For little bellies: what can you give a newborn for colic?

For infants, colic is a completely common, safe phenomenon associated with the lack of normally formed microflora in the intestines of babies. However, no mother can calmly watch her child suffer from tummy discomfort.

Therefore, the vast majority of young parents turn to pediatricians with a request to prescribe any medications that relieve colic. What can you give a newborn for colic?

Anti-colic medications prescribed for newborns

Anti-colic medications for newborns are produced primarily in liquid form.

Medicines for newborns are available in both liquid form and capsules. The latter should under no circumstances be given to the baby in their “pristine” form.

The capsule should be broken, and the powder that spills out should be diluted with water or breast milk. Typically, to relieve colic in newborns, pediatricians prescribe drugs from one of the following groups:

  • containing probiotics;
  • based on a special active ingredient “simethicone”;
  • rich in digestive enzymes;
  • based on natural herbs.

Let us consider the advantages and disadvantages of each of the listed types in more detail.

Beneficial features

When considering the differences between fennel and dill, it is impossible to ignore the topic of their beneficial properties, and there is also an obvious difference here. If we talk about fennel, almost all parts of the plant are used in medicine - rhizomes, greens, and fruits. As for dill, the seeds are mainly used for medicinal purposes.


Vitamins B, A, E, D and K were found in fennel greens and fruits. In addition, it is rich in amino acids, essential oils, phytosterols and minerals such as copper, calcium, iron and manganese.

This set of biologically active components allows you to use fennel for the following problems:

  • disturbances in the intestines: constipation, bloating, atony, weakened peristalsis;
  • diseases of the biliary tract and gallbladder: cholecystitis, the presence of sand and stones, inflammation of the bile ducts;
  • diseases of the respiratory system: severe cough, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis;
  • eye diseases: cataracts and conjunctivitis;
  • diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system: kidney stones, inflammation in the organs of the genitourinary system and ureters;
  • female diseases: menstrual irregularities, menopause, insufficient lactation, hormonal imbalances;
  • childhood diseases: colic, poor digestion, bloating;
  • dermatological problems: acne and acne;
  • skin aging and cellulite;
  • metabolic disorders: lipid, as well as increased cholesterol levels and obesity.


Dill is rich in vitamins (B1 and B2, P, PP, C), folic acid, essential oils, flavonoids, and minerals (iron, potassium and calcium). And in medicine it is used in the following cases:

  • diseases of the genitourinary system: swelling, cystitis, inflammation, stones and sand in the kidneys;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels: heart failure, angina pectoris at the initial stage, arrhythmia, fluctuations in blood pressure;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system: insomnia, increased excitability, depression, nervous vomiting and neuroses;
  • dysfunction of the digestive system: spasms, loss of appetite, pancreatitis;
  • allergic manifestations on the skin.

Preparations with probiotics

Linex is a popular drug with probiotics.

Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms similar to those found in the intestines of healthy adults.

In the right doses, such bacteria can help normalize digestion. Popular preparations with probiotics:

  1. Bifiform;
  2. Bifidumbacterin;
  3. Linux;
  4. Acepol;
  5. Hilak Forte.
  6. Preparations based on "simethicone"

It is believed that the active substance "simethicone" is safe for infants, since it is not absorbed in the intestines and is not addictive. That is why it is actively used to relieve pain from colic and reduce gas in infants. Frequently prescribed drugs containing “simethicone”:

  • Espumisan (emulsion or capsules);
  • Subsimplex;
  • Bobotik.

For more information about what to give a newborn for colic, watch the video:

Which is better: fennel or dill?

Despite the significant difference between dill and fennel, they also have an undeniable similarity - both plants are excellent healers, bringing great benefits to the human body. It is quite difficult to say with certainty that one herb is much healthier than another. We can only say for certain that fennel and dill should be included in the diet, but in reasonable quantities, like any healthy product.

Comment! Experts believe that fennel contains much more useful substances than dill: essential oils, acids, proteins and trace elements.

Enzyme-enriched preparations

Enzymes are special substances that help break down nutrients (in particular milk sugar) in the intestines.

Modern medicines mainly contain digestion catalysts such as amylases, lipases and proteases. Of all the drugs containing enzymes, infants are most often prescribed:

  1. Mezim;
  2. Creon;
  3. Lactazar (the latter is recommended exclusively for lactose deficiency and may be completely useless in all other cases).

Diet for mom

A proper mother's diet will help prevent possible gas formation and flatulence in the child. Many products are absolutely safe for the body of both mother and baby, but there are also aggressive ones that often cause unwanted colic.

A mother who feeds her baby milk for up to four months should completely exclude the following foods from her diet:

  1. Cabbage of any kind;
  2. Coffee and tea;
  3. Tomatoes;
  4. Dishes with hot and fiery seasonings;
  5. Onion;
  6. Nuts;
  7. Products with caffeine;
  8. Tomatoes;
  9. Cow's milk;
  10. Corn
  11. Sour cheese;
  12. Legumes.

