Inofert: composition and instructions when planning pregnancy

Composition and release form

Despite the fact that Inofert is often called a drug, it is not a pharmacological agent. This is a dietary supplement produced by the Italian pharmaceutical company Humana. Inofert is produced in the form of a white, fine-crystalline powder intended for dilution in water. It is packaged in individual bags made of soft metallized foil. In turn, they are enclosed in a large branded box along with detailed instructions for use. The active composition of the dietary supplement is represented by the following components:

  • inositol;
  • folic acid.

Relatively recently, a pharmaceutical manufacturing company began producing the drug Inofert Plus in the form of gelatin capsules, capsules containing active substances inside. In addition to inositol and folic acid, the drug contains melatonin, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system.

Mechanism of action and composition of Inofert

In fact, Inofert is not considered a drug. This is a dietary supplement, which is an additional source of nutrients necessary for the female body.

Inofert contains the following components:

  • Inositol (vitamin B8). It is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, digestive tract, and reproductive system. The substance regulates the level of hormones in the body, namely testosterone, prolactin, FSH, LH. Thanks to this, it restores the hormonal function of the ovaries, normalizes the menstrual cycle and promotes the onset of ovulation.
  • Folic acid (B9). The substance takes part in the metabolic processes of proteins, DNA and amino acids. This vitamin is often prescribed during pregnancy planning and plays an important role in cell division and tissue growth. It is necessary not only for women, but also for men.

The main purpose of Inofert is to stimulate ovulation and ovarian function, resumption of the menstrual cycle and normal development of the egg. Its action is aimed at the onset of pregnancy.

After a course of taking Inofert, the number of degenerative eggs decreases and the quality of oocytes improves.


Inositol is a component of phospholipids that take part in the formation of cell membranes. These compounds are necessary for the rapid recovery of the body after heavy and prolonged physical exertion; they are used to increase the stability of the processes of generating and storing energy. The main sources of inositol for humans are plant products. It is found in abundance in citrus fruits, whole grains, dried fruits (mainly peanuts), wheat sprouts, legumes, and yeast. To replenish inositol reserves and ensure its regular intake into the body, it is better to consume fresh vegetables, fruits, and sprouted seeds. After heat treatment, preservation, freezing, drying, and salting, its quantitative content is significantly reduced.

Inositol has many different functions in the body. In addition to building cell membranes, it stimulates the production of lecithin, a bioactive substance that regulates lipid metabolism, triggering the processes of their breakdown into simple fatty acids. The following biological effects have been found in inositol:

  • control of biotransformation, sugar metabolism, improvement of cellular functions of the nervous system;
  • changes in hormonal parameters - under the influence of inositol, luteinizing hormone, testosterone, prolactin accumulate in the plasma in lower concentrations;
  • decrease in the ratio of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones.

The active component Inoferta restores the regularity of the menstrual cycle, increasing the chances of successful conception. It has a proven modulating effect on ovarian function. So ovarian hyperstimulation is not possible without drugs based on it.

It is due to insufficient intake of inositol into the body or disturbances in its absorption that the condition of the hair worsens. Therefore, it is included in drugs and dietary supplements to combat baldness. It has been established that the active participation of inositol in metabolic processes helps alleviate diabetes mellitus. Under its influence, the overall metabolic picture improves, which has a positive effect on the well-being of patients with insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes. And with polycystic ovary syndrome, inositol helps to normalize pathophysiological mechanisms based on metabolic and reproductive disorders.


What physiological role do inositol and folic acid play?

INOSITOL Inositol (Myo-Inositol, Vitamin B8) is a vitamin factor of group B. Among vegetables, the largest amounts of inositol contain citrus fruits, whole grains, dried fruits (peanuts), seeds (wheat sprouts), legumes (beans), yeast. Fruits and fresh vegetables contain more inositol than frozen, canned and salted foods.

In the human body, it is present in phospholipids and can stimulate endogenous lecithin production. In addition, its biological role is to specifically control the metabolism of fats and sugars and the cellular functions of the nervous system. Lastly, it is important for hair growth and preventing baldness.

It has been scientifically proven that inositol can change some hormonal parameters, for example: it helps to reduce the level of LH (luteinizing hormone), testosterone and prolactin in the plasma, and also takes part in reducing the LH / FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) ratio.

