"Angilex" - a topical drug

Composition and release form

100 ml of solution for external use Angilex contains:

  • Hexetidine – 100 mg;
  • Chlorobutanol hemihydrate – 250 mg;
  • Choline salicylate – 500 mg;
  • Additional substances.

100 ml of Angilex spray contains:

  • Hexetidine – 100 mg;
  • Chlorobutanol hemihydrate – 250 mg;
  • Choline salicylate – 500 mg;
  • Additional substances.

Release form:

  • Spray in bottles of 30 or 50 ml, in cardboard packs of 1 bottle.
  • Solution for topical use in 120 ml bottles, 1 bottle in cardboard packs.

Composition of the drug Angilex spray

Active ingredients: hexetidine, choline salicylate, chlorobutanol hemihydrate; 100 ml of the drug contains hexetidine in terms of 100% substance 0.1 g, choline salicylate in terms of 100% substance 0.5 g, chlorobutanol hemihydrate in terms of 100% substance 0.25 g; excipients: sodium saccharin, polysorbate 20, propionic acid, ethanol 96%, lemon oil, anise oil, menthol, peppermint oil, eucalyptol, methyl salicylate, purified water. Dosage form. Oral spray. Transparent, slightly colored solution with a specific aromatic odor. Pharmacological group : Drugs used for throat diseases. Various antiseptics.

Pharmaceutical action

Angilex is an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drug that also has an analgesic effect. The composition of the drug Angilex includes hexetidine, chlorobutanol hemihydrate and choline salicylate.

Hexetidine is an antimicrobial substance that competitively replaces thiamine. Hexetidine is active against gram-positive and gram-negative anaerobic and aerobic microorganisms. The substance has a bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect depending on the dose and type of microorganisms. The drug has a fungicidal effect against fungi.

Chlorobutanol hemihydrate is a local anesthetic used primarily in otolaryngological and dental practice in the form of external preparations.

Choline salicylate is a non-narcotic analgesic with pronounced anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects. The drug is active when applied topically, due to the ability to penetrate into deeper tissues when applied to the mucous membranes.

After using the spray and solution, the active components are fixed on the mucous membrane of the throat and have a long-lasting therapeutic effect.


Angilex is not prescribed to patients who have individual intolerance to the components that make up the drug.

Also, in order to avoid unpleasant situations, the drug should not be prescribed to children under 3 years of age.

The drug should be taken with extreme caution by people suffering from epilepsy. The medication significantly reduces the epileptic threshold, and this leads to seizures, especially in children.

The medicine should be taken with caution by people who are allergic to aspirin.

It is not advisable to use the product for a long period of time. This will lead to disruption of the natural microbial balance of the oral cavity, and this in turn is dangerous due to secondary fungal or bacterial spread.

The presence of menthol in drugs can lead to the formation of laryngospasm.

If treatment with the drug does not produce results and inflammation of the throat increases, therapy should be stopped

During pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the drug can be taken in cases where the doctor decides that the benefit to the mother from treatment with Angilex outweighs the possible risks for the unborn baby.

Indications for use

Angilex spray and solution are used for local treatment of patients suffering from inflammatory diseases of the pharynx and oral cavity, including stomatitis, periodontitis, gingivitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis and tonsillitis.

Angilex is also prescribed for painful teething in children over 2.5 years old and adults.

The drug can be prescribed for oral care in patients who have undergone surgical interventions in the oral cavity and pharynx.


No cases of drug overdose have been identified. But, if it happens that the patient accidentally swallowed a large amount of the drug, then in this case the patient’s stomach is washed and enterosorbents are prescribed orally. In this case, you cannot do without consulting a doctor.

In general, Angilex is well tolerated by patients; side effects are extremely rare. In extreme cases, allergic reactions or irritation of the oral mucosa may develop.

If the drug is used for a long period of time, the natural microflora in the oral cavity may be disrupted.


Angilex solution:

The drug is intended for preparing a solution for rinsing the mouth. Do not swallow or use undiluted solution. To prepare a solution for rinsing the mouth, 2 teaspoons of the drug should be diluted in 1/4 cup of warm drinking water. Before using the drug, you should rinse your mouth with clean water. Children should rinse under adult supervision.

Usually 2-4 rinses per day are prescribed.

The solution should not be used for more than 5 days in a row, unless otherwise prescribed by the attending physician.

Spray Angileks:

The drug is intended for irrigation of the pharynx and oral cavity. Before using the spray, it is recommended to rinse your mouth.

Adults are recommended to use the drug 4-6 times a day, 1 irrigation.

For children under 15 years of age, it is recommended to use the drug 2-3 times a day, 1 irrigation.

The spray should not be used for more than 5 days in a row, unless otherwise prescribed by your doctor.

Angilex instructions and frequently asked questions


for medical purposes




hexetidine, choline salicylate, chlorobutanol hemihydrate;

dyuchi speeches:

1 ml of the drug contains hexetidine 1 mg, choline salicylate 5 mg, chlorobutanol hemihydrate converted to chlorobutanol 2.5 mg;

additional speeches:

sodium saccharin, polysorbate, propionic acid, ethanol 96%, citric acid, anise oil, menthol, peppermint oil, eucalyptol, methyl salicylate, purified water.

Medicine form.

Oral spray.

Main physical and chemical authorities:

insightful, lightly fermented wines with a specific pleasant smell.

Pharmacotherapeutic group.

Know what to do when you have a sore throat. Antiseptics. Code ATXR02A A20.

