Sinaflan ointment for external use 0.025% 10 g tube 1 pc. in Moscow


1 g of liniment or ointment contains 0.25 mg of active ingredient.
The auxiliary ingredients in liniment include:

  • propylene glycol;
  • anhydrous lanolin ;
  • petrolatum;
  • pentanol;
  • stearic acid;
  • nipagin;
  • nipazole;
  • purified water.

Excipients in the ointment:

  • benzyl alcohol;
  • propylene glycol;
  • soft white paraffin;
  • ceresin;
  • lanolin.

Description of the drug

Sinaflan ointment is a local hormonal drug intended to eliminate inflammatory processes, accompanying skin redness and itching. It is often used to treat skin rashes of non-microbial etiology. Liniment does not help with regular acne!

The drug has pronounced antipruritic, antiexudative, antiallergic and anti-inflammatory properties.

The undeniable advantages of the ointment are its affordable price, ease of use, and wide spectrum of action. The active components quickly overcome the epithelial barrier and target the diseased areas of the body. When used in doses, adverse reactions are unlikely.

Clinical and pharmacological group

The drug in question is one of the representatives of a large clinical and pharmacological group of external topical glucocorticosteroids. The main active ingredient of the drug is the synthetic compound fluocinolone acetonide.

pharmachologic effect

The active component of the drug, which determines its pharmacological action, is a synthesized analogue of the human adrenal hormone.

Its activity is manifested in the following mechanism:

  1. Increasing the resistance of cell membranes to external irritants, thereby eliminating the likelihood of developing tissue swelling.
  2. Activation of biochemical reactions aimed at the metabolic breakdown of proteins.
  3. Blocking phospholipases (leads to the elimination of inflammatory reactions in problem tissues).
  4. Inhibition of microcirculation of macrophages and leukocytes.
  5. Suppression of the synthesis of hyaluronidase (an enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid).

Sinaflan ointment is not suitable for the treatment of subcutaneous pimples and acne. It is indeed capable of temporarily eliminating inflammation and accompanying redness, but as the active elements are absorbed, the pathogenic process only worsens. The presence of petroleum jelly causes blockage of pores, which automatically creates favorable conditions for the development of staphylococci and streptococci.

Release form and composition

A medicine called Sinaflan is produced by several Russian pharmacological companies. The drug is available in 3 dosage forms - cream, gel and ointment. Liniment is supplied in 15 and 10 g metal tubes with a sealed tip or laminated polyethylene tubes.

The consistency of the medicine is a homogeneous mass of medium thickness. It has a light yellowish tint. Some manufacturers have liniment that has a dense and thick consistency.

The active ingredient (a synthetic analogue of adrenal hormones) “works” in conjunction with secondary ingredients:

  • Vaseline – no more than 1 g;
  • ceresin – up to 50 mg;
  • propylene glycol – 49.5 mg;
  • lanolin – 0.25 mg.

The pharmaceutical product is supplied in a cardboard package indicating the production date and is accompanied by an annotation with recommendations for use.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


You can often hear the question of whether Sinaflan is hormonal or not. This is a hormonal drug, but this is the reason for its high effectiveness.

Fluocinolone acetonide binds to specific receptors in the cytoplasm of cells, which provokes an increase in mRNA synthesis. The result of exposure affects all metabolic processes in the cell.

Clinically significant effects include the following aspects of influence on the cell:

  • inducing the synthesis of lipocort proteins, including lipomodulin, which leads to inhibition of the activity of phospholipase A2, which is one of the factors in the progression of the inflammatory response;
  • stabilizes the cell membrane, which helps prevent swelling ;
  • increases the rate of protein catabolism;
  • reduces the migration of B and T lymphocytes and disrupts the interaction of these cells;
  • inhibits the accumulation of leukocytes and macrophages at the site of inflammation;
  • suppresses the effect of hyaluronidase, reduces the level of formation of arachidonic acid and leukotrienes;
  • affects the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, reducing tissue glucose consumption, which can lead to an increase in its concentration in the blood ;
  • promotes the retention of sodium and water ions, provokes the excretion of potassium and calcium, reduces the ability to absorb calcium;
  • increases the synthesis of erythrypoietins.

This effect on metabolic processes in the cell contributes to a noticeable effect in those cases for which the medicine is used - for acne and other inflammatory skin lesions.


Fluocinolone acetonide easily penetrates into all layers of the skin, but accumulates in the stratum corneum (can be detected even 15 days after completion of treatment). It enters the bloodstream in small quantities.