Inositol takes part in restoring the regularity of the menstrual cycle and ovulation. Due to its modulating effects on ovarian function, inositol is used in controlled ovarian hyperstimulation protocols.

In cases of insulin resistance or type II diabetes, inositol has the ability to improve the overall metabolic picture. In the case of polycystic ovary syndrome, inositol helps to normalize pathophysiological mechanisms associated with metabolic and reproductive disorders.

FOLIC ACID Folic acid is a water-soluble B vitamin (vitamin B9). Folic acid plays an important role in amino acid metabolism, protein and nucleic acid synthesis (primarily in the production of DNA and RNA) and chromosome repair. Therefore, it is very important for normal cell division and tissue growth.

Folic acid is found in green vegetables with large leaves, liver, eggs and legumes, while its content in fruits (except oranges), meat and milk is quite low.

During cooking, it is almost completely destroyed to folates (90%) in a few minutes.

When is it useful to use Inofert?

Inofert can be used as an additional source of folic acid, a source of inositol, as an auxiliary drug in controlled ovarian hyperstimulation protocols. In addition, Inofert can be used as an adjuvant drug for polycystic ovary syndrome with insulin resistance, prediabetes and type II diabetes.

How to take Inofert?

Inofert can be taken at any time during the day. It is recommended that adults take 1 sachet per day with meals. Dissolve the powder in a glass of water. Duration of treatment is 1 month.

Shelf life: 36 months.

Warnings: - Exceeding the prescribed dose is not recommended. — The product should be used while maintaining a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. — The product should be used within the expiration date indicated on the packaging. — Store out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.

Composition per 1 sachet: inositol (1000 mg), folic acid (0.1 mg)

Manufacturer: Humana Pharma International S.p.A. (“Humana Pharma International SpA”), Casorate Primo (Pavia), Via Enrico Mattei, Milan (Casorate Primo (PV), Via Enrico Mattei, Milano) Italy, “Nutrilinea S.r.L. "(Nutrilinea SrL), Via Gran Bretagna, 1, 21013 Gallarate (VA), Italy for Italfarmaco S.p.A." (“Italfarmaco SpA”), 20126 Milano, Viale Fulvio Testi, 330, Italy, tel: 00390264431.

Organization authorized to receive complaints from consumers: Representative office of JSC Italpharmaco, 119002, Moscow, Glazovsky lane, 7, office 12. Tel: +7 (495) 933-14-58, fax: +7 (495) 626 -56-58, E-mail:

State registration certificate No. RU. dated 09.17.2013

Folic acid

This is one of the most famous water-soluble B vitamins, included in balanced vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women. Without its sufficient intake into the body, normal growth and development of the immune, nervous, and cardiovascular systems do not occur. Folic acid undergoes biotransformation in the body, the biologically significant product of which is tetrahydrofolic acid. This organic compound promotes the timely maturation of megaloblasts - large nucleated precursors of red blood cells with their subsequent transformation. The importance of folic acid for the human body is difficult to underestimate:

  • Without a bioactive substance, amino acid metabolism and choline metabolism are impossible, pyrimidines and purines are not formed, and nucleic acids are not biosynthesized;
  • folic acid is an integral participant in biochemical processes aimed at the formation of DNA, RNA, correction of chemical damage and breaks in their molecules;
  • the active component Inofert promotes normal cell division and tissue growth.

Valuable sources of folic acid for the human body are large-leaf green vegetables, liver, eggs, and legumes. During heat treatment of products, it is immediately destroyed - about 85% of this bioactive substance is lost. Therefore, doctors recommend consuming vegetables only in their raw form. When stewed or boiled, dried or frozen, therapeutically inert folates are formed from folic acid.

Interaction with other drugs

Since Inofert contains vitamins, some drugs may affect their absorption. For maximum effect, you should inform your doctor about all medications that the woman is taking.

Antacids (Maalox, Almagel), oral hormonal contraceptives, drugs with nitrofurans, and sulfonamides have a negative effect on the absorption of folic acid.

There are medications that, on the contrary, increase the bioavailability of Inofert dietary supplement. This:

  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • AT 12;
  • tocopherol;
  • probiotics.

