Corpus luteum cyst: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Author of the article, Candidate of Medical Sciences O.Yu. Ermolaev
Make an appointment with a gynecologist

A corpus luteum cyst is a benign formation formed from an ovulated (bursted, ruptured) follicle.

TREATMENT OF corpus luteum cyst in our Clinic WITHOUT OPERATION. There are RESULTS, there is EXPERIENCE, there are ways to ACHIEVE.

When the follicle ovulates (ruptures), hemorrhage occurs into the follicle cavity. During the process of resorption (“resorption”, reabsorption), the blood acquires a characteristic yellow color, going through the classic stages of a “bruise” - red, blue, green, yellow.

This formation, which arose at the site of an ovulated (“burst”) follicle, is yellow in color and is called the “corpus luteum.” Thus,

The corpus luteum and corpus luteum cyst are formed from 16 to 28 days from the start of menstruation.

3D photo of the corpus luteum. The edges of the fresh rupture (ovulation) of the follicle are clearly defined

3D photo of the corpus luteum. Corpus luteum on the 5th day after ovulation

3D photo of the corpus luteum. Corpus luteum on the 7th day after ovulation

Causes of hypertrophy (overdevelopment) of the corpus luteum, i.e. The reasons for the formation of a corpus luteum cyst are unknown. It is believed that

A corpus luteum cyst occurs as a result of ovulation of the follicle (rupture of the follicle membrane) together with the vessel.

Depending on the diameter of the vessel, the type of vessel (artery or vein), the state of the blood coagulation system, the physical activity of the girl/woman at the time of ovulation and a number of other reasons, the volume of blood poured into the cavity of the follicle and, accordingly, the size of the corpus luteum cyst changes.

3D photo of a corpus luteum cyst 3 cm in diameter: blood flowing into the cyst is determined in the form of oddly shaped clots

See all photos

THE APPEARANCE of a corpus luteum cyst DOES NOT DEPEND on the presence of virginity, the number, regularity and frequency of sexual intercourse, the absence of intimacy for a long time and other manifestations of sexual activity. Often

Corpus luteum CYST is formed during PREGNANCY. The biological function of the corpus luteum, corpus luteum cysts during pregnancy is the production of the hormone progesterone.

Progesterone promotes the prolongation (development) of pregnancy and is responsible for the formation of the gonads and reproductive centers in the fetal brain.

A corpus luteum cyst does not pose a danger to pregnancy or directly to the fetus.

Surgical treatment of corpus luteum cysts during pregnancy and after delivery is not required.

Involution (reverse development, disappearance) of a corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy occurs spontaneously (spontaneously) by the 18-20th week of pregnancy, when the functions of the corpus luteum are taken over by the placenta (baby place).

Outside of pregnancy, the corpus luteum cyst resolves (resolves) spontaneously in the first days after the onset of menstruation, or within 2-3 menstrual cycles.

Surgical treatment of corpus luteum cyst is not required.

Corpus luteum cyst never! does not malignize (does not become malignant).

In some cases, a corpus luteum cyst greatly stretches the ovarian capsule and causes pain.

Treatment of corpus luteum cyst WITHOUT SURGERY is possible.

It is IMPORTANT to start moving in the right direction!

EVERYTHING you need to know about the right direction in treating a corpus luteum cyst, see HERE:

  • Symptoms of a corpus luteum cyst
  • Complications of corpus luteum cyst
  • Diagnosis of corpus luteum cyst
  • Treatment of corpus luteum cyst
  • Photo gallery Corpus luteum cyst
  • Reviews about treatment in our Clinic
  • Questions and answers about treatment of corpus luteum cyst

Treatment of corpus luteum cyst by appointment by multi-line phone 8 (800) 500-52-74 (toll-free within Russia), or +7 (for international calls).

ONLINE information about the treatment of corpus luteum cyst can be found at

REGISTER ONLINE for treatment of corpus luteum cyst here.

REGISTER online for treatment of corpus luteum cyst here.

Buy coursework by phone +7 (928) 022-05-32 or here.

Make an appointment with a gynecologist

Reviews about the treatment

A.U., Nalchik

I was very touched by the hospitality of the staff and the competence of the specialists! I spent a long time looking for help in various clinics, I can honestly say throughout the region. But only at the Resort Clinic I was able to find her! May all the kindness that you give to people in such a difficult matter return again and again to you and your families!!!

