How to rinse your mouth with Chlorhexidine for gum inflammation

Chlorhexidine is an effective antiseptic drug used in traditional medicine. It is used in gynecology, dermatology, and also in dentistry to combat various types of bacteria. Available in solution form, Chlorhexidine is often used for gum inflammation.

How to rinse your mouth with Chlorhexidine for gum inflammation

When is chlorhexidine needed? Indications

  • After tooth extraction . The doctor may prescribe oral baths with chlorhexidine if the tooth was removed due to severe inflammation and not planned. During normal extractions, there is no need to make baths or rinse, so as not to damage the blood clot in the socket of the extracted tooth.
  • For stomatitis . This is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the cheeks and lips, which manifests itself in small wounds. Inflammation can be caused by various reasons: hormonal, taking medications, allergic reactions and household ones, for example, when eating crackers or seeds.
  • For inflammation of the gums . In this case, you can use an antiseptic at home for pain and discomfort, but you should definitely see a doctor. Most often, the gums become inflamed due to supra- and subgingival plaque that needs to be removed. The procedure is called periodontal oral hygiene and after it the doctor will no longer prescribe chlorhexidine.

This is due to the peculiarity of the product to create a film on the surface of the teeth, to which new plaque and coloring pigments will “stick”. Therefore, after a course of chlorhexidine, a dark plaque forms on the teeth. Residues of food “stick” to this roughness, which are already difficult to remove on your own, they begin to provoke inflammation and the problem appears all over again. Thus, all the benefits of treatment are negated.

Antiseptic Chlorhexidine - reviews

Natalya B.

Chlorhexidine is an excellent antiseptic for external use. Well suited not only for painless treatment of wounds and abrasions, but also for gargling during ARVI. I bought the drug for my home and car first aid kit. I think it should always be at hand. In addition to its high effectiveness, I would like to note the low cost of the drug.



excellent cheap antiseptic


possible allergic reactions, dry skin, itching, staining of teeth

Chlorkesidine has been known in medical practice for just under half a century. This is an excellent antiseptic, which has been successfully used in surgery for several decades to treat hands before and after surgery, as well as to treat the surgical field.

In our family, there is always a bottle of chlorhexidine in the home medicine cabinet. It is also required, like, for example, hydrogen peroxide. The advantage of chlorhexidine is its low cost - about 10 rubles per bottle.

Many consider chlorhexidine to be a cheap analogue of miramistin. However, the latter is not only more expensive, but also better in efficiency.

Recently I had to use chlorhexidine twice - during the treatment of a suture after surgery and before removing tartar.

As for the treatment of sutures, everything is very clear here - the wound surface should be treated as thoroughly as possible with chlorhexidine, and then use levomekol or some other remedy recommended by the doctor.

But when it comes to rinsing, you should be careful. Yes, chlorhexidine relieves gum inflammation, but it can change the color of teeth and, even with prolonged use, cause tooth decay. Before removing tartar, I rinsed my mouth with chlorhexidine for three days, this way the inflammation of the gums was relieved and then the tartar was removed from the teeth.

I know that stomatitis and advanced periodontitis are also treated with chlorhexidine; it is used in the prevention of STDs (especially as emergency prevention in case of unplanned sexual intercourse without a barrier method of contraception).

This drug retains its activity in the presence of pus and blood; this antiseptic is active against herpes, gardnerella, ureaplasma and other types of bacteria.

Chlorhexidine is also actively used in cosmetology. In complex therapy, they treat acne on the face and care for skin after piercings and tattoos.

In general, the product is a five plus!

Elena Pavlovna - doctor

The drug Chlorhexidine has long established itself as a good antiseptic.

The drug can be used for diseases of the ENT organs (tonsillitis, pharyngitis); for treating wound surfaces (cuts, abrasions, etc.), for sanitizing the genitals to prevent STIs; as an antiseptic in everyday life (hand treatment, household items).

The product is safe, so it can be used in children and pregnant women. Chlorhexidine very rarely causes allergic reactions.

Despite its versatility, Chlorhexidine is affordable.


