Is an affair with Corvalol dangerous?

Corvalol drops: composition

The drug contains mint oil, ethyl bromizovalerianate and phenobarbital.

Peppermint is known for its ability to have a calming effect on the nervous system. In addition, mint helps blood vessels dilate.

Phenobarbital is a special component that enhances the effect of other substances that make up Corvalol. In particular, it contributes to the rapid manifestation of a sedative effect on the central nervous system and the body as a whole. Thanks to phenobarbital, Corvalol makes it easier for a person to go to sleep, which is especially important after suffering stress.

Ethyl bromizovalerate is responsible for the antispasmodic effect accompanied by a strong sedative effect.

Drops contain alcohol as an auxiliary component.

Cure for stress

Cure for stress

Today, stress has become synonymous with any negative event. Family quarrel, dismissal, unpleasant news - all this often causes stress. But is he really that scary? In fact, stress is an important and even necessary reaction. It occurs in response to any stimuli that the nervous system interprets as a threat and mobilizes the body for defense. In the modern world, stress lurks at almost every step, and it can be called, without exaggeration, endless. Often, it turns from a protective reaction of the body into a destructive force that can cause a serious blow to human health. And in order to avoid serious consequences, you should consult a doctor at the first sign of trouble. Anti-stress medication prescribed by a specialist can help restore nervous system function and relieve anxiety.

In what cases can specialists prescribe medications for stress?

The most insidious aspect of stress is its ability to take many different forms. Often it even imitates diseases of internal organs, allergies and other conditions, which makes it difficult to identify the causes of a person’s complaints. Experts in the field of neurology and psychology recommend paying close attention to a number of signs that are highly likely to indicate overstrain of the nervous system and require treatment with stress medications.

Problems falling asleep. Sleep is the best indicator of the state of the nervous system. When stressed, the duration of falling asleep is disrupted. More than an hour may pass between the time a person goes to bed and the time he falls asleep. Moreover, even severe fatigue or a sleepless night the previous night does not affect the speed of falling asleep. In addition, under stress, sleep can be shallow, with frequent awakenings.

Excitability. A nervous system that is subjected to excessive stress is unable to provide adequate responses to certain situations. A person may experience strong internal tension and irritability, or even react aggressively to something that, outside of stress, did not unbalance him.

Violation of food culture. “Eating” problems is one of the common signs of stress. It is due to both a psychological factor (“I enjoy food and will prolong it by eating more and more”) and a physiological one (constant tension in the nerves requires a huge amount of resources, which the body compensates for by demanding high-calorie foods).

Bad habits. The need to relax and calm down under excessive psycho-emotional stress often takes the form of addiction or mania. Thus, under stress, the tendency to alcohol addiction increases, strange habits develop in the form of pulling out one’s own hair, repetitive movements (swaying the leg, nodding the head, etc.), an irresistible need to constantly wash hands, etc.

Apathy, indifference. These signs indicate depletion of the resources of the nervous system and are a kind of defensive reaction when a person withdraws himself from solving a problem that has become too large for him.

Lethargy. The constant attack of the body by stress hormones leads to disruption of almost all processes and functions, as a result of which the energy level is significantly reduced and the person experiences severe weakness and drowsiness.

It should be noted that in any case, medications for nerves and stress should be prescribed by a doctor. It takes into account the characteristics of the symptoms: increased excitability or apathy, the duration of influence of stress factors on the person, complications in the form of deterioration in physical health and other factors.

What are the dangers of stress?

Medicines for nerves and stress are not just drugs that alleviate the manifestations of excessive psycho-emotional stress. After all, stress is not just a bad mood. It initiates many biochemical reactions in the body, which, over a long period of time, can cause serious dysfunction of individual organs and systems of the body. One of the consequences of stress, which in the long term can lead to serious complications, is disruption of the immune system. As a result, allergic reactions can develop, relapses of chronic diseases become more frequent, the tendency to ARVI increases, and the body can no longer react actively enough to the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the body, which can lead to the development of dangerous infectious diseases.

Remedies for nerves and stress help prevent such developments by reducing the impact of nervous and physical fatigue on the human body.