From the book of reviews and suggestions

During the treatment at the Clinic there was very good service, cultural treatment, and competent treatment. I am very pleased with the good treatment and excellent attitude, I wish we had more clinics like this. I especially want to thank the doctor, candidate of medical sciences. Sciences Ermolaev Oleg Yuryevich for very attentive treatment, qualified approach and sensitivity. Thank you very much!

All reviews about the treatment

Symptoms of a corpus luteum cyst

  • a feeling of heaviness, discomfort, fullness in the lower abdomen, in the right or left groin area;
  • pain in the right or left groin area , aggravated by fast walking, sexual intercourse, physical activity, sudden changes in body position (turns, somersaults, bending, etc.);
  • symptoms of a corpus luteum cyst occur in phase 2 (half) of the menstrual cycle - after ovulation; usually after the 14th day of a 28-day cycle;
  • high (37.0 °C and above) basal temperature in the second phase of the menstrual cycle until the beginning of menstruation;
  • delay of menstruation. The duration of delayed menstruation due to a corpus luteum cyst, as a rule, does not exceed 14 days.


Olga, 35 years old 12/15/2016
An endometriotic ovarian cyst was just removed. There were a lot of fears before the operation. Moreover, there was an operation to remove appendicitis and the anesthesia did not affect me; I felt all the pain, but I could not move. Before the operation, I talked with the anesthesiologist and said that if this happens, I won’t chew it again. Everything went well. If you have such a cyst, I advise you to remove it. You can’t play sports, you can’t steam or sunbathe with such a cyst, it can burst. You walk around like a crystal vase, afraid that it will burst. It can cause infertility and develop into oncology; during pregnancy with such a cyst, fetal death may occur.

Lisa, 25 years old 01/19/2017

I, too, was recently diagnosed with a cyst, but they can’t determine which one, 7 cm long and 5 cm in diameter!!!!!! I drank escapelle a year ago, perhaps it was because of it, because I had a hormonal disorder, and was prescribed rigevidon!!!!!!! I don’t know whether it will help or not!!!!!!!!!!! tell me what else besides hormonal drugs can be used to treat a cyst?????????

Marusya, 28 years old 02/25/2017

Elizaveta, I would advise you to contact the Doctor Nearby clinic on Ozernaya. There doctors specialize specifically in women's diseases. I myself was hospitalized there with a cyst and was very pleased.

Margot 03/30/2017

2 weeks ago my cyst burst during sex, the pain was terrible, I couldn’t get up, they would turn around - in short, it was very painful. We called an ambulance. I was referred to gynecology and a ruptured cyst was diagnosed. In general, the operation was performed at night, and everything ended successfully. Before this, a year ago I was diagnosed with a follicular cyst, I was treated for about half a year with pills, injections, etc. During the next examination, it was determined that it had successfully resolved. I was deregistered and now...

