Birth control pills: how not to get pregnant and what to do if you get pregnant

Modern medicine offers several options for contraception, but the most popular of them is still birth control pills. This method of preventing unwanted pregnancy is the most effective; taking pills is convenient and reliable. If contraceptive drugs are chosen correctly, everything will work out without consequences for the body.


Can you trust hormonal contraception?

The content of the article

Many women think that birth control pills are a new invention, so they don’t trust them. In fact, people first started talking about hormonal contraception 100 years ago at the beginning of the 20th century. The first experiments on hormones were carried out by the Austrian doctor Haberland. Due to this, artificial female sex hormones progesterone and estrogen were obtained already in the 30s of the last century. And in 1960, the American Pincus created the first hormonal contraceptive pill, it was called “Enovid”.

The first drug contained huge doses of hormones and was not reliable, so development of “pills for getting pregnant” continued. As a result, the dosages of hormones were reduced, the proportions were worked out, and the reliability of contraceptives increased. Now hormonal contraception is the most reliable method of preventing unwanted pregnancy - its effectiveness reaches 99.9%.

In addition to protection, many drugs have a therapeutic effect, restoring hormonal balance. Therefore, gynecologists prescribe them for many diseases of the female genital area and for severe metabolic disorders. Properly selected hormonal drugs significantly improve a woman’s appearance - oily skin and hair go away, pimples and blackheads disappear.

Side effects that should alert you

The following side effects should not be ignored in any case:

  • Menstrual irregularities, bleeding, spotting, recurring after 2 cycles of taking the pills.
  • Headache that does not go away on its own without analgesics.
  • Primary or chronic thrush.
  • Swelling of the legs, faces, indicating metabolic and kidney problems.
  • Permanent decrease in libido.
  • Hair loss.

These symptoms indicate an excess of sex hormones, so these pills need to be replaced.

Types and purposes of birth control pills

Taking birth control pills prevents the fertilization of an egg. Another group of birth control pills consists of drugs that are taken to terminate pregnancy in the early stages.

The following types of contraceptive medications are most popular among women:

  • Mini-pills (progestin).
  • Combined oral contraceptives (COCs).
  • Emergency contraception.
  • Non-hormonal agents.
  • Birth control pills with herbal hormones and traditional medicine.

When choosing pills, please note that no method of contraception can guarantee 100% results. Therefore, if after taking birth control you feel changes in your body that even remotely resemble signs of pregnancy, immediately contact your gynecologist.

How to select drugs to prevent pregnancy: tests are necessary!

To choose the most correct and appropriate method of preventing unwanted pregnancy, you need to consult a gynecologist. You cannot buy any pills yourself! Taking hormonal drugs without examination can disrupt hormonal levels, increase the growth of existing tumors, cause infertility and other complications.

The examination includes:

  • A smear from the vagina and cervix (carried out to study the microflora and exclude malignant neoplasms - oncology);
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs (to exclude pregnancy, cysts, tumors and other neoplasms);
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands;
  • Tests for sex hormones;
  • Blood chemistry;
  • Blood for clotting (hormones contained in COCs change clotting).

It is advisable to get tested for liver enzymes. This way you can completely exclude gastrointestinal diseases for which hormones are contraindicated.

The doctor also assesses age, weight and general health: measures blood pressure, examines the body for signs of skin infections, studies hormonal signs (oily skin and hair, size of the thyroid gland, etc.).

When correctly prescribing oral contraceptives, in addition to test results, the woman’s phenotype is taken into account, which is determined by her appearance, height, characteristics of the menstrual cycle, chronic diseases, and the condition of the skin, hair and mammary glands.

Depending on the phenotype, the doctor will prescribe a suitable drug.

Female phenotype Peculiarities Drugs
Estrogen predominance Short or average height, feminine appearance, skin prone to dryness, long menstruation with heavy blood loss Medium- and high-dose oral contraceptives: Logest, Milvane, Femoden, Rigevidon, Lindinet, Triziston, Microgynon, Triquilar
Balanced type Average height, femininity, average breast size, absence of premenstrual syndrome, periods last 5 days, moderate oily hair and skin Marvelon, Femoden, Microgynon, Silest, Regulon, Novinet, Lindinet-30, Tri-Regol, Triquilar
Predominance of gestagens Tall stature, underdeveloped mammary glands, premenstrual depression, “boyish” appearance, scanty menstruation with a short cycle COCs with an antiandrogenic component: Yarina, Janine, Jess, Diane, Dimia, Chloe, Siluet, Zoeli, Erica

What birth control pills can breastfeeding women take?

Do women who are breastfeeding need protection? If a woman is a nursing mother, then ovulation, in theory, should be suppressed, because the body produces a special hormone during lactation (the period of feeding the baby) and the egg does not mature. In gynecology, therefore, the lactation period is characterized as physiological infertility or lactational amenorrhea. However, in practice there are many cases where a woman became pregnant just a couple of months after giving birth. This suggests that you shouldn’t hope for “maybe” - you need to protect yourself in any case.

The problem also lies in the fact that breastfeeding women do not pay attention to the signs of pregnancy in the early stages, since they simply do not exist! There are no critical days during feeding, the breasts are swollen. But mild nausea does not appear immediately and is taken for granted or attributed to chronic fatigue. Having missed the first stages of an unwanted pregnancy, a woman will have to undergo a traumatic surgical abortion, which is doubly dangerous after childbirth. From all of the above, the importance of taking birth control pills even during lactation is obvious.

When choosing birth control pills during lactation, you need to understand that many drugs pass into breast milk. How exactly they work is not yet known, but gynecologists and pediatricians agree on this issue - it’s not worth the risk. Only mini-pills are allowed for use by nursing mothers. But when the baby grows up and the menstrual cycle is restored, it will be better to use combined contraception.

