Celebrex caps 400mg+ 200mg N6 (Pfizer)

pharmachologic effect

Celecoxib inhibits COX2 activity and also slightly inhibits COX1. It has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects, reduces the risk of colon cancer.

The use of this drug is much safer than the use of other NSAIDs, since it practically does not cause the risk of gastroduodenal ulcers, and also does not disrupt the natural processes associated with E1 class prostaglandins in the stomach and intestines.

Bextra or Celebrex

NSAIDs based on valdecoxib. Reduces the production of COX-2 and prostaglandins. Available in the form of 40 mg film-coated tablets. To eliminate pain syndromes, it is recommended to take one tablet per day. If the patient's condition does not improve, the dose is increased to 2 tablets per day. The dosage depends on body weight. If it is below 50 kg, the tablet is divided in half. For elderly people, no dosage adjustment is required.

Celebrex has similar indications and contraindications, with fewer negative effects:

  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • anemia;
  • rash;
  • sinusitis.

The risk of these reactions occurring is negligible:

  • heart failure, increased heart rate;
  • neuralgia: restlessness, anxiety, insomnia, nervousness;
  • inflammatory conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, impaired renal and liver function;
  • respiratory tract diseases;
  • dermatitis.

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The drug should not be taken if:

  • condition after coronary artery bypass ;
  • allergic reactions to taking acetylsalicylic acid or other NSAIDs; intolerance to sulfonamides or drug components;
  • lactation period ;
  • pregnancy;
  • severe renal failure ;
  • severe liver failure ;
  • severe cerebrovascular diseases;
  • peripheral arterial diseases;
  • heart failure;
  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • acute peptic ulcer ;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • under 18 years of age.

Arcoxia or Celebrex – what to choose

An entoricoxib-based NSAID that inhibits the production of COX-2. Unlike Celebrex, it does not suppress the production of gastric prostaglandins and does not reduce hematopoiesis. They produce tablets of 90 mg, coated capsules. To eliminate the pain effect, use 1-2 tablets or capsules per day.

Indications for use are similar to Celebrex. Additionally eliminates discomfort after surgical interventions. Deciding which is better, Arcoxia or Celebrex, depends on the diagnosis.

Important! Unlike Celebrex, the medicine can be used for women during pregnancy if the effect obtained exceeds the risk of side effects .

Contraindications for use:

  • gastrointestinal ulcers;
  • inflammatory diseases of the pulmonary system;
  • severe liver and kidney diseases;
  • IHD;
  • minor age;
  • lactose intolerance (tablets are lactose-coated).

Negative effects:

  • rarely, decreased blood sprouts;
  • violation of water-salt balance;
  • neuralgia: insomnia, anxiety, depression, dizziness, numbness of extremities;
  • decreased visual acuity, so patients are advised to stop driving a vehicle during treatment;
  • rhythm changes (slowdown and acceleration), heart failure, angina pectoris, heart attack, ischemia, hypertension;
  • bronchospasm;
  • dysfunction of renal and hepatic tissue;
  • cramps, muscle spasms.

Attention! When the dosage of the drug was exceeded, no toxic effects or sudden changes in the patient’s condition were observed. Therefore, the risk of overdose is reduced.

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Side effects

Often observed:

  • skin rash and itching ;
  • upper respiratory tract infections, sinusitis , rhinitis , pharyngitis , cough and bronchitis ;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • insomnia , increased muscle tone, dizziness ;
  • dental diseases, flatulence , dyspepsia , diarrhea , abdominal pain;
  • peripheral edema;
  • flu-like syndrome, exacerbation of allergies .

Rarely observed:

  • urticaria , alopecia ;
  • drowsiness , anxiety;
  • vomit;
  • blurred vision, tinnitus ;
  • tachycardia , palpitations, hot flashes, arrhythmia , increased blood pressure, deterioration of arterial hypertension ;
  • thrombocytopenia , ecchymosis , anemia .

Rarely observed:

  • confusion;
  • bullous rashes, angioedema ;
  • increased activity of liver enzymes, intestinal perforation, ulceration of the esophagus;
  • peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach;
  • myocardial infarction , ischemic stroke , congestive heart failure .

About the drug

The body's immune response is formed due to the action of immune cells that produce mediators. One of them is prostaglandins, formed under the action of cyclooxygenase type 2 (COX-2). Celebrex is a selective inhibitor of these substances, so the immune response is reduced.

The product is sold in capsules of 100 and 200 mg. Celebrex 100 mg is taken 2 times a day, 200 mg – 1 time a day.

Indications for use:

  • Musculoskeletal pain;
  • autoimmune diseases affecting the joints;
  • arthritis, arthrosis;
  • pain during menstruation in the lower abdomen (dysmenorrhea);
  • non-infectious inflammatory diseases affecting the area between the vertebrae (ankylosing spondylitis).


  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • minor age;
  • inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract;
  • hematopoietic disorder.

