Magne B6 for magnesium and vitamin B6 deficiency tablets No. 60

Properties and benefits of magnesium-containing preparations, and why you can buy magnesium B6

The coordinated work of all internal organs and systems of the body is the basis of good health for every person, the key to excellent well-being and beautiful appearance, easily appreciated by others.
A sufficient amount of nutrients, vitamin and mineral complexes taken with food ensures the normal functioning of the body under various loads and during periods of their increase. The lack of vital elements that help strengthen the immune system can be compensated for independently, and it is important to correctly select drugs that are accessible and effective. It is quite simple to replenish the lack of vitamins and useful elements; for this you can buy magnesium B6 and support the functioning of the heart and cardiovascular system without additional financial costs and expenses affecting the family budget. Purchased as prescribed by a qualified specialist, after a comprehensive diagnosis and identification of problems, regular intake of Magnesium B6 can be considered as a profitable, practical investment in one’s own health and excellent well-being. The drug, indispensable for the normalization and stabilization of normal cardiac activity, was developed based on the principle of complex absorption of magnesium (Mg) precisely in combination with vitamin b6, useful for children and adults.

The modern and accelerated pace of life, constant stress and irregular nutrition create an unfavorable environment for the human body, which can lead to various diseases and deterioration of well-being. Beneficial, healthy vitamins B6 are necessary for excellent functioning of the cardiovascular system and strengthening of the heart muscles, which is facilitated by the intake of an element such as Mg. Taken together, such combination drugs have a positive effect on the condition of teeth and bones and reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis; systematic use of the drug necessarily ensures:

  • effective normalization of the process of transmission of nerve impulses, stabilizing the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • vital for participation in the process of regulating calcium levels in the blood, which is important for a growing organism;
  • practically regulates metabolism and processing, absorption of useful and nutritious substances consumed with food;
  • Regular consumption of Magnesium helps reduce the risk of developing such a complex disease as atherosclerosis.

Particular attention should be paid specifically to magnesium deficiency, which always results in a state of increased anxiety and unreasonable irritability, an acute reaction to the most insignificant stimuli. Constant intake and maintenance of this element in the body at a normal level can minimize such symptoms and effectively reduce the risk of complications in the normal functioning of the nervous system. Magnesium B6 is useful; you can buy it at a favorable price for certain categories of people who experience an acute lack of nutrients and vitamins during certain periods of life and development.

Magne B6 for magnesium and vitamin B6 deficiency tablets No. 60

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1 tablet contains: magnesium lactate dihydrate 470 mg, pyridoxine hydrochloride 5 mg.
Excipients: sucrose - 115.6 mg, heavy kaolin - 40 mg, acacia gum - 20 mg, carboxypolymethylene 934 - 10 mg, talc (magnesium hydrosilicate) - 42.7 mg, magnesium stearate - 6.7 mg. Shell composition: acacia gum - 3.615 mg, sucrose - 214.969 mg, titanium dioxide - 1.416 mg, talc (magnesium hydrosilicate) - traces, carnauba wax (powder) - traces. White film-coated tablets, oval, biconvex, with a smooth shiny surface.

pharmachologic effect

Magnesium is a vital element that is found in all tissues of the body and is necessary for the normal functioning of cells and is involved in most metabolic reactions. In particular, it is involved in the regulation of the transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contraction. The body receives magnesium through food. A lack of magnesium in the body can be observed when the diet is disrupted, when the need for magnesium increases, or when there is an imbalance in the intake, metabolism and excretion of magnesium (for example, with increased physical and mental stress, stress, during pregnancy, when using diuretics). Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) is involved in many metabolic processes and in the regulation of nervous system metabolism. Improves the absorption of magnesium from the gastrointestinal tract and its penetration into cells. Serum magnesium content from 12 to 17 mg/l (0.5-0.7 mmol/l) indicates moderate magnesium deficiency; below 12 mg/l (0.5 mmol/l) indicates severe magnesium deficiency.