Advantages: price, effect, quality

Disadvantages: no

One day, my child and I ended up in the hospital due to a severe sore like stomatitis. The child was prescribed the drug Chlorhexidine. I was even surprised that it was prescribed to a child, because now there is an expensive analogue, Hesikon, which is several times more expensive than Chlorhexidine, but Heksikon is intended for adults. This same product costs only 20 rubles and it should be in any pharmacy, the main thing is to insist to the pharmacist that you look for it in your area, because they will try as usual...


One day I saw this antiseptic in a pharmacy and since then it has always been in my medicine cabinet. The price is not high, but the effect is simply amazing. No worse than iodine or just alcohol. But it does not have a poisonous color or smell. It doesn’t sting, which is important if there are small children in the house.

Oksana Petrova


Over the past four years, I have purchased an aqueous solution of Chlorhexidine 0.05% twice. The first time a wisdom tooth was removed, the removal was not easy and the gums were severely damaged. The doctor told me not to eat anything for two hours and not to eat hot food for 24 hours. It was recommended to rinse with an aqueous solution of Chlorhexidine 2-3 times a day for 5 days, and also treat the cavity with Solcoseryl dental ointment (not to be confused with regular ointment).

Chlorhexidine is a good antiseptic, the effectiveness of which I have personally tested. I rinsed for three days, no more. Then the wound healed and I decided that I couldn’t use it anymore.

The pediatrician recommended rinsing with the solution a second time when the child had stomatitis. I didn’t take the risk because I was afraid that I might swallow it and chose a drug that needed to be applied pointwise to the wound.

tanners' romance

Advantages: cheap, easy to use, wide spectrum of action

Used to gargle for tonsillitis, stomatitis, and gum inflammation. In medicine, it is used to disinfect instruments. You can treat wounds, abrasions, burns. The product is universal and costs a penny. The only contraindications are hypersensitivity to the drug. Pregnant, breastfeeding and children only after consulting a doctor. You can treat wounds of pets. And, of course, it is actively used in gynecology.

I recommend that you always have it in your home medicine cabinet.

Application in gynecology

Sit on the edge of the bathtub so that your feet are in the bathtub itself, then take a bottle of the solution, insert its tip into the vagina and release about eighty milliliters of the solution there. You should try to sit for two to three minutes so that the chlorhexidine does not leak out, then squat down, allow the solution to flow out and rinse the external genitalia with warm water.

Chlorhexidine is effective against:

– bacteria: treponema, chlamydia, ureaplasma, gonococcus, gardnerella, gram-negative anaerobic rod-shaped bacteria (except mycobacterium tuberculosis);

– causative agents of fungal diseases – yeasts and dermatophytes;

– herpes simplex virus.

Does not affect bacterial and fungal spores.

Indications for use:

– treatment of postoperative wounds;

– treatment of burn wounds;

– prevention of sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes);

– treatment and sanitation of the genital tract in gynecology during therapeutic and diagnostic procedures;

– cleaning the surgeon’s hands before surgery;

– treatment of infected abrasions and cracks of the skin and open mucous membranes;

– applications in the form of rinses and irrigations for gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, alveolitis in dentistry;

– washing abrasions and cracks for the purpose of disinfection.

Indicated for the treatment of purulent wounds, burn surfaces, bacterial and fungal diseases of the skin and mucous membranes in dentistry, surgery, urology, obstetrics and gynecology;

– washing the eyes, bladder and body cavities;

– processing of the surgical field;

– cleaning the surgeon’s hands before surgery, disinfecting the skin;

– disinfection of endoscopes and working surfaces of equipment and devices, heat treatment, which is undesirable;

– for disinfection of removable dentures;

– disinfection of various surfaces.

This is such a huge range of applications for this cheap product.

The drug should not be combined with soap, since the presence of soap can inactivate chlorhexidine.


After visiting public places, as soon as I arrived, I sprayed chlorhexidine into my nose and throat - both cheap and effective. But it stings. Can be replaced with miromistin. And before leaving, I applied an ointment based on pine resin on my nose - a super thing! During the flu season, I never even had a runny nose! But there were no sick people at home either. And just in case, I went to the clinic wearing a mask, I don’t know how effective it was, but it made me feel safer.


