Abnormal vaginal discharge. Causes, types and treatment of vaginal discharge.

Brown discharge in women

Those who are getting acquainted with the work of our clinic for the first time may wonder why we have identified menstrual cycle disorders as a separate, special area of ​​our work. After all, general gynecology is largely related to this problem. There are two reasons. The first concerns the widespread nature of the problem. Statistics clearly state that menstrual irregularities occur at least once in every (every!) woman. The second part concerns completely different causes, and therefore completely different approaches to treatment. More on this below.

Preventive measures

Every woman can, if not prevent, then reduce the risk of brownish discharge from the genitals. To do this, you need to follow the following recommendations:

  • Avoid excessive physical activity.

  • Walk outdoors as often as possible.
  • Avoid negative emotions.
  • Avoid strict diets.
  • Get enough sleep if possible.
  • Be picky about sexual intercourse.
  • Use protection during sex.

It is also recommended to visit a gynecologist’s office at least 2 times a year. A preventive examination will identify the disease, even if it is asymptomatic.

You should not think that you can get rid of spotting using pads and tampons. They indicate the presence of a pathological process in the body. You need to immediately make an appointment with a specialist. Only a doctor can identify and cure the disease.

Causes of brown discharge in women

Brown discharge before menstruation is the main sign of hormonal imbalances and hidden infections. The main symptoms of brown discharge during menstruation:

  • unstable emotional state, irritability, attacks of depression;
  • disorders associated with the menstrual cycle, in which the discharge may be scanty or abundant, causing discomfort or pain;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • lack of sexual desire;
  • diseases of the mammary glands;
  • excessive growth of body hair or, on the contrary, hair loss;
  • excess weight;
  • presence of constant headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • swelling;
  • lack of appetite.

Hormonal imbalance - brown discharge after menstruation, in the middle or early stages of pregnancy in women can lead to serious consequences, this can lead to infertility, as well as various diseases, such as diabetes, tumors, atherosclerosis, asthma. Therefore, if you have several of the symptoms described above, you need to consult a specialist, since only a correct and timely diagnosis can bring your hormonal levels back to normal.

At the AndroMeda clinic, therapeutic therapy will be selected individually based on the results of tests and diagnostics, so self-medication in this case can have a detrimental effect on a woman’s health.

When to see a doctor

The appearance of brown intermenstrual discharge in the middle of the cycle requires attention when the body in this way signals serious disorders and diseases of the reproductive system.

Brown discharge occurs with scarlet or reddish patches and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • sharp, unpleasant odor of discharge;
  • itching and burning of the genitals;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • pain when urinating and defecating;
  • regular occurrence of unscheduled bleeding;
  • the appearance of clots in the leucorrhoea;
  • brown or black color of secretion;
  • increased body temperature;
  • cramping abdominal pain;
  • redness of the labia;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • rejection of discharge for more than three days;
  • pain in the rectum;
  • significant shift in menstruation.

Causes of brown discharge in the middle of the menstrual cycle

There may be several of them, the most common causes of spotting bloody brown discharge in women include:

  • The most common, banal, but ineradicable cause is infections of the pelvic organs.
  • Next in prevalence is the situation when cycle irregularity is caused by general hormonal disorders.
  • But hormonal imbalances can also be localized in the ovaries themselves - this is a completely different mechanism of occurrence, and therefore treatment.
  • Finally, past rubella and chicken pox; these diseases can affect the process of laying follicles and in this case, cycle disturbances sometimes appear from its initial start.

But the most difficult thing is when discharge after menstruation or cycle disturbances are caused by a whole complex of reasons, in this case, an analysis of the woman’s condition and a decision on the need to take certain measures require a specialist to have a lot of experience.

4.Diagnostics and treatment

How does a doctor diagnose abnormal vaginal discharge?

First of all, the doctor will ask you about the symptoms of the problem and the nature of the discharge. He can clarify when the discharge started, what color it is, and whether it has a smell. It is worth telling your doctor if you have any itching, pain or burning in or around the vagina.

After the interview, the doctor may take a sample of the discharge or do a cervical smear - a Pap test - to collect cells for further analysis.

Treatment of abnormal vaginal discharge

Treatment for vaginal discharge will depend on its cause. For example, yeast infections are usually treated with antifungal medications in the form of a cream or gel inserted into the vagina. There are also special tablets. Bacterial vaginosis requires treatment with antibiotics in the form of tablets or creams. Trichomoniasis is treated with medications based on metronidazole or tinidazole.

Following simple recommendations will help prevent vaginal infections, and therefore most causes of abnormal vaginal discharge:

  • Keep your genitals clean. Wash regularly with warm water and mild soap.
  • Do not use scented soaps or other bath and shower products on the genital area.
  • After using the toilet, wipe your genitals from front to back to avoid bacteria entering the vagina and causing infection.
  • Wear underwear made from natural fabrics and avoid very tight clothing.

How can we help?