When are hormonal pills prescribed for pregnancy?

The first purpose of these drugs is to prevent pregnancy. They are also needed to treat certain conditions:

  • After an abortion, to exclude a new pregnancy, reduce bleeding.
  • After childbirth (if you are not breastfeeding, you can start taking it after 3 weeks).
  • To prevent recurrent ectopic pregnancy.
  • After treatment of pelvic inflammation, to prevent new infections.
  • For menstrual irregularities.
  • For patients with anemia, to reduce blood loss.
  • For gynecological diseases associated with hormonal imbalance, for example, polycystic ovary syndrome, endocrine infertility, PMS, endometriosis, etc.

Doctors say that COCs have a positive effect on the course of rheumatoid arthritis and stomach ulcers.

Birth control pills after abortion and childbirth

After an abortion, you need to start taking pills immediately. If this fails, start taking it from the next menstruation. After giving birth you need to wait 3-4 weeks. It is worth noting that the contraceptive effect of COCs begins to act after 14 days of taking the pills. And the oral contraceptive method will achieve its maximum effect in the second month of taking the drug.

You can start taking the mini-pill immediately after your prescription. After giving birth, you need to wait about 1.5 months and then start contraception.

Pregnancy pills and antibiotics

If your doctor prescribes medications, you must tell him or her that you are taking hormonal contraceptives. Some medications, when used together, reduce the effectiveness of COCs, so the instructions for the drugs should be studied thoroughly. In case there is a decrease in the contraceptive effect of birth control pills, use additional methods of protection (optionally, condoms).

As for the mini-drink, you don’t have to worry about your doctor prescribing antibiotics. Taking these medications does not affect the effectiveness of progestin-type birth control pills.

How long can you take hormonal contraceptives?

Many women for whom a gynecologist has selected COCs take these contraceptives without interruption for years and decades. It is not right. As a person ages, his weight, hormonal status, and living conditions change. The body loses its immunity, chronic diseases accumulate. Taking the same hormones in this case is akin to wearing the same dress at the same time.

Gynecologists believe that it is possible to use a properly selected method of contraception for several years in a row, subject to constant monitoring by a female doctor. After childbirth and approaching menopause, hormone concentrations need to be adjusted again. This will help not only not to get pregnant, but also to heal and prolong youth by postponing menopause.

Some scientists suggest taking mandatory breaks from taking hormonal contraceptives every year for 3-6 months. Thus, supposedly, the body perceives the period of absence of ovulation as pregnancy and lactation. This technique is still just a theory, so it’s better to trust your gynecologist, who knows exactly when to take a break or replace the pills.

Birth control pills and pregnancy

Hormonal pills for pregnancy, when selected correctly and following the rules of administration, do not reduce the ability to conceive after discontinuation. You can get pregnant literally right away. And if the pills were also prescribed for medicinal purposes, due to the normalization of the cycle and hormonal status, the possibility of pregnancy even increases. The chances of pregnancy become equal 3-6 months after stopping hormones. The course and outcome of the planned pregnancy will be absolutely the same as before taking the pills.

Some experts believe that hormonal contraceptives, when taking the same drugs for many years, reduce reproductive function, since the ovaries lose the habit of producing hormones on their own. If you plan to have children in the future, you should listen to your body and doctors. You can get checked by taking a break and taking hormone tests - they will show whether taking contraceptives affects ovarian function or not.

Mini-pills - progestin tablets

Mini-pills or, as they are otherwise called, “minimal pills,” are drugs containing a minimal amount of a synthetic substitute for the female sex hormone progestin (gestagen). Hormones belonging to this class are produced in the ovaries and other organs and are designed to support conception and pregnancy. In total, mini-pills can include 2 types of synthetic gestagens - linestrenol or desogestrel. The hormone content in “minimal pills” varies from 300 to 500 mcg.

In terms of their functionality, mini-pills can replace combined oral contraceptives - their effectiveness is 95%. Such contraceptives are prescribed to women who, for a number of reasons, cannot take hormonal pills with normal concentrations of hormones. Although progestin-only drugs (mini-pills) are less effective than classic hormonal contraceptives, they are still popular due to their gentle effect on the body. The group of progestin contraceptives includes: Mikronor, Ovret, Charozetta, Primolut-Nor, Exluton, Continuin.

Many women ask their gynecologist how mini-pills differ from combined contraceptive pills and what is the reason for their reduced activity. The difference is in the mechanism of action. Mini-pills realize their contraceptive effect by changing the consistency of mucus in the cervix. It becomes thick and prevents sperm from entering the uterus. If at least one of them managed to get to the egg, another action of the mini-pill appears. The fertilized egg cannot attach to the walls of the uterus. Combination pregnancy pills suppress ovulation.

How to take the mini-pill correctly

The effectiveness of any drug directly depends on the correct method of its use. The mini-pill must be taken every day and at approximately the same time. It turns out that you need to take 365 tablets per year without breaks, regardless of menstruation.

If for some reason it was not possible to take the pill on time, you need to do it as soon as possible. If vomiting begins after taking the drug, therefore the drug does not start to work, a new tablet will need to be taken the next day. In this case, you will additionally have to use other methods of protection for 2-3 days.

The most optimal time period for taking the pill is 18-19 hours. The contraceptive effect reaches its maximum 3-4 hours after using the drug. In general, most sexual intercourse occurs late in the evening or at night. It is at this time that the mini-pills will work best. But this fact does not mean that during the day they will be ineffective. The birth control pill lasts for a day and will perform its functions in any case.

Pregnancy pills after intercourse after 72 hours, 3 weeks, a month. Name, price. The best

Unplanned pregnancy is usually a consequence of neglecting protective measures or using low-quality contraceptives. This problem requires an immediate solution, since it is easier to eliminate it in the early stages.