I work in a beauty salon. When I came to the salon, I decided to get my ears pierced and my navel pierced. The master who did this to me told me to treat these places with Chlorhexidine. I bought it at the pharmacy, the first thing that surprised me was the price. Well, very affordable. I took a 0.05% solution for myself so as not to dilute it, but to immediately use it for its intended purpose. There were no suppurations, everything went fine. Then my friend advised me to use it as a facial tonic, she said that I would be delighted. And indeed, the “tonic” met all my expectations. So, how I do it is to drop a drop of tea tree oil and a drop of apricot kernel oil onto a cotton pad, then pour it on the solution and wipe my face with it. Firstly, the pores have cleared and pimples have stopped appearing, and even if they do appear, I additionally lubricate them with Chlorhexidine (precisely) and everything goes away very quickly. Secondly, the pores have narrowed a little. And thirdly, the skin began to look great, the overall appearance is amazing, such an impression that it already breathes health. I also use it as an antiseptic, if I hurt myself, any scratch goes away very quickly. Always, if I'm going on vacation or going to nature, I take it with me. I’m so used to him being with me that I stopped even thinking about the consequences of cuts or burns, because I know that the solution will remove all the infection and make it faster to our healing. Many friends with children also can’t do without it, they say it’s harmless and effective. Children do not cry, because it does not bake and does not create discomfort during processing. But one more thing I wanted to say is that the product also copes well with sweat in the summer. Or rather, it does not remove sweating, but simply removes the smell, so you don’t have to worry about smelling unpleasantly. And one of my friends actually douches herself with this solution, she says that she is carrying out prevention against bacteria. And that she never gets thrush. So if I run into her, I’ll also try to syringe myself, and at the same time check if it’s true. I am very glad that it is still possible to find cheap remedies that effectively combat everyday problems in various areas.



cheap remedy


did not find

I recently pierced my nose, so the salon advised me to use 2 products, one is chlorhexidine, but I don’t remember the second, so I decided to try chlorhexidine, I don’t regret at all that it was my choice. It disinfects well, there is no smell, it looks like water. After just 3 days my nose was as good as new. I didn’t get sick and all the redness went away.



price, efficiency, product availability


a significant competitor to expensive drugs))

Ten days ago I had my belly button pierced. The specialist advised to wipe/fill the wound with boric alcohol!! It was agony... the heat was terrible, and the skin was irritated!!! Having read about chlorhexidine on the forums, I decided to try it yesterday, although they warned me not to get the wound wet... I decided to try it at my own peril and risk. In the morning, not a single redness, not a burning sensation... for the first time in these days I enjoyed washing my puncture)



Cheap, Effective



Have you tried any expensive drugs, sea waters and sprays? Nothing helped with a runny nose. A cheap (10 rubles) solution of Chlorhexidine helped.

Az Gu





A good antiseptic at such a low price. We use it for washing cuts, wounds, we even used it for conjunctivitis, for wiping the eyes, it helped in 2-3 doses.



Chlorhexidine is a universal antiseptic. Where is it not used? But in my review I will only talk about my methods.


Hypersensitivity, dermatitis, allergic reactions.

Side effects

Allergic reactions (skin rash), dry skin, itching, dermatitis, sticky hands (within 3-5 minutes), photosensitivity. In the treatment of gingivitis - staining of tooth enamel, tartar deposits, taste disturbance.

Chlorhexidine is clear in appearance, not cloudy. Has a bitter taste. Without smell.

When you rinse, it’s not pleasant at first, but then you get used to the bitter taste.

I have the simplest packaging, no additional information. Manufactured in Tula.


I didn’t include all the information; it would have taken 1/2 of the review. This includes the treatment of hands, instruments, in gynecology, ENT diseases, in general, in many places.

There are also candles and chlorhexidine in the dispenser. In the maternity hospital we were given chlorhexidine in suppositories; to be honest, I can’t remember the sensation, but if it burned, I would remember.

Shelf life: 2 years.

Now about its wonderful properties.