Groups of drugs for stress

Medicines for stress and nervous fatigue can have very different effects. When prescribing them, the doctor is guided by such factors as the cause of stress, the severity of the symptoms, their nature (excessive stimulation of the nervous system or, conversely, its depression), complications on the general health, etc. Depending on this, drugs for nerves and stress may be recommended from the following medicinal groups.

Sedatives. Medicines from this group have a mild or moderate sedative effect on the nervous system. Taking them can help restore sleep quality, reduce or completely eliminate increased anxiety and irritability. Almost all over-the-counter medications for stress and depression from this group are made on the basis of herbal ingredients, which are mild in action and have a relatively small number of contraindications.

The list of such drugs includes Corvalol PHYTO, which is available in the form of tablets and drops. It can help cope with stress and its consequences through a combination of natural plant extracts that have sedative, cardiotonic and antispasmodic effects. Taking Corvalol PHYTO can help normalize sleep and stabilize your emotional state. This drug can help eliminate autonomic manifestations of stress, such as tachycardia, increased blood pressure, etc.

Nootropic drugs Medicines from this group are not used as independent drugs in the treatment of stress, since they do not directly affect the mechanisms that provoke or maintain stress. But such drugs can help improve metabolism in nerve cells, which helps restore their functions and thus improves the adaptability of the central nervous system to stress. Nootropic drugs are prescribed in complex treatment for constant stress, high mental stress, circulatory disorders in the brain, etc.

CNS stimulants. Such drugs allow you to activate the functions of the nervous system and increase its productivity under conditions of increased physical or mental stress. CNS stimulants are used with caution, since if used inappropriately or incorrectly, they can relatively quickly deplete the resources of the nervous system, cause fatigue and even lead to drug addiction. Also, after stopping the effect of the drug, performance may sharply decrease and fatigue may increase. Therefore, such drugs are used only in combination and only if their prescription is justified from a medical point of view.

Tranquilizers. These are drugs designed to eliminate strong negative emotions: anger, aggression, fear, panic attacks, etc. They have a calming effect, but are not selective. Along with suppressing fear, anxiety and other strong emotions, they also reduce the speed of reactions of the nervous system. This manifests itself as severe inhibition of a person’s actions, deterioration in concentration and fine motor skills. But at the same time, clarity of thinking and clarity of speech are maintained. Drugs in this group are dispensed exclusively by prescription and are taken only for certain indications, such as anxiety spectrum disorders, panic attacks, abnormally high nervous excitability, etc. Considering that such drugs negatively affect a person’s ability to focus on something and perform precise actions, for the entire period of treatment it is necessary to exclude activities that require a high degree of concentration and the ability to quickly respond to events (driving vehicles, working with electrical tools, etc.).

Antidepressants. This group of medications is prescribed for depression or factors that may contribute to its development (for example, during periods of severe emotional turmoil). The action of these drugs allows you to stabilize your mood and get rid of its fluctuations, reduce the risk of suicidal behavior, etc. But these drugs also require extreme caution and can only be prescribed by a doctor, since if you choose the drug independently and incorrectly, the effect can be the opposite of what was expected.

Neuroleptics. Drugs in this group have a strong effect on the central nervous system, enhancing inhibition processes in it. They are used for severe diseases and disorders of the central nervous system and psyche (severe depression, schizophrenia, manic states, memory loss, etc.) and affect not only the affected areas of the nervous system, but also healthy cells.

All of these groups can, in turn, be divided into two large categories: drugs based on natural ingredients and drugs with synthetic active substances. The former have a mild and gradual effect on the body, their effects appear as the course of treatment continues. They are used for stress, neuroses and neurosis-like conditions that do not require potent drugs and have a small number of contraindications and restrictions. Herbal preparations can be used for a long time if recommended by a doctor.

Drugs created on the basis of synthetic components have a strong effect that occurs after taking the first tablet, and are used in cases where other drugs are not effective enough or their use is obviously inappropriate (usually in severe mental disorders and diseases of the central nervous system). They are dispensed exclusively by prescription, as they require the selection of a specific drug with strict consideration of all circumstances and strict adherence to the dosage. This is due to the fact that such drugs have a number of side effects and many of them carry the risk of developing drug dependence.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine is widely used in the treatment of already developed stress conditions and as a prevention of nervous fatigue during a busy lifestyle. An important condition under which decoctions or infusions of medicinal herbs can help restore the nervous system and will not harm health is a mandatory preliminary consultation with a doctor. He will give recommendations regarding the choice of medicinal plants (chamomile, motherwort, mint, lemon balm, etc.), and will also tell you how to properly prepare and use products (decoction, tea, tincture, etc.) so that they have a calming and relaxing effect.