Complications (possible consequences) of corpus luteum cysts

  • Ovarian torsion. With a sudden change in body position (for example, when falling, during physical training, sexual intercourse, etc.), partial torsion (180°) and complete torsion (360°, 720°) of the ovary with a corpus luteum cyst is possible. In this case, compression or torsion of the vessels and nerve fibers that supply and innervate the ovary occurs. Ovarian torsion is manifested by sudden acute colicky pain in the corresponding groin area or in the lower abdomen, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, weakness, cold sweat, drop in blood pressure, and a feeling of fear. Often there is a slight increase in body temperature, paresis (cessation of activity) of the intestines in the form of stool retention, pain when being in a forced position on the side and at rest does not stop (does not subside). Torsion (partial torsion) of the ovary and complete torsion of the ovary with a corpus luteum cyst, as a rule, occur when the cyst is more than 5 cm in diameter. In case of ovarian torsion, emergency surgical treatment is resorted to;
  • RUPTURE of the cyst. Rupture of a corpus luteum cyst occurs extremely rarely due to the presence of a thick wall in the cyst. Rupture of a corpus luteum cyst is accompanied by piercing (dagger) pain in the lower abdomen, forcing you to instantly take a bent position. Nausea, vomiting, dizziness, weakness, cold sweat, and fainting are often observed. Body temperature, as a rule, remains normal;
  • internal BLEEDING. When a rupture of a corpus luteum cyst is localized in the area of ​​an ovarian vessel, sudden hemorrhage into the ovary and bleeding into the abdominal cavity and/or pelvic cavity are possible. Sudden hemorrhage into the ovary, accompanied by a violation of the integrity of its tissue and bleeding into the abdominal cavity and/or pelvic cavity, called ovarian apoplexy (rupture of the ovary). Depending on the volume of blood lost, the severity of bleeding symptoms can vary from a feeling of lethargy, weakness to drowsiness, lethargy and shock. Intra-abdominal bleeding is manifested by pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), hypotension (low blood pressure). Depending on the intensity of bleeding, the degree of blood loss, the state of the blood coagulation system and the subjective state (well-being) of the woman, conservative or surgical treatment is possible. Ovarian apoplexy, as a rule, occurs when the follicle/follicular cyst grows rapidly against the background of a provoking factor. A factor provoking ovarian apoplexy may be an unexpected change in the position of the body in space (falling, somersaulting, jumping, etc.), sudden movement or shaking of the body, straining, intense sexual intercourse, etc. The risk of ovarian apoplexy (ovarian rupture) does not depend on the size of the follicle/follicular cyst.
  • menstrual dysfunction. DELAY of menstruation with a corpus luteum cyst is associated with the predominant influence of the hormone progesterone. Progesterone helps prolong the secretion phase (2nd phase of the menstrual cycle), preventing the onset of menstruation. The duration of delayed menstruation due to a corpus luteum cyst, as a rule, does not exceed 14 days. Menstruation that comes with a delay is often painful (dysmenorrhea), profuse, with clots, often longer than usual (menorrhagia, in some cases turning into uterine bleeding (menometrorrhagia).

Indications for surgery

  • In the presence of a formation (cyst, tumor), which within three months of existence has not disappeared on its own or while taking anti-inflammatory or hormonal therapy.
  • Cysts or tumors that form during menopause
  • The occurrence of complications: hemorrhage into the cyst, twisting of the legs, rupture, suppuration;
  • There is a high probability of developing a malignant process.

For the above indications, surgical intervention is required. However, the extent of the operation is individual for each patient. In women of childbearing age, in the absence of a malignant process, cystectomy is performed - resurfacing, while the ovarian tissue remains intact (not affected by the process). In women over 50 years of age or if the ovarian tissue is damaged, ovariocytectomy is performed - removal of the formation along with the membranes. If the fallopian tubes are involved in the process, cystadnexectomy is recommended, and the cyst must be removed along with the appendages.

In severe cases of the disease and a widespread process, in the presence of a large cyst in the ovary, healthy tissue may be absent, so in such cases it should be removed completely. But removal of the ovary cannot lead to significant hormonal disturbances in women of childbearing age. In the future, such patients do not experience menstrual irregularities and retain the ability to give birth to a healthy child.

Reducing tissue burns is important to maintain ovarian function. Therefore, to remove the cyst, the use of electrosurgery during surgery is minimal. In addition, to reduce the risk of adhesions, new generation non-stick gels are widely used today. To prevent the contents of the cyst from spreading into the abdominal cavity during surgery, a special plastic container is used, into which the cyst is placed when removed from the abdominal cavity.

Diagnosis of corpus luteum cyst

Corpus luteum cysts typically occur in the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle and during pregnancy. The final diagnosis is established based on ultrasound data.

The presence of qualified doctors and expert-class ultrasound machines with 3D/4D and elastography modes in the Women's Health Resort Clinic allows us to implement modern diagnostic techniques and solve diagnostic problems of the highest degree of complexity.

The remote high-density LED monitor of the ultrasound machine allows the doctor to comment on the “live” picture, and the Patient to actively participate in the discussion of what she saw.

The ability to record ultrasound results to disk and/or flash card (USB drive) allows you to save objective information for doctors and electronic medical records.

The capabilities of the diagnostic devices of the Women's Health Resort Clinic are presented on our website in the articles pelvic ultrasound, abdominal ultrasound, pregnancy ultrasound photo gallery.