When I cleaned my face with a Uno stick, I treated my skin and instrument with chlorhexidine. No side effects were identified, therefore the product helped in disinfecting the surface.

As for your hands, be sure to first wipe your dirty hands with a damp cloth and then with chlorhexidine. But I find it more convenient to use the alcohol option in the dispenser.


I used to treat toys and crib with chlorhexidine, it is much cheaper than baby cleaners.

I also use it to clean my phone from germs. I don’t know how relevant this is, but it happens in my practice. Some people add it to the water for washing floors, but in my opinion, this option is not a cheap option.


I tried a lot of gargles: Yox, Chlorophyllipt, Furacilin, Octenisept. But I've never tried chlorhexidine. Which I sincerely regret.

In combination with proper rinsing, tonsil plugs will come out on their own.

Of course, it is better to take a throat swab to determine aggressive microflora; if you have staphylococcus, chlorophyllipt is suitable; if you have streptococcus, chlorhexidine is suitable. The rest of the remedies seemed aggressive to me, they dry out the throat and do not relieve pain.

How to gargle correctly?

It’s a shame that pediatricians don’t teach children how to gargle correctly from a young age. How many people rinse? They took a mouthful of chamomile tincture, “a Christmas tree was born in the forest,” they sang the chorus and spat it out. This is fundamentally wrong.

For example, gargling with chlorhexidine 0.05%.

  • We took three tablespoons of the product and went to the sink.
  • We put a little product into our mouth; in our case, three spoons will be enough for 2 passes.
  • We tilt our head back, not too much, but so that the product washes the tonsils.
  • We say U-U-U for 1.5 minutes! An untrained person cannot help but breathe for a minute and a half, so we try to gargle for 30 seconds, inhale, another 30 seconds, inhale again, without changing position.

What will we get as a result? If you do not see plugs on your tonsils, but there are complaints, this does not mean that there are no plugs. If your tonsils are enlarged, you should know that the plugs are inside, or hidden behind the tonsils. Usually the ENT doctor sees this at the appointment if he slightly moves them away.

You will be surprised, but the plugs will come out on their own after such rinsing. 5 times a day is enough, but the main thing is not to dry it out, alternate with other products.

Chlorhexidine is not a panacea; if you have a chronic stage, and the traffic jams have been accumulating for years, then it is better to seek the help of a specialist.

As for manual cleaning of tonsils. Here I want to sound the alarm. People, don't use spoons and toothbrushes, fingers, etc.!

I am categorically against manual cleaning, since this is dangerous because the infection will spread at lightning speed throughout the entire throat. Caution must be taken! Constantly treat the surface.

But let's imagine that you can see one plug, but it somehow got stuck. What to do? We take a cotton swab, process it, process the tonsil, and lightly pry the plug without pressing hard. We don't want to get injured, do we? Next we gargle.

Price. You can buy chlorhexidine at any pharmacy; I buy 100 grams for 10 rubles.

Please note that there is chlorhexidine 0.05 and 0.2%. I recommend taking 0.05%

I always take 3-5 pieces. Chlorhexidine is easy to store and just sits on the shelf.

In summary, I would like to note that chlorhexidine has proven to be a safe and effective treatment for the throat. As a person who periodically suffers from pharyngitis, I am very glad to get rid of a constant sore throat. The advantage of the product is that it does not need to be diluted. I recommend)

Mom, I

Good day to all!

Today my review will be about a product without which I can’t imagine my life and I always have it in my medicine cabinet. This remedy is so versatile that I couldn’t talk about it. So, we meet Chlorhexidine.

general information

Chlorhexidine is an antiseptic and disinfectant.

Sold in bottles of 100 and 200 ml.

The bottles are plastic.

It is a colorless liquid without a specific taste, bitter.

The cost, depending on the pharmacies and manufacturer, ranges from 20 to 30 rubles

I consider the narrow spout to be a great advantage of the bottle, which ensures convenient application of the product and economical consumption.


For local use: trichomonas colpitis,

cervical erosion, vulvar itching, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (including gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis); gingivitis, stomatitis, aphthae, periodontitis, alveolitis, disinfection of removable dentures;

angina; postoperative care for patients in ENT and dentistry departments.

