Top 10 balanced vitamin complexes for pregnant women

The best vitamins during pregnancy.

November 8, 2022


  • What vitamins do pregnant women need?
  • The best vitamins for pregnant women
  • Elevit Pronatal
  • Multi-Tabs Perinatal
  • One A Day Women's Prenatal
  • Femibion ​​Natalker I
  • Minisan Mama Complex
  • Doppelgerz VIP Vitamin and mineral complex for pregnant and lactating women
  • Femibion ​​Natalker II
  • Vitrum Prenatal Forte
  • Alphabet Mom's health
  • Complivit Trimester 3

Pregnancy is the happiest, but at the same time the most difficult period for every woman. And all because the expectant mother’s body is under increased stress, it needs special vitamins for pregnant women so that the fetus develops actively and correctly.

It is also important that a pregnant woman does not experience stress and is not exposed to increased physical activity. Doctors recommend taking special vitamin complexes for pregnant women, even if your diet is as varied as possible.

In pharmacies and on the Internet you can find a lot of different vitamins for expectant mothers, but we decided to make a rating of the most balanced and effective, approved by obstetricians and gynecologists. But before purchasing prenatal vitamins, be sure to consult your doctor!

Does everyone need pharmacy vitamins or can you get by with vegetables and fruits?

In an ideal world, all the microelements necessary for normal childbearing can actually be obtained from food. But not always a woman can correctly calculate her diet, and most importantly, choose the best, environmentally friendly fruits and vegetables, seafood, and meat. This is why doctors recommend that all expectant mothers take vitamins. This is the only way to be completely sure that the body receives all the necessary nutrients.

It is especially dangerous to ignore the recommendation to take vitamins for those who did not plan a pregnancy and were on a strict diet before conception. Women at risk also include:

  • with diagnosed food intolerance (celiac disease, lactase deficiency);
  • smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • those suffering from bulimia, anorexia;
  • having multiple pregnancies.

In most cases, the doctor takes a medical history, prescribes blood tests, and only then prescribes vitamin supplements. But even if the expectant mother is not at risk, taking a vitamin-mineral complex will not be superfluous.

What vitamins do pregnant women need?

A pregnant woman's body needs 40% more B vitamins, iodine and zinc. The need for calcium increases by 50% so that the child’s bones and teeth form correctly. The consumption of folic acid and iron also increases. If the body does not have enough of these vitamins and microelements, the risk of fetal development abnormalities and even miscarriage increases. It is especially important to take vitamins in the first trimester of pregnancy.

A lack of vitamins is fraught with the development of problems with the nervous system and cardiovascular system in the fetus. Vitamins for pregnant women help prevent malformations of many organs of the unborn child. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it with vitamins - if you allow hypervitaminosis in the third trimester, problems with the brain, as well as the bones of the skull, may arise - childbirth will be difficult and painful.

It is very difficult to eat during pregnancy in such a way as to receive all the necessary nutrients in the right quantities, so doctors always prescribe vitamins. The vitamin complex must contain folic acid (it helps cells renew and helps the placenta function properly). B vitamins are also important - they ensure normal metabolism in the body of the unborn child and help the proper formation of the endocrine and immune systems. Vitamins for pregnant women reduce symptoms of toxicosis, reduce irritability, improve sleep, etc.

Vitamin E is needed to make cell membranes more permeable, so they are well supplied with oxygen. If a woman lacks vitamin E, she experiences general weakness, muscle pain, and in severe cases there may even be a miscarriage.

What vitamins are needed during pregnancy

Photos from open sources

Read also 5 most popular pregnancy tests Top 5 popular pregnancy tests (taking into account accuracy and price).