Indications for use

- established magnesium deficiency, isolated or associated with other deficiency conditions, accompanied by symptoms such as increased irritability, minor sleep disturbances, gastrointestinal cramps or rapid heartbeat, increased fatigue, pain and muscle spasms, and a tingling sensation.

Side effects

According to WHO, undesirable effects are classified according to their frequency of development as follows: very often (≥1/10), often (≥1/100, From the immune system: very rarely - allergic reactions, including skin reactions (urticaria, itching) From the digestive system: frequency unknown - diarrhea, abdominal pain.


- severe renal failure (CK - children under 6 years of age; - fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome, sucrase-isomaltase deficiency; - simultaneous use of levodopa; - hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Use during pregnancy and lactation Clinical experience with the drug in a sufficient number of pregnant women did not reveal any adverse effects on the occurrence of fetal malformations or fetotoxic effects. Magne B6® can be used during pregnancy only if necessary and on the recommendation of a doctor. Magnesium passes into breast milk. Use of the drug during breastfeeding should be avoided feeding.

Use in children Contraindication: children under 6 years of age.

Mode of application

Before taking the drug, the patient should consult a doctor. The drug is taken orally with meals. The tablets should be taken with a glass of water. The daily dose should be divided into 2-3 doses. Adults are recommended to prescribe 6-8 tablets/day; children over 6 years old (body weight more than 20 kg) - 4-6 tablets/day. Treatment should be stopped after normalization of magnesium concentration in the blood.

special instructions

In case of severe magnesium deficiency or malabsorption syndrome, treatment begins with intravenous administration of magnesium preparations. Information for patients with diabetes mellitus: film-coated tablets contain sucrose as an excipient. If there is a concomitant calcium deficiency, it is recommended to correct the magnesium deficiency before taking calcium supplements or dietary supplements containing calcium. With frequent use of laxatives, alcohol, intense physical and mental stress, the need for magnesium increases, which can lead to the development of magnesium deficiency in the body. When using pyridoxine in high doses (more than 200 mg/day) for a long time (over several months or in some cases years), sensory axonal neuropathy may develop, which is accompanied by symptoms such as numbness, impaired proprioceptive sensitivity, distal tremor limbs and gradually developing sensory ataxia (impaired coordination of movements). These disorders are usually reversible and disappear after stopping vitamin B6. Use in pediatrics The drug in tablet form is intended only for adults and children over 6 years of age. For young children (over 1 year old), it is recommended to use the drug in the form of an oral solution. Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery. No effect. There are no special recommendations.


With normal kidney function, an overdose of magnesium when taken orally usually does not lead to toxic reactions. However, in case of renal failure, magnesium poisoning may develop. The severity of symptoms depends on the concentration of magnesium in the blood. Symptoms: decreased blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, central nervous system depression, decreased reflexes, ECG changes, respiratory depression, coma, cardiac arrest and respiratory paralysis, anuric syndrome. Treatment: rehydration, forced diuresis. In case of renal failure, hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis is necessary.

Interaction with other drugs

Contraindicated combinations With levodopa: the activity of levodopa is inhibited by pyridoxine (unless taking this drug is combined with taking inhibitors of peripheral aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase). Any amount of pyridoxine should be avoided unless levodopa is taken in combination with peripheral aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase inhibitors. Not recommended combinations The simultaneous use of drugs containing phosphates or calcium salts may impair the absorption of magnesium in the intestine. Combinations that should be taken into account When using tetracycline antibiotics, it is necessary to maintain an interval of at least 3 hours between oral administration of tetracycline and Magne B6®, because Magnesium preparations reduce the absorption of tetracyclines.