Treatment of wounds, burns and surfaces; disinfection of the patient's skin.

Hand treatment

surgeon, medical staff and surgical field before diagnostic manipulations and surgery.

Disinfection of working surfaces of instruments (including thermometers) and equipment, the heat treatment of which is undesirable.


Increased sensitivity to


Well, now I’ll tell you my methods of using Chlorhexidine. Many of these methods may be familiar to you, but I am sure that you will learn something new.

1. Treatment of herpes. Thank God I don’t suffer from this disease. But my husband is prone to the appearance of herpes on his lips, especially in winter. We usually buy products like Acyclovir, but just recently, while on vacation, far from civilization, this sore came up. It’s 50 km to the pharmacy, and I had Chlorhexidine in my first aid kit. We treated the herpes with a solution. We made about 6 lotions a day. The next day, the herpes began to dry up, and the next day all that was left of it was an unpleasant memory. I highly recommend using Chlorhexidine in the treatment of herpes. It is as effective as expensive products and is very affordable.

2. Treatment of earlobe piercings

Anyone who has had their ears pierced knows that the first time after the piercing you need to treat the puncture site with an antiseptic, and Chlorhexidine is an excellent alternative to alcohol and other antiseptics. In addition, when treated with Chlorhexidine, the puncture site does not sting at all. Just recently my piercing became inflamed after wearing silver earrings. Usually my ears react normally to gold and silver, but apparently either the metal was contaminated, or I brought in dirt while wearing earrings, but due to inflammation I could not even insert earrings with a thin pin. Chlorhexidine came to the rescue, after 2 days of use the inflammation subsided and I was able to wear earrings.

3. Chlorhexidine for acne. Thank God, my problem skin is now a thing of the past. But nevertheless, isolated specimens attack on certain days even now. I have found many ways to combat these “upstarts”, and one of them is wiping the inflamed area with Chlorhexidine. The product perfectly dries the skin and disinfects it, as a result of which pimples go away very quickly. However, in this case, you must remember to use a moisturizer so as not to dry out the skin.

4. Treatment of removable dentures, treatment of gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis, and other oral diseases. Fortunately, I know about dentures from hearsay from my grandmother. But in the treatment of stomatitis and gingivitis, Chlorhexidine has helped me out more than once. For these misfortunes, it is worth doing oral baths (put the solution into your mouth and hold for about a minute). Stomatitis goes away in 2 days, and you can completely forget about gum disease by regularly using Chlorhexidine. By the way, when removing tartar, my oral cavity is always treated with Chlorhexidine. The only unpleasant sensation is the bitterness in the mouth.

5. Processing of manicure accessories. Despite the fact that each member of our family has their own manicure set, after using the tools I always wipe them with Chlorhexidine solution. I never go to a salon for a manicure without this product and I spray my hands with it before and after the manicure.

6. Disinfection. Yes, I am very squeamish, especially when it comes to my child. I have already written that I use Miramistin for my daughter, since it is safer for children. But for my safety I use Chlorhexidine. I try to treat all kinds of handles and even toilet seats with it, especially in public places.

7. Treatment of wounds. The product will outperform even hydrogen peroxide. I always treat the wound with Chlorhexidine. Thanks to this, I prevent infection, Chlorhexidine dries perfectly, and also promotes rapid healing of wounds due to its regenerating properties.

8. Very often I take Chlorhexidine with me when donating blood from a vein or finger. I use it on my hands before and after drawing blood. I also use hand sanitizer if there is no way to wash them.

9. Skin treatment during hair removal. I usually use special products for these purposes. But there was a moment when the professional product ran out, and it was necessary to treat the skin. Chlorhexidine came to the rescue. I often do not recommend this method, since Chlorhexidine still dries out the skin, but as an option, it has a place.

10. Finally, I would like to say that Chlorhexidine is an excellent remedy that, as part of prevention, can protect you from many sexually transmitted diseases, including gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis. In addition, after cauterization of erosion, as well as during pregnancy, I was prescribed Chlorhexidine-based suppositories to protect against various infections.

