Viardot-forte - description and instructions for use

Manufacturer: DIODE
Active ingredients

  • Not indicated. See instructions

Pharmacological action

  • Not indicated. See instructions
  • Composition of Viardot-forte
  • Indications for use of the drug Viardo-forte
  • Release form of the drug Viardot-forte
  • Contraindications to the use of the drug Viardo-forte
  • Method of administration and dosage of the drug Viardot-forte
  • Storage conditions for the drug Viardot-forte

Component Properties

The substances included in the dietary supplement actively participate in metabolism throughout the body. They most strongly affect the reproductive and cardiovascular systems.

Vitamin E (natural tocopherols) stimulates sexual and reproductive function, has a positive effect on potency, helps increase the number of sperm and improve their motility. Vitamin E improves blood circulation, incl. and in the heart muscle. It prevents pathological blood clotting and significantly reduces the risk of blood clots, which are very dangerous and can block blood vessels.

PUFAs have a protective effect on sperm membranes and cells of the reproductive system. They help reduce the level of LDL (“bad” cholesterol) in the blood and prevent their deposition on the walls of blood vessels.

Wheat germ phytosterols help normalize the body's hormonal functions, because are precursors of steroid sex hormones: male - testosterone and female - progesterone and estradiol.

Zinc affects the activity of sex hormones and spermatogenesis, participates in the synthesis of testosterone, and inhibits the development of prostate hyperplasia (adenoma).

Selenium is an important trace element for the functioning of the reproductive system. It is part of sperm selenoproteins, improves sperm production and quality, and increases libido. Selenium also protects the heart muscle from damage, prevents the oxidation of cholesterol and its carrier proteins, protects the walls of blood vessels, and reduces the formation of cholesterol plaques.

The discussion of the results

Patients in the CG (n=20) and OG (n=30) did not differ significantly in age, composition, severity of ED and duration of treatment. When studying the hormonal status of patients in both groups, the concentration of sex hormones in the blood did not exceed normal levels. According to the results of the intracavernous test, all patients were in the E1-E4 interval on the erection quality assessment scale and were promising for drug treatment. Doppler examination of the penis and pharmacocavernosography only detailed the diagnosis of vasculogenic erectile dysfunction and made it possible to identify the disorder and severity of the disorder of the veno-occlusive mechanism. Of particular interest is a non-invasive study - LOD test, which allows you to determine the severity of venous leakage (severe, moderate, mild) taking into account the severity of patient complaints.

The main method for assessing the quality of erection in patients with erectile dysfunction of vasculogenic origin remains the study of nocturnal penile tumescence of the NPT using the RigiScan Plus hardware-software complex (HPC) (Dacomed, USA), which allows one to determine the most integral indicator - the coefficient of maximum rigidity.

As a result of complex rehabilitation treatment using the VIARDO-Forte dietary supplement in patients from the OG (n=30) compared to the CG (n=20), the following trends were identified: the quality of erection (penile tension), its duration, the quality of sexual intercourse, improved The psychological state of most patients normalized. According to a control study of hormonal status (sex hormones) in patients with vasculogenic erectile dysfunction, a tendency to increase testosterone levels in the main group of MG (n=30) is determined.

To improve the quality of treatment and increase the effectiveness of complex rehabilitation treatment for patients with erectile dysfunction, it is advisable to conduct 3-week courses of taking the VIARDO-Forte dietary supplement 2 - 3 times with an interval of 1-2 months.

Monotherapy with the use of the VIARDO-Forte dietary supplement in young patients with psychogenic erectile disorders cannot be ruled out.


to normalize the functional activity of the genitourinary system in men with androgen deficiency (decreased testosterone levels) of a stressful nature, incl. associated with chronic fatigue syndrome, manager syndrome, etc.

to normalize testosterone levels in men, restore sexual desire and improve sexual function; reducing the level of leptin, a hormone in adipose tissue responsible for controlling appetite (a decrease in the level of this hormone indicates a decrease in the amount of adipose tissue in the body).

Research methods

Upon admission to the department, all patients were examined according to a developed comprehensive program. Along with a thorough study of complaints, anamnesis of illness and life, the dynamics of objective data, a study of the state of erection was carried out.

Laboratory methods, along with general clinical examinations of blood and urine, included the study of biochemical parameters (bilirubin, AST, ALT, amylase, urea, creatinine) on an automatic blood analyzer (USA), blood hormones (testosterone, prolactin, lutein-stimulating and follicle-stimulating hormones) on device СENTAYR – CP (Bauer USA).

Intracavernous test. Assessing the condition of the corpora cavernosa by introducing vasoactive substances into them today occupies a central place in the diagnosis of erectile dysfunction. Injection of such substances activates local erectile mechanisms and allows assessment of vascular reserves and functional integrity of the smooth muscle cells of the corpora cavernosa (i.e., the mechanism of cavernous occlusion) in the absence of neural stimuli.

The test result was assessed on the Yunema scale after 15 minutes with the patient in an upright position according to the degree of swelling and rigidity of the penis:

Dopplerography of the penis (study of blood flow in the penis using ultrasound) was performed using a LOGIC – 5 ultrasound machine (Korea). We assessed the maximum systolic blood flow velocity (MSSV) in the arteries of the penis (normally 25-30 cmsec), end-diastolic blood flow velocity (EDSV) (normally up to 5 cmsec at a pressure level of 120 mm Hg, values ​​​​more than 5 cmsec - venous-occlusive dysfunction).

