Pain in right side at waist level
Pain in the right side at the waist and lower abdomen: main causes and treatment
We determine the cause of pain based on the symptoms. The table was compiled by Victoria Druzhikina, a practicing therapist on the website Ask the Doctor, and
Enteritis, colitis, duodenitis: how to treat intestinal inflammation
Inflammation of the intestine is a collective term that unites diseases that are diverse in their manifestations and etiology.
How to use Doctor Mom ointment
Doctor MOM® herbal cough lozenges
Composition The syrup contains levomenthol, as well as extracts: holy basil; wasiki adatodes; ginger
Biochemical blood test as a way to monitor your health
From this article you will learn: Everything you wanted to know about biochemical blood tests
Vitamin B12: release forms, indications, how to use
Vitamin B12: release forms, indications, how to use
To maintain normal hemoglobin levels, a balanced diet is necessary. Excessive nervousness, pale skin,
How to recognize pneumonia without fever and cough symptoms
SM-Clinic pulmonologist spoke about bacterial pneumonia in adults
According to statistics, bacterial pneumonia affects an average of about 1000 patients per 100 thousand population.
Causes of ASD
Autism spectrum disorder: “rain children”
What is autism Autism is a congenital disorder of psychological development that affects understanding
Persen: features of the drug use
Composition and release form The drug is available in the form of tablets with a soluble coating. They are round
Inguinal hernia strangulation: symptoms, signs in men and women, treatment
Inguinal hernia: symptoms, causes and treatment options Inguinal hernia in men is a disease
Dysplasia of the cervix and vagina - pathologies that are silent
With this disease, areas of altered cells form on the mucous membrane of the lower part of the uterus and vagina.
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