Pills for unplanned pregnancy after intercourse are almost as effective as surgical abortion. However, such medications should be used with caution, so it is advisable to learn more about them before using them.

Pregnancy pills after an act in which fertilization of the egg may have occurred should be taken as soon as this fact has been discovered.

Combined oral contraceptives (COCs)

What other pills exist against pregnancy after unprotected intercourse? In this section, you will learn about combined oral contraceptives, which are called COCs for short. These drugs contain a very large dosage of the hormone progestogen and estrogen. When taking these medications, you should strictly follow the dosage and regimen. Long-term and uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs brings with it a whole list of serious problems that will affect reproductive function.

They act as follows: the endometrium is rejected, so the fertilized egg cannot implant in the uterine cavity. Be sure to take COCs very responsibly, because their action can cause bleeding.

  • "Ovidon".
  • "Non-Ovlon."
  • "Silest".
  • "Rigevidon".

Tablets after unprotected intercourse against pregnancy, the names of which are presented above, belong to the COC group. Please note that there are several contraindications to taking these medications. If you are diagnosed with at least one of them, then you should stop taking COCs. Contraindications include:

  • thrombosis or a high probability of occurrence of this disease;
  • congenital thrombophilia;
  • stroke;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • septic endocarditis;
  • age over thirty years (there is a possibility of developing cardiovascular diseases);
  • smoking;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • presence of viral hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • liver tumor;
  • migraine;
  • diabetes mellitus that lasts more than twenty years;
  • breast cancer (this includes cases where the diagnosis is confirmed or only suspected);
  • lactation period;
  • pregnancy.

In all of the above cases, the use of COC drugs is strictly prohibited.

We have discussed how to prevent pregnancy after unprotected intercourse with a COC tablet, now let’s talk a little about returning the proper functioning of the ovaries and the return of reproductive ability.

In 90% of cases, women were able to become pregnant within a year after stopping taking contraceptives. Do not worry that taking medications may somehow affect your future reproductive life. If you follow the instructions, then the possibility of getting pregnant after stopping the medicine is very high and taking it will not affect the development of pregnancy in any way.

Incorrectly taking a COC during pregnancy should not cause concern; this is not a reason for prescribing an abortion. Nevertheless, it is simply necessary to stop taking COCs so that pregnancy and fetal development proceed correctly.

thrombosis or a high probability of occurrence of this disease;

Pros and cons of taking mini pills

There are no ideal contraceptives, they all have both pros and cons.

Benefits of the mini drink

  • Quick effect - when taken regularly, the tablets begin to act within 3-4 hours.
  • No side effects and a mild effect on the body as a whole. Even in nursing women, lactation does not decrease and the taste of milk does not change.
  • Do not affect blood clotting.
  • Regular use allows you to feel protected at any time. There is no need to take the pill immediately before sexual intercourse.
  • Mini-drinks do not reduce libido, do not increase emotionality, and do not stimulate nervousness.
  • Progestin-only birth control may be used before surgery.
  • After stopping taking the mini-pill, the ability to conceive is restored within a month.
  • Menstruation passes without severe pain.

Disadvantages of progestin contraceptives:

  • A slight weight gain is possible.
  • Taking your pills daily requires punctuality.
  • The effectiveness of the mini-pill is slightly lower than that of combined oral contraceptives.
  • Not suitable for all women.
  • They do not have a pronounced therapeutic effect, while combined contraceptives are prescribed both for prophylactic purposes and as medications.

Side effects and contraindications

Possible side effects (occurs in 1-7% of women)::

  • Chronic thrush is getting worse.
  • The menstrual cycle changes.
  • The sensitivity of the mammary glands increases.
  • The skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation increases; sunbathing is undesirable.

Mini-pills are contraindicated for use if a woman has:

  • Epilepsy.
  • Bleeding of unknown origin.
  • Malignant tumors.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Kidney pathologies.

While taking the mini-drink, you should contact your doctor immediately if you notice signs such as:

  • A long delay in menstruation is a possible pregnancy.
  • Bleeding, heavy menstruation (hygiene products are changed every hour) - hormonal imbalance.
  • Pain in the pelvic area (a sign of ectopic pregnancy).

If conception occurs as a result of violation of the frequency of taking the drug, then you need to stop taking the mini-pill. If you decide to leave the pregnancy, then no problems will arise - such pills do not affect the formation of the fetus.

Combined oral contraceptives (COCs)

These contraceptives simultaneously contain two important hormones - estrogen and progestin (progesterone) and their derivatives in different proportions. Both sex hormones are produced in the ovaries.

If we look at combined contraceptive drugs, it becomes clear how they were created - specialists selected concentrations and combinations that were close to the natural content in women of different ages and with different hormonal status.

Based on the combination of types of hormones, COCs are mono-, bi- and triphasic. Each of these groups includes different drugs.

Type of COC Characteristic Active substances (examples of drugs)
Monophasic tablets The hormone content in all tablets is the same and does not depend on the time of administration Desogestrel and ethinyl estradiol (Regulon);

Dienogest and ethinyl estradiol (Siluet, Janine);

Ethinyl estradiol and gestodene (Miniziston, Rigevidon, Logest, Lindinet)

Biphasic tablets The percentage dose of estrogen in all tablets is unchanged, and the gestagen content varies depending on the period of the menstrual cycle Norethisterone and ethinyl estradiol (Binovum);

Levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol (Binordiol, Adepal, Biphasil);

Chlormadinone acetate and ethinyl estradiol (Neo-Eunomin)

Three-phase tablets The dose of hormones varies depending on the period of the menstrual cycle (3 times in one package The most common drugs: Triziston, Tri-Regol and Trimersi.

How do COCs work?