Take another look at the list of reasons and you will understand that in this case you should under no circumstances rely on the advice of friends for whom some miracle cure helped so well in “exactly the same case.”

If we are talking about an infection, then anti-inflammatory treatment is necessary. A hormonal disorder requires examination of the thyroid gland. In this case, the possible frequency of infectious diseases in childhood (up to 12 years) should be taken into account. Indeed, in this case, it is precisely this circumstance, the so-called infectious index, that is very important for correct diagnosis.

Brown secretion during pregnancy

Upon successful conception, the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. The body begins to rebuild. During the first three months, a brownish discharge may appear on the days of the expected regulation.

IMPORTANT! If the discharge is mixed with blood or clots, consult a doctor.

The systematic appearance of spotting brown discharge in the middle of the expected cycle indicates a missed pregnancy. The fetus stops growing and dies in the womb. It decomposes and rots, introducing infection into the woman’s body. In a happy coincidence, the body itself rejects the fetus, and after 2-2.5 weeks a miscarriage will occur. However, often a miscarriage does not occur.

Frozen pregnancy occurs due to poor nutrition, physical overexertion, and stress; as a result of artificial insemination. Another reason is a mismatch between the Rh factor of the child and the mother.

Signs of a frozen pregnancy:

  1. Purulent bloody brown discharge comes out. This indicates that the fruit is already decomposing.
  2. Signs of toxicosis disappear.
  3. Body temperature rises.
  4. Nausea and vomiting are observed.
  5. Lower abdomen hurts. This is the uterus contracting.
  6. Blood pressure increases.

The main sign of a frozen pregnancy in the second trimester is the absence of embryo movement.

During pregnancy, visit your doctor regularly and monitor your health.

Where to treat spotting brown discharge in women in St. Petersburg?

The AndroMeda Clinic has earned a reputation as one of the most effective and modern medical centers offering services in St. Petersburg. First of all, this is, of course, trained and very experienced personnel. And then fully equipped with all the necessary means without exception.

An individual approach to working with each visitor, comfortable conditions for receiving our specialists, when taking tests or going through the necessary procedures - all this allows us to achieve complete satisfaction, and therefore customer trust.

Establishing diagnosis

External signs and history are not enough to make an accurate diagnosis. Before deciding on treatment, the doctor prescribes the following types of research to the patient:

  • Blood and urine analysis for general indicators.
  • Biochemistry of blood.
  • Smears from the vagina and cervical canal. They are necessary for cytological examination.
  • Ultrasound of the female reproductive system.
  • Studying blood for hormone content and their ratio.
  • HCG analysis.
  • Colposcopy.
  • Hysteroscopy.
  • Tests to detect sexually transmitted diseases.

If necessary, doctors of other specialties may be involved in the examination. In the future, they take part in drawing up treatment tactics.

Treatment methods

The treatment regimen depends on the cause of the brown secretion and accompanying symptoms. Treatment is prescribed by a specialist after receiving diagnostic results.

Treatment methods depending on the pathological process:

  • in case of bacterial infection and inflammation arising from it, antibacterial drugs are prescribed orally and locally in the form of ointments, creams, suppositories;
  • Fungal infections are treated with antifungal drugs. It is worth noting that thrush is a local symptom of extensive damage to the body by a fungus. Her therapy is not limited to the use of creams and suppositories. The main amount of fungus is in the intestines, so treatment includes taking antifungal drugs orally;
  • therapy for viral infections includes the use of antiviral drugs, as well as immunostimulants, since increasing immunity is of great importance in the fight against viruses;
  • When diagnosing neoplasms, conservative therapy or surgery is used. The choice of method depends on whether the tumor is benign or malignant, as well as its size;
  • If there is a threat of miscarriage during pregnancy, treatment is carried out in a hospital setting. During the examination, the condition of the placenta, reproductive organ, and fetus is assessed;
  • ectopic pregnancy requires immediate surgery to remove the fertilized egg from the fallopian tube;
  • in case of hormonal imbalance during menopause, hormonal drugs are prescribed;
  • endometriosis, erosion, polyps and neoplasms are eliminated using surgical treatment or laparoscopy;
  • during the rehabilitation period after surgery, she carries out drug therapy in order to restore the functioning of the woman’s reproductive system.

When unhealthy discharge appears, you need to be especially careful about hygiene, as it irritates the skin of the genitals, causing itching. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. This can lead to infertility and the development of complications that will require serious, long-term therapy. Only after receiving the diagnostic results, the doctor will determine treatment tactics, taking into account the diagnosis.

Discharge color

The discharge can range from light brown to dark, rich color, which may indirectly indicate the cause of its appearance.

Light brown discharge may be the result of bacterial vaginosis, sexually transmitted infections, or microtrauma of the cervix.

Dark brown discharge usually indicates the presence of clotted blood in the discharge, which may be of vaginal, cervical or uterine origin.

When may they occur

Brown spotting discharge in the form of traces on panty liners can occur in girls before puberty, during the onset of menstruation, during the reproductive period and during menopause, they all have different causes.

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