3D photo of a corpus luteum cyst

Ovarian cystomas

Ovarian resection

  • Cost: 90,000 - 130,000 rubles.
  • Duration: 30-60 minutes
  • Hospitalization: 2-3 days in hospital

More details

Cystomas, or true tumors, are formations that grow due to cell division and growth. They have different natures and are capable of being reborn.

There are three groups of cysts:

  • benign - consist of highly differentiated cells, grow slowly, do not metastasize, account for up to 80% of all cases;
  • potentially malignant, or borderline - tumors with a low degree of malignancy, there are mucinous, serous, Brenner tumors;
  • malignant - germinate into adjacent tissues, grow rapidly, and metastasize; There are epithelial ones (up to 42% of them are serous carcinomas, up to 15% are mucinous, up to 17% are undifferentiated).

Ovarian tumors are treated with surgical methods, usually laparoscopic.

Treatment of corpus luteum cyst

We start by organizing feelings, thoughts, biorhythms and metabolic processes. And we achieve success with the help of natural medicines and physiotherapy. Physiological and effective.

A small corpus luteum cyst (up to 4.0 cm in diameter) resolves (resolves) on its own and without consequences in the first days after menstruation or within 2-3 menstrual cycles.

Surgical treatment of a corpus luteum cyst is necessary in the case of a symptomatic (causing complaints) corpus luteum cyst, or a recurrent corpus luteum cyst (occurring repeatedly), or a large corpus luteum cyst (more than 4.0 cm in diameter) in order to avoid complications.

Surgical treatment of corpus luteum cyst is necessary in case of rupture of the corpus luteum cyst, ovarian apoplexy, torsion of the ovary with a corpus luteum cyst, or suppuration of the corpus luteum cyst.

The resort clinic for women's health has scientific potential, modern diagnostic and treatment facilities and has extensive experience in outpatient and spa treatment of corpus luteum cysts.

We offer a personalized spa approach that is thought out to the smallest detail. We offer rest and treatment.

TREATMENT of a corpus luteum cyst is 12 days. Treatment of symptomatic or large (more than 4.0 cm in diameter) corpus luteum cyst should begin from the moment of detection, regardless of the day of the menstrual cycle.

Examinations and treatment procedures are performed from the FIRST DAY of your visit to the Clinic.

Treatment of corpus luteum cyst depends on the type and degree of dysfunction of the neuroendocrine system and includes oral and local application (in the vagina) of herbal medicines, modulation of brain rhythms, lymphotropic administration of biological modulators of ovarian activity; balneotherapy in the form of general baths and vaginal irrigations; peloidotherapy (mud therapy) in the form of thermal irrigation and magnetophoresis; laser therapy with infrared, red and polychrome (multi-color) lasers; SMT-phoresis, electromagnetophoresis, sonophoresis of drugs that stimulate ovarian function.

Medicines based on natural mineral and plant raw materials according to the prescriptions of doctors at the Women's Health Resort Clinic allow you to physiologically (“gently”) CLEANSE the body of metabolic products and NORMALIZE homeostasis (constancy of the internal environment of the body), have a membrane-regenerating and membrane-stabilizing effect (RESTORING damaged ovarian cells) and hormonal levels, STIMULATE metabolic processes at the cell and tissue level.

The use of rectal suppositories (“suppositories”) allows for long-term delivery of drugs through the lymphatic ducts directly to the tissues of the ovary and corpus luteum cyst. This modern painless technique allows you to optimize and greatly speed up the treatment process. About homeopathy in detail...

Medicines made from natural raw materials do not have a negative effect on healthy organs and tissues, reduce the drug load on the body and allow you to cure a corpus luteum cyst WITHOUT HORMONES.

Our experience in spa treatment shows that the use of medicines based on natural raw materials is an important physiological (corresponding to human physiology) component of the treatment of corpus luteum cysts.

Modulation of brain rhythms with oxygen therapy helps to normalize excitation-inhibition processes in the cerebral cortex and subcortical structures (hypothalamus, pituitary gland, pineal gland) and has a general sanogenic (healing) effect.

Exogenous (introduced from the outside) alpha rhythm modulates the human brain’s own alpha rhythm, which “calms the nerves” and normalizes the neuroendocrine regulation of the functions of the ovaries, thyroid gland, and adrenal glands. About the modulation of brain rhythms in detail...