Biotransformation occurs in the liver. In this case, inactive metabolites . Excretion occurs mainly due to the work of the kidneys.

Absorption of the drug occurs more intensely when treating children, when applied to large areas of skin, when used regularly, when applied to the face or damaged skin.

What is Sinaflan intended for?

The drug reduces the manifestation of inflammatory reactions of the skin during autoimmune processes, exposure to toxins, biological and chemical allergens. Fluocinolone binds to cell cytoplasms, inhibits the production of the enzyme phospholipase A2, which provokes negative symptoms of irritation. As a result of using Sinaflan:

  • the concentration of leukocytes and macrophages in the area of ​​inflammation decreases;
  • fluid outflow improves;
  • metabolic processes inside cells are normalized: absorption of glucose, potassium, calcium, sodium ions;
  • the production of arachidonic acid, one of the provocateurs of inflammation, is regulated.

Sinaflan inhibits the activity of cellular immunity: it reduces the accumulation of T-lymphocytes, thereby eliminating the factors of allergic manifestations. The substances of the drug act quickly directly at the sites of application, so the ointment has proven itself to be the best in the treatment of rashes and other superficial formations on the skin.

Fluocinolone easily penetrates into the stratum corneum, accumulates in them as therapy continues and persists for up to 15–20 days from the moment the application is stopped, providing a therapeutic effect. The components of the drug penetrate into the systemic bloodstream in minute concentrations, which are not hazardous to health. They are transformed in the liver and are completely eliminated from the body.

Indications for use

Why use Sinaflan ointment and dosage forms of the drug? For the treatment of various inflammatory skin lesions of non-infectious etiology.

What does Sinaflan ointment help with in most cases? You can list the following indications for the use of ointment, gel, cream and liniment:

  • eczema of various localizations;
  • psoriasis of the body and scalp;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • seborrheic lesions;
  • lichen planus ;
  • itching of the skin of unknown etiology;
  • discoid form of lupus erythematosus ;
  • allergic rashes;
  • erythema multiforme ;
  • minor burns ;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • inflammation at the site of an insect bite.

In what cases should Sinaflan ointment not be used?

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Sinaflan ointment is contraindicated for use in the following cases:

  • in case of possible allergic reactions to the drug, which the attending physician must anticipate through prescribed tests and skin tests before prescribing a course of use of Sinaflan ointment;
  • the drug is not used in the treatment of fungal skin diseases;
  • for itching and red pimples in the buttocks area;
  • for more serious skin diseases such as syphilis, all forms of skin tumors;
  • the use of ointment is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Sinaflan is contraindicated for use in the treatment of allergic reactions in the form of rash in children under 8 years of age;
  • You should be extremely careful when using ointment to treat common red or white acne pimples, especially during adolescence, when dramatic hormonal changes occur in the body.


It is prohibited to use ointment or liniment in such cases;

  • hypersensitivity to the active substance or auxiliary components of the drug;
  • skin diseases caused by an infectious agent: bacteria, virus or fungus;
  • lupus;
  • skin lesions that are a manifestation of syphilis ;
  • wound surface;
  • diaper rash;
  • precancerous skin conditions, tumors ;
  • the presence of a nevus on the area of ​​skin where the medicine should be applied;
  • psoriasis that has progressed to plaque formation;
  • acne (the use of Sinaflan for acne, which is actually acne, can cause an exacerbation of the disease);
  • trophic ulcers on the lower extremities caused by varicose veins;
  • any use for children under 2 years of age;
  • use in ophthalmology and on the skin of the mammary glands is prohibited;
  • pregnancy and lactation .

How does Sinaflan anti-acne ointment work?

Sinaflan ointment for acne is much more likely to cause harm and complications in acne than to help cope with the treatment of acne. So the drug belongs to the category of hormonal agents, its direct task is to treat allergic and viral skin infections, as well as help in relieving inflammatory reactions on the skin with such diseases such as psoriasis or dermatitis The effect of the drug can also be aimed at reducing redness in burns and eczema It is because of these characteristics that many people try to use this drug in the treatment of ordinary acne on the face. However, as practice shows, Sinaflan ointment can temporarily remove acne from the face, but after you stop using the product, a recurrence of acne inflammation may occur due to a decrease in the immune system of the skin and body from the harm caused and adverse skin reactions from the influence of the hormonal components of the drug Sinaflan.

