Painkillers for hemorrhoids

Inflammation of hemorrhoids, dilation of the venous vessels of the rectum, fissures in the anus and painful symptoms of the disease cause the patient a lot of discomfort. All effective therapeutic actions are aimed primarily at relieving pain. In the chronic form, it is possible to treat with minimally invasive methods that eliminate the problem itself with a minimal percentage of relapse. Specialists have a good range of names of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs in their arsenal, the choice of which depends on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.


Proctosan suppositories contain 1 piece of bufexamac 250 mg, titanium dioxide and bismuth subgallate - 100 mg each, lidocaine in the form of hydrochloride monohydrate - 10 mg.
For 1 g of ointment there are 50 mg of bismuth subgallate and bufexamac , lidocaine - 5 mg, titanium dioxide - 50 mg.

Additional substances: liquid paraffin, wax, sorbitan, isopropyl palmitate, polycos, water, sorbitol - in ointments and solid fat in candles.


Most drug names contain a clue that allows average pharmacy visitors to decipher their therapeutic purpose. Proctosan is a prime example of this. This drug from the arsenal of a proctologist has an anti-inflammatory, local anesthetic, astringent and drying effect, i.e. precisely because it is especially valued in the treatment of such delicate diseases as hemorrhoids and similar anal fissures, inflammation of the anus and anal eczema.

Hemorrhoids are a long-standing problem of humanity, the prevalence of which is much wider than one might imagine. Thus, in people over 50 years of age, the incidence of hemorrhoids is 50%, which should be considered a fairly high figure. To treat hemorrhoids, surgical and medicinal methods can be used, which does not exclude their successful combination. Speaking about the pharmacotherapy of hemorrhoids, it is necessary to note several therapeutic goals that are primarily pursued by the proctologist: pain relief, elimination of thrombosis of hemorrhoidal veins and, if necessary, bleeding, as well as relieving inflammation in the area of ​​hemorrhoids. It is obvious that from a clinical and also from a marketing point of view, an advantage in this case will be combined drugs, the components of which, solving their highly specialized tasks, affect different parts of the pathogenetic process. Proctosan from the German pharmaceutical company is just such a medicine. The “bouquet” of pharmacologically active substances contained in this drug allows it to be successfully used for both acute and chronic hemorrhoids. In the next part of the article, you will be able to get acquainted with each of its components separately.

Lidocaine is used as a local anesthetic in Proctosan, which quickly deprives hemorrhoids of such inherent characteristics as itching, burning and pain. The local non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug bufexamac helps to control inflammation within the bounds of decency.

Bismuth subgalate and titanium dioxide are responsible for the astringent and drying effect of proctosan. When the drug is applied to the affected area, a protective film is formed on it due to the surface deposition of proteins, as a result of which the wound dries out, which protects it from further injury and eliminates bleeding. This film is quite stable and is able to perform its protective function for a long time, thereby creating favorable conditions for wound regeneration.

The effectiveness and safety of proctosan was confirmed in clinical studies conducted in accordance with all the rules of evidence-based medicine. Statistical processing of research results showed that even with monotherapy with proctosan, about 85% of patients with acute hemorrhoids and 83% with chronic hemorrhoids felt significant relief, and after the first week of treatment. Burning and pain in the anal area were safely left alone by about 50% of patients, and anal itching disappeared in almost all members of the observed group. Clinically significant side effects occurred only in isolated cases. A thoughtful combination of the active ingredients of the drug made it possible to achieve a significant mitigation or complete elimination of the symptoms of the disease, and the pronounced analgesic effect reduced the need for analgesics.

Proctosan is available in two dosage forms: rectal suppositories and ointment for rectal and external use. When using the drug externally, the ointment should be applied to the affected area 2 times a day. Before doing this, you need to rinse the anus with warm water (without using soap) and wipe with a soft cloth. The rectal route of administration is suitable for both dosage forms. The ointment is introduced into the rectum using a special applicator, which is included in the package with the drug. The frequency of administration is 1-2 times a day, if possible, after defecation. Suppositories are administered at the same frequency. The duration of treatment is 8-10 days; the subsidence of acute manifestations of the disease can serve as an indicator of its completion.

Instructions for use of Proctosan (Method and dosage)

The instructions for Proctosan ointment recommend applying it to the affected area twice a day, after washing the anus area with warm water.

Proctosan ointment for hemorrhoids can be used in the rectum, administered using an applicator.

If you use Proctosan suppositories, the instructions for use advise you to empty your intestines before administration. Administer up to two times a day.

The general course of treatment is continued for another 10 days after the onset of relief.

Classification of painkillers by release form

Hemorrhoids are a well-studied problem, so prevention and treatment methods always guarantee a good result. Despite the wide selection of drugs in pharmacies, only the attending physician can prescribe complex therapy after a thorough diagnosis of the problem. The form of release of drugs is selected depending on the individual preferences of the patient and the complexity of the symptoms. The most effective and acceptable forms of drug release are suppositories, ointments and tablets.


In an acute inflammatory process, it is extremely difficult to anesthetize a pronounced pain syndrome, because First you need to stop the swelling. Many proctologists advise the use of local anesthetics, which simultaneously relieve inflammation, relieve pain and promote the regeneration of anal fissures. The main advantages of local drugs:

  • Minimum contraindications and side effects;
  • Acts directly on the source of inflammation;
  • Effective rate of absorption and symptom relief.

Unlike tablets, suppositories are used only for internal hemorrhoids. The neurotropic principle of action of the drug allows you to relieve pain by blocking the conduction of nerve impulses from the location of the “bumps” to the neurons of the brain.