The mechanism of action of oral contraceptives is based on a complex of actions:

  • Suppression of ovulation
    . Blocking ovulation occurs due to a slowdown in the production of the hormones LH and FSH in the pituitary gland. Hormones coming from the pills accumulate in the woman’s body in the same doses and ratios as in the natural absence of ovulation, so the egg simply does not form. This condition is not dangerous for the female body, because even without taking COCs, anovulatory cycles (without the formation of an egg) are not uncommon; normally they are repeated 2-3 times a year. There is also no ovulation during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  • Changes in the properties of mucus in the cervical canal
    . The mucous membrane thickens and sperm cannot penetrate through this barrier into the uterus.
  • Effect on the speed of egg advancement.
    Birth control pills slow down the functioning of the fallopian tubes and even after fertilization has occurred, they inhibit the movement of the fertilized egg into the uterus.
  • Changes in the properties of the endometrium (inner lining of the uterus)
    . It loses the properties necessary to maintain pregnancy. Implantation of an already fertilized egg becomes impossible.

Types of combination pregnancy pills

Based on the number of active components, combined contraceptives are divided into three groups.

KOC Group Characteristic Drugs
Microdosed Contain a minimal amount of hormones, more suitable for girls under 25 years old Klaira, Jess, Logest, Miniziston, Novinet, Lindinet
Low dosage The dose of hormones is slightly higher, they also have an antiandrogenic effect, recommended for use by young girls and middle-aged women Regulon, Diana, Midiana, Silhouettes, Silest, Chloe, Marvelon
Highly dosed They contain the highest concentration of hormones and are prescribed for the treatment of hormonal-type diseases of the genital organs (endometriosis, etc.) Ovidon, Tri-Regol, Triquilar, Non-ovlon

How to take COCs correctly?

A blister with combined contraceptives often contains 21 tablets. There are exceptions. For example, Jess's blister consists of 24 tablets, and Qlaira's - 28. You should start taking tablets from the first day of menstruation, one tablet at the same time every day.

The drug continues to be taken until the end of the course. Then a break is taken for 7 days, after which you can start a new blister. It does not matter whether menstruation has ended or not. If you need pills to schedule your periods, you need to see a gynecologist - the doctor will tell you which birth control pills you need to buy and how to take them.

If a woman forgot to take a pill, she should try to do it as soon as possible. During the day, it is advisable to use a barrier contraception method. If a woman has used COCs for the first time, it is better to play it safe and take additional protection in the first two weeks of using the drug.

Intermenstrual bleeding may occur for several months after starting to take contraceptives. This is due to the body’s adaptation to stable hormone levels. Such discharge should not be a reason to stop taking birth control pills.

Therapeutic effect of COCs

All birth control pills have different effects. Most important:

  1. The risk of ectopic pregnancy is reduced;
  2. Improving the condition of skin and hair.
  3. Normalization of the menstrual cycle. Relief of pain during menstruation. Reducing the volume of discharge, which is important for women with anemia.
  4. Possibility of planning critical days.
  5. Protection against early menopause and aging.
  6. Antiandrogenic effect - reduction of hair growth above the lip, on the chin, etc.
  7. Reducing the risk of developing inflammation of the genital organs by 2 times by increasing the viscosity of mucus in the cervical canal.
  8. Reduces the risk of developing uterine and ovarian cancer by more than 2 times.
  9. Prevention of the development of uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, and benign breast tumors. The effect lasts throughout the entire period of use and extends for 15 years after discontinuation of the drugs.

Attention! Hormonal drugs prevent cancer of the ovaries and uterus, but if the tumor already existed, they, on the contrary, accelerate its growth. they can accelerate the growth of the tumor that existed before the start of their use, so be sure to be examined by a gynecologist!

Side effects of oral contraceptives

Side effects when taking COCs are not uncommon. Basically, these are temporary unpleasant conditions that do not threaten health. If the pills are chosen correctly, after 1-2 months everything goes away and the use of contraceptives is not felt at all.


  • spotting in the middle of the cycle, soreness of the mammary glands;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • nausea, flatulence,
  • slight weight gain, swelling of the extremities
  • temporary decrease or increase in libido.

Serious side effects (in 1% of patients) include leg pain, migraine, difficulty breathing, jaundice, allergic rash, and pressure surges. With such symptoms, you need to contact a gynecologist and change the drug. Women who smoke over 35-40 years of age need to select medications especially carefully - they are the ones who most often experience complications.

Regardless of the contraceptive method chosen, a woman needs to assess her well-being: periodically measure blood pressure, take urine and smear tests, undergo a breast examination, and visit a gynecologist.

Another side effect may occur after taking COCs - long-term use of hormonal contraceptives changes the vaginal microflora, leading to dysbiosis and thrush. Even if this happens, it's okay - both of these conditions can be successfully treated.

Contraindications to taking oral contraceptives

Taking COCs is strictly prohibited for the following diseases:

  • Breastfeeding, period 6 weeks after birth, pregnancy.
  • Migraine, multiple sclerosis.
  • Hyperbilirubinemia.
  • Chronic cardiovascular diseases, bronchial asthma.
  • Pathologies and tumors of the liver, kidneys, for example, renal dialysis.
  • Hypertonic disease.
  • Overweight, diabetes, thyrotoxicosis.
  • Genital cancer.
  • Smoking from 15 cigarettes per day.
  • Obesity III–IV degree.
  • There are other contraindications - the gynecologist will tell you about them at your appointment.

What is the danger?

Those hormones that are part of contraceptives differ from the natural hormones synthesized by the body. But despite some differences in structure, the brain perceives them as its own hormones. Therefore, after taking a hormonal pill, the brain receives a signal about high levels of estrogen and gives the command to stop producing its own hormones. The centers that synthesize estrogens (including the ovaries) seem to fall asleep, which means that all the processes that took place in them change. Due to malnutrition and slow blood circulation, the ovaries decrease in size and atrophy. The structure of the endometrium also changes. As a result, even after stopping the OC, a woman often cannot get pregnant. In some cases, you even have to turn to IVF help.