Side effects that may occur after taking Celebrex include:

  • skin allergies;
  • dyspeptic disorders (abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, flatulence);
  • neuralgia (insomnia, dizziness, muscle spasms);
  • decreased number of blood sprouts, increased blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances;
  • ulcerative conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys;
  • disturbance of the cyclicity of menstruation. Which can lead to infertility.

The product is administered orally and therefore affects the entire body. If adverse reactions are detected, it is canceled and contact a therapist.

Celebrex capsules, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

According to the instructions for use of Celebrex, the drug must be taken 200 milligrams twice a day. It is necessary to select the minimum effective dose and a short course of treatment.

For familial adenomatous polyposis, the drug is taken as an additional remedy, 400 milligrams twice a day.

For acute pain - initially from 400 to 600 milligrams per day, then 200 milligrams twice a day.

For ankylosing spondylitis - 100 milligrams twice a day. Maximum – 400 milligrams per day.

For rheumatoid arthritis - from 200 to 400 milligrams per day, divided into two doses. The maximum dose is 800 milligrams per day.

If the patient experiences a decrease in liver function, the dose should be halved.

Celebrex caps 400mg+ 200mg N6 (Pfizer)

Celebrex, given its antipyretic effect, can reduce the diagnostic significance of a symptom such as fever and affect the diagnosis of infection. Cardiovascular effects Celecoxib, like all coxibs, may increase the risk of serious cardiovascular complications such as blood clots, myocardial infarction and stroke, which can be fatal. The risk of these reactions may increase with the dose, duration of use of the drug, as well as in patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system and risk factors for such diseases. To reduce the risk of these reactions in patients taking Celebrex®, it should be used in the lowest effective doses and for the shortest possible periods (at the discretion of the attending physician). The attending physician and patient should be aware of the possibility of such complications occurring even in the absence of previously known symptoms of impaired cardiovascular function. Patients should be informed of the signs and symptoms of adverse cardiovascular effects and measures to take if they occur. When using NSAIDs (selective COX-2 inhibitors) in patients after coronary artery bypass surgery for the treatment of pain in the first 10-14 days, an increase in the incidence of myocardial infarction and cerebrovascular accidents is possible. Due to the weak effect of celecoxib on platelet function, it cannot be a substitute for acetylsalicylic acid for the prevention of thromboembolism. Also, in this regard, antiplatelet therapy (for example, acetylsalicylic acid) should not be discontinued in patients at risk of developing thromboembolic complications. Like all NSAIDs, celecoxib can lead to an increase in blood pressure, which can also cause complications from the cardiovascular system. All NSAIDs, including celecoxib, should be used with caution in patients with arterial hypertension. Monitoring of blood pressure should be carried out at the beginning of therapy with celecoxib, as well as during the course of treatment. Effect on the gastrointestinal tract In patients taking celecoxib, extremely rare cases of perforation, ulceration and bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract were observed. The risk of developing these complications during treatment with NSAIDs is highest in older people, patients with cardiovascular diseases, patients simultaneously receiving acetylsalicylic acid, and patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract such as ulcers, bleeding, inflammatory processes in the acute stage and in history. Other risk factors for the development of bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract are simultaneous use with oral corticosteroids and anticoagulants, a long period of NSAID therapy, smoking, and alcohol consumption. Most spontaneous reports of serious gastrointestinal side effects were in elderly and debilitated patients. Concomitant use with warfarin and other anticoagulants Serious (some of them fatal) bleeding has been reported in patients who received concomitant treatment with warfarin or similar drugs. Since an increase in prothrombin time has been reported, anticoagulant activity should be monitored after initiation of treatment with Celebrex® or a change in its dose. Fluid retention and edema As with other drugs that inhibit prostaglandin synthesis, some patients taking Celebrex® may experience fluid retention and edema, so caution should be exercised when using this drug in patients with conditions predisposing or worsened by fluid retention. Patients with a history of heart failure or hypertension should be closely monitored. Effects on renal function NSAIDs, including celecoxib, may have a toxic effect on renal function. Celecoxib was found to be no more toxic than other NSAIDs. Celebrex® should be used with caution in patients with impaired renal function, heart failure, impaired liver function and in elderly patients. Renal function in such patients should be carefully monitored. Caution should be exercised when using Celebrex® in patients with dehydration. In such cases, it is advisable to first rehydrate and then begin therapy with Celebrex®. Effects on liver function Celebrex® should not be used in patients with severe hepatic impairment (Child-Pyotr class C). Celebrex® should be used with caution in the treatment of patients with moderate hepatic impairment and should be prescribed at the lowest recommended dose. In some cases, severe liver reactions have been observed, including fulminant hepatitis (sometimes fatal), liver necrosis, liver failure (sometimes fatal or the need for liver transplantation). Most of these reactions occurred 1 month after starting celecoxib. Patients with symptoms and/or signs of hepatic impairment, or those patients in whom laboratory tests have demonstrated hepatic impairment, should be closely monitored for the development of more severe hepatic reactions during treatment with Celebrex®. Anaphylactic reactions Cases of anaphylactic reactions have been reported while taking Celebrex®. Serious skin reactions Serious skin reactions, such as exfoliative dermatitis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, and toxic epidermal necrolysis, some of which have been fatal, have been reported extremely rarely with celecoxib. The risk of such reactions occurring is higher in patients at the beginning of therapy; in most reported cases, such reactions began in the first month of therapy. Stop taking Celebrex if you experience skin rash, changes in mucous membranes, or other signs of hypersensitivity. Corticosteroid therapy Celebrex® cannot replace corticosteroids or be used as a treatment for glucocorticosteroid deficiency. Effect on the ability to drive a car and operate machinery The effect of celecoxib on the ability to drive a car and operate machinery has not been studied. However, based on the pharmacodynamic properties and overall safety profile, it appears unlikely that Celebrex® has such an effect. Overdose Clinical experience with overdose is limited. Without clinically significant side effects, single doses up to 1200 mg and multiple doses up to 1200 mg were used in 2 doses per day. If an overdose is suspected, appropriate supportive therapy should be provided. Presumably, dialysis is not an effective method of removing the drug from the blood, due to the high degree of binding of the drug to plasma proteins.