Oxygen with a concentration of about 30% saturates the brain, organs and tissues of the body. Saturating the body with oxygen is like a two-hour walk in the forest.

Oxygen therapy relieves psychological tension, modulates (changes) hormonal levels in the right direction for the body and activates metabolic processes in organs and tissues.

Modern physical procedures (SMT-phoresis, electromagnetophoresis, sonophoresis) allow for targeted delivery and painless penetration of drugs into the tissues of the ovaries, adrenal glands, pituitary gland (the subcortical center for regulating the functions of the ovaries and adrenal glands) and normalize the processes of hormone synthesis in them.

All physiotherapy procedures at the Women's Health Resort Clinic are performed WITHOUT PAIN, in comfortable conditions, by the Clinic's professionally trained midwives.

Contraindications to physiotherapeutic treatment are general contraindications to physiotherapy: stage 3 hypertension, oncological processes in the body, severe somatic (therapeutic) diseases in the stage of decompensation.

Each physiotherapeutic procedure and contraindications to it are described in detail on our website in the corresponding paragraph of the article “Physiotherapy”.

A spa approach to the treatment of recurrent (re-occurring) and complicated corpus luteum cysts, correction of the view of the world and oneself in this world allows us to eliminate the root cause of hormonal imbalances and increase the overall sanogenic potential of the body (the body’s ability to self-heal).

The cost of treating a corpus luteum cyst is 35,850 rubles*.

*The cost of treatment is current since the last update of the price list (May 2022).

During treatment of a corpus luteum cyst, sexual intercourse and pregnancy are not contraindicated. However, sexual intercourse should be gentle to avoid rupture of the cyst or torsion of the ovary.

A corpus luteum cyst does not require any specific nutritional restrictions. It is allowed to consume dry, semi-dry white and red wine, light and dark beer in moderation.

During the treatment period and until the corpus luteum cyst resolves (“disappears”), it is not recommended to visit a bathhouse, sauna (including infrared sauna), sunbathing in natural conditions and a solarium, physical activity associated with straining and sudden changes in body position (jumping). , somersaults, bends, turns of the body, sudden lifting of the body, training the abdominal muscles).

During the sanatorium-resort treatment of a corpus luteum cyst, the best physical activity is a health path (dosed walking, taking into account the natural landscape). About the health path in detail...

After completing treatment for the corpus luteum cyst, based on the dynamics (changes) of the condition, we prescribe individual maintenance therapy with herbal medicines for 6-8 months.

Maintenance therapy allows you to consolidate the achieved positive results of sanatorium treatment.

We accept girls, young women and women from all cities of Russia, near and far abroad.

The spa clinic for women's health facilitates the accommodation and accommodation of women, women with children and couples during examination and treatment.

About living conditions and transfer from Mineralnye Vody airport and Pyatigorsk railway station in detail in the article “Accommodation”.

If you need to book accommodation, please coordinate your arrival date no later than 7 days in advance.


Among the causes of ovarian cysts are:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • obesity;
  • history of abortion;
  • congenital anomalies in the development of tissues of the pelvic organs;
  • early onset of menstruation (before 11 years);
  • taking certain medications (including oral contraceptives);
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the intestines and bladder;
  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • history of surgical interventions on the pelvic organs;
  • smoking.

Leading specialists in the treatment of corpus luteum cysts in the Southern Federal District

Ermolaeva Elvira Kadirovna is a well-known and recognized specialist in the treatment of corpus luteum cysts in the North Caucasus. She is a gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, physiotherapist-resortologist. Elvira Kadirovna is approached by women who want to improve the aesthetics of the genital organs, reduce the size of the vagina and refresh intimate relationships from all regions of Russia and foreign countries.

Ermolaev Oleg Yurievich Candidate of Medical Sciences, operating gynecologist with 25 years of successful experience in treating corpus luteum cysts. Able to see relationships that elude others.

Shchepkin Petr Sergeevich Gynecologist, specialist in the treatment of corpus luteum cysts. Experienced ultrasound doctor.

About the doctors of the Clinic in detail...

INTERNATIONAL RECOGNITION of the reputation and achievements of the Women's Health Resort Clinic in the development and implementation of effective and safe treatment methods and the quality of medical services provided is the AWARDING of the Women's Health Resort Clinic in Pyatigorsk with the SIQS International QUALITY CERTIFICATE in the field of medicine and healthcare. International Socratic Committee, Oxford, UK and Swiss Institute for Quality Standards, Zurich, SWITZERLAND.