11. I use a cotton swab moistened with Chlorhexidine solution to treat my cat’s ears.

Chlorhexidine is not compatible with soap, as well as with detergents containing an anionic group (saponins, sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium carboxymethylcellulose).


I definitely recommend Chlorhexidine to you and believe that it should be in the first aid kit in every home.

Health to you and your children.


, Your Mom_I

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Who needs chlorhexidine? - Everyone! And this is said absolutely without embellishment. Chlorhexidine (or chlorhexidine bigluconate) is a well-known and widely used antiseptic drug. It is distinguished by its low cost - from 11 to 18 rubles per bottle. Sold in pharmacies.

I specifically did not choose a branch for a separate manufacturer, since chlorhexidine is a product whose formulation is fixed by GOST, and by definition it should not have significant differences between different manufacturers.

The cheapest, most convenient and safest is an aqueous solution with a concentration of 0.05%, 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.5% or 1%. Such solutions are harmless to humans, but are very effective against bacteria, protozoa, and some viruses. Preparations with low concentrations (0.05%, 0.1% and 0.2%) are used for medical purposes, with higher concentrations (0.5% and 1%) - for sterilization of instruments and other items.

The release form of the product is also most often the same: a light plastic bottle with a narrow spout and a volume of 100 ml.

Now I’ll tell you about the various ways to use chlorhexidine in order:

1. A powerful antiseptic, odorless, tasteless, and does not cause pain when treating wounds. Kills bacteria, cleans wounds, leaves no scars. In addition, chlorhexidine does not cause (or extremely rarely causes) allergic reactions and irritations.

2. Helps in the treatment of thermal and chemical burns of the first and second degree. Chlorhexidine has a cooling effect and can wash away chemicals.

3. Chlorhexidine is often used to remove dried bandages and plasters and remove splinters. I even read somewhere that it is possible to pierce calluses only by using this remedy.

4. I use chlorhexidine solution to clean my hands. I’m even thinking about adapting a small-volume spray bottle for this product... it will be more convenient to carry it with you in your purse.

5. If you have inflammation at the piercing site, you will get rid of it in less than a week if you treat the wound and earring with a solution.

6. You can rinse your mouth with this solution after tooth extraction and in case of gum inflammation.

7. Gargling with chlorhexidine solution will help with sore throat or chronic tonsillitis.

8. I heard that chlorhexidine solution is effective for bad breath if you add a few drops of mint flavor to it. This product costs several times less than pharmaceutical oral care products, and the results are the same. One BUT - it causes a slight darkening of the tooth enamel, but it is reversible.

9. Chlorhexidine solution replaces thermal water. Has a mattifying effect.

10. Ideal for treating problematic facial skin. Just wipe your face with the solution every day, and the result will not be long in coming.

11. Relieves redness and itching after shaving. Indispensable when treating skin after sugaring and hair removal.

12. In everyday life it is used to disinfect various surfaces. I sometimes wipe my keyboard and door handles (please don't laugh, I'm like that) with chlorhexidine solution.

And here is the same spy secret that I mentioned in the title. I don’t think it will be useful to anyone... but for general development it may be useful to know

Using a 2% chlorhexidine solution, you can write a message on a light-colored fabric. After drying, the stains will not be visible. For development you will need a 3-6% sodium hypochlorite solution (“Whiteness”). Hidden signs will appear in brown. This substance has toxic and carcinogenic properties, so it is strictly not recommended to use this method of transmitting messages in practice unless absolutely necessary.

Read a review about how I grow my hair and take care of it: “THE HISTORY OF MY HAIR GROWTH” (LOTS of photos and recommendations) -