In addition to these methods, aromatherapy can be used. Essential oils of peppermint, lemon balm, lavender, or a combination of these can help you relax and relieve nervous tension. They can be used for sleep problems, increased anxiety and irritability. Citrus and coniferous oils, on the contrary, have a tonic effect and are recommended for stress, which is manifested by apathy and suppression of the reactions of the nervous system. But it is important to remember that folk remedies can only complement the main treatment, without replacing it completely.

How many drops of Corvalol to take?

Most often you can find Corvalol in drops. It is sold in glass vials equipped with a dropper. Therefore, the question most often arises of how many drops you need to drink in each specific case. There is an opinion that it is correct to take into account the following calculation: 1 drop per 1 year of life. However, medicine says that this is wrong.

A single dose should not exceed 30 drops. Corvalol concentrate must be dissolved in a sufficient amount of water. The more liquid you take for dilution, the less pronounced the taste of the medicinal solution will be. In special cases, the single dose can be increased to 50 drops.

You can repeat the reception up to three times a day. It is important that the daily dose does not exceed 100 drops.

It is not recommended to take Corvalol as a course without consulting a doctor. Unlike long-term use, a one-time use during stress does not pose a danger to humans, however, constant use of the drug can also have a negative effect on the body.


Due to the fact that the drug contains bromine compounds, an overdose can provoke:

  • depression;
  • rhinitis;
  • inflammation of the conjunctiva;
  • lack of coordination;
  • drug dependence.

With prolonged use, patients note the appearance of dizziness, increased drowsiness, and the appearance of allergic reactions.

With liver failure, a rash may appear, accompanied by severe itching. Each meal will make the rash worse, even if Corvalol is stopped. Patients with phenobarbital poisoning note the appearance of edema, which indicates an exacerbation of renal failure. If such a reaction occurs, the patient should urgently call a doctor and, if necessary, be hospitalized.

Special reactions to the components of the drug

The following negative reactions were observed in patients taking Corvalol:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • constipation;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • increased weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • hallucinations;
  • headaches in the frontal lobe;
  • anemia;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • difficulty breathing.

Is it possible to use Corvalol for VSD?

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is not a diagnosis, but this condition well characterizes the well-being of many people. It is accompanied by fatigue, dizziness that occurs with a sudden change in body position, including darkening of the eyes. Dystonia is a condition of blood vessels in which they do not have time to respond to a change from a horizontal to a vertical body position, and also cannot expand in a timely manner to allow more blood to pass through during sports activities.

In this case, the effect of Corvalol is explained by several factors:

  • mint makes blood vessels more elastic;
  • bromine reduces anxiety, which increases the symptoms of VSD;
  • phenobarbital enhances the effect of the other two components, improving sleep.

Is an affair with Corvalol dangerous?

There are a lot of medicines that have been in pharmacies and home medicine cabinets for decades. We have known all about them since childhood and are not at all afraid of them. They are quiet, familiar and always at hand, like your favorite slippers: I used them and immediately felt light and calm.

But no matter what we are dealing with, no matter how harmless and familiar it may seem to us, we should always handle objects with caution. Even thanks to slippers, no matter how cozy and warm they are, you can fall and slip on a wet floor. And what about medications! Moreover, they may not be such friendly inhabitants of our home.

For example, the widely known and dear “Corvalol”, which can show its needles to those who treat it too carelessly.

Unclear diagnosis

I want to tell you a story. One day, a young woman, 27 years old, was admitted to the neurology department. According to her mother, she found her lying in the hallway of her apartment. The daughter's speech was incomprehensible and incoherent. The woman staggered and could hardly stand on her feet. The arriving ambulance team did not decide on the diagnosis and took the woman to the hospital, where she was hospitalized with a suspected ruptured brain aneurysm.