The resort clinic for women's health operates both for paid services and in the voluntary health insurance system.

We work seven days a week and on holidays:

Monday - Friday from 8.00 to 20.00, Saturday, Sunday, holidays from 8.00 to 17.00.

Treatment of corpus luteum cyst by appointment by multi-line phone 8 (800) 500-52-74 (toll-free within Russia), or +7, or [email protected]

The cost of treating a corpus luteum cyst is 35,850 rubles*.

ONLINE information about the treatment of corpus luteum cyst can be found at

REGISTER ONLINE for treatment of corpus luteum cyst here.

REGISTER online for treatment of corpus luteum cyst here.

Buy coursework by phone +7 (928) 022-05-32 or here.

Make an appointment with a gynecologist

With respect for the religion and different habits of our Patients, we achieve high efficiency and comfort of treatment.

We are at your FULL DISPOSAL if you have any doubts or wishes.

Our advantages

  • Our medical center employs doctors with extensive practical experience.
  • We have a special innovative design of operating rooms: infection-resistant seamless monolithic blocks, 5 levels of sterility, thanks to a complex ventilation system.
  • The gynecology department is equipped with the latest generation equipment - surgical equipment from recognized global manufacturers of medical equipment - “Karl Storz”, “Covidien”, “Erbe”, etc.
  • All procedures are carried out in the most comfortable conditions for the patient.

You can see prices for services

Questions and answers about corpus luteum cyst

Question: Is it possible to treat corpus luteum cysts simultaneously using gynecological and therapeutic programs? What will be the results and the planned cost of treatment? Answer: We consider a woman/girl as a whole and treat not the disease, but the sufferer (sick)! We provide a combination of gynecological and therapeutic treatment programs. And in fact, we always adjust the treatment program for corpus luteum cysts taking into account concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, neuroendocrine and respiratory systems. The procedures are combined in such a way that each subsequent one potentiates (strengthens) the effect of the previous ones. The cost of a combined (combined) treatment program, as a rule, exceeds the cost of the main treatment program by no more than 15%. Sincerely, Chief Physician of the Resort Clinic for Women's Health, Ph.D. honey. Sciences O.Yu. Ermolaev.

Question: How is the gender of a child planned? What tests are needed? How does the service work? Answer: Planning the sex of the fetus is carried out using the method of mathematical analysis based on the information received from you about previous pregnancies, dates of birth of children, characteristics of menstrual function, etc. No preliminary examination is required. Planning the sex of the fetus is carried out upon the woman’s personal appearance.

Question: I'm pregnant. Duration 10 weeks. I was diagnosed with a corpus luteum cyst of the right ovary, 5.2 cm in diameter. How dangerous is this? Is surgery necessary? M.Ch., Karachaevsk. Answer: Corpus luteum cysts often occur during pregnancy. The biological role of the corpus luteum and corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy is the production of the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for the maintenance and development of pregnancy. If the corpus luteum cyst is removed, the pregnancy will be terminated. A corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy, as a rule, resolves (disappears) on its own by 18-20 weeks, when the functions of the corpus luteum are taken over by the placenta (the baby's place in the uterus).

Women from Cherkessk, Karachaevsk, Ust-Dzheguta, Teberda, Dombay, Zelenchukskaya, Ispravnaya, Kardonikskaya, Storozhevoy, Kyzyl-Oktyabr, Kumysh, Kamennomost, Pravokubansky, Uchkeken, Krasny Kurgan, Pregradnaya, Khabez, Kurdzhinovo and others come to us for treatment of corpus luteum cysts. settlements of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.

Question: Can a corpus luteum cyst cause a delay of more than 8 days? However, the pregnancy test is negative. A.D., Nalchik. Answer: A corpus luteum cyst can cause a delay in menstruation for more than 8 days.

Women from Nalchik, Prokhladny, Baksan, Maisky, Tyrnyauz, Terek, Chegem, Khasanya, Adiyukh, Belaya Rechka, Atazhukino, Zhankhoteko, Zayukovo, Islamey, Kuba, Belokamenskoye, Zolsky, Malki, Prirechny, Oktyabrsky, Elbrus come to us for treatment of corpus luteum cysts , Tyrnyauz, Kashkhatau, Nartkaly, Anzorey, Zalukokoazhe and other settlements of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.