Active components

  • Folic acid. Sumavit Materna contains fourth generation folate - Quatrefolic®, which, unlike folic acid, is already a biologically active form of folate. Regular folic acid in the body must first be converted to its active form by enzymes. Quatrefolic does not require additional activation in the body, providing the necessary level of folate during pregnancy and lactation, even in those women whose body cannot fully absorb folic acid. Folates contribute to the growth of maternal tissue during pregnancy, the normal functioning of the immune system, and are also involved in cell division processes. Insufficient levels of folate in the body are a risk factor for the development of neural tube defects in the fetus. Since neural tube closure occurs within three to four weeks after conception, effective prevention requires starting a daily intake of 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid before planning pregnancy.
  • Iodine. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the need for iodine is increased, so a sufficient intake of iodine in the body is especially important. If you have thyroid disease, you should first consult your doctor. Iodine, among other things, contributes to the normal development of cognitive function and growth in children. Therefore, even before pregnancy, you should ensure a sufficient supply of iodine in the body.
  • DHA (omega-3 fatty acid). Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is a polyunsaturated fatty acid, which is one of the most important unsaturated fatty acids during pregnancy. It is involved in brain development and vision formation in the fetus and newborn during breastfeeding. During pregnancy and lactation, the body's need for DHA increases and the amount of DHA coming from food sources is insufficient. DHA is passed from mother to baby through the placenta and breast milk.
  • Vitamin D3. The level of vitamin D in the mother's body directly affects the supply of vitamin D to her child. Vitamin D contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system and the maintenance of healthy bones. A small amount of vitamin D enters the body with food; it is mainly formed in the body due to sunlight that hits the skin. During the winter months, it is especially difficult to get the recommended amount of vitamin D. It should be noted that low doses of vitamin D cannot fully meet the needs of a pregnant woman and child. The blood level of vitamin D and possible recommended dose vary from person to person and depend on many factors (season, skin color, length of sun exposure, use of sunscreens, body mass index, diet).
  • B vitamins. Vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B12 contribute to the normal metabolism of energy and substances in the body and the normal functioning of the nervous system. Vitamin B12 is also involved in cell division processes.
  • Vitamin E. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin and is necessary to ensure the normal structure and functioning of cell membranes. Vitamin E has a high antioxidant (prevents oxidation and destruction of cell membranes) effect. Improves oxygen consumption by tissues.
  • Calcium. The most important structural component of bone tissue. It also supports heart function, ensures muscle contractions, improves nerve conduction, normalizes the permeability of the vascular wall and is involved in blood clotting. The need for calcium increases rapidly during pregnancy and lactation.

Elevit Pronatal

Vitamins "Elevit Pronatal" are prescribed in the first trimester

pregnancy, there is a lot of folic acid, iron, calcium, magnesium. The drug can be taken in parallel with other supplements for pregnant women (for example, Magne B). This combination is prescribed to reduce the tone of the uterus when there is a threat of miscarriage. "Elevit Pronatal" does not contain iodine, therefore it is indicated for those who are allergic to this substance. If you are not allergic to iodine, you can supplement these prenatal vitamins with an iodine-containing preparation (for example, Iodomarin). During pregnancy, a woman's hormonal background changes dramatically, which increases hair loss and nails become more brittle. Many women who took Elevit Pronatal noted that hair loss decreased significantly, and for some it even stopped, and their nails became stronger. One of the side effects of the drug is constipation. To get rid of this problem, doctors recommend eating dried fruits, beets, apples and figs. Taking these vitamins for pregnant women improves your mood, literally within a week.

Elevit Pronatal
Bayer AG, Germany

Elevit® Pronatal is a medicinal product containing 12 essential vitamins, 4 minerals and 3 trace elements.
The quantitative content of vitamins and minerals corresponds to the doses recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. from 130

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Multi-Tabs Perinatal

Another drug that is suitable for the first trimester

pregnancy. And these are not even vitamins, but a complete dietary supplement, developed taking into account all the basic needs of a woman in her position. The composition contains vital vitamins and microelements necessary for the full development of the fetus and the health of the expectant mother. "Multi-Tabs Perinatal" can also be taken during the period of preparation for conception. The supplement will also be useful during breastfeeding. “Multi-Tabs Perinatal” is an excellent prevention of abnormal fetal development and any pathologies. These vitamins do not contain artificial colors, preservatives or sugar. Vitamin A in the composition helps the child’s skeleton, immunity, and epithelial tissues to form correctly. The drug has an optimally balanced composition and has no side effects. Among the disadvantages are the high price and rapid consumption of packaging.

Multi-Tabs Perinatal
Pfizer (Pfizer), USA

Multi-tabs Perinatal is a combination drug containing a complex of vitamins and minerals, which is used in preparation for pregnancy;
for the prevention and treatment of vitamin and mineral deficiencies in women during pregnancy and breastfeeding; prevention of congenital malformations of the fetus caused by a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. from 250


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What supplements should you avoid during pregnancy?

Multivitamin complexes contain almost all vitamins and minerals in safe dosages. And any monovitamins are allowed to be taken only after consultation with a doctor. After all, an overdose of some elements poses a threat to the fetus.