A computed tomography (CT) scan did not reveal any problems in the brain. And in the morning the girl became cheerful and cheerful. All her balance and speech problems disappeared. Relatives and doctors exhaled: “Well, thank God.” We decided to wait another week, conduct additional research and discharge the lady. However, the very next day the patient was found lying on the floor in her room, in the same condition as when she was hospitalized. Again fuss and research, again CT scan, and again after 2 days the woman is as fresh as a cucumber.

This went on several times. The doctors were perplexed, the relatives were angry... until someone discovered a bag of empty Corvalol bottles in the patient’s nightstand. The patient admitted that she took all of this “Corvalol” orally during her stay in the hospital.

Why didn't anyone guess?

Yes, no one guessed right away, even despite the persistent smell of Corvalol in the room. Why didn't the doctors guess? The saga with the abuse of Corvalol was just beginning. This medicine was on the market a long time ago, but all the intricacies of drug addiction were mainly known to narcologists. And narcologists are people who also tell few people their professional secrets, because there are always people who will accept this information as a guide to action.

Previously, people in Russia had a rather rigid attitude that medicine is medicine, and it should be taken as it should be. It was only during perestroika that the opinion began to spread widely that “doctors don’t know anything, you have to get treatment yourself.”

And a considerable part of cases of self-medication is expressed in the fact that patients change the doses of their medications according to their own ideas about the safety and danger of the drug. "Corvalol" has always been considered "harmless". Many people thought that if they dripped a little of it into a glass, there would be no harm. Who will be harmed by some 10–20 extra drops? And for this reason, cases of abuse began to appear more and more often.

Narcotic bottle

So is Corvalol dangerous? The perception of Corvalol as a faithful friend standing by in the face of life's ups and downs played a bad joke with this drug. Now they want to present it everywhere as 50 ml of evil in a dark bottle, but it is really good when used correctly.

That is, in recommended doses. When it was added to the list of narcotic substances in 2013, many people were extremely unhappy with it.

Everyone knew that there was phenobarbital, which has long been a “registered drug” (that is, issued by prescription and its consumption is strictly controlled in hospitals). But for people it was a convenient drug to “calm the nerves” that helped. And the ban on free sale was perceived by them as the government’s malice. After all, how much phenobarbital is in that Corvalol? The cat cried. As a result, Corvalol is still sold in Russia without a prescription, but the problem with the possibility of developing dependence on it still remains.

Let's figure out how it turns out that people become dependent on the drug. It's really low in phenobarbital. Only 7.5 mg per 20 drops. This is 6.7 times less than in one tablet of phenobarbital. Those. even if you drink Corvalol 3 times a day, 15–20 drops, as recommended, no harm will happen. And many people can actually drink Corvalol at this dose for years without fear of physical dependence.

Heartfelt care

However, it should be noted that psychological dependence on the drug may occur. “Corvalol” can become a symbol of the depth of mental suffering in some people prone to demonstrative behavior. If someone starts drinking "heart drops", it means that he is very upset and shows this to others. In other cases, especially in the elderly, Corvalol is simply part of the daily routine. The man got up in the morning, took his morning pills and dropped some drops “for nerves” just in case. Naturally, if Corvalol suddenly disappears from reach, this causes some panic, because something in life begins to be seriously lacking.

Tenacious paws "Corvalola"

But real addiction is characterized not so much by the regularity of administration, but by the size of the dose and its gradual increase from day to day. If you start taking 1 bottle of Corvalol per day, the dose will be more than 3 tablets of phenobarbital. Accordingly, if you drink a bottle 3 times a day, you will get a much larger dose. And if the dose of phenobarbital is increased by 3–4 times, dependence on the substance develops in 75% of people.

In addition, in the case of Corvalol, everything is even more complicated. 96% of the drug is ethyl alcohol. And alcohol and phenobarbital enhance each other’s effects, and therefore addiction develops much faster, without reaching high doses.

But addiction is one side of the coin of Corvalol abuse. Both phenobarbital and alcohol cause damage to the nervous system. In this case, they strike the brain together, causing damage.

How can this happen?

Why do people start abusing the drug? Basically, a person falls into the Corvalol network by accident. Those. he has no specific desire to put himself in a state of intoxication. Such people have various mental and psychological problems, such as depression or chronic anxiety. In these cases, Corvalol does not provide any significant and lasting improvement in the condition. At first, the symptoms seem to subside, and then everything starts again. People begin to gradually add a dose, wanting to calm down, but peace does not come.