Pharmacological power.


The action of the drug consists of three active ingredients.

Antibacterial and antifungal activity. Hexetidine has an antibacterial effect on both gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, both on aerobes and anaerobes.

This means that in aerobic plants, the bacteriostatic effect is mainly bacteriostatic, and the bactericidal action is weak. In anaerobic compounds, hexetidine has a bactericidal effect. The mechanism of action is based on a competitive interaction with thiamine: the structure of hexetidine is similar to the structure of thiamine, which is necessary for the growth of microorganisms.

Anti-inflammatory activity. Choline salicylate provides analgesic, antipyretic and antipyretic action. For treatment of sick mouth.

Analgesic activity is ensured by chlorobutanol. Used in otolaryngology (nose drops, rinsing) and in dental practice (applications and applications) as an anesthetic.


Active speech is fixed on the mucous membrane of the mouth, and the signs of stench gradually wobble.

Clinical characteristics.


Antibacterial and analgesic agent for the mucous membrane of the empty mouth and oropharynx.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Contraindicated for patients with atrophic pharyngitis, bronchial asthma, or any other respiratory illnesses associated with obvious hypersensitivity of respiratory diseases.

Interactions with other medicinal drugs and other types of interactions.

Do not use drugs at the same time as antiseptics. Hexetidine may be inactivated by drugs.

Features of stagnation.

When the drug is cured, do not allow it to come into contact with your eyes, as the wine fragments will contain ethanol. It is not recommended to dry the product as it may change the natural microbial balance of the mouth and throat, which poses a risk of bacterial and fungal growth syuzhenya. If serious clinical signs of bacterial infection appear, prompt antibacterial therapy should be considered. If symptoms persist for more than 5 days and/or body temperature is elevated, it is necessary to reconsider treatment tactics.

The drug should be administered with caution to patients with epilepsy. The drug may change the epileptic stage and cause seizures in children. Use caution in patients susceptible to allergic reactions, including bronchial asthma, especially in patients with allergies to acetylsalicylic acid. If a sign of hypersensitivity appears, take this drug immediately. The drug contains ethanol and should be administered with caution to patients with liver disease. This is a cause of laryngospasm in children due to the presence of menthol.

In case of severe inflammation, apply the drug to the trace.

Suspension during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Data from studies in humans show the possibility of penetration of hexetidine into the placenta and excretion in breast milk every day, so the drug should not stagnate during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

This is due to the fluidity of the reaction during treatment with vehicles or other mechanisms.

The drug is a mixture of ethanol. It is not recommended for water users to use a car for 30 minutes after the drug has been infused.

Method of congestion and dosage.

Zastosovovat as a local remedy for sterilization of the oral emptyings and oropharynx.

Adults and children aged 15 years:

1 sawing 4-6 times per dose.

Children aged 6 to 15 years:

1 sawing 2-3 times per dobu.

The course of treatment is no more than 5 days.


Do not administer the drug to children under 6 years of age.


It was not possible to overdose the drug.

Alcohol intoxication can occur through the soaking of a sufficient amount of alcohol into the mouth.

The concentration of hexetidine in the drug is not toxic, as the drug is used for its intended purpose.

The cause of acute alcohol intoxication is low in severity. If the child has taken a significant dose of the drug, alcohol intoxication may occur through ethyl alcohol instead.

There were no episodes of hypersensitivity to hexetidine, which resulted in a hypersensitivity reaction.

Treatment overdose is symptomatic, but rarely necessary. At the end of the day, the child is pierced with a bottle instead of a bottle, and the trace will inevitably go to the doctor. It is necessary to consider the possibility of carrying out a rinsing of the mucus for 2 years after training and to survive until the sign of alcohol intoxication is eliminated.

Adverse reactions.

On the side of the immune system:

hypersensitivity reactions, including angioedema, angioedema, allergic reactions, including laryngospasm, bronchospasm.

On the side of the nervous system:

loss of taste (including ageusia, dysgeusia), change in savory tastes over a period of 48 years (the taste of “sweet” can be changed for two days to the taste of “bitter”).

On the side of the respiratory system, the organs of the chest and the mediastinum:

cough, sore throat

On the side of the grass system:

dry mouth, dysphagia, increased swelling, pain when walking. When the drug is administered in a period of time, it may result in intestinal problems, followed by boredom and vomiting.

On the side of the skin and under the skin:

allergic contact dermatitis, skin reactions (hinging).

Zagalni destruction and camp zastosuvannya:

Local reactions, including a reverse change in the color of teeth and tongue; sensitivity of the mucous membrane, and the liver itself, as a result of the same name; soreness (soreness, heat, itching) of the tongue and/or mucous membrane of the mouth; decreased sensitivity; paresthesia of the mucous membrane; burning; pukhirtsi; vineyard of virazoks on mucous membrane; You may feel a sore throat, a sore throat, dryness of the mucous membrane of the nose/throat.

Term of attribution.

3 rocks.

Save your mind.

Store in original packaging at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Do not freeze. Keep out of the reach of children.


30 ml per container with a spray nozzle and a dry scoop per box;

50 ml per bottle with an oral dispensing device and a dry container in the box.

Release category.

Over the counter.


Partnership with the same division “Pharmaceutical company “Zdorovya”.

The location of the distributor and the address of the location of the promotion of the activity.

Ukraine, 61013, Kharkiv region, Kharkiv town, Shevchenka street, Budynok 22.


The description of the drug Angilex on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use. Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug).

Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

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