Oral contraceptives also affect blood viscosity: it becomes thicker, therefore, the likelihood of thrombosis increases. The condition of the blood vessels worsens (their conductivity decreases). In addition, oral contraceptives can cause breast and uterine cancer.

Another consequence is excess weight. Contraceptives increase the concentration of glucose in the blood, which provokes too active insulin production and metabolic problems.

Non-hormonal birth control pills

This is another category of contraceptive drugs, but they are used vaginally, as local contraception immediately before sexual intercourse.

Non-hormonal drugs are prescribed as alternative means of contraception if combined contraceptives and mini pills are contraindicated. Such remedies can be used even for serious diseases of the female genitourinary system (uterine fibroids, endometriosis, etc.), after childbirth, abortion and during lactation. These drugs are effective, easy to use and safe, but you cannot use them yourself - there are a number of contraindications. A gynecologist prescribes non-hormonal vaginal medications. The woman will also need to undergo examination.

Vaginal birth control pills contain active substances called spermicides. They destroy the sperm membrane, which leads to their death. Also, these products form a film on the vaginal mucosa, which protects it from damage and thickens the mucus, thereby reducing the activity of sperm.

One of the advantages of non-hormonal birth control pills is their complex action. The tablets contain components that protect the internal genital organs from STDs and inflammatory processes.

The method of administration for all drugs is the same - the tablet needs to be slightly wet and inserted deep into the vagina 10 minutes before sexual intercourse. Each drug has a different mechanism of action:

Non-hormonal drug Active substance Mechanism of action
Gynekotex Benzalkonium chloride Protects against STIs, viral and fungal infections, for up to 4 hours. It has a number of contraindications: colpitis, vaginal infections, sensitivity to the components of the drug, irritation of the mucous membrane.
Pharmatex Benzalkonium chloride The effect of the tablet lasts up to 3 hours. The drug has an antimicrobial and antiseptic effect, protects against STDs. Does not pass into breast milk or a woman’s blood and does not disrupt the menstrual cycle.
Conceptrol Nonoxynol Protects against infections and STIs, has a detrimental effect on sperm.
Patentex Oval Nonoxynol Destroys the sperm membrane, has an antimicrobial effect, does not cause allergies and has no contraindications.
Traceptin Benzalkonium chloride It has a similar effect to other non-hormonal drugs, with the exception of side effects. The tablets may cause itching and burning in the vagina. Not recommended for use in cases of cervical erosion and colpitis.

There are other non-hormonal pills - they are recommended by the gynecologist.

Which non-hormonal drugs are best to choose?

New generation drugs with contraceptive effects have fewer adverse reactions. They are well tolerated and can be used regularly. Doctors recommend choosing contraceptives based on your health status and age. For young women who do not have a permanent partner, contraceptive suppositories and non-hormonal spermicide-based pills can be recommended. They will protect against pregnancy and possible infection.

Women who have a regular partner and have regular sex are less likely to need protection from infection. Therefore, they can use microdosing medications. But they should be stopped for those over 35 years of age, as well as for smokers, due to the risk of vascular complications.

Postcoital medications are emergency contraceptive methods. Non-hormonal drugs can disrupt the mechanisms of conception; they are used in high doses in the 1st trimester for artificial miscarriage. But mefipristone cannot be used every month. This can lead to hormonal imbalance.

Birth control pills - dietary supplements, with plant hormones and homeopathic ingredients

Every woman should understand one simple truth - sexual health is too serious an area in which it is dangerous to experiment. Every gynecologist can cite dozens of cases from his practice when such experiences ended disastrously for patients.

Drugs that are not officially recognized by medicine are not controlled by anyone. Dietary supplements and Chinese tablets can contain anything - it’s good if they turn out to be harmless vitamins. As for hemopathy, it also cannot guarantee a contraceptive effect. Therefore, taking this kind of birth control pill is unsafe and stupid.

The danger of taking such pills for pregnancy lies in the fact that once she becomes pregnant, and this will definitely happen, the woman risks it by deciding to leave the pregnancy. It’s hard to even guess what was in the pills and how they would affect the fetus.


Many women are afraid to take birth control pills because of existing myths about their negative impact on appearance and health. However, all negative manifestations arise only when the drugs are selected incorrectly. Selecting oral contraceptives together with your doctor will avoid side effects and make taking pills simple and safe.


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Abortion and contraception clinic in St. Petersburg - department of the medical gynecological association "Diana"

Make an appointment, tests or ultrasound via the contact form or by calling +8 (812) 62-962-77. We work seven days a week from 09:00 to 21:00.

We are located in the Krasnogvardeisky district, next to the Novocherkasskaya, Ploshchad Alexander Nevsky and Ladozhskaya metro stations.

The cost of a medical abortion in our clinic is 3,300 rubles. The price includes all pills, an examination by a gynecologist and an ultrasound to determine the timing of pregnancy.

Birth control pills for emergency contraception

Every woman of childbearing age can turn to emergency contraceptives in the following cases:

  • Non-use or incorrect use of other methods of contraception (breaking or slipping of the condom, skipping birth control pills, late use of progestin preparations).
  • Interrupted sexual intercourse with ejaculation on the external genitalia.
  • Incorrect calculation of the safe period for conception.
  • Incomplete dissolution of the spermicidal tablet in the vagina.
  • Forced sexual intercourse without protection.

There are 3 types of such tablets:

  • Oral emergency contraceptives
    . They are used orally within 3 days after unprotected contact (the woman must take the tablet orally).
  • Copper-containing intrauterine devices (IUDs)
    . The drug, introduced into a special device, is administered by a gynecologist - no later than 5 days after sexual intercourse.
  • Pills for early pregnancy termination. They are used if pregnancy has occurred, but its term has not reached 6 weeks (medical abortion).

