy

Discount -10%! Only 3 days!

Neuroprotectors are new generation drugs that can restore the conduction of impulses in nerve tissues. Read more…


1 procedure for the course is FREE!

Treatment and healing of cartilage with growth factors. Restoration of joint tissue with purified platelet blood. Read more…

Transdermal therapy

Discount -25%! Only 3 days!

The introduction of titanium glycerosolvate into a diseased joint is a unique method of drug delivery without surgery or painful injections. Read more…


Discount -25%! Only 3 days!

This is an innovative way to administer medications using ultrasound, which has the unique ability to loosen tissue. Read more…

EHF therapy

Discount -25%! Only 3 days!

This is a promising method of physiotherapy with a great future. In life, waves of this range do not reach the ground, being dispersed in the atmosphere. The device generates these waves itself. Read more…

Infusion therapy

Combinations of drugs for drip administration through a vein. High digestibility and rapid achievement of therapeutic action make infusion therapy Read more…


1 procedure for the course is FREE!

A joint or spinal block is a way to quickly help a joint or back. In case of acute pain, the blockade helps to quickly relieve pain and help locally Read more…

Introduction of chondroprotectors

"HONDRO" in Latin means "cartilage" and that says it all. Injection of cartilage cells into damaged segments of the spine Read more...


Treatment using the patient's autologous blood cells. Blood is administered intramuscularly, which provokes the body to intensify the fight against chronic infection, suppuration and trophic ulcers, the immune system is strengthened and effectively resists new infections. Read more…

Laser treatment

Infrared healing with a wavelength of 0.8-0.9 microns affects the internal source of the problem. This relieves inflammation, swelling and pain in the joint. Degenerative processes in the joint fade away as metabolic processes inside the joint accelerate many times. Read more…

Peloid therapy

Nutrition and growth of cartilage cells using peloid dressings. The base comes from Lake Sivash, where mud with a high concentration of Dunaliela Salina microalgae, which is rich in beta-carotene, is extracted.

Stiff finger: causes and risk factors

Articular cartilage destruction occurs between the first metatarsal and the proximal phalanx of the big toe. It is not known exactly why some people develop the disease and others do not. Possible causes of arthrosis of the big toe are hereditary factors, trauma, inflammation, excessive stress and deformation. Sometimes stiffness is a complication of gout.

The following factors may contribute to the onset and progression of arthrosis of the first toe:

  • Inappropriate, tight shoes
  • Foot deformity
  • Flat valgus foot
  • Improper or excessive weight bearing, such as gait disturbances or excess weight
  • Bone fractures and soft tissue inflammation.
  • Gout

Pain due to inflammation of the tendons.

Pain in the toes may be due to inflammation of the tendons. This can manifest itself as pain when walking, which subside with rest, as well as inflammation and numbness.

MEDICUS uses only those that give effective results. Among the therapeutic techniques one can highlight magnetotherapy, laser therapy, electro- and phonophoresis, and peloid therapy. Get to know them by clicking on the link to the method that interests you or get detailed advice by calling the online registration desk 9866636

Our patients

Meet our patients
Age 64 years Diagnosis Arthrosis 2 stages. Treatment result Patient is satisfied

Sergei Igorevich “I was treated at the clinic... it didn’t give much effect! After the first plasmacytophoresis procedure, I feel fullness in the joint, mobility has improved!”

Age 70 years Diagnosis Osteoarthritis Treatment result Patient satisfied

Galina Fedorovna “During the plasmacytophoresis procedure, a slight distension was felt, and then everything became fine! The clinic helped me!”

Age 70 years Diagnosis Osteochondrosis Treatment result Patient satisfied

Lyudmila Emelyanovna “At our age, the main thing is to maintain clarity of mind and the ability to move. I have already recommended the clinic to my friends!”

Age 72 years Diagnosis Osteochondrosis, arthrosis Treatment result Patient satisfied

Boris Khazievich “I had pain in the lower back and hip joint. After the treatment, I began to fall asleep without pain, I sleep normally!”

Age 77 years Diagnosis Osteoarthritis Treatment result Pain gone

Tamara Grigorievna “My kneecap was very painful, I could not walk. Now my joint is being restored and I can walk without pain! After the 2nd procedure there was an improvement.”

Age 60 years Diagnosis Osteoporosis, arthrosis Treatment result Pain resolved

Hans Harwig “I am from Holland, I could not walk or stand without crutches, neither in Germany nor in Holland could they help me. They helped here. Now there is no pain, I’m happy.”

Age 66 years Diagnosis Osteoarthritis Treatment result Patient satisfied

Vladimir Mikhailovich “There was high pain sensitivity in the knee joints when standing up and squatting. The clinic did not help me properly. And here everything is on time, calm and without nerves!”