Be healthy and thank you for your attention,



I hasten to say right away, DO NOT BE SCARED, that the instructions say that hexidine chlorine is for use IN INTIMATE PLACES... It’s okay... Don’t pay attention to it. In fact, it is a miracle remedy and a panacea for almost everything. It costs a penny and has no smell. Very convenient bottle for use. Well, now to the recipes: 1. Sore throat - rinse 6-8 times a day (with slightly warmed chlorhexidine). It takes two days, and the sore throat disappears completely. 2. Stomatitis (I have this problem almost every 2 months) - I take chlorhexidine into my mouth and hold it as long as I can. So 3 times a day. The next day there is no stomatitis. 3. Laryngitis, pharyngitis - gargle 5 times a day, but there is no need to warm it up. 4. For Flu, I also gargle and gargle. Relieves the condition. 5. Rhinitis - rinse your nose 2 times a day in a way convenient for you, also with slightly warmed chlorhexidine. Chlorhexedine is also an excellent antiseptic. I always carry it in my purse. When I can’t wash my hands outside, I always use it, and then I can have a snack on the go, with clean hands. Be sure to buy it, you won’t regret it, everyone should have it in their first aid kit. Hello!!

Dangers of using chlorhexidine mouthwash

You should not uncontrollably use chlorhexidine solution to rinse your gums and teeth; this can lead to a number of problems.

  • Chlorhexidine affects not only pathogens, but also the natural flora of the oral cavity, which can ultimately lead to imbalances in the microflora. Uncontrolled use of an antiseptic has an effect on both good microbes and bad ones, but after stopping use, the bad microbes grow faster than the good ones.
  • Constant use of an antiseptic can cause microflora resistance. According to recent studies, chlorhexidine causes resistance to antibiotics when they are really needed.
  • Due to regular use of chlorhexidine for rinsing, intense dark plaque may appear on the teeth and tongue. This problem will have to be solved in the dentist's chair. This solution should be used only after consultation with a doctor and only for a limited period. This also applies to various toothpastes and rinses that contain it.

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pharmachologic effect

The active substance chlorhexidine destroys the bacterial lash, which leads to its gradual destruction. It is not able to cope with viruses , so dentists do not prescribe it for viral infections, with the exception of herpes.

The product has good resistance to environmental factors. After rinsing, the film remains on the mucous membranes for several hours, which is necessary to treat the disease. It is good if, before rinsing, the patient warms up the liquid a little, as this increases the antiseptic intensity. The effect persists even in a purulent environment and blood admixture.

  • The benefits and harms of rinsing the mouth with sunflower oil

The use of chlorhexidine has a beneficial effect on the restoration of the body's protective cells. Chlorhexidine copes with inflammatory processes, reduces hyperemia, swelling, and promotes the regeneration of mucous tissues.

How to gargle with Chlorhexidine

Before gargling with Chlorhexidine, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with plain water. The instructions for use indicate the need to brush your teeth before the procedure. The drug is most effective in a neutral (pH 5-7) or slightly alkaline (pH 7-8) environment.

You should not pre-rinse with too salty or soda water, because... at pH >8, the active substance precipitates, making the procedure useless. For the same reason, you should not use hard water for hygienic cleaning of the oral cavity: this reduces the bactericidal properties of the antiseptic.

How to gargle with Chlorhexidine according to the instructions for use:

  1. Take a 0.05% solution. Or dilute it to the desired concentration. How to dilute Chlorhexidine for rinsing can be read above.
  2. Use any measuring cup and pour 15 ml of product into it.
  3. If you don’t have a measuring cup, you can use a tablespoon, the volume of which is also 15 ml.
  4. You should gargle with Chlorhexidine by throwing your head back a little, looking up and pronouncing any vowel sound as you exhale.
  5. Rinse for at least 30 seconds.
  6. It is not recommended to swallow the solution.
  7. After rinsing, the entire solution should be spat out.
  8. Abstain from eating and drinking for at least 2 hours.

You should gargle with Chlorhexidine twice a day: in the morning after breakfast and at night.

Chlorhexidine solution: analogues

The active ingredient of the drug in question is included in other medicines with a similar scope of application and dosage suitable for gargling. These are medicines such as:

  • Hexicon (0.05%);
  • Amident (0.15%).

They are complete analogues of Chlorhexidine. Meanwhile, pharmacies also have analogues of action, i.e. local antibacterial drugs - numerous antiseptics. Let's look at the most famous and comparable in price.

Chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide: which is better?

There have been no clinical comparison studies on whether peroxide or chlorhexidine is better for gargling for respiratory diseases. We can confidently assume that the antimicrobial activity is higher for the second drug.