Oral emergency contraceptives

If pregnancy does not occur, levonorgestrel (Postinor, Escapelle) is used as an emergency contraceptive pill. It should be taken once for 3 days or twice as half doses with an interval of 12 hours.

Levonorgestrel prevents and delays ovulation by impairing the ability of sperm to connect with the egg. Taking the pill in a timely manner guarantees maximum contraceptive effect, but of course it does not guarantee 100%.

The advantage of taking levonorgestrel is that when taken in the recommended dose, it is safe for the female body and has virtually no side effects, except in rare cases. There are no contraindications to taking levonorgestrel tablets.

What pills can you take to avoid getting pregnant after unprotected intercourse?

Situations when you need to take pills to avoid getting pregnant often happen in the lives of women. Unprotected sexual intercourse due to casual sex, rape, or a broken condom can lead to unwanted pregnancy. To prevent conception at home, there are emergency contraceptives that can be easily purchased without a prescription at any pharmacy. These drugs are highly effective and easy to use.

  • 1 Effect of emergency contraceptives
  • 2 Admission deadlines
  • 3 Medicines based on levonorgestrel 3.1 Postinor 3.1.1 Contraindications
  • 3.2 Escapelle
      3.2.1 Features of administration and side effects
  • 4 Mifepristone-based drugs
  • Medicines that inhibit ovulation and help prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex are called emergency contraception. Their name already suggests that they are intended for exceptional cases and cannot serve as a permanent contraceptive.

    The mechanism of action of such medications is carried out in two directions:

    1. 1. The active substance in the product prevents the egg from leaving the ovary. Sperm that find themselves in the uterine cavity die after some time, and fertilization does not occur.
    2. 2. The medicine makes the mucus in the cervix thicker, which prevents sperm from entering the organ.

    Dual action makes oral contraceptives for immediate use effective in preventing conception and allows their use in all cases where there is a risk of unwanted pregnancy.

    The active component of these drugs is levonorgestrel or mifepristone.

    To achieve maximum effectiveness, a drug with levonorgestrel or mifepristone must be used as soon as possible after unprotected sexual intercourse. If it was not possible to take an emergency contraceptive within three days, its further use is unjustified.

    If a fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, these medications are useless - they do not have an abortifacient effect.

    The best result of the contraceptive is possible when it enters the body during the first 24 hours after sexual intercourse (95%). Over the next 48 hours, the effectiveness decreases to 85%; over another 72 hours, the effectiveness decreases to 60%. take emergency contraceptive pills at any time of the day, regardless of meals.

    Emergency contraceptives are not safe medications: their use more than 3 times throughout the year leads to hormonal imbalance in the body, menstrual cycle disruptions, and infertility. For continuous use, women who have regular sexual intercourse must use combined oral contraceptives or use barrier methods.

    Drugs that are very popular among women are drugs based on levonorgestrel (synthetic progestogen) - Postinor and Escapelle.

    Postinor is available in a package containing two tablets, one of which is taken no later than 3 days after unprotected contact, the second - after 12 hours. The medicine is suitable for preventing unplanned pregnancy in the following situations:

    • casual sexual contact;
    • rape;
    • missing the next pill of a combined contraceptive drug;
    • condom breaking or slipping;
    • displacement of the contraceptive cap or cervical diaphragm;
    • release of spermicidal cream or suppository from the vagina.

    Postinor can be used in any phase of the menstrual cycle. It is not recommended to use the product for repeated unprotected sexual intercourse during one monthly cycle due to the risk of uterine bleeding.

    If pregnancy has already occurred, it is not advisable to take the drug.

    The medication is prohibited for teenage girls; its use is justified only in cases of rape, after consultation with a gynecologist and a thorough medical examination.

    Despite its high contraceptive effectiveness, Postinor has many disadvantages. It should not be used frequently to avoid failure of the ovaries and disruption of the monthly cycle.

    One hundred percent effectiveness of administration is observed only in women with regular menstruation - with an unstable cycle, the effect is reduced, and pregnancy becomes possible. The effect of the drug is weakened by diseases of the digestive system, Crohn's disease, simultaneous use of tetracycline and ampicillin antibiotics, and PPIs.

    Postinor should not be taken by women who have had hepatitis of any type, or who have acute and chronic pathologies of the liver and gall bladder. During lactation, feeding the baby while using the drug is stopped for at least 12 hours.

    Escapelle is a modern analogue of Postinor. Levonorgestrel, the content of which in Escapelle is twice as high, allows you to reduce the risk of fertilization by taking just one tablet. You must drink it within 72 hours after sexual intercourse; maximum results are guaranteed within the first 24 hours.

    If the drug enters the body when conception has already occurred, you do not have to worry about the condition of the fetus: levonorgestrel in the dose contained in the drug does not cause negative consequences for the development of the child and does not have an abortifacient effect.

    To minimize the adverse effects of levonorgestrel, Escapelle can be used no more than once every 3-6 months.

    Escapelle has the same contraindications as Postinor. The simultaneous use of both drugs is not allowed. If diarrhea or vomiting occurs within 3 hours after taking the tablet, the guarantee of no fertilization is reduced, so you must take an additional dose.

    Side effects from levonorgestrel use can occur with both medications. They are:

    • development of ectopic pregnancy;
    • uterine bleeding;
    • risk of infertility, especially if a young nulliparous girl takes levonorgestrel;
    • risk of thrombosis.

    Side effects develop infrequently and include headache, nausea, itchy skin rashes, breast swelling, and pain in the lower abdomen.

    Emergency contraceptives based on mifepristone (Ginepristone, Zhenale) are highly effective in preventing unplanned pregnancy. To the two directions of the mechanism of action of levonorgestrel, these drugs add one more - they do not allow the fertilized egg to gain a foothold in the uterine cavity, that is, they have a slight abortive effect.

