Sealex Sildenafil tablets 100 mg 1 piece ➤ instructions for use

Description and main characteristics

Sildenafil is a drug used by men to increase potency. Contains the active ingredient of the same name and is available in the form of granules with different dosages of the main component - from 35 to 140.5 mg per 1 piece. The most well-known brand of the drug, which also contains sildenafil, is Viagra.

The product is dispensed from pharmacies only with a prescription. The shelf life is 3 years from the date of production. It must be stored under standard conditions - a dark place, temperature up to 25 degrees.

When did women decide to try the drug on themselves?

This issue was first raised in the United States, in the New York Times, in an article entitled “Women See Sildenafil Work Miracles for Them.” And this happened just a few months after the drug became available. This research was also included in an episode of the TV series Sex and the City, in which the heroine with a huge number of sexual relationships, Samantha, uses a remedy to get rid of her inhibitions as much as possible.


The use of Silenafil has a fairly wide range of contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to the active substance or auxiliary components of the drug;
  • severe disturbances in liver function;
  • low blood pressure (less than 90/50);
  • recently suffered pathologies associated with cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • recent myocardial infarction;
  • phenylkenothuria;
  • loss of vision in one eye;
  • hereditary retinal dystrophy;
  • simultaneous use with Amylnitrite, nitrates and other nitric oxide NO donors;
  • simultaneous use with the drug "Ritonavir";
  • children under 18 years of age.

There are other contraindications. For example, the drug is not recommended for use by men who should not be sexually active due to severe heart failure.

Hypertensive patients with blood pressure above 170/100 should take this medication with caution, as well as in the presence of:

  • severe arrhythmia that threatens life;
  • left ventricular obstruction;
  • conditions that predispose to prialism;
  • ischemic optic neuropathy;
  • anatomical deviations of the penis (deformation, Peyronie's disease and others).


The drug Sildenafil for women was tested for a year. During studies, the ability to achieve and maintain sexual desire with increased sensitivity throughout sexual intercourse was noted. Women achieved sexual satisfaction faster, and the feeling itself was vivid.

After taking Sildenafil, the tablet quickly dissolves in the stomach and is absorbed into the blood. In less than an hour, it begins to have the necessary effect on the body, causing blood flow to the genitals.

Side effects

In some cases (often due to an overdose), minor side effects are possible:

  • dyspepsia;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • feeling of nasal congestion;
  • flushes of blood;
  • temporary vision problems;
  • noise in ears;
  • hypersensitivity reactions.

In rare cases, the following were observed:

  • temporary deafness;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • nosebleeds;
  • skin rash;
  • nausea;
  • myalgia;
  • chest pain;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • an erection that lasts too long.

What to replace

But it is still better to replace the male drug “Sildenafil” with analogues. For women, the doctor may recommend the following remedies:

  1. "Viagra FM".
  2. "Cialis".
  3. "Fliban 100 mg."
  4. Femalegra 100 - female Viagra.
  5. Femalefil 10 - female Cialis.
  6. "Silver Fox"
  7. "Spanish Fly" (GOLD FLY).

All these drugs have the same effect. But for some reason, most women prefer Sindenafil. After all, according to them, this drug produces the maximum effect.

"Sildenafil": instructions for use

The drug is taken orally and washed down with a small volume of water. The standard single dosage is 50 mg one hour before sexual intercourse. If the effect is insufficient, increase the dosage by 2 times (subject to normal tolerance and absence of contraindications). The maximum amount per day is 100 mg, frequency of use is 1 time per day.

For older people, the same dosages are established. In this case, the daily intake rate can be adjusted in the presence of certain diseases:

  1. Renal dysfunction – 25 mg.
  2. Liver dysfunction – 25 mg.
  3. Simultaneous use with other drugs such as Ketoconazole, Cimetidine (except Ritonavir), Erithoromycin - up to 25 mg.

These restrictions are not “hard” ones. If the effect is insufficient, the daily dosage can be gradually increased to 50 mg, then to 100 mg.