You should not base the effectiveness of the drug solely on the fact that the ointment can quite quickly relieve inflammation and redness from a pimple, while in the long term the drug is not able to have a positive effect on the treatment of acne.

In what cases do antibiotic ointments only worsen the condition of the skin and cause new acne to appear?

Also, due to the presence in the product, in addition to the hormonal components of glucocorticoids, of a significant percentage of petroleum jelly and lanonine, which, when affecting oily facial skin prone to acne, can lead to clogging of pores and the appearance of new, often more inflamed and larger pimples.

Side effects

The question of whether an ointment is hormonal or not is often due to the fact that it is known that hormonal drugs actively affect the entire body. This also applies to Sinaflan. Side effects are not very common, but they can be quite varied.

On the part of the skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue, the following may appear:

  • hives;
  • allergic contact dermatitis;
  • skin irritation;
  • peeling of the skin or rashes in the form of papules or spots at the site of application of the medicine;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • furunculosis;
  • exacerbations of pathological skin conditions that were present at the start of treatment;
  • atrophic changes in the skin;
  • burning sensation;
  • itching;
  • steroid acne ;
  • folliculitis;
  • hair loss or excessive growth in the area where Sinaflan was applied;
  • pigmentation disorders.

From the digestive system (occurs when used on large areas of the skin):

  • gastritis;
  • steroid gastric ulcer .

From the endocrine organs:

  • increased blood glucose levels;
  • glucosuria;
  • in children – slower growth and development;
  • when applied to large areas of skin, the development of adrenal insufficiency , Itsenko-Cushing syndrome , and steroid diabetes mellitus .

From the immune :

  • allergic reactions;
  • hypersensitivity reactions;
  • decreased immunity ;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • generalization of infectious lesions;
  • slowing down repair processes.

From the heart and blood vessels:

  • increased blood pressure ;
  • swelling.

When applied to the outer surface of the eyelids, there is a risk of developing cataracts and glaucoma .

Possible adverse reactions

When using the drug Sinaflan, the following are rarely possible:

  • increased itching, flaking, dry skin;
  • the appearance of keratosis;
  • swelling, redness, burning.

With long-term use, there are isolated cases of impaired carbohydrate metabolism, increased blood pressure, and decreased immunity. The risk of side effects is higher when Sinaflan is combined with other hormonal ointments or when taking systemic glucocorticoid drugs.

Instructions for use of Sinaflan (Method and dosage)

Sinaflan ointment, instructions for use

The ointment is applied to the affected area 1 or 2 times a day and lightly rubbed in. The course of treatment for adults is up to 10 days, for children – no more than 5 days, for facial skin – no more than 1 day.

It is not advisable to use ointment under a bandage, with the exception of some forms of psoriasis . But in this case, it is very important to change it regularly.

The drug in the form of an ointment is recommended for use in dry forms of dermatoses .

Liniment Sinaflan, instructions for use

Liniment can be applied 2-4 times a day. The course of treatment is the same in duration as when using the ointment.

Do not use under a closed bandage, but can be applied to a small area of ​​skin under an occlusive one.

It is advisable to use for dry dermatoses .

How to use Sinaflan cream or gel

Apply to affected areas 1-4 times a day. The course lasts no more than 2 weeks.

The cream is more often used for wet dermatoses , and the gel is used for lesions of the scalp.

When is Sinaflan ointment used?

The main effect of the drug is to treat various skin diseases of an allergenic nature, which may be accompanied by small pimples. The drug is not used for the treatment of ordinary, purulent acne.

Diseases for which a doctor may prescribe Sinaflan:

  • dermatitis caused by blocked sebaceous glands;;
  • eczema on the face or body;
  • neurodermatitis, which is a fairly serious allergic disease;
  • lichen, lupus;
  • skin itching caused, for example, by bites of ticks, mosquitoes, bedbugs;
  • psoriasis;
  • burns of varying degrees;
  • many other smaller and less common skin conditions caused by dry skin, or conditions that involve an allergic reaction and a rash of small pimples.

Sinaflan should be used only after consultation with your doctor - a dermatologist, since its incorrect use can only cause a lot of negative consequences in the form of side effects and new foci of inflammation at the sites of application of the product. Since the ointment is a hormonal drug, you need to be extremely careful with its use and Do not even consider it as a means for self-treatment of acne.

Sinaflan ointment should be applied only to the affected areas of the skin in a thin layer and with light circular movements. The areas where the drug is applied should first be cleaned and disinfected. The ointment should be applied 2-3 times a day for 2-3 weeks, depending on the stage of your disease and the doctor’s recommendations.