Ointments and gels

Used for external and internal hemorrhoids. The main advantages of the drugs are ease of use, uniform distribution of the active substance and high absorption rate. The analgesic effect is achieved by relieving swelling and inflammation, narrowing the vessels of varicose veins, regenerating cracks and the antibacterial effect of the ointment. Among the names of popular products are Proctosan, Relief Advance, Proctosedyl.

Painkillers for hemorrhoids

Efficient and effective systemic drugs in the fight against the symptoms of hemorrhoids are venotonic and agnioprotective tablets. According to the principle of action, drugs can be divided into 2 types:

  • Tablets that have only an analgesic effect. Their action is aimed at reducing painful symptoms. Painkillers have many contraindications, and the course of treatment cannot exceed several days.
  • Systemic tablets with a dose-dependent effect can not only relieve attacks of pain, but also have a beneficial effect on the general condition of blood vessels. They affect the cause of the disease, increase venous tone, improve lymphatic drainage, increase vascular stability, thereby reducing inflammation of the nodes. Effective healing of cracks and microtraumas of the anal mucosa is achieved due to its regenerating properties. The most recommended tablets from this group are called “Phlebodia” and “Detralex”.

Before diagnosing yourself and treating the symptoms of the disease, you should consult a proctologist. Many drugs have contraindications and a special dosage regimen, without taking into account which you can harm your health and aggravate the course of the disease.


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Posterisan Forte






Proctozol , Hemoproct , Relief Advance , Hemorol , Proctosedyl , Ultraproct .

Reviews about Proctosan

Available reviews of Proctosan ointment indicate a good effect in the treatment of external hemorrhoids and anal fissures . The ointment heals wounds well and relieves pain.

The same positive reviews about Proctosan suppositories. The drug brings relief to many after the first use, and after 5 days a significant improvement is noted. Suppositories are used both independently and sometimes doctors prescribe them in combination with other remedies for hemorrhoids (for example, one drug in the morning and another in the evening).

Some people call the disadvantage that the medicine stains laundry and is difficult to wash off plumbing fixtures. There are isolated reviews about the insignificant effect and complaints about the high price.

Effective drug treatment of hemorrhoids

Both women and men experience unpleasant symptoms of the disease equally. They can occur already in the first stages. The first “bells” may be a slight burning sensation in the anus, itching, discomfort and pain during bowel movements. Further, the painful sensations will only intensify, and bleeding may appear. During an exacerbation, dizziness, nausea and general malaise may occur. In the absence of proper treatment in the initial stages, hemorrhoids become chronic with periods of exacerbation and remission.

The symptoms of the acute phase of the disease can be relieved with the help of emergency therapy in the form of local products - gels, ointments and creams for external use to heal cracks and relieve swelling of the anus; rectal suppositories and suppositories that act on the tissue of the rectal mucosa; painkillers. When the first signs of inflammation of the hemorrhoids appear, you should immediately contact a proctologist to rule out other diagnoses and determine the stage of the disease.

Groups of painkillers for hemorrhoids

To treat hemorrhoidal “bumps,” a large number of herbal and synthetic drugs of various types are used, the names of which can be found in any pharmacy. Each group of drugs has its own indications for use, pharmacological effect and dynamics of effectiveness during the treatment process - how quickly and efficiently the drug can relieve pain from attacks of the disease.

The main list of the group includes the following names:

  • Venotonics and phlebotonics - tablets increase vascular tone, improve blood microcirculation, and relieve symptoms of thrombosis. The most popular names of drugs in this group are “Phlebodia 600”, “Detralex”;
  • Angioprotectors - act on damaged vessel walls, relieve inflammation and swelling, and promote effective tissue restoration of hemorrhoids. Popular drugs are Troxevasin and Ascorutin;
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - relieve inflammation, can relieve pain at any stage of the disease, even when cracks and tears appear in the nodes. This group includes Ketorolac, Nurofen, Ibuprofen;
  • Antispasmodic drugs – relieve spasms and pain. The medicine relieves pain in the anus for a certain period and alleviates the patient’s condition. The most effective drug "No-Shpa";
  • Anesthetic injections are one of the most potent groups of drugs that block pain. Injected into the anus or gluteal muscle. They are used in extreme cases when other medications do not help. Names of active drugs Lidocaine and Diclofenac;
  • Preparations with herbal components are used in the initial stages of enlargement of hemorrhoidal “bumps”, when there are no complications in the form of anal fissures and regular bleeding. Basically, these are topical drugs.

Proctosan price, where to buy

The price of Proctosan suppositories in Russia is about 285 rubles. for 10 pcs. In Moscow you can buy the drug for 236 rubles.

The price of Proctosan ointment with an applicator is on average about 271 rubles.

In Ukraine, ointment for hemorrhoids sells for about 78 UAH, and suppositories cost 83 UAH. per package.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Proctosan rectal suppositories 10 pcs Amkapharm GmbH/Stada Arzneimittel AG
    RUB 498 order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Proctosan suppositories No. 10Amcapharm

    486 rub. order

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  • Proctosan N10 suppositories Stada Artsnaimittel AG, Nimmechina
    170 UAH order
  • Proctosan Neo 20 g No. 1 ointment Hemofarm AD, Serbia

    133 UAH order

  • Proctosan 20 g ointment Stada Artsnaimittel AG, Nimmechina

    160 UAH order

  • Proctosan Neo No. 10 suppositories Hemofarm AD, Serbia

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  • Proctosan ointment Proctosan ointment 20g Germany, Stada

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  • Proctosan suppository Supp. proctosan No. 10 Germany, Stada

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  • Proctosan neo ointment Proctosan neo ointment 20g Serbia, Hemofarm

    149 UAH order

  • Proctosan neo suppository Proctosan neo supp. No. 10 Serbia, Hemofarm

    152 UAH order

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