For whom it is important to take the drug, its benefits and affordable price in pharmacies in Moscow

You can independently reduce magnesium deficiency by taking a complex drug, this is especially important for people in whom doctors have identified symptoms of deficiency of the element and additional vitamin elements necessary to improve the absorption of magnesium. This is especially true for the female body during periods of menstruation, with significant nervous and physical stress in men, for adolescents in the transitional period of puberty and for children. Certain categories to whom this remedy is prescribed to strengthen the body and increase immunity include people who lack certain beneficial components and vitamin complexes:

  • Women planning a future pregnancy, with a high risk of miscarriage or for normal fetal development;
  • pregnant women with increased uterine tone, convulsions and diagnosed heart problems;
  • nursing mothers with an identified tendency to depression and increased irritability, to reduce the level of excitability;
  • for children to stabilize the nervous system, reduce the general level of excitability, in case of disruption of daytime and night sleep;
  • for men to normalize the functioning of the central nervous system, increase testosterone levels in the blood;
  • adolescents during puberty and under increased stress to effectively stimulate brain activity.

The offered price in a pharmacy in Moscow remains acceptable, despite the large number of groups and categories of people who are in dire need of taking medications that restore normal functioning of the heart and nerves. It is important to take into account that daily intake doses are calculated individually, taking into account such parameters as the person’s age and the individual characteristics of his body, identified symptoms. In this case, an effective and efficient analogue of the drug can be Magnesium B6 D3, produced in the form of capsules, which contains a sufficient amount of important active elements in mg.

D3-CAPS 5,000 IU

The medicine is taken orally with meals. Prevention and treatment of vitamin D deficiency in adults and adolescents (from 12 to 18 years old)

— The prophylactic dose of vitamin D is determined individually by the doctor, taking into account age, intake of vitamin D from other sources (food, insolation), overweight (obesity) of the patient, taking medications that affect the metabolism of vitamin D. Typically the recommended dose is 500-1000 IU vitamin D per day. — The therapeutic dose of vitamin D and the duration of treatment are determined individually by the doctor, taking into account the initial severity of vitamin D deficiency, laboratory confirmed, age, intake of vitamin D from other sources (food, insolation), overweight (obesity) of the patient, taking medications that affect on the metabolism of vitamin D. Usually the recommended dose is 5,000 - 6,000 IU of vitamin D per day. Duration of treatment is up to 6–8 weeks, followed by laboratory monitoring of the concentration of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol in the blood and a decision on whether to continue taking it or switch to taking a prophylactic dose. As an adjunct to specific therapy for osteoporosis in patients at risk of vitamin D deficiency:
the recommended dose of vitamin D is 1000 IU daily or a weekly dose of 7000 IU or an alternative monthly dose of 50,000 IU.
For older patients, who are particularly at risk for falls and fractures, a dose equivalent to 2000 IU of vitamin D per day is recommended. Patients should receive supplemental calcium if dietary intake is insufficient. Certain groups of the population are at high risk of vitamin D deficiency, and therefore higher doses and monitoring of serum 25-hydroxycholecalciferol concentrations may be required for these groups: - persons suffering from alcoholism; — institutionalized or hospitalized persons; - dark-skinned; - patients with diseases of the hepatobiliary system - impaired liver function, cirrhosis, obstructive jaundice; - patients with malabsorption, including those suffering from inflammatory bowel disease, persistent diarrhea and celiac disease; - obese patients; — patients with diagnosed osteoporosis; - patients using concomitant medications (for example, anticonvulsants, glucocorticoids); - persons with limited exposure to the sun, including children. To make it easier to select the dose of vitamin D3, it is recommended to use medications with different dosages (500 IU, 2,000 IU, 5,000 IU, 50,000 IU). Dosage for liver failure
No dose adjustment is required.
Dosage in Renal Impairment
Vitamin D should not be used in patients with severe renal impairment.
Infants and Children
(0 - 12 years) Not recommended for children under 12 years of age.
Old age
In old age, the need for vitamin D may increase due to a decrease in the absorption of vitamin D, a decrease in the ability of the skin to synthesize provitamin D, a decrease in sun exposure, and an increase in the incidence of renal failure. The dose of treatment for vitamin D deficiency in older people is determined individually by the doctor, depending on the course and severity of the disease.