Vitamin A is involved in the development of the unborn baby's immune system. But if too much retinol enters a pregnant woman’s body, the risk of developing congenital anomalies in the fetus will increase several times. Vitamin E is also involved in the formation of immunity and the nervous system. But an overdose increases the risk of premature birth.

Exotic dietary supplements, medicinal herbs, and homeopathic supplements are generally not recommended to be taken during pregnancy. It's better to focus on eating right, getting enough exercise, and minimizing stress. It is imperative to take vitamins prescribed by your doctor. But we must remember that this is not the only condition for a successful pregnancy outcome.

One A Day Women's Prenatal

One A Day Women's Prenatal is one of the best prenatal vitamins and is usually prescribed in the first trimester.

The drug perfectly saturates the body of mother and child with useful substances, and is also suitable for use during pregnancy planning. One A Day Women's Prenatal reduces the symptoms of toxicosis and all the risks of the first trimester. These vitamins are also suitable for nursing women. Capsules with liquid filling are well absorbed by the body. It contains vitamins and minerals that help the proper development of all parts of the brain, vision and proportional growth of the fetus (folic acid is responsible for this). Iron ensures the delivery of the required amount of oxygen, omega-3 helps the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system form properly. The positive effect of taking One A Day Women's Prenatal is noticeable almost immediately. Among the main disadvantages of the drug is that it is not available in every pharmacy.

One A Day Women's Prenatal
Bayer Healthcare, Germany

Gender-specific multivitamins that were created specifically for women to support immunity, as well as to take preventative measures to maintain their health.
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Femibion ​​Natalker I

To minimize possible fetal malformations, these prenatal vitamins are prescribed in the first trimester

(it’s better to start taking them 8-12 weeks before your planned pregnancy). The drug contains a complex of all the vitamins and microelements necessary for mother and baby, as well as iodine, which is necessary specifically in the first trimester. Femibion ​​Natalker I is prescribed if the expectant mother has an inadequate diet, to prevent vitamin deficiency, and also to reduce the manifestations of toxicosis. Thanks to its competent composition, the drug normalizes energy, carbohydrate-fat metabolism, and strengthens the immune system. The positive effect of taking Femibion ​​Natalker I is noticeable within a week or two: iron is well absorbed and the appearance of the skin improves. The supplement is prescribed to prevent early miscarriages and reduce the risk of premature birth. The complex contains thiamine, which is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, and riboflavin, which helps the normal production of red blood cells and the proper functioning of the female reproductive system. Panthenolic acid stimulates the production of antibodies, which strengthens the immune system. Biotin improves skin condition. The Femibion ​​Natalker I supplement contains only the most essential nutrients, it is not overloaded with vitamins, the tablets are easy to swallow, and are quickly absorbed. Among the disadvantages are the high cost and the need for parallel iron intake.

Femibion ​​Natalker I
MERCK KGaA, Germany

Dietary supplement to food, an additional source of folic acid, vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E, biotin, nicotinamide, pantothenic acid and iodine.
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Minisan Mama Complex

"Minisan Mama Complex" is one of the newest vitamin and mineral complexes shown in the second and third trimesters

pregnancy. These vitamins can be taken at the planning stage of conception, as well as during breastfeeding if the mother's milk does not contain enough nutrients. The drug contains a sufficient amount of folic acid, which will help compensate for its deficiency in those women who become pregnant in the autumn-winter period, when the body suffers from vitamin deficiency. This is an excellent prevention of rickets in a baby, problems with the spine and cardiovascular system. To prevent anemia in the expectant mother, which happens very often, the complex contains iron and vitamin D. It also contains magnesium, which is necessary for proper metabolic processes, muscle relaxation, and improved blood flow. Magnesium supplements are often prescribed to women who are at risk of miscarriage. The composition also contains the daily requirement of iodine. "Minisan Mama Complex" - high-quality vitamins for pregnant women at a very reasonable price, the effect of taking is observed within a few days, the tablets are easy to swallow. Among the disadvantages is the lack of omega-3, so it will have to be taken in parallel.