If the child's colic is caused by any of these foods, then after a two-day diet they should completely go away.

No matter how parents worry about colic, this is a completely normal occurrence for infants. You should take this calmly and help your child cope with the disease using simple and effective methods. In case of complications and extreme painfulness of the process, the best option would be to contact a pediatrician, who can competently prescribe an anti-colic medication exclusively for your baby - based on age and weight. Proper treatment will solve the problem and prevent the worsening of flatulence.

Preparations based on natural herbs

BabyCalm is good for colic.

Modern pharmaceutical preparations based on natural herbs are essentially nothing more than folk remedies that were well known to our great-grandmothers, just in a more convenient “packaging” with a precisely calculated dosage.

So, infusions containing fennel, cumin, chamomile and dill seeds are good for stomach colic. And on pharmacy counters such products can be found under the following names:

  • BabyCalm;
  • Bebinos;
  • Plantex.

Note to young parents: pediatricians usually prescribe infants a number of drugs to relieve colic at the same time, offering to try each of the drugs in turn. However, it should be remembered that any drug intervention in the natural process of gradual formation of microflora in the baby’s intestines can subsequently negatively affect the child’s health.

Sometimes it makes sense to just wait until the child is three months old. As a rule, by this time colic in infants stops on its own.

Fennel and dill: the difference in cultivation

Often, difficulties with cultivation arise from those gardeners who believe that fennel and dill are the same plant. But this is an erroneous opinion, since there is a difference, and each of them has its own varietal characteristics and characteristics.

Fennel is a rather whimsical spicy crop. Plants need to create favorable and comfortable conditions. For seed germination, further growth and full development, fennel must be provided with:

  • warm;
  • calcareous soil;
  • abundant and regular watering;
  • loosening;
  • hilling;
  • free space.

Fennel is a heat-loving plant, so it is preferable to grow it outdoors in the southern regions. In mid-latitudes, it is recommended to grow this herb in greenhouses or seedlings.

Warning! It is not recommended to place fennel and dill in the same bed, as cross-pollination may occur.

Dill is a completely unpretentious crop that can grow throughout the garden like a weed. It doesn’t even require a separate bed – the bushes feel comfortable between the rows of other crops. Dill can grow in shaded areas and tolerates light frosts. A good harvest (even several times during the season) can be obtained without using any special agrotechnical care techniques.

About the correct prevention of colic

To prevent colic, you need to do gymnastics with your baby.

Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. This statement is also true in relation to infant colic.

It is known that the formation of microflora in a child’s intestines begins even before birth.

Therefore, in order for the baby not to suffer from gastrointestinal problems, his mother needs to eat properly throughout pregnancy.

And some more interesting historical facts

Fennel was known and loved by the culinary specialists and physicians of Ancient Egypt; it was used in Greece and Rome, in India and China. In Antiquity, the plant was used to treat eye diseases, and it was also considered to bring good luck and prosperity. But demons and evil spirits, according to legend, could not stand the spicy, sweetish aroma, so they tried to quickly get away as quickly as possible. We don’t know for sure what’s wrong with the spirits, but fennel can be used to repel flies and some parasites very successfully. Therefore, since ancient times, crushed dry grass was necessarily poured into domestic premises - stables, stalls, chicken coops.

At the same time, the benefits of fennel were also recognized by doctors: the herb was used to treat or prevent many diseases, especially those related to the digestion and respiratory system. Beauties of all ages knew that the fatty oil pressed from the seeds remarkably moisturizes and tightens the skin, treats minor inflammations, and at the same time leaves a pleasant aroma.

Our great-grandmothers, getting ready to meet their great-grandfathers, chewed fennel along with lemon peel. The recipe for fresh breath bore the romantic name “Seeds of Meetings.” There were no chewing gums in those days, however, the benefits of fennel are much greater than those of modern chewing gum: it not only eliminates bad breath, but also disinfects the entire nasopharynx, relieves inflammation of the gums and throat.

Indian restaurants still treat guests to a dessert of fennel in sugar after the main meal: the local food is so spicy and hot that many people definitely need to get their taste buds in order and freshen their breath.

What does it look like and how does it differ in appearance from other herbs?

Most often, fennel is externally confused with different plants: dill, cumin, anise. The seeds and flowers of these plants are also similar, but fennel has some differences from other representatives :

  • Fennel is planted already in warm weather.
  • The root vegetable has a pronounced spicy taste and aroma.
  • Fennel has a strong root system and does not need to be planted every year.

What can replace it?

In cooking, fennel can be easily replaced with other products . For example, fennel root can be replaced with celery root. In this case, the sweetish taste will change to a more specific one.

The seeds can be replaced with cumin, anise or tarragon seeds, but this will change the flavor of the dish. The leaves can be replaced with anise or dill, again sacrificing taste.

In medicine, fennel is often replaced with dill for preparing infusions and decoctions. For the gastrointestinal tract, dill is in no way inferior to fennel in its properties. Separately, you can learn about the benefits and use of dill water for adults and children.

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