    Taking the medicine is most effective in the first 72 hours after intimacy without the use of contraceptive methods. The required dose is one tablet.

    Mifepristone is prohibited during pregnancy due to its negative effect on the fetus, therefore, if the drug does not work and conception occurs, a medical abortion is indicated. Breastfeeding after taking Zhenale or Ginepristone is stopped for two weeks.

    The effectiveness of medications decreases with alcohol consumption. You must refrain from eating for two hours before and after taking the pill.

    Some women use mifepristone-based products - Agesta, Miropriston, Mifeprex - as emergency contraception, thereby putting their health at significant risk. These drugs cannot be recommended for independent use, since they are intended for medical termination of pregnancy and are allowed only in a hospital setting under medical supervision.

    Mifeprex is contraindicated in women over 35 years of age, especially those who smoke, have kidney and liver disease, infections and inflammation of the genital area, anemia, and uterine fibroids.

    The medicine makes the mucus in the cervix thicker, which prevents sperm from entering the organ.

    1.3.4 Mifepristone-based drugs

    Contraceptive pills after coitus, such as Zhenale, Ginepriston, Mifolian and others, are taken once. The tablet must be taken within 72 hours of exposure. 2 hours before use and for 2 hours after you should avoid eating.

    Mifepristone and drugs based on it are not recommended to be taken under the following conditions:

    • lactation (feeding ban for two weeks);
    • anemia;
    • bleeding disorders or anticoagulant therapy;
    • porphyria;
    • taking glucocorticoids;
    • renal and liver failure;
    • severe chronic diseases;
    • pregnancy;
    • age over 35 years (with caution).

    severe headaches, migraines;

    Reviews from women and men

    1. Alina, 27 years old. I had one experience of using it after unprotected sexual intercourse. Pregnancy did not occur. Saw Postinor. After taking the pills I didn’t feel anything. Menstruation came on the 8th day.
    2. Inna, 36 years old. The condom broke. I didn’t get pregnant, but after Escapelle I had a headache, and discharge appeared after 4 days. The gynecologist at the appointment said that this is normal.
    3. Maria, 42 years old. The vaginal cap fell out. Everything was fine, but my period started 4 days late, so I was a little worried. I took Escapelle.
    4. Alexander, 45 years old. When I was young and stupid, I persuaded a girl to have sex without a condom, she drank Postinor, then underwent treatment for a long time. I never took risks again, I always used a good condom.
    5. Sergey, 53 years old. My wife sometimes uses Escapelle. It happens, sometimes this is necessary. There are no particular complaints. Just a question: how long after stopping taking the drug can you begin planned conception? Will using birth control affect future children?
    6. Igor Radevich (andrologist). Hello, Sergey Kapsega! Taking any hormonal drugs, if there is no vital indication for it and they are not a means of hormone replacement therapy, does not have the best effect on the female body. In the case of Escapelle, there is information about menstrual irregularities, which in itself does not guarantee planned conception in the near future after discontinuation of the drug. When planning a conception, it is best to visit a gynecologist, outline the regimen and timing of taking the drug, voice how the menstrual cycle has changed and undergo an examination to be sure of a successful conception and healthy offspring.

    Will using birth control affect future children?

    Types of emergency contraceptives

    Today there are several types of emergency contraceptives, each of which has its own characteristics. These include:

    • Estrogens. These are the world's first emergency contraceptives, which began to be used in the middle of the last century. They are highly effective, but have many side effects, including nausea, vomiting, blood clots and more. If, despite taking the drugs, pregnancy did occur, it was recommended to terminate it, since they have a strong teratogenic effect on the fetus.
    • Gestagens. The action of gestagens is based on the suppression of the secretion of gonadotropic hormones, thereby preventing ovulation. In addition, they prevent the implantation of the egg, but if this process has already begun, these drugs are powerless and cannot lead to abortion. Taking gestogens (in particular, levonorgestrel, which is a derivative of testosterone) in the first 72 hours after PA reduces the likelihood of fertilization by at least 60%.
    • Combined drugs. These drugs, whose action is based on the complex effects of estrogen and progestogen, are the most common emergency contraceptives. Most often, such drugs are taken according to the so-called Yuzpe method, and its effectiveness is about 75%, but 20% of women experience side effects in the form of vomiting, headaches, and menstrual irregularities.
    • Antigonadotropins . Drugs that can suppress the production of gonadotropins by the pituitary gland, which causes ovulation to be inhibited and the endometrium to atrophy. If we talk about side effects, then the likelihood of their occurrence is greater than when taking gestagens, but less than when using combined drugs according to the Yuzpe method.
    • Antiprogestins. Antiprogestins are drugs whose active substance is mifepristone, often used for medical termination of pregnancy. It causes delayed ovulation or endometrial atrophy, which prevents the egg from implanting. Side effects when taking these drugs also occur, but they go away quite quickly; In addition, antiprogestins have virtually no contraindications and are often recommended for women who are prohibited from using other emergency contraceptives.

    It is a progestin contraceptive and also contains levonorgestrel, which prevents ovulation and egg implantation.


    Taken orally in a single dose of 10 mg up to 72 hours after sexual intercourse.

    The cost is 436 rubles.

    A gynecologist I know recommended the drug Ginepristone as the most gentle one. I did everything according to the instructions and took the drug the next morning (9 hours later). I didn’t notice any side effects, no nausea, no weakness, no bleeding. After 2 weeks I felt nauseated and in poor condition. I purchased a pregnancy test – 2 strips. I visited the doctor and the pregnancy was confirmed. I don’t recommend it, it’s ineffective and expensive.

    After using it, I did not feel any pain in the lower abdomen, nor any other pain. Available without a prescription. Menstruation a week after taking it, the cycle was not disrupted, no hormonal imbalance was observed. No unplanned pregnancy occurred. I can recommend it to other girls with a pure soul.