The role of sildenafil in the life of men and women

A person experiences earthquakes, epidemics, the horrors of illness and all sorts of torments of the soul, but for all times the most painful tragedy for him was, is and will be - the tragedy of the bedroom. (L.N. Tolstoy in the memoirs of his contemporaries)


The first mention of erectile dysfunction (ED) was noted in the manuscripts of Ancient Egypt [1]. Since then, there have been continuous attempts to improve a man's sexual potential, but a revolutionary breakthrough came with the discovery by Furchgott, Ignarro and Murad of the role of nitric oxide in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The authors received the Nobel Prize and, in the course of further research, created sildenafil, which has continued its triumphal march across the planet since 1998 [2]. Sildenafil is familiar to many as a drug for the treatment of ED, but the range of its therapeutic possibilities is wider [3]. The efficacy and safety of sildenafil were assessed in 48 randomized, double-blind, parallel-group, double-blind, parallel-group studies involving 11,364 men with ED [3]. It was shown that in all age groups, including people over 75 years of age, the effectiveness of sildenafil citrate (SC) was high, and the frequency of side effects, among which headache and hot flashes predominated, was low [4]. Taking SC leads to an improvement in erectile function in patients of different ages, regardless of the etiology, severity and duration of ED. Sildenafil affects both arterial and venous blood flow in the penis, which makes it primarily indicated for vasculogenic ED. The drug improves cavernous electrical activity, which justifies its use in the neurogenic form of the disease [5]. Another recent study confirmed that phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE5 inhibitors) are generally well tolerated. The authors emphasize that there are no studies comparing various drugs in this group; all comparisons were made with placebo [6]. Confirmation of the effectiveness and safety of sildenafil was obtained in a population-based study using the example of residents of Chinese megacities [7]. Studying the effectiveness of various doses of SC in 3674 patients with ED, we came to the conclusion that the satisfaction of patients who took 100 mg of sildenafil was higher than that of those who took 50 mg of SC [8]. In general, it is recommended to approach dose selection in a personalized manner [9]. Physical exercise, diet, and normalization of plasma glucose levels are not sufficient to restore erectile function in patients with diabetes [10]. A systematic review of 17 well-designed studies confirmed the effectiveness and safety of sildenafil in diabetic patients with ED [11]. SC did not increase adverse reactions in diabetic patients taking metformin and thiazolidine [12]. In the treatment of urological diseases combined with ED (hypogonadism, benign prostatic hyperplasia), a potentiation of the effect of the combined use of basic therapy and sildenafil was noted [1, 13]. It is emphasized that daily use of sildenafil by patients with ED after prostatectomy gives a less pronounced effect than on-demand use [14], which is absolutely logical, since PDE-5 inhibitors cause an erection only in the presence of sexual stimulation. A fracture of the pelvic bones with damage to the urethra naturally leads to the development of ED. However, even in such a severe group, daily administration of sildenafil is effective in 61.5% of cases [15]. Not a single drug from the PDE-5 inhibitor group provides a 100% effect in the treatment of ED. To find out the reasons for this phenomenon, a molecular genetic study was conducted in Spain, which showed genetic polymorphism in responses to PDE-5 inhibitors. As it turned out, the effectiveness of treatment with PDE-5 inhibitors is genetically determined and cannot be changed. There was also a clear correlation between glycemic status and the effectiveness of treatment with sildenafil [16]. Recently, non-drug methods of treating patients with ED have become popular, in particular extracorporeal shock wave therapy [17]. An experimental study was conducted showing that this method, when taking sildenafil, significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment [18]. Some patients prefer oral tablets that do not require swallowing and drinking water, and these are already on the market [19]. Chronic prostatitis, both common and specific, can be complicated (accompanied) by ED [20–24]. Hypothetically, one can expect a positive effect of SC in prostatitis, since it has been shown that sildenafil affects the course of the inflammatory process, since it reduces the activity of pro-inflammatory factors. After taking sildenafil, TNF-α immediately decreases, and the level of C-reactive protein decreases [25]. However, along with the anti-inflammatory effect, sildenafil reduces the activity of ciprofloxacin in the treatment of patients with chronic prostatitis complicated by ED [26], this must be taken into account when prescribing therapy for such patients. Those who are moderate in matters of sexual problems claim that the problem of ED is exaggerated, and that a person may well be happy, for example, doing his favorite job or hobby. However, our research has shown that this is not the case: a multicenter cohort study found a positive correlation between the quality of men’s sexual function and their level of overall success [20]. In women, however, such a dependence is not observed [27], partly, apparently, because a woman’s gender role does not depend on her sexual satisfaction. We set out to
study how sexual partners of men with ED assessed their sex lives before their men began taking PDE5 inhibitors and after the course of treatment.

Material and methods

An open, single-center cohort study was conducted involving 128 men with mild to moderate ED aged 32 to 54 years (average 42.1 years). All patients had not previously taken PDE-5 inhibitors. The patients were prescribed sildenafil 50 mg “on demand” 1 hour before expected intercourse. A second visit to the doctor was scheduled after 2 weeks. therapy for possible dose adjustment. The third, final visit was scheduled after 3 months. from taking the first dose of sildenafil. The effectiveness of treatment was assessed using the International Index of Erectile Function scale; patients recorded adverse reactions in their diaries. If a strong or prolonged (more than 6 hours) undesirable effect occurred, patients came for an unscheduled appointment with a doctor. After 3 months wives (regular sexual partners) of men with effective treatment were surveyed regarding satisfaction with the quality of treatment of their husbands. The wives were asked to independently assess the couple's initial sex life and the changes that occurred after treatment using a questionnaire. The ultimate goal of the study was to analyze this assessment.