For what diseases is it important to take magnesium B6 tablets to improve the condition?

A constant lack of calcium, the deficiency of which occurs due to its insufficient consumption in food or leaching from the body due to an active lifestyle, has a negative impact on well-being. With a lack of calcium, there is increased fragility of bones and possible destruction of bone tissue, poor condition of teeth, which immediately manifests itself on the appearance of a person of any gender and age. Indeed, with calcium deficiency, the teeth and spine, connective tissues of the joints and the circulatory system suffer, so it is important to improve the absorption of this element by taking medications with magnesium, and vitamins B6 forte can be prescribed for this.

Hypertension occurs due to magnesium deficiency; high blood pressure is reduced by replenishing the deficiency of this element in the body, with a healthy diet or appropriate medications, such as magnesium B6 tablets. Neuroses, as the main symptoms of a depressive state and increased fatigue, may indicate a borderline state of the nervous system; medicine has recorded cases where drugs with magnesium improved well-being in depression. A difficult pregnancy and a lack of vitamin and mineral complexes after childbirth can cause serious disorders; the components of Magnesium B6 D3 forte improve the health of mother and child.

Unique features and capabilities of the drug or how much human health costs

For better absorption of the element, medications are supplemented with a complex of useful vitamins; it is important to choose the best remedy with a comprehensive and effective effect. No matter how much a medicine costs, health will always be a person’s most expensive resource that cannot be purchased with money, and special attention must be paid to the quality of medicines and their dosage. There are known cases of magnesium poisoning, diagnosed as a result of taking the drug when symptoms of acute renal failure manifested and in combination with the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Sick kidneys are not able to process certain substances and reduce the absorption of beneficial components included in magnesium-containing drugs; an overdose of magnesium can cause allergies, nausea and vomiting. Unpleasant symptoms of overdose include painful sensations in the abdomen, constant flatulence, disruptions in intestinal function, expressed in the appearance of constipation or diarrhea, which reduces vitality. Unpleasant magnesium poisoning and identifying the first signs of excess dosage can be eliminated by stopping the use of medications, and taking healthy supplements and certified dietary supplements will help restore health.

Inexpensive cost and benefits of taking the product - the opportunity to be healthy and beautiful

The drug is produced in tablet form, but you can also purchase ampoules, the cost of which may vary at retail and wholesale outlets that offer various medicines and medical products. If you prefer purchasing an analogue or an original, you can focus on the affordable and competitive prices of our online store, which allow you to save on cost rather than quality. Taking certified and high-quality drugs with a balanced content of vitamins, microelements and nutrients will definitely provide improved health, expressed in the following effects:

  • improvement and normalization of all phases of sleep, relief from insomnia;
  • increased concentration and increased attention with improved general condition;
  • a gradual decrease in nervous excitability, a mild decline in symptoms of anxiety;
  • the risk of heart problems and cardiovascular diseases is reduced;
  • you can get rid of cramps, periodic migraines, tingling in the limbs;
  • in the male body, the processes of formation of the necessary testosterone are stimulated.

It is important to understand that sufficient consumption of Mg and its absorption in the required doses ensures the normalization of the functioning of internal organs and life support systems. It is especially useful for the musculoskeletal system, the heart and strengthening the circulatory system, which supplies the entire body with useful and nutrients. It is difficult to replenish Mg reserves by eating healthy foods and individual food products, so a certified and high-quality drug with a complex effect is an excellent alternative.

Health and beauty included, or what a modern person should never forget

Understanding why every person needs magnesium B6, it is difficult to underestimate vitamin B6, analogues of which can be taken separately or in combined preparations. Fat-soluble vitamin D3, unique in its properties, is necessary for the body of children and adults and combines perfectly with other means without causing harm and participating in metabolic processes.