How to avoid getting addicted?

1. Do not exceed recommended doses. 2. Do not mix Corvalol with alcohol and other sedatives. 3. If the recommended dose of Corvalol is no longer enough, you should consult a doctor to prescribe other sedatives. 4. If your daily dose is higher than the recommended dose, reduce your dose gradually.

After this, it is advisable to completely abandon Corvalol. It is unlikely to have any effect.

Natalia Stilson


How to take Corvalol for herpes

The effectiveness of Corvalol against the herpes virus, which manifests itself on the lips in the form of ulcers, has been noted. It is important to use Corvalol at the first sign of a painful sore on the lips. In order to prevent the disease from developing, it is necessary to wet a piece of cotton wool or one end of a cotton swab with Corvalol and apply it to the ulcer. A tingling sensation will indicate that the drug has begun to destroy the ulcer. Alcohol, having a drying effect, will speed up recovery. You need to repeat the procedure several times a day until the tingling stops.

CORVALOL (tablets)

achycardia and just fall asleep.
But Corvalol in drops has this peculiarity - it is very fragrant, and very unpleasant. Its smell permeates everything around. One day the neighbors asked us for bread, I gave it, then the neighbor said that the bread smelled like corvalol. This stopped me, I realized that everything around me smelled. The smell became hateful and soon I stopped buying these drops. But again, after the excitement, I realized that insomnia had come!

I began to look for what I could buy and restore myself. If earlier you could buy phenazepam and take a pill at night and sleep safely, now everything has changed and this drug has become a prescription drug, like some others. The drug Donormil, which is described as a sleeping pill, helps many people, but I once tried it a couple of times, in the morning and all day, you walk around in such a crazy state that it would be better not to sleep at all.

Then I came across that there is Corvalol in tablets. Wow... How so? There were always only drops, but here are tablets.

I looked on the Internet and found instructions to find out what and why. The composition includes peppermint oil, phenobarbital is the main component of Corvalol. It is phenobarbital that relaxes the human nervous system and thereby improves sleep. I have often read that phenobarbital is harmful, but I have never heard of anyone dying from it. You can end up in the hospital if you don’t sleep for several nights-) So Corvalol is better.

During the daytime, Corvalol helps to be calm, the psycho-emotional sphere of a person improves, and at the end of the day the natural process of falling asleep begins.

If you believe the instructions, the blood pressure is also normalized and tachycardia is eliminated.

Well, indispensable under stress. Here I would like to note that it is much more convenient to carry tablets in your purse than drops. There is no need to describe why, I think.

The tablet can be dissolved under the tongue or drunk with enough water. It was more convenient for me to drink it, since I don’t like the smell, as I already wrote.

But for the sake of experiment, I decided to dissolve it, but because of the smell and the feeling that it was like drops, I went and washed it down with water. But in case of unexpected stress, the sublingual method will probably work faster.

In general, after 5 days of poor sleep, I started drinking Corvalol, you can drink no more than 6 tablets a day.

But I took three tablets, morning, lunch and evening.

The very next day in the evening I noticed an improvement in my emotional background. My sleep became more or less good. On the fourth day, I noticed that I was falling asleep better and faster and that my sleep had become longer. If earlier I woke up at 7 o’clock or even at 6 in the morning and could not sleep any further, now, having gotten up at 7 o’clock, I felt like I still wanted to sleep. I went to bed and slept for another two hours.

In the morning there is no weakness or plague state, a calm and balanced state. The performance is excellent, the mood is also good. I want to live and create.

I took one tablet of pills. Yesterday I only took two tablets, this morning I took one and I think I’ll take another one tonight and that’s it.

I'll see how I can sleep without it.

In general, the drug is not bad, I recommend it. You don’t need to write to me to go to the doctor, because I don’t even want to go to our doctors. But if I go to the regional center, I will definitely go to the reception.

What are the tablets?

Packed in a blister that can be broken off along the dotted line.

Well, in case you need to carry one tablet with you rather than the whole package, just in case

This is what the tablets look like from the other side of the blister.

By the way, you can buy it without a prescription. Bye. I don’t know, but here we will probably soon be able to buy everything only by prescription -(

Sweet Dreams to all! And, of course, health!

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