Hydrogen peroxide, in turn, is good at oxidizing organic substances, incl. pus, effectively promotes its mechanical removal. This property allows the substance to be used for hygienic rinsing for sore throats. In addition, peroxide does not affect the color of teeth. The cost of the drugs is comparable.


It is one of the well-known, inexpensive and widely used antiseptics both in hospitals and at home. Available in several forms:

  • alcohol solution;
  • water solution;
  • tablets for dissolution.

Nitrofural, which is part of Furacilin, exhibits bactericidal properties (including against staphylococci) and has a fungicidal effect (against fungi).

As noted in the instructions for use, cases of bacterial resistance are rare, but resistance does not reach a high degree. As a rinse solution, Furacilin is better tolerated.


Being an innovative antiseptic, Miramistin occupies a place on the list of the best drugs for rinsing the throat and mouth, not only in terms of its antimicrobial effectiveness, but also in terms of its consumer characteristics. Very well tolerated, does not cause irritation, has no taste or smell, and there are no unpleasant effects. At the same time, Miramistin is much more expensive than Chlorhexidine.

Is it possible to gargle with Chlorhexidine?

Chlorhexidine 0.05% is an effective and safe means for disinfecting the oral cavity and pharynx. The question of safety is key when we talk about whether pregnant women can gargle with Chlorhexidine: absorption from the mucous membrane, as indicated in the instructions for use, is less than 1% - this makes the drug preferable to, for example, Ingalipt spray.

When we talk about whether it is possible to gargle with Chlorhexidine for a child, then, first of all, we are concerned about how safe it is to accidentally swallow the drug. In this regard, the drug shows a good safety profile, because it is practically not absorbed from the digestive system. 15 ml of solution contains 7.5 mg of active substance.

After accidental ingestion of such an amount, the maximum concentration in the blood is reached after 30 minutes and is 0.000005 mg/l, i.e. Only 0.0002% of the substance is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, which can be considered as a statistical error in the analytical technique.

The given indicators are calculated on the basis of laboratory data obtained in the experiment after a single ingestion of 600 ml of a 0.05% solution.

Chlorhexidine for sore throat

Gargling with Chlorhexidine is recommended for sore throat. The medicine acts on a wide range of pathogens. The instructions for use note that bacterial resistance to it does not develop.

For tonsillitis, it is advisable to gargle three times a day. It is not recommended to be treated for longer than 7 days without a break, because... the drug causes tooth discoloration. If necessary, continue the procedure, you should change the medicine to one of the analogues. You can learn how to gargle with a sore throat from the paragraph above.

Chlorhexidine during pregnancy

There are no significant restrictions on Chlorhexidine during pregnancy in the instructions for use. The substance is not absorbed from the mucosa, and if residual quantities are ingested, systemic absorption is so microscopic that it cannot have any effect on the fetus.

It should be noted that Chlorhexidine for gargling, instructions for use of which are the subject of consideration in this article, has been used for more than 6 decades. At that time, many of the antiseptics known today did not exist, and there was simply no alternative.

Over such a long period of use of this medicine, no negative effects were noted, and the recorded side effects were minimal and rare.

Application in dentistry

Thanks to the active components that can destroy all pathogens in the patient’s mouth, it is difficult to do without this drug in dental practice. The main advantage of the solution is that it does not lose its medicinal properties even when pus is released from the wound.

Description of "Chlorhexidine"

For what purposes do dentists most often recommend Chlorhexidine:

  • for treating hands before surgery;
  • with severe inflammatory processes, including chronic periodontitis;
  • ensuring sterility in the patient’s oral cavity, which is necessary for removing a diseased tooth. This allows you to prevent unpleasant consequences from occurring;
  • treatment of various oral pathologies;
  • local anesthesia for dental treatment. As a rule, it is used together with other medications;
  • root canal cleaning.

Gum inflammation

On a note! Many toothpastes contain Chlorhexidine as an active ingredient. It is also used for rinsing in the treatment of various pathologies, such as gum disease.

Video: Chlorhexidine for stomatitis

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