Minisan Mama Complex
Vitabalans, Finland

A modern vitamin and mineral complex from Finland, designed specifically for those planning pregnancy, pregnant and lactating women.
from 282

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Doppelgerz VIP Vitamin and mineral complex for pregnant and lactating women

This vitamin and mineral complex is suitable for pregnant women in the second trimester,

as well as for breastfeeding women. Doppelgerz VIP contains all the necessary nutrients for the proper development of the fetus, the prevention of anomalies and the normal weight gain of the unborn child. "Doppelgerz VIP" strengthens the expectant mother's immunity, protects her from viral, bacterial and fungal infections. The complex improves overall well-being, improves the proper functioning of all systems and organs, reduces irritability and prevents toxicosis. If you notice individual intolerance while taking the drug, it is better to stop taking it. "Doppelhertz VIP" contains vitamin A, which is involved in the formation of bones, teeth, and vision organs in the unborn child. Calcium and potassium with vitamin D strengthen the heart muscle and prevent cardiovascular problems (including heart defects). Omega-3 ensures normal functioning of the nervous system. "Doppelgerz VIP" helps mom stay healthy, beautiful, prevents uterine tone, hair loss, brittle nails and skin problems. The drug is quite affordable and contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Among the disadvantages are the presence of several artificially synthesized substances and possible allergic reactions to the components of the drug (albeit rare).

Doppelgerz VIP Vitamin and mineral complex for pregnant and lactating women
Queisser Pharma GmbH, Germany

An optimally balanced complex of vital vitamins and minerals that promote the full growth and development of the fetus, developed taking into account the physiological needs of a woman’s body during pregnancy and lactation.
Provides a woman's body with nutrients during pregnancy and breastfeeding, maintains health, vitality, beauty and well-being. from 747


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A balanced diet and a complex of vitamins for pregnant women are important for both the expectant mother and the child

Photos from open sources


Daily dose = 1 capsuleRSN (%)1
Folates: glucosamine salt (6S)-5-methyltetrahydrofolate (Quatrefolic/QuatrefoІіс ®)400 micrograms (mcg)200%
Iodine100 micrograms (mcg)67%
Vitamin D320 micrograms (mcg)400%
Vitamin B123.5 micrograms (mcg)140%
Fish oil concentrate with omega-3 fatty acids, including

eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and

docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)

500 mg

ZO mg (mg)

220 mg (mg)

_ _ _2
Vitamin B11.1 mg(mg)100%
Vitamin B21.4 mg (mg)100%
Vitamin B61.4 mg (mg)100%
Vitamin E12 mg100%
Calcium120 mg15%

Fish oil concentrate, gelatin, calcium carbonate, humectant glycerin, D, L-alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E), emulsifier mono- and diglycerides of dietary fatty acids, rapeseed oil, silicon dioxide stabilizer, cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), pyridoxine hydro- chloride (vitamin Be), thiamine mononitrate (vitamin B), riboflavin (vitamin B6), cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), glucosamine salt (6S)-5-methyltetrahydrofolate (folic acid), potassium iodide, titanium dioxide dyes, iron oxides and hydroxides .

This preparation uses cow gelatin.

Nutritional (food) and energy (calorie) value per 100 g (g): proteins - 24 g (g), fats - 39 g (g), carbohydrates -16 g (g), salt - 0.14 g (g) , 2142 kJ (kJ) / 516 kcal (kcal). Contents: 42 g (g) (30 capsules).

Femibion ​​Natalker II

Another biologically active complex for the second trimester

pregnancy. Femibion ​​Natalker II contains all the necessary nutrients for the health of the expectant mother and child. These vitamins cope well with the problem of hair loss, brittle nails and flaking skin. Compared to Femibion ​​Natalker I, there is less folic acid, but there is ascorbic acid, vitamin PP and panthenolic acid. This drug is usually prescribed from the 13th week of pregnancy. No side effects have been identified while taking the complex, the tablets are easy to swallow, they can be taken during lactation, the drug is available in almost all pharmacies. Among the disadvantages is the high cost.

Femibion ​​Natalker II
MERCK KGaA, Germany

The constituent components of Femibion ​​Natalker II strengthen the woman’s body and enrich the daily diet with vitamins and minerals.
The package contains 30 tablets and 30 soft capsules. It is necessary to take 1 tablet and capsule per day during the main meal, with a sufficient amount of cold water. from 416


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Vitrum Prenatal Forte

You can buy Vitrum Prenatal Forte in packages of 30 or 100 pieces. Drug prescribed in the second trimester

contains many useful vitamins and microelements that have a positive effect on the health of the expectant mother and fetus. A drug is prescribed for the prevention of congenital pathologies. "Vitrum Prenatal Forte" strengthens the immune system of a pregnant woman and promotes the proper development of the systems and organs of the unborn child. Often these vitamins are prescribed to reduce toxicosis (morning sickness, pressure changes and dizziness go away). The complex also helps improve the quality of breast milk, saturating it with vitamins and minerals so necessary for a growing baby. It is advisable to drink Vitrum Prenatal Forte in the morning, one tablet during breakfast. The duration of the course should be determined by the doctor, but not longer than two months. Sometimes side effects such as increased sweating or decreased visual acuity are possible. These vitamins for pregnant women are quickly absorbed, the result is noticeable in just a week, they are indicated during any period of pregnancy, and are affordable.