ONLINE information about the treatment of corpus luteum cyst can be found at

REGISTER ONLINE for treatment of corpus luteum cyst here.

REGISTER online for treatment of corpus luteum cyst here.

Buy coursework by phone +7 (928) 022-05-32 or here.

Make an appointment with a gynecologist

Question: I am 12 weeks pregnant. When I registered, they discovered a corpus luteum cyst on the left ovary. I am very worried about my child. Will this affect him? R.Zh., Cherkessk. Answer: A corpus luteum cyst does not pose a danger to the fetus.

Question: Can a corpus luteum cyst give a positive pregnancy test result? S.V., Pyatigorsk. Answer: With a corpus luteum cyst resulting from pregnancy, the pregnancy test will be positive.

Women from Stavropol, Pyatigorsk, Lermontov, Mineralnye Vody, Novoaleksandrovsk, Novopavlovsk, Georgievsk, Mikhailovsk, Svetlograd, Nevinnomyssk, Kislovodsk, Zheleznovodsk, Essentuki and other cities of the Stavropol Territory come to us for treatment of corpus luteum cysts.

Question: Dear Oleg Yurievich! Is it necessary to follow a diet for two months before conceiving a child of the planned gender? I would just like to conceive in the next month. Answer: Following a diet for 2 months before the date of expected conception is an important component of preparation for conceiving a fetus of the intended sex .

Question: Why in your Clinic is uterine repositioning performed on a couch and not on a gynecological chair? Answer: First of all, we consider the convenience of the patient, not the doctor and midwife. Many girls and women feel fearful and uncomfortable in the gynecological chair. Secondly, most often pain in women occurs in positions lying on their back, stomach, side or standing, that is, in an extended position of the torso. Thus, repositioning the uterus on a gynecological couch is a comfortable and rational feature of our Clinic.

ONLINE information about the treatment of corpus luteum cyst can be found at

REGISTER ONLINE for treatment of corpus luteum cyst here.

REGISTER online for treatment of corpus luteum cyst here.

Buy coursework by phone +7 (928) 022-05-32 or here.

Make an appointment with a gynecologist

Question: On what day of the cycle does a corpus luteum cyst form? E.P., Makhachkala. Answer: A corpus luteum cyst forms after ovulation, from 16 to 28 days from the start of menstruation.

Women from Makhachkala, Derbent, Dagestanskie Ogni, Buinaksk, Kizlyar, Izberbash, Karata, Khasavyurt, Kizilyurt, Yuzhno-Sukhumsk, Kaspiysk, Leninkent, Semender, Novy Khushet, Bavtugay, Dubkov, Novy Sulak, Komsomolsky, Tserkhimakhov come to us for treatment of corpus luteum cysts , Lutkun, Hamamatyurt, Botlikh, Verkhniy Kazanishche, Karamakhov, Gergebil, Maali, Mekhelta, Kuli and other settlements of the Republic of Dagestan.

Question: There are still 8-9 days until your period. An ultrasound revealed a corpus luteum cyst 4 cm in diameter; pregnancy was not determined. What is the probability of pregnancy? M.T., Grozny. Answer: It is possible to determine the presence of pregnancy before the expected date of menstruation based on a blood test for hCG content.

Women from Grozny, Argun, Gudermes, Urus-Martan, Shali, Achkhoy-Martan, Bamut, Orekhovo, Dolinsky, Gikalovsky, Komsomolsky, Krasnostepnovsky, Pervomaisky, Raduzhny, Sadovoy, Vinogradny, Bragun, Novogroznensky, Chkalovo, come to us for treatment of corpus luteum cysts. Krasnaya Gorka, Yuzhny, Bratsk, Kalaus, Znamensky, Levoberezhny, Obilny, Savelyevskaya, Guli, Lyazhga, Olgeti, Dzhugurta, Shatoy, Shelkovskaya and other settlements of the Chechen Republic.