A healthy and active lifestyle will help maintain vitamin E, which improves cellular metabolism and has increased antioxidant properties. It can be used as the best remedy against wrinkles around the lips, fine lines and even deep wrinkles and at the first signs of skin aging, allowing you to maintain natural beauty.

  • Magazine archive /
  • 2013 /

Magnesium preparations in the correction of increased excitability in children

V.M. Studenikin, S.Sh. Tursunkhuzhaeva, L.M. Kuzenkova, L.A. Pak, V.I. Shelkovsky, Yu.S. Akoev

The article discusses the problem of increased excitability in children associated with magnesium deficiency. Various clinical situations characteristic of specific age periods are given as examples. The possibilities of dietary (nutritional) correction of magnesium status disorders and the role of magnesium orotate (Magnerot) in their treatment in children are discussed.

Key words: neurodietology, familial hypomagnesemia, cerebral allergy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, autism, infantile tantrums, hyperexcitability, autonomic dysfunction, restless leg syndrome, Magnerot, orotic acid, magnesium orotate, magnesium, stress

Magnesium (Mg) is an essential macroelement necessary for the full functioning of nervous tissue. It is a regulator of many physiological functions in the human body, but for neurologists the most important fact is that Mg is responsible for the transmission and speed of nerve impulses from the brain to peripheral nerve endings and muscles [1, 2].

Psychoneurological manifestations of magnesium deficiency, such as tremor, chorea-like movements, skeletal muscle spasms, headaches and tetany, have previously been reported in the literature [3–5]. In addition to the described symptoms, the manifestation of Mg deficiency in the form of increased excitability and anxiety deserves attention, which we will pay attention to in this article [6–9].

In accordance with the updated Norms of physiological needs for energy and nutrients for various groups of the population of the Russian Federation (2008), the daily requirement for magnesium is 55 mg for children aged 0–3 months, 4–6 – 60; 7–12 months – 70; 1–3 years – 80 mg; 3–7 – 200; 7–11 – 250; 11–14 – 300, 14–18 years – 400 mg (for adults it corresponds to 300–400 mg/day) [10]. The need for Mg increases with increasing physical and intellectual stress, under stress and in other situations. This macronutrient is not produced in the body and comes from food or as part of medications.

Nutritional sources of Mg are green leafy vegetables, whole grain products (oatmeal, buckwheat, millet cereals), nuts, seeds, soybeans, seaweed, squid and bananas. VL Fulgoni 3rd and EE Quann (2012) consider milk an important source of magnesium (27–28% of the requirement) in the diet of children under 5 years of age [11]. In some regions, hard water can provide moderate amounts of Mg into the body.

It is believed that up to 30% of the world's population regularly lacks Mg from food, which is partly due to modern technologies and mineral fertilizers, leading to a deficiency of this mineral in the soil. Excessive elimination of Mg from the body is facilitated by the consumption of refined foods, as well as excess salt and sugar.

Magnesium deficiency is caused not only by insufficient dietary intake of this macroelement, but also by insufficient sun exposure, taking certain medications (corticosteroids, aminoglycosides, diuretics, etc.), as well as situations with an increased need for Mg. Mg deficiency (code E61.2 according to the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision - ICD-10) is not the only indication for its use. Previously, we and other authors reported on the possibilities of using Mg drugs in the treatment of various types of psychoneurological pathologies - muscle spasms, epilepsy and seizures, restless legs syndrome, acute cerebrovascular accidents, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, dementia, headache and migraine [3– 5, 12, 13]. AW Yuen and JW Sander (2012) hypothesize that the use of magnesium supplements can reduce the number of seizures in patients with epilepsy [14].

In general, magnesium deficiency is characterized by neuromuscular and behavioral manifestations observed in a wide range of psychoneurological pathologies (spastic disorders, tremor, ataxia, agitation, tic disorders, schizophrenia, headaches, etc.).