Of the 128 men, only one (0.78%) developed nasal congestion, impaired color vision and headache while taking sildenafil so severely that he stopped taking the drug. Another 15 (11.7%) had side effects, but the patients considered them minor and continued therapy. For 24 (18.75%) men with very good erections, but with adverse reactions, the dose was reduced to 25 mg, which did not affect the effectiveness, but improved tolerability. In 32 (25.0%) patients, on the contrary, the attending physician considered it necessary to increase the dose to 100 mg, the remaining 72 (56.25%) continued therapy with the initial dose of SC 50 mg. Taking sildenafil and, accordingly, sexual intercourse (or an attempt at it) occurred on average with a frequency of 2.7 times a week. A positive effect of sildenafil was noted by 83 (64.84%) patients. When asked to invite their wives for a conversation, two admitted that they lived in a homosexual couple, 27 men did not have a permanent girlfriend and realized their restored sexual potency in casual relationships, 11 women refused to talk, and 43 agreed to answer the questions. Initially, 38 wives (88.37%) rated the couple’s sex life as unsatisfactory, although 5 women did not consider their husband’s ED a problem, since they themselves had low sexual desire. After 3 months sildenafil therapy, 19 (44.18%) women considered family sex life good, 22 (51.16%) - excellent. At the same time, according to 2 (4.65%) women, no changes occurred, which once again proves that for a woman in sex, a good erection in a sexual partner is not enough. The assessment results are presented in Figure 1.

Thus, 41 (95.35%) women were satisfied with the result of their husband’s treatment with the drug SC and considered that the improvement in the quality of erection had a positive impact on family life.


Drug correction of sexual deviations in women remains questionable; the psychological component of the process probably plays a leading role here [28]. Our study showed that 95.35% of women are satisfied with the results of treating their sexual partners with sildenafil, therefore, sildenafil affects the sexual function of women, albeit indirectly. There are a number of pitfalls in the use of PDE-5 inhibitors. Firstly, there are many counterfeits and low-quality generics on the market [29]. A spectral analysis of base sildenafil and SC was carried out [30]. Sildenafil crystallizes as base sildenafil, SC - with a higher crystal characteristic (Fig. 2). The presence of various impurities disrupts the quality characteristics of SC.

When treating sildenafil, the general rules for taking medications are followed. It is recommended to take medications with water rather than any other drink to avoid interactions and prevent inactivation of the drug or its biotransformation during competitive metabolism involving the cytochrome isoenzymes CYP3A4 and CYP2C9. Inhibitors of CYP3A4 and CYP2C9 isoenzymes (ketoconazole, erythromycin, cimitidine) reduce metabolism and increase the concentration of sildenafil in the blood. In this case, treatment with sildenafil begins with a dose of 25 mg, since otherwise, due to competitive metabolism, an overdose of SC is possible, which has a hepatotoxic effect [31]. The level of sildenafil in the blood plasma was compared in men who took the tablets with water diluted with lemon or orange juice. It was found that orange juice significantly increased the concentration of sildenafil in the blood (the peak concentration was 44% higher, the “cleansing period” was 30% longer). Lemon juice, to the surprise of the researchers, had no effect on the pharmacokinetics of sildenafil [32]. Since 2011, the group’s production center (Dynamico) has been represented on the Russian pharmaceutical market, which in 2014 received the “Platinum Ounce” - the highest award in the pharmaceutical industry and again won the competition award in 2015. A study conducted in Russia showed that Dynamico provides high-quality erection, has a minimum of side effects and is not addictive [33-34].


Sildenafil plays an important, albeit indirect, role in a woman’s life - it increases her sexual satisfaction by improving erection in her sexual partner. According to the study, 95.35% of women are satisfied with the results of treating their sexual partners with sildenafil.

special instructions

One-time use is allowed without consulting a doctor, except in cases associated with severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system, kidneys or liver. For long-term use, preliminary consultation with a specialist is recommended.

In extremely rare cases, cardiac instability may occur. In case of overdose, myocardial infarction, including death, cannot be ruled out. Complications can develop during, after, or even without sexual intercourse.

Sildenafil leads to dilation of blood vessels, which leads to a slight, reversible decrease in blood pressure. Therefore, on the eve of the appointment, the doctor should assess the possible risks associated with a decrease in blood pressure.