Doppler ultrasound is a highly informative non-invasive method for diagnosing the nature of erectile dysfunction and allows identifying violations of veno-occlusive function in most cases.

Pharmacocavernosography - an x-ray technique - serves to determine the type of venous leakage-discharge [distal - along the deep dorsal vein system, proximal - from the crura of the penis, mixed discharge = DU (distal leakage) + PU (proximal leakage)], as well as the degree of its severity (moderate, average, pronounced). The study was carried out on a SIMENS X-ray machine (Germany) using an electron-optical converter (EOC) and a digital attachment that allows you to take pictures and record on an electronic converter with further viewing of X-ray examination data at any time interval.

Vacuum test - local negative pressure (LOP). The LOD test is performed to diagnose pathological venous discharge of blood in erectile dysfunction. In the absence of venous pathology of the penis, when releasing the clamping ring after creating an artificial erection using a LOD device (we used an individual vacuum erector F-Elite standard ES-101 and with a pressure gauge ES-105, Farnhurst Medical Ltd. - UK), a satisfactory erection held for 5-6 minutes, in this case the sample is considered negative, less than 5-6 minutes - positive. This is a technically simple and reliable non-invasive method for diagnosing pathological venous discharge.

The study of nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) was carried out using the RigiScan Plus hardware-software complex (HSC) (Dacomed, USA) according to the manufacturer’s standard methods.

Ultrasound of the genitourinary system (kidneys, bladder, prostate-TRUS, seminal vesicles, scrotum-testicles and epididymis) was performed according to standard methods using an ultrasound machine LOGIC – 5 (Korea).

An electrocardiographic study was carried out using a multichannel device “Bioset” (Germany) according to standard methods.

The psychological study included the SMOL, Spielberger-Khanin and SAN tests.

All ED patients we observed received complex treatment, which included: regimen, diet, vitamin therapy (Centrum or Spectrum), exercise therapy, training on simulators according to a special program, massage, acupuncture, vacuum therapy. Under this program, 20 patients with ED in the control group (CG) underwent rehabilitation.

Complex treatment of 30 patients with ED in the main group (MG), in addition to the specified program, included taking the dietary supplement "VIARDO-Forte" at a dose of 1 capsule 4 times a day with meals. The duration of treatment for patients was 21 days.

Patients in the CG and OG did not differ significantly in age, severity of ED and duration of hospital treatment.


Viardot is not prescribed or used if there are contraindications to the following:

  • childhood. The supplement is contraindicated for children (boys) who have not reached their 18th birthday;
  • allergy;
  • women. It is also prohibited to use Viardot Forte while breastfeeding a child or during pregnancy.

Important! Before starting treatment with the drug, all possible contraindications should be completely eliminated so that complications do not develop.

special instructions

The product, as a rule, is very well tolerated and has a very mild effect on the male body. The medicine does not affect the ability to drive vehicles.

Patients with pathologies of the heart and blood vessels should be careful. The stimulating effect of the drug on the body can provoke exacerbations of cardiovascular pathologies.

Viardot is not used in the treatment of diseases in women and children.

It is prohibited to exceed the dosages specified in the official instructions.


1. In patients with ED of vasculogenic origin, in 92% of cases there was insufficient or short-term erection, in 76% of patients, violations of venous-occlusive function were detected, in 100% of patients there was a decrease in the coefficient of maximum rigidity of the penis. The level of sex hormones in all patients with ED was within normal values. 2. The use of the VIARDO-Forte dietary supplement in complex programs of medical rehabilitation of patients with erectile dysfunction of vasculogenic origin in a rehabilitation center increases the effectiveness of their rehabilitation by improving the quality of erection, its duration, the quality of sexual intercourse, and improving the psychological state of patients.

Storage conditions

In a dry, dark place, at room temperature.

Vitamins with similar effects

  • Betulanorm (Capsule)
  • For the genitourinary system Life formula (Capsule)
  • Coffeeberry (Capsule)
  • Sana-Sol - Vitamin C (Oral tablets)
  • Pancreavit (Capsule)
  • Blue blackberry, leaves (Briquet)
  • St. John's wort (Oral tablets)

The description of Viardot-Forte vitamin is intended for informational purposes only. Before starting to use any drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor and read the instructions for use. For more complete information, please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the project does not replace consultation with a specialist and cannot be a guarantee of the positive effect of the drug you use. The opinions of EUROLAB portal users may not coincide with the opinions of the site Administration.

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Attention! The information presented in the vitamins and dietary supplements section is intended for informational purposes and should not be a basis for self-medication. Some of the drugs have a number of contraindications. Patients need to consult a specialist!

If you are interested in any other vitamins, vitamin-mineral complexes or dietary supplements, their descriptions and instructions for use, their analogues, information about the composition and form of release, indications for use and side effects, methods of use, dosages and contraindications, notes about the prescription of the drug for children, newborns and pregnant women, price and consumer reviews, or you have any other questions and suggestions - write to us, we will definitely try to help you.

Side effects

It is extremely rare that only an allergic reaction to the use of the medicine develops as a side effect. As a rule, this manifestation quickly disappears after discontinuation of the drug.

Important! Even with mild forms of allergies, it is recommended to consult a doctor to exclude the development of serious anaphylactic reactions.

In isolated cases, patients taking the medicine experience dyspeptic disorders. Manifested by abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, and digestive disorders. As a rule, such complications develop in patients who do not follow the dosage regimen prescribed in the instructions.

Important! Rational use of the supplement in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer's instructions ensures good tolerability and high effectiveness of the drug.

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