Anxiety and increased excitability in children and adolescents can be due to various reasons. Thus, age-dependent causes (factors) for children in the first months/years of life can be infant colic and food intolerance conditions (lactase deficiency, cow's milk protein intolerance, etc.), for young children - “infantile tantrums” (codes R45.0, R45.1 and R45.4 according to ICD-10), for preschool children - emotional-behavioral disorders and neurotic conditions, and for adolescent schoolchildren - psychological stress, autonomic dysfunction and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

As pointed out by A.S. Kadykov and S.N. Busheneva (2006), the main significance of Mg is that it serves as a natural anti-stress factor, inhibits excitation processes in the central nervous system (CNS) and reduces the body’s sensitivity to external influences [15]. The opinion of O.A. is fully consistent with this provision. Gromovoy et al. (2012), who consider Mg deficiency “a problem of stress and maladjustment in children” [16].

The phenomenon of a decrease in intracellular Mg concentration in neurons in many types of psychoneurological pathologies has been proven [17]. Let us recall that TG Randolph and other representatives of the direction of medicine, called clinical ecology, believe that various forms of psychoneurological pathology falling under the concept of “cerebral allergy” (synonyms: “environmental mental illness”, “multiple chemical sensitivity”) can arise under the influence of numerous environmental factors [18, 19]. One of these factors is undoubtedly Mg deficiency.

Children aged 1 to 3 years represent a special category of patients. Their psycho-emotional status is characterized by instability, increased excitability and various behavioral reactions. So-called tantrums of the second year of life are observed in children with great frequency. This term is conditional, since manifestations of this variant of “growing pains” are usually observed with varying degrees of severity among most children before they reach approximately 3 years of age [6]. AJ Richardson (2006) from the UK believes that infant tantrums (temper tantrums) in young children can be successfully corrected with the targeted use of mineral substances, including Mg preparations [20].

Classic examples of conditions accompanied by increased excitability are autism spectrum disorders and ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) [21, 22]. Thus, E. Blaurock-Busch et al. (2011, 2012), when studying the mineral content in the hair of children with autism, found a significant decrease in Mg content (compared to healthy peers) [23, 24]. S.N. Illarioshkin (2005) points out the corresponding manifestations of Mg deficiency in some forms of autism in children [5].

In turn, K. Konikowska et al. (2012) associate chronic Mg deficiency with the emergence and worsening of ADHD symptoms in children [25]. The opinion of O.A. completely coincides with this position. Gromovoy et al. (2012), who consider Mg as the basis of an approach to the pathogenetic treatment of ADHD in children [26]. M. Huss et al. (2010) consider it appropriate to use Mg for ADHD, and G. Irmisch et al. (2011) emphasize the need to modify the magnesium status of children with this type of behavior disorder [27, 28].

Another state of increased excitability can be considered restless legs syndrome (sleep disturbances with periodic movements of the limbs), which is often accompanied by Mg deficiency, requiring the use of drugs containing this essential macroelement [29, 30].

Using the example of familial hypomagnesaemia, a rare genetic disease with an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance, T. Guran et al. (2011) show the severity of cognitive disorders and disturbances in the psychosocial development of children with this type of pathology, emphasizing their association with Mg deficiency [31].

Autonomic dysfunction (VD), which belongs to the professional sphere of neurologists and cardiologists, is accompanied by increased excitability and irritability. The clinical diversity of VD syndrome is presented in the work of N.N. Zavadenko and Yu.E. Nesterovsky (2012), who noted the role of Mg in the described pathology [32]. It is known that Mg preparations are effective for manifestations of somatoform VD with concomitant emotional and behavioral disorders; magnesium has a sedative effect, normalizes the electrical activity of central nervous system cells and the transmission of impulses at neuromuscular synapses, and also contributes to the inhibition of the vasomotor center and the transmission of nerve impulses in the autonomic ganglia and adrenergic synapses.