An overdose can easily occur when the medicine is applied to large areas of the skin, in case of long-term treatment, or when applied to particularly sensitive areas, such as the skin of the face. There is also a high risk when treating children with Sinaflan.

Possible symptoms of overdose:

  • swelling;
  • increased blood pressure ;
  • burning , itching at the site of application of the drug;
  • increased levels of glucose in the blood and urine;
  • Itsenko-Cushing syndrome.

Treatment for overdose is symptomatic. In this case, gradual withdrawal of Sinaflan is indicated.

Sinaflan (ointment)

If there are signs of hypersensitivity or skin irritation associated with the use of the drug, you should stop treatment and consult a doctor.

Avoid getting the ointment in your eyes.

Do not apply ointment to mucous membranes or wounds.

It is recommended to use Sinaflan ointment in short courses on small areas of the skin. Loose clothing should be worn during treatment.

With prolonged use of the ointment and/or application to large surfaces of the skin, damaged skin, when using large doses, using occlusive dressings and during therapy in children, systemic absorption of the glucocorticosteroid is possible; it is possible to suppress the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system and develop symptoms of hypercortisolism (Itsenko-Cushing syndrome).

Atrophic changes may appear on the skin of the face more often than on other surfaces of the body after long-term treatment with topical glucocorticosteroids; the course of treatment in this case should not exceed 5 days.

With long-term therapy with glucocorticosteroids, sudden cessation of therapy can lead to the development of “rebound syndrome,” manifested in the form of dermatitis with intense redness of the skin and a burning sensation. Therefore, after long-term treatment, drug withdrawal should be carried out gradually, for example, by switching to an intermittent treatment regimen before stopping it completely.

During drug therapy, periodic monitoring of the function of the adrenal cortex is necessary by determining the level of cortisol in the blood and urine after stimulation of the adrenal glands with adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).

In patients with acne vulgaris or rosacea, an exacerbation of the disease may occur during drug therapy.

To prevent local infectious complications, the drug is recommended to be prescribed in combination with antimicrobial agents.

The ointment should be applied with caution to the skin around the eyes or eyelids due to the risk of developing glaucoma or cataracts, as well as in patients with a history of these diseases, who may experience an exacerbation of these diseases.

If a patient experiences symptoms such as blurred vision or other visual disturbances, consider referring the patient to an ophthalmologist to investigate possible causes of the disturbance, which may include cataracts, glaucoma, or rare diseases such as central serous chorioretinopathy.

The ointment should be used with extreme caution on the skin of the face, areas with thin skin and intertriginous skin (skin folds, armpits, groin, folds of the arms and legs), due to increased absorption of glucocorticosteroids through thin skin and the possibility of side effects (telangiectasia, skin atrophy, perioral dermatitis) even after short-term use.

The drug should be used with caution in case of atrophic changes in the subcutaneous tissue, especially in the elderly.

The ointment should be used with extreme caution in patients with psoriasis, due to possible relapse of the disease caused by the development of tolerance, the risk of generalized pustular psoriasis and general toxicity due to pressure ulcers.

Use in pediatrics

The drug can be used in children over 2 years of age. It must be taken into account that in young children, skin folds, diapers, diapers can have an effect similar to the effect of an occlusive dressing and increase the systemic absorption of the glucocorticosteroid. In addition, a greater degree of systemic absorption is possible in children due to the relationship between the surface of the skin and body weight, as well as due to insufficient skin maturity. Long-term use of glucocorticosteroids in children can lead to disturbances in their growth and development. Therefore, long-term use of the drug should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. Children should receive the minimum dose of the drug sufficient to achieve an effect. In children, the course of treatment should not exceed 5 days.

Propylene glycol and lanolin contained in Sinaflan may cause irritation at the site of application. In such cases, you should stop using the drug.


The drug interacts with many other medications, so caution is necessary when using at the same time:

  • with systemic glucocorticosteroids – the effectiveness of Sinaflan increases and the likelihood of developing side effects from its use increases;
  • with non-hormonal anti-inflammatory medications – the risk of developing both local and systemic adverse reactions of the body to each of the drugs increases;
  • with antihypertensive, antirhythmic drugs, diuretics, potassium supplements - the effectiveness of these medications decreases;
  • with diuretics (except potassium-sparing ones) – the likelihood of developing hypokalemia ;
  • with vaccines - an inadequate immune response is possible due to the fact that the immune system is weakened and is not able to synthesize the necessary antibodies in normal quantities;
  • with immunosuppressants – enhances the effect;
  • with immunostimulants - suppresses the effect of these drugs on the immune system.