In turn, inositol enhances the effect of vitamin E.

What is Inofert intended for?

In combination, the components of the bioactive supplement can improve the functioning of the organs of the female and male reproductive system. The main indication for taking Inofert is the absence of pregnancy for a certain period of time. It is used to treat relatively correctable female infertility. After a course of taking the drug, the quality of eggs increases, which is especially important at the stage of preparation for artificial insemination, as well as before ovulation stimulation. The drug is included by doctors in the therapeutic regimens of patients with the following pathological conditions:

· polycystic ovary syndrome with disturbances of menstrual and reproductive function of any severity, preventing conception and (or) pregnancy;

· metabolic syndrome, which provokes the development of diabetes mellitus and complicates its course;

· ovulation disorders, irregular menstrual cycle;

Prediabetes is an early disorder of carbohydrate metabolism that precedes the onset of type 2 diabetes.

As part of complex therapy, a bioactive supplement is used to restore hormonal levels and improve sperm quality in men.

Inofert sachet 1,000 mg x30

What physiological role do inositol and folic acid play?

INOSITOL Inositol (Myo-Inositol, Vitamin B8) is a vitamin factor of group B. Among vegetables, the largest amounts of inositol contain citrus fruits, whole grains, dried fruits (peanuts), seeds (wheat sprouts), legumes (beans), yeast. Fruits and fresh vegetables contain more inositol than frozen, canned and salted foods.

In the human body, it is present in phospholipids and can stimulate endogenous lecithin production. In addition, its biological role is to specifically control the metabolism of fats and sugars and the cellular functions of the nervous system. Lastly, it is important for hair growth and preventing baldness.

It has been scientifically proven that inositol can change some hormonal parameters, for example: it helps to reduce the level of LH (luteinizing hormone), testosterone and prolactin in the plasma, and also takes part in reducing the LH / FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) ratio.

Inositol takes part in restoring the regularity of the menstrual cycle and ovulation. Due to its modulating effects on ovarian function, inositol is used in controlled ovarian hyperstimulation protocols.

In cases of insulin resistance or type II diabetes, inositol has the ability to improve the overall metabolic picture. In the case of polycystic ovary syndrome, inositol helps to normalize pathophysiological mechanisms associated with metabolic and reproductive disorders.

FOLIC ACID Folic acid is a water-soluble B vitamin (vitamin B9). Folic acid plays an important role in amino acid metabolism, protein and nucleic acid synthesis (primarily in the production of DNA and RNA) and chromosome repair. Therefore, it is very important for normal cell division and tissue growth.

Folic acid is found in green vegetables with large leaves, liver, eggs and legumes, while its content in fruits (except oranges), meat and milk is quite low.

During cooking, it is almost completely destroyed to folates (90%) in a few minutes.

When is it useful to use Inofert?

Inofert can be used as an additional source of folic acid, a source of inositol, as an auxiliary drug in controlled ovarian hyperstimulation protocols. In addition, Inofert can be used as an adjuvant drug for polycystic ovary syndrome with insulin resistance, prediabetes and type II diabetes.

How to take Inofert?

Inofert can be taken at any time during the day. It is recommended that adults take 1 sachet per day with meals. Dissolve the powder in a glass of water. Duration of treatment is 1 month.

Shelf life: 36 months.

Warnings: - Exceeding the prescribed dose is not recommended. — The product should be used while maintaining a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. — The product should be used within the expiration date indicated on the packaging. — Store out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.

Composition per 1 sachet: inositol (1000 mg), folic acid (0.1 mg)

Manufacturer: Humana Pharma International S.p.A. (“Humana Pharma International SpA”), Casorate Primo (Pavia), Via Enrico Mattei, Milan (Casorate Primo (PV), Via Enrico Mattei, Milano) Italy, “Nutrilinea S.r.L. "(Nutrilinea SrL), Via Gran Bretagna, 1, 21013 Gallarate (VA), Italy for Italfarmaco S.p.A." (“Italfarmaco SpA”), 20126 Milano, Viale Fulvio Testi, 330, Italy, tel: 00390264431.