    • bloody issues;
    • nausea, dizziness;
    • weakness;
    • vomit;
    • hyperthermia.
    • adrenal insufficiency;
    • long-term use of glucocorticosteroids
    • extragenital pathology.

    The drug will cost 300 rubles.

    When is emergency contraception needed?

    For any woman, an unplanned pregnancy is a serious stress. Intimacy is not always associated with long-term relationships, so in some cases it is better to immediately interrupt the process of fetal formation. The circumstances in which a woman may find herself “in a position” that was not planned can hardly be called ordinary, but it still happens. Below is a list of cases after which emergency contraception is required:

    • unprotected sexual intercourse;
    • rape;
    • improper use of regular contraception when ejaculation occurs during vaginal sex;
    • unsuccessful use of regular contraceptives.

    The last point may include any of the following cases:

    • ruptures of barrier contraceptives;
    • skipping contraceptive medications;
    • delayed introduction/displacement or premature removal of the hormonal contraceptive ring;
    • premature removal of the contraceptive transdermal patch;
    • incomplete dissolution of spermicidal agents;
    • premature removal/displacement/breakage/rupture of the contraceptive diaphragm/cap;
    • loss of the contraceptive intrauterine device;
    • interrupted sexual intercourse.
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    premature removal of the contraceptive transdermal patch;

    The best birth control medications

    Correspondence of oral contraceptives to female phenotypes:

    1. Predominance of estrogens. Phenotype: femininity, dry skin and hair, short stature, prolonged menstruation. If estrogen predominates, protective agents with a high content of hormones are recommended: Rigevidon, Triziston, Milvane.
    2. Balanced composition of estrogens and androgens. Phenotype: femininity, medium-sized developed mammary glands, oily skin, normal hair, no PMS, menstrual cycle 30 days. Optimal choice of contraception: Microgynon, Silest, Femoden, Marvelon, Lindinet-30.
    3. Increased content of androgens (gestagens). Phenotype - tall height, poor development of the mammary glands, oily skin and hair, PMS in the form of depression, pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, scanty menstruation, cycles of 28 days. The preferred choice of drugs is: Jess, Janine, Yarina, Diane-35.

    The list of emergency antitropic COCs will be supplemented by Escapelle, Tetragynon, Danazol, Postinor, Escapelle.

    When to take the pills

    Any emergency contraceptive drug should be used as soon as possible after unprotected intercourse. Ideally, in the first 72 hours: on the fourth or fifth day, the effectiveness of the tablets will be low.

    Strictly according to the instructions, because there are many drugs and each has its own characteristics.

    Rules for using tablets

    It is important to take emergency contraceptives early after unprotected intercourse, preferably within the first 12 or 24 hours. The deadline is 72 hours, after which the contraceptive will not work. Remember, the sooner emergency contraception is used, the greater the chances of the drug having a successful effect.

    But this type of contraception is a last resort method. Emergency contraception can only be used twice a year due to the huge consequences for the body in the form of hormonal imbalances

    , which is very dangerous for women’s health and can lead to a long series of diseases.

    Under the supervision of a specialist, the effects of taking these drugs are significantly reduced.

    In 2022, 627 thousand abortions were performed in Russia, these figures were announced by the Ministry of Health. That is, per 1,000 women of fertile age, according to official statistics, there are 17 abortions. Around the world, at least in the most developed countries, the number of abortions is decreasing, which is associated with the increased availability of contraception. AIDS.CENTER has made a guide to methods of contraception, which explains in detail the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

    Femidom is a female condom that protects against sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy.

    Copper intrauterine devices (IUDs)

    This method is also used in emergency cases and is a drug that must be injected into the uterus within 5 days after sexual intercourse. For some reason, women call copper-containing contraceptives pills, although in fact this device does not look like a pill at all.

    The action is based on a change in the composition of the mucous membrane, which leads to damage to the egg and sperm. The effectiveness of this method of emergency contraception is 99%, but only if the timing and technique of administration are observed. The only contraindication to the use of copper-containing contraceptives is pregnancy, so you must first undergo a pelvic ultrasound.

    Contraindications for contraception

    Contraindications to the use of any group of contraceptives are:

    1. ​Breastfeeding.
    2. ​Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
    3. ​Pregnancy.
    4. ​Kidney diseases.
    5. ​Oncological processes in the body.
    6. ​Overweight.
    7. ​Severe form of hypertension.
    8. ​Liver pathologies.
    9. ​Diabetes mellitus.
    10. ​Preparation for surgery.
    11. Uterine bleeding of unknown origin.

    Emergency abortion pills

    If a woman is already pregnant and completely excludes the possibility of childbirth, you can use special means to terminate the pregnancy. But it is important to understand that such tablets will act without serious harm to health only for up to 6 weeks.

    Arguments for taking hormonal birth control pills

    Contraceptives in pill form have some advantages over other forms of contraception, namely:

    • Possibility of using drugs at any age.
    • High efficiency (up to 99%) and quality of medicines.
    • No fear of unplanned pregnancy.
    • With proper selection and administration, regularity and painlessness of the menstrual cycle are guaranteed.
    • Cosmetic effect (reduction of hair growth, disappearance of acne and oily skin).
    • The ability to conceive after discontinuation of the drug is restored after 2-6 menstrual cycles;
    • Therapeutic effect (treatment of fibroids, mastopathy, ovarian cysts, endometriosis).

    One of the main disadvantages of taking contraceptives is temporary weight gain. This effect is associated with an increase in appetite. To avoid weight gain, you just need to tune in and take control of yourself by limiting calories or portions.

    Birth control pills are considered throughout the world to be a very effective means of preventing unwanted pregnancy. The main condition is the correct selection of the drug and compliance with the conditions of administration.


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