This drug should not be used simultaneously with other NSAIDs that do not contain acetylsalicylic acid .

Since the drug does not affect the antiplatelet effect of acetylsalicylic acid , it is not considered as a replacement for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Do not interact with Tolbutamide , Phenytoin , Glibenclamide , Methotrexate , Omeprazole and antacids . With simultaneous administration of celecoxib and lithium, there is an increase in the concentration of the latter in plasma by 17 percent.

Dynastat or Celebrex – what to choose

NSAIDs based on parecoxib. The package contains tablets or lyophilisate from which the injection liquid is made. It is used to quickly achieve results for patients who have an inflammatory condition of the gastrointestinal tract. The product directly enters the bloodstream, so it has fewer side effects. It is quickly eliminated from the body.

The drug suppresses the synthesis of COX-2 and prostaglandins. Therefore, pain, inflammation, and heat are eliminated.

Indications for use:

  • acute pain;
  • pain therapy after surgery;
  • replacement of opioid analgesics.

Recommended dosage is 40 mg. If symptoms persist, the dose is increased to 80 mg.


  • intolerance to sulfonamides a, allergic reactions to NSAIDs;
  • inflammatory, erosive, ulcerative condition of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • heart failure;
  • renal failure;
  • minor age.

Attention! Unlike Celebrex, the medicine can be used during pregnancy. In this case, the expected effect should be higher than the possibility of side effects.

Side effects:

  • decreased heart rate;
  • neuralgia: anxiety, headache;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • rarely liver inflammation;
  • impaired excretion of substances by the kidneys;
  • allergies: rash, itching (rarely anaphylactic shock and bronchospasm);
  • decrease in platelet count.

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Analogues of Celebrex

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Analogues of the drug:

  • Artoxib;
  • Zitsel;
  • Rancelex;
  • Revmoxib;
  • Celecoxib.

The price of Celebrex analogues is slightly cheaper.

Celebrex price, where to buy

The price of Celebrex 200 milligrams in Russia is on average 400 rubles (10 capsules).

In Ukraine, the cost of the drug is on average 220 hryvnia.

The price of Celebrex tablets for 3 blisters in a package is in the range of 1000-1100 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Celebrex (caps. 200 mg No. 10) Pfizer
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  • Celebrex (caps. 100 mg No. 10)Pfizer

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  • Celebrex capsules 200 mg №30Pfizer

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  • Celebrex capsules 400 mg No. 1+200 mg No. 5 Pfizer

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  • Celebrex 200 mg No. 20 capsules R-Pharm Germani GmbH, Nimechchina
    363 UAH.order

Artoxib or Celebrex – which is better?

International NSAIDs including Celecoxib. Available in the form of 200 mg capsules. Suppresses the synthesis of COX-2 and prostaglandins. The medicine is prescribed to relieve pain in the musculoskeletal system.

Attention! The medicine does not treat the cause, but only eliminates the painful symptom.

The product is indicated for use once a day. If the pain is not eliminated, the dosage is increased to 2 times per day.

Contraindications are similar to Celebrex. The product has many negative effects:

  • dyspepsia;
  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers, erosion, perforation;
  • neuralgia: weakness, dizziness, headache, blurred vision, ringing inside the ears, numbness of the limbs, increased excitability, depressed mood;
  • inflammation of the respiratory tract;
  • decrease in platelet sprouts, erythrocytes, lymphocytes;
  • allergic reactions: itching, rash, redness, urticaria, anaphylaxis.

An overdose may occur with vomiting and neurological disorders, which quickly disappear when the medication is stopped.

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