Quest for women

So, for women who have problems with arousal, are there other drugs that can help where Sildenafil cannot? The answer to this question will depend on the nature of the problem.

There are many gynecological conditions to consider, so it is important to seek advice from a specialist. Most postmenopausal women almost certainly need to use estrogen in the vagina, as well as a good lubricant if they experience vaginal dryness or painful sex.

Research suggests that topical estrogen is generally fairly safe, at least in the short term, but some doctors may be cautious about prescribing such a medication if a woman has a history of estrogen-positive breast cancer. In these cases, there are many hormone-free vaginal moisturizers and lubricants available that can help.

Some postmenopausal women may receive small amounts of testosterone in addition to hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Although it is not generally recommended due to limited evidence of its effectiveness and concerns about side effects, some doctors will prescribe it "off-license".

Another interesting candidate is Addyi (flibanserin). It is supposed to be for women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder and targets certain chemicals in the brain (serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine) to increase sexual motivation.

These stimulant pills were popularly known as "Female Viagra" when they hit the market in 2015. However, it was something of a commercial failure, with critics citing the drug's frequent side effects and unconvincing effect.

Composition, release form

The drug is produced in tablets with different concentrations of the active substance. Sildenafil is supplied to pharmacies in blister packs. Each of them contains 12 tablets. The concentration of the active component is 25, 50 or 100 mg. Some generics contain an increased dosage of 150 mg.

The drug is intended for oral administration. The active substance of the sexual stimulant is sildenafil citrate.

The composition of the drug includes the following auxiliary components:

Name Description
Lactose monohydrateA natural polysaccharide found in dairy products. It has preservative properties and increases the shelf life of pharmacological compounds.
Microcrystalline celluloseBioactive food supplement that cleanses the body by removing waste and toxins.
Magnesium stearateFood additive E572. It has a high adhesion rate, gives the tablet a uniform structure, makes it easier to swallow, and accelerates dissolution in the stomach.
Indigo carmineAcid-base indicator, food additive E132. It serves as a dye in the medicinal product.
Titanium dioxideA moisture-resistant chemical bleach found in many medications.
PolyvinylpyrrolidoneA water-soluble polymer with detoxification and complexing properties. Gives the medication a prolonged effect.

Sildenafil for women has collected a lot of reviews. They have a rapid stimulating effect, an increase in the level of sex hormones and a long-lasting aphrodisiac effect. This is a multicomponent dosage form that improves blood flow to the genitals and thereby increases their sensitivity.

Sildenafil is freely sold in pharmacies without a prescription. The price of a pack of tablets depends on their quantity and dosage. The cost of a pack of Sildenafil varies from 120 to 560 rubles. You can purchase the drug even cheaper in online pharmacies. But there is a risk of purchasing a fake.

What is the difference between women's Sildenafil and men's?

The tablets have a complex effect on the body, regardless of gender. There are no differences in the composition of the drug for women and men. The difference lies in the mechanism of biochemical action, due to anatomical and physiological differences in the genital system.

Sildenafil for women (reviews report that married couples take tablets from one pack with equal success) does not contain any special additives or components intended exclusively for the fair sex.

Increased pressure and intense blood supply to the genital tissues increase sensitivity and cause an acute desire for intimacy. The active substance of the tablets stimulates the functioning of the glands that secrete a moisturizing secretion. This is the only significant difference between the effects of Sildenafil for women and men.


No such cases have been recorded. Headaches, nausea and vomiting are hypothetically possible. A significant overdose of Sildenafil can lead to a feeling of internal heat without an increase in body temperature, redness of the facial skin, and indigestion.

Exceeding the recommended daily intake by 10 times can cause dizziness and a sharp drop in blood pressure. Gastric lavage is used as symptomatic treatment. Unpleasant consequences disappear after a few hours with bed rest and complete rest.

What women say

They confirm the information specified in the instructions for the drug “Sildenafil” and reviews from women. The drug helps to resume the physiological processes of the intimate side of life without dependence and addiction. It activates the blood supply to the labia, increases the receptivity of the genitals, restores the process of secretion production, increases desire and satisfaction.

If you have problems getting pleasure from sex, taking stimulant pills for girls makes it possible to acquire maximum positive feelings. A stronger result is observed in patients who previously felt discomfort during sexual intercourse.

In addition, the drug increases the girl’s pleasure, the activity of the vaginal muscles, simplifies orgasm and improves its quality. The active element sildenafil stimulates intensive blood supply to the pelvic organs, clitoris and labia, and activates complete hydration of the internal genitalia.

Sildenafil provides girls with the opportunity to receive maximum pleasure during menopause, but also prevents soreness and vaginal dryness during intimacy.

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