Age 65 years Diagnosis Arthritis Treatment result Completely satisfied

Elena Antonovna “I had very severe pain in my knee, I couldn’t even walk. And after the first procedure it helped me a lot. I wanted to run right away, but the doctor didn’t allow me to run.”

Age 71 years Diagnosis Trophic ulcer Result of treatment Autodermoplasty performed

Lyudmila Viktorovna In a month, Lyudmila Viktorovna got rid of the ulcer! And after autodermoplasty there was no trace left that there was an ulcer! Now she has a healthy leg, the ulcer has healed!

Age 64 years Diagnosis Arthrosis 3rd degree Result of treatment Pain gone

Valentina Alekseevna After the first injection of the liquid prosthesis into the joint capsule, the knee began to straighten, the range of motion of the joint increased, and the patient’s quality of life improved.

Symptoms of finger arthritis

The need for examination and possible treatment is indicated by such signs as swelling of the joints, pain (especially at night), and crunching. In the infectious and gouty form, general malaise and fever are likely.

Rheumatoid arthritis manifests itself as a spindle-shaped swelling and a “boutonniere” deformity. When the lower extremities are affected, the external manifestations are reduced to claw-shaped fingers or hammertoes.

Patients note the presence of morning stiffness in the form of a feeling of “tight gloves.” Due to poor circulation, the skin on the hands becomes dry and muscle atrophy is observed.

To develop adequate treatment for arthritis of the fingers, the kinesiotherapist takes into account its stage:

  1. in the first stage there is no pain, but in the morning the person experiences difficulty with tasks such as turning a tap or gas valve. However, the stiffness goes away quickly, so no one seeks treatment for arthritis at this stage;
  2. on the second, bone erosions appear, the fingers begin to ache, crackle, and swell. Unpleasant sensations accompany not only the morning, but also the afternoon;
  3. third stage - joint deformations occur. Fingers hurt, turn red, and become hot. Pain often appears in the morning;
  4. fourth - articular cartilage grows together, mobility is sharply limited. The person becomes helpless.

How do fingers hurt when there are problems in the spine?

This is numbness, tingling, goosebumps. There may also be problems with loss of sensitivity, “loss of” reflexes, as neurologists say.

Treatment of toes without determining the cause of the disease will not be effective since for each form of the disease, the prescription of treatment methods will vary. Medicines prescribed for arthrosis will never cure gout, and neurological pain in the fingers can only be eradicated by treating the back.

Do not neglect diagnosis and treatment from experienced and knowledgeable specialists. The professionals of the MEDICUS clinic are always in touch with you. Free consultation by phone 986-66-36. Request a free call back at a time convenient for you and find out everything about how to solve your health problems.

What is a stiff finger

A stiff toe is arthrosis of the big toe.
As the articular cartilage deteriorates, the mobility of the finger gradually decreases. Long-term inflammation can result in complete immobility of the joint (ankylosis). Causes and risks

Symptoms and signs


Insoles medi

Pain after injury

If discomfort appears after wearing open shoes, you need to check your feet for bites, minor scratches and other injuries, changes in the shape or color of the nails. Often, infections cause inflammation and swelling. Most often, the tips of the toes hurt. If the pain is mild, you can first consult a therapist. If the finger is very swollen, red or blue, or occupies an unnatural position, this may indicate a serious injury: a fracture, dislocation, or severe bruise. In this case, you need to contact a traumatologist.

Diagnosis and treatment

Timely contact with a kinesiotherapist allows you to stop the pathology and prevent serious complications. During the examination, the number and symmetry of the affected joints, the presence of deformities, the nature of pain, extra-articular manifestations, etc. are determined. Data from MRI, CT, blood and synovial fluid tests are taken into account.

Rheumatoid, psoriatic, gouty arthritis of the fingers require complex pathogenetic and symptomatic treatment. The patient is advised to reduce the load on the affected areas, it is necessary to avoid sudden movements and lifting heavy objects.

Drug treatment can relieve pain and swelling, but does not eliminate the pathology itself. Physiotherapy can provide temporary relief. You can achieve some results in the treatment of finger arthritis using kinesitherapy.

It allows you to have the most effective effect not only on the external manifestations of the disease, but also on its true cause and carry out therapy in the most accessible, safe and physiological way. To develop the course, a preliminary examination is carried out at our center.

Treatment of finger arthritis with kinesitherapy has undeniable advantages:

  • special exercises bring relief to the patient and relieve pain;
  • kinesitherapy improves blood circulation and trophism of joint tissues, helps them recover naturally;
  • exercises protect joints and spine from excess load, all movements are strictly dosed;
  • An experienced instructor, methodologist and kinesiotherapist monitors the correct implementation of the program; they correct the technique of performing the exercises in a timely manner, giving the patient advice and recommendations.
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