Organization authorized to receive complaints from consumers: Representative office of JSC Italpharmaco, 119002, Moscow, Glazovsky lane, 7, office 12. Tel: +7 (495) 933-14-58, fax: +7 (495) 626 -56-58, E-mail:

State registration certificate No. RU. dated 09.17.2013

How to take Inofert correctly

The dietary supplement is intended for oral administration. The type of disease and gender of the patient do not affect its dosage regimen or duration of treatment. Inofert should be used as follows:

  1. Open the bag using the notch on one of the sides.
  2. Pour its contents into a glass filled with water.
  3. Stir until the crystals at the bottom of the container are completely dissolved.

Take the dietary supplement once a day at approximately the same time, for example, during breakfast or dinner. The presence of food in the stomach does not affect the therapeutic effects of Inofert; it only slightly slows down the absorption of the components. The duration of the therapeutic course is 1 month. If necessary, the doctor may recommend repeating it after a short break. If the treatment does not give the desired result, then the patient is prescribed an analogue of Inofert with other active ingredients.


The cost of Inofert is quite high, more than 1 thousand rubles, and 30 sachets last for a month, and for the treatment of infertility even for 15 days. There are cheaper analogues with a similar composition. List:

  • Folic acid. One tablet contains 1 mg of vitamin B9. The daily requirement is 5 tablets. Cost 50 pcs. about 40 rub.
  • Folic acid with vitamins. A more advanced pharmaceutical remedy. In addition to folic acid, the composition contains vitamins B6 and B12. Dosage – 1 tablet per day. The package contains 40 pcs. Cost 130 rub.
  • Folic acid 9 months. It is a source of vitamin B9 for pregnant women. 1 tablet contains 400 mcg of active substance. The cost of 90 capsules is 420 rubles.
  • Folacin. These are tablets made in Croatia. In 1 piece contains 5 mg B9. Cost about 130 rubles.
  • Foliber. This is a complete vitamin complex that contains B vitamins, particularly B9 and B12. The drug should be taken 1 month before conception; it is also used to prevent reproductive disorders. The cost of 28 tablets is 380 rubles.
  • Now Choline & Inositol Choline. This is a dietary supplement that contains vitamin B8 and choline. 1 capsule contains 250 mg of each active ingredient. You need to take 1-2 pcs. before meals. Choline is needed for the normal functioning of the central nervous system, as well as for reducing cholesterol levels in the blood. The cost of 100 capsules is 1300 rubles.

There are Chinese substitutes for the dietary supplement Inofert. This is Inositol in the form of a dry mixture. Cost 50 g 240 rub. The American company Now Foods also produces Inositol. 100 capsules of 500 mg cost 670 rubles.

When choosing a substitute, you should consult your doctor so that he can adjust the treatment regimen. With age, the quality of eggs decreases significantly, and accordingly, the likelihood of getting pregnant decreases. Inofert increases the chances of becoming a mother after 35 years.

Leave your feedback on the use of Inofert in the comments.

Possible side effects

The active substances of Inofert penetrate into the blood, so systemic side effects are not excluded. They are observed quite rarely in clinical practice, mainly when patients do not comply with the dosage regimen determined by the doctor. If any local (rash, itching, redness) or systemic (nausea, dyspepsia) side effect is detected, you must stop taking Inofert and seek medical help. The doctor will recommend medications to eliminate symptoms and change the treatment regimen.

Where to buy Inofert

When purchasing any medications, dietary supplements, or medical products from Aptstore, you can rest assured of the success of your upcoming treatment. We sell only certified products of the highest quality, carefully control storage conditions, and monitor expiration dates. Inofert has recently appeared in pharmacies, so it may be difficult to purchase it. But our clients don’t have to waste time searching for dietary supplements. In any Aptstore branch you can always buy Inofert, as well as its foreign and domestic analogues. Our prices are affordable and the quality is high.

How to buy Inofert in the online pharmacy Aptstore

In the online pharmacy Aptstore, placing an order for Inofert and other means to eliminate difficulties with conception is very simple. You can use the alphabet or simply enter the name of the medicine in the Smart line. And if a dietary supplement was previously purchased from Aptstore, then you need to find it in your favorites and place it in your cart again. For upcoming long-term treatment, we recommend placing an order for Inofert in advance. This will allow you to save a lot, because the product will be delivered directly from the pharmacy warehouse at a reduced price.

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