Side effects of Sinaflan ointment

The main side effects from the use of Sinaflan ointment include complications of blood vessels up to the development of the disease post-steroid vascular purpura. It is also quite possible at the sites of application of the ointment with prolonged use of the formation of shrunken atrophied parts of the skin, as well as under the influence of hormones. Even a small overdose of Sinaflan can cause itching and burning.

It is always worth remembering that hormonal ointments cannot be used without a doctor’s prescription and appropriate monitoring of the entire course of treatment by a specialist!

special instructions

When treating with Sinaflan, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • avoid getting the medicine into your eyes;
  • do not apply to wounds or breast skin;
  • it is strictly forbidden to exceed the recommended duration of treatment;
  • do not use with other topical medications;
  • it is undesirable to use under a bandage, since in this case the adsorption of the drug and the risk of developing systemic side effects increases;
  • If necessary, undergo a course of treatment several times, you need to take tests to monitor the functioning of the adrenal glands.

Why we do not recommend using Sinaflan for acne

  1. Sinaflan ointment is a hormonal drug with the main hormone glucocorticoid, which, when used for other purposes, can have the opposite reaction, causing the appearance of dermatitis and anemic atrophy of some skin surfaces.
  2. Also, due to the hormonal influence of the drug, when used in the treatment of teenage acne, which is the most common, an even greater imbalance of hormones may occur in the already unstable hormonal system of a young girl or young man.
  3. Since the main purpose of the drug is to fight allergic diseases, reduce burning and itching - symptoms that are quite rare in people with ordinary acne, you can only harm the skin by using Sinaflan “for acne”!
  4. Vaseline and lanonin included in the ointment, when used to treat acne on oily facial skin, can clog already quite clogged sebaceous pores and subcutaneous channels of the face, since the use of such a drug is intended for the treatment of dry facial skin, and not oily skin.

Sinaflan's analogs

Level 4 ATC code matches:














Mometasone Furoate



Analogues of Sinoflana:

  • Sinoflan-Fitofarm ointment (an analogue with an identical composition, manufactured by the manufacturer PJSC Fitofarm);
  • Flutsar-Darnitsa;
  • Flucederm;
  • Flucinar (gel and ointment).


Many patients are interested in how to replace Sinaflan if they are individually intolerant to fluocinolone acetonide. The hormonal ointment in question has many analogues.

The most popular drugs:

  • Betazon;
  • Metizolone;
  • Advantan cream;
  • Mesaderm;
  • Flucinar.

Some of the listed medications are used to get rid of allergic acne on the face. But a preliminary consultation with a doctor is a mandatory step before therapy.

Sinaflan price, where to buy

The price of Sinaflan ointment and other dosage forms of this drug is low. In Russian pharmacies the cost is 10-90 rubles, depending on the form of release. In Ukrainian pharmacies, the price of medicine ranges from 10 to 30 hryvnia.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Sinaflan ointment 0.025% tube 10 g JSC Akrikhin
    82 rub. order
  • Sinaflan ointment 0.025% 15gOzon LLC

    75 rub. order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Sinaflan-Akrikhin ointment (tube 0.025% 10g) Akrikhin OJSC

    87 RUR order

  • Sinaflan ointment (tube 0.025% 10g) Nizhpharm JSC

    61 rub. order

  • Sinaflan ointment (tube 0.025% 15g) Ozone LLC

    77 RUR order

  • Sinaflan ointment (tube 0.025% 15g) Nizhpharm JSC

    67 RUR order

  • Sinaflan ointment (tube 0.025% 10g) Akrikhin OJSC

    66 RUR order

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  • Sinaflan 0.025% 15 g ointment
    27 UAH. order
  • Sinaflan 0.025% 10 g ointment TOV DKP Pharm.Fabrika, Ukraine

    20 UAH order

  • Sinaflan-Fitofarm 0.025% 15 g ointment PRAT "Fitofarm", Ukraine

    21 UAH order


  • Sinaflan ointment Sinaflan ointment 0.025% 15g Russia, Nizhpharm

    35 UAH order

  • Sinaflan ointment Sinaflan ointment 0.025% 10g tube Ukraine, Zhytomyr FF LLC

    27 UAH order

  • Sinaflan ointment Sinaflan ointment 0.025% 15g Ukraine, Fitofarm ChAO

    24 UAH order

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