Vitrum prenatal forte
Unipharm Inc., USA

Vitrum Prenatal Forte is recommended for women at high risk of developing complications during pregnancy.
The pharmacological properties of the vitamin complex Vitrum Prenatal Forte are determined by the properties of the vitamins and minerals that make up the drug. The drug ensures replenishment of the deficiency of vitamins and minerals in a woman’s body during preparation for pregnancy, during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. from 38

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Multivitamins: benefit or harm?


Multivitamins are the world's top-selling pharmaceutical dietary supplement product. Multivitamins are used by people of all ages and ethnic groups. And since there are many formulas and manufacturers of multivitamins, they form an entire sector of the pharmaceutical industry.

Multivitamins are often discussed on television and on the Internet, but the conversations often focus on the benefits rather than the harms. Because of this, people, often without waiting for a special prescription from a doctor , prescribe one or another multivitamin, thinking that this is a universal remedy that will never be superfluous. But not all multivitamins are equally beneficial in every individual case.

Standard complex

Most recommended and studied multivitamin complexes contain 100% of the vitamins and minerals needed daily. Such complexes are necessary for people who do not get enough vitamins due to diet . It should be taken into account that by eating more varied and healthy foods you will get much more benefits and pleasure than from poor food and vitamin pills.

What is surprising is that although vitamins are primarily indicated for people who are unable to eat adequately due to their diet or region of residence where food supply is difficult, multivitamins are most often used by people with a normal, varied diet and who do not need these supplements.

Experimental vitamins

Some vitamin complexes, in addition to 100% of the nutrients required for the daily requirement, also contain additional “antioxidant” additives and other phyto-supplements, the need for which remains in question. Such vitamins are associated with cancer, as most antioxidants are based on vitamin E, the amount of which can be harmful to health if its daily dose exceeds 400 IU.

Some vitamins, such as vitamin C, are inert in high doses and do not affect health in any way. But at the same time, all additional components can be actively promoted by marketing companies as improved vitamins, although in fact the benefits of these “additions” are zero. Moreover, they can, on the contrary, be harmful to health. At best, you'll simply overpay for what are essentially standard multivitamins.

In no case should you exceed the norms for taking multivitamins established by the instructions. Increased consumption of multivitamins threatens the development of cancerous tumors, so no amateur activities! Also avoid multivitamins that do not have dosages listed, as they may not be able to determine the effectiveness and risks of the supplement.

Do I need a multivitamin?

Multivitamins, like any dietary supplement, should not be taken without a specific reason. Before you buy an advertised product, ask yourself the following questions:

  • For what purpose do I want to take multivitamins, and is there any way for me to replace them with a varied diet?
  • What components in this complex do my body need to achieve a certain effect?
  • What components of this complex may be unnecessary for my body?
  • Are there any contraindications to one of the components in this complex for my health?
  • If I buy the individual vitamins I need rather than a complex, will it be cheaper and more effective?

If you are satisfied with the composition and price, then there will be no particular harm to the body.

Published in Vitamins Minerals Premium Clinic

Alphabet Mom's health

Vitamins for pregnant women in the third trimester,

which cope well with the lack of vitamins in the later stages of pregnancy. Many gynecologists and obstetricians prescribe this particular drug to pregnant women, since it contains all the necessary nutrients. “Alphabet of Mom’s Health” is indicated both in preparation for conception and in the early stages, when there are negative consequences of toxicosis, hair loss and skin condition worsens. “Alphabet Mom’s Health” are small tablets of different colors (pink, blue and white). They need to be taken one three times a day, each tablet has a different composition. Pink (prevention of miscarriage and premature birth): vitamins B1, C, folic acid, beta-carotene, copper and iron. Blue (strengthening hair, improving the condition of the skin, nervous system of mother and child): vitamins B2 and B6, E, nicotinamide, manganese, magnesium, iodine, zinc. White (increasing immunity, proper bone development): vitamins K1, D3, B5 and B12, calcium, phosphorus, chromium, biotin, folic acid. Separate intake of all these vitamins and minerals helps them to be absorbed as much as possible; the complex has no contraindications or side effects, and it has the richest composition possible. Among the disadvantages is the high price.