It is not uncommon for a child to experience anxiety and increased excitability as a result of social deprivation or, conversely, family overprotection. In such situations, the problem of a restless child can be solved without resorting to the prescription of pharmacological agents, limiting oneself to routine measures, proper upbringing and the creation of an adequate psycho-emotional climate in the family [6].

The use of tranquilizers (anxiolytics) to correct anxiety in excitable children is a rather serious method of therapy, which most parents are not enthusiastic about. Therefore, in the treatment of increased excitability in children, sedatives based on chemical synthesis products and/or extracts of medicinal plants are traditionally used [6–8]. In this case, correction of magnesium status seems, if not a priority

nym, then the most important therapeutic measure.

To compensate for Mg deficiency, nutritional sources of the macroelement can be used or its preparations (various salts and compounds) can be taken. The dietary approach, despite its physiological and “natural” nature, is associated with organizational difficulties and the need to accurately calculate the Mg content in certain food products. Although balanced nutrition plays a significant role, O.A. Gromova et al. (2012) indicate that Mg preparations form the core of therapeutic and neurorehabilitation measures in the correction of magnesium balance [16].

Among pharmacological agents, magnesium orotate (Magnerot), which is a combination of magnesium and orotic acid, can be used to correct the magnesium status of children with increased excitability [33, 34]. The latter has a number of functions (including activation of muscle contractility, anabolic and regenerative effects), but it is also important that orotic acid promotes better conductivity of Mg into cells and its subsequent utilization. The combination of orotic acid with Mg makes it possible to optimize the biological availability of the latter, which provides Magnerot with a number of advantages over other Mg preparations. Magnesium orotate belongs to the second generation drugs (organic Mg salts), which are characterized by high absorption in the gastrointestinal tract; when using Magnerot it reaches 38–40%, which is higher than that of magnesium citrate and aspartate.

The review by HG Classen (2004) provides a detailed description of the physiological and therapeutic effects of Mg in combination with orotic acid [35]. The effectiveness of the use of the drug Magnerot in the treatment of neurological diseases is reported by O.V. Novikova (2009) [36]. In a recent review article on the use of Mg preparations in clinical practice, E.L. Trisvetova (2012) emphasizes such “neurological” symptoms of magnesium deficiency as anxiety, aggressiveness and decreased resistance to stress, as well as their disappearance with the use of magnesium orotate [37].

Modern data presented in the available literature suggest that the use of Mg preparations (magnesium orotate, etc.) can be considered to provide neuroprotection for patients of any age [38-42]. It is magnesium deficiency that PS Mangan and J. Kapur (2004), based on the results of experimental studies, consider to be the most important factor determining the explosive behavior of neurons and, accordingly, the features of interneuronal interaction and psycho-emotional reactions [43].

Anxiety and increased excitability in children are common reasons why parents turn to pediatricians and pediatric neurologists. The etiopathogenetic contribution of magnesium deficiency to the occurrence of these psychoemotional disorders in children is as undoubted as the role of Mg preparations in their correction [44–46].

The use of mineral substances or preparations based on them in neurology for preventive and/or therapeutic purposes is one of the means of neurodietology [47]. Magnesium orotate is not a dietary supplement (nutraceutical), but Mg itself is an essential nutrient. Since, as mentioned above, the correction of obvious and latent magnesium deficiency through the nutritional consumption of this macroelement through food is very difficult, Mg preparations with a high level of utilization and proven clinical effectiveness are of particular importance. An example of the latter is the drug Magnerot described above.

Ignoring conditions related to mineral deficiency in children and adolescents, including psychoneurological and somatic manifestations of magnesium deficiency, is tantamount to failure to provide adequate medical care [48, 49]. Mg deficiency not only leads to severe anxiety and other disorders of the nervous system, but also reduces the quality of life of patients of all ages.


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