Question: Can there be an enlargement of the uterus with a corpus luteum cyst? Z.B., Baksan. Answer: Corpus luteum cyst produces progesterone. Progesterone increases blood supply to the uterus, thereby increasing the size of the uterus by 3-5 mm. Ultrasound examination after 3 days of delayed menstruation allows you to determine intrauterine pregnancy and identify other causes of uterine enlargement: ectopic (tubal, ovarian) pregnancy, postpartum uterine hypertrophy due to carrying a multiple pregnancy or a large fetus, internal endometriosis, uterine chorionepithelioma, hydatidiform mole, uterine fibroids .

Question: To treat a corpus luteum cyst, what documents are needed? Answer: To treat a corpus luteum cyst, it is advisable to have copies of the results of a previously conducted clinical and laboratory examination (copies of ultrasound, X-ray, computer, laboratory and other studies), copies of consultations with other specialists, copies of epicrisis (conclusions) of surgical and conservative treatment. In other words, the most complete amount of medical information about your health status. If necessary or desired, it is possible to perform a clinical and laboratory examination in our Clinic.

ONLINE information about the treatment of corpus luteum cyst can be found at

REGISTER ONLINE for treatment of corpus luteum cyst here.

REGISTER online for treatment of corpus luteum cyst here.

Buy coursework by phone +7 (928) 022-05-32 or here.

Make an appointment with a gynecologist

Question: Is it possible to issue a sick leave certificate at the Clinic for the period of treatment for a corpus luteum cyst? Answer: At the Women's Health Resort Clinic, sick leave (sick leave) is not issued.

Question: “The resort clinic for women’s health operates both for paid services and in the voluntary health insurance system.” In the voluntary health insurance system, is it covered by medical policies? Can you explain please! Answer: We accept Insureds at SOGAZ, AlfaStrakhovanie, Alliance, Ingosstrakh under policies issued by these insurance companies. You can find out detailed information about which medical institutions your insurance company works with by calling your insurance company’s hotline number. If the Women's Health Resort Clinic is not on its list, you can leave a request and, perhaps, your insurance company will meet you, enter into an agreement with us, and we will be happy to accept you. Sincerely, Chief Accountant of the Women's Health Resort Clinic.

Question: How can I get to the Clinic under POLIS for treatment of a corpus luteum cyst? What is needed for this: a referral from a doctor, or is just a desire and an insurance policy enough? Answer: You should contact your insurance company to obtain a cover letter. If you have a covering letter, you will be able to carry out the necessary examination and treatment of a corpus luteum cyst in our Clinic. At the appointment you must have your passport and insurance policy with you. Sincerely, Chief Accountant of the Women's Health Resort Clinic.

Question: In the Reviews section about the treatment carried out at the Clinic, I found several lines about proper nutrition. And from the Accommodation section it is clear that the Clinic does not have inpatient beds. So, is there still organized nutrition, or are these just recommendations regarding nutrition? Answer: At the Women's Health Resort Clinic, the possibility of a balanced (nutritious) diet has been thought out and implemented: we cooperate with medical and public catering establishments that prepare healthy, tasty and varied food. Home delivery of food is possible.

We work seven days a week and on holidays:

Monday - Friday from 8.00 to 20.00, Saturday, Sunday, holidays from 8.00 to 17.00.

Treatment of corpus luteum cyst by appointment by multi-line phone 8 (800) 500-52-74 (toll-free within Russia), or +7, or [email protected]

ONLINE information about the treatment of corpus luteum cyst can be found at

REGISTER ONLINE for treatment of corpus luteum cyst here.

REGISTER online for treatment of corpus luteum cyst here.

Buy coursework by phone +7 (928) 022-05-32 or here.

Make an appointment with a gynecologist

Literature sources

  1. Age-related clinical and morphological characteristics of the ovarian appendage. Voytsovich, A.B. // Diss. Ph.D. honey. Sciences A.B. Wojtsovich. – Tomsk. – 1998. – P. 157.
  2. Diagnosis and therapy of ovarian formations. Savelyeva G.M., Solomatina A.A., Stepanov K.I. // Practical gynecology (clinical lectures) ed. IN AND. Kulakova and V.N. Prilepskaya. – 2002 – P. 75-88.
  3. Clinical features of a group of patients with reproductive dysfunction and benign ovarian tumors. R.G. Gataulina // Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. – 2001. – T. L. – Issue. 4. – pp. 38-42.
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