Alphabet Mom's health
Vneshtorg Pharma LLC, Russia

Vitamin and mineral complex Alphabet Mamino Health is intended for pregnant women, promotes the normal course of pregnancy, is necessary for the proper development of the child’s nervous system, and reduces the risk of miscarriage.
Contains 13 vitamins and 11 minerals and taurine. from 176

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What elements must be included in a multivitamin for pregnant women?

Taking monovitamins in high doses can be dangerous. Therefore, if the doctor has not given any additional instructions, it is better to buy a balanced vitamin and mineral complex, rather than try to independently calculate the dosage and compatibility of each individual element. However, doctors identify “critically important” vitamins and minerals that pregnant women must take.

1. Folic acid.

Vitamin B9 is critical in fetal development. It is this element that helps prevent neural tube defects and heart defects in the embryo. It is best to start taking folic acid at the stage of pregnancy planning. But even if the conception was unplanned, it is necessary to start taking the vitamin in a dosage of at least 600 mcg immediately after the woman learns about her new condition.

2. Iron.

This mineral is actively used by the body to produce hemoglobin: a protein that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. During pregnancy, a woman needs to receive twice as much iron. Even if there were no signs of anemia before, and a sufficient amount of the mineral could be obtained from the diet, then after conception you will have to take an appropriate supplement. A healthy woman carrying a child needs approximately 27 milligrams of iron per day. For those who suffer from anemia, the daily requirement is increased. The longer the pregnancy, the more blood the expectant mother’s body needs to produce in order to provide the fetus with oxygen. That is why during pregnancy, at least once a trimester, it is necessary to take a clinical blood test. Based on the results, the doctor will be able to timely adjust the iron dosage.

3. Calcium.

This mineral is responsible for the development of bones, teeth, muscles and nerves of the unborn child. During pregnancy, a woman's body requires at least 1000 milligrams of calcium per day. A deficiency of the mineral is more dangerous to the health of the expectant mother than the child. To provide the developing fetus with everything it needs, the body takes calcium directly from the bones of the pregnant woman. As a result, a woman may lose teeth and may develop osteoporosis in old age.

4. Vitamin D

Calciferol (another name for the element) helps the body absorb calcium and is also responsible for the development of the fetal bone and immune system. Taking vitamin D is especially important in early pregnancy, when the placenta is forming. It is enough to take 600 IU (international units) per day until delivery. Calciferol also reduces the risk of preeclampsia and premature birth.

5. Omega-3.

Fatty acids are needed for fetal brain development. You can usually get enough Omega 3.6 from red fish. But pregnant women are advised to avoid eating seafood due to the risk of mercury and lead entering the body. This is why it is worth getting fatty acids from pharmaceutical preparations. The dosage is 200 mg per day. It is recommended to take Omega-3 until the end of lactation.

It is best to start taking prenatal vitamins before conception. Micronutrient deficiency is most critical in the early stages of pregnancy, when vital systems and organs are formed.

Complivit Trimester 3

This combined vitamin and mineral complex will help you bear and give birth to a healthy baby, without compromising the mother’s health. "Complivit Trimester 3" has a perfectly balanced composition, designed specifically for women in the third trimester

pregnancy, when the body's need for certain substances changes. The drug contains an increased dose of retinol, which is necessary for the growth and strengthening of the child’s bones, and the further proper formation of his reproductive system and visual organs. Lutein protects the baby's eyes from ultraviolet rays and the negative effects of free radicals. Vitamin E protects the cell membranes of the fetus and serves as a prevention of hypertension in women in late pregnancy. "Complivit Trimester 3" helps nerve cells conduct impulses well. Riboflavin regulates redox processes, participates in tissue respiration, protein-fat metabolism, and the production of erythropoietin and hemoglobin. “Complivit Trimester 3” is inexpensive, these vitamins for pregnant women can be bought in almost every pharmacy, there is nothing unnecessary in the composition. Among the disadvantages, there is sometimes a possible side effect in the form of nausea.

Complivit Trimester
PJSC OTCPharm, Russia

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