
Tenoten is a sedative, which, according to information from the official website of the drug, is indicated for all people with symptoms of anxiety. Everything about it is good: it relieves irritability, has no side effects, is not capable of overdose, does not make you sleepy and does not slow down the brain. True, there is no molecule of the active substance in it - homeopathy after all.

It is produced by the Materia Medica holding, which is managed by meme scientist Oleg Epstein. He changed the packaging of homeopathic medicines and called them “release-active” (without changing the preparation method, btw). In 2022, this development received an anti-award “For the most harmful pseudoscientific project” from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. And in 2019, the Russian Academy of Sciences stated that the idea of ​​release activity contradicts biological, physical and chemical fundamental laws.

But things are getting muddy, money is swirling, so Materia Medica produces homeopathy (Tenoten, Anaferon, Ergoferon, Impaza, Rengalin and others), which millions of Russians are taking advantage of. Although the placebo effect was not canceled.

Pharmacological properties

The main mechanism of action of the drug is based on its ability to modify the functional activity of S-100, an endogenous protein that is an important participant in metabolic processes in the brain and a modulator of neuronal processes that underlie the mechanisms of memory and learning.

The drug also increases the activity of systems that limit the stress response and provide a protective effect, suppresses the processes of lipid peroxidation, and has GABA-mimetic activity. As a neurotrophic factor, the drug plays an important role in the regulation of plastic and energy metabolism in the central nervous system.

Thanks to these properties, Tenoten has a complex effect on the human body:

  • soothing;
  • anti-anxiety;
  • nootropic;
  • antiasthenic;
  • antiamnestic;
  • antidepressant;
  • neuroprotective;
  • stress protective;
  • antihypoxic.

In case of cerebrovascular accident due to intoxication or hypoxia, the drug limits the area of ​​damage and improves the central nervous system processes responsible for learning and memory.

Why should it work?

This is what is written about the mechanism on the official website: “The effect is realized by stabilizing the physiological mechanisms of brain functioning, optimizing metabolic processes and transmitting nerve impulses.” Has it become clearer? And also: “modifies the functional activity of the S100 protein” (what kind of modifications does the killer antibody carry out?), “increases the activity of stress-limiting systems,” “promotes the restoration of neuronal plasticity processes.”

Okay, it's all blah blah. How does he do it? Guys, you are going to die. In the instructions in the “Pharmacokinetics” section, which should describe what happens to the substance in the body, there is the following:

“The sensitivity of modern physicochemical methods of analysis does not allow us to assess the content of the active substance of the drug Tenoten in biological fluids, organs and tissues due to the specific composition of the drug, which makes it technically impossible to study pharmacokinetics.”

That is, the instructions say that the manufacturer does not know what happens to Tenoten in the body, how it is excreted, what systems it enters, and therefore how it works.

Indications for use of the drug

In children and adults, Tenoten is used for stress, neurotic and neurosis-like conditions, accompanied by anxiety, irritability, nervous tension, disturbances of attention and behavior, and autonomic disorders.

For children, the medication is also recommended for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

For adults, the medicine is also prescribed for moderate symptoms of organic disorders of the central nervous system (including vascular and traumatic origin), manifested by autonomic disorders, decreased ability to remember information, irritability, and mood swings.

What is inside

Tenoten is prescribed for anxiety disorders, neuroses, phobias, personality and behavioral disorders caused by brain injuries (wow, they swung), and other mental health disorders.

The main stress relievers in Tenoten are antibodies to the brain-specific protein S100. Sounds solid, let's figure it out. S100 is a family of proteins that do many different things inside and outside the cell. For example, they support calcium metabolism and participate in cell growth and specialization. Some members of the family may be a nonspecific marker of tumor (melanoma, neurofibroma, sarcoma) and inflammatory diseases (psoriasis). Brain-specific means that these family members are synthesized by nerve cells in the brain. But why them? Are there studies that support the involvement of the brain-specific S100 protein in the stress response? Nope. In general, it looks like they took a random protein.

Antibodies are also proteins that protect the body from colonization by pathogens themselves or press an alarm button that activates other pathways of the immune response. That is, antibodies to the brain-specific protein S100 should kill this very protein. But he’s such a good guy, why??? Idk. We did not find any justification for choosing this particular protein to reduce stress and “even out mood.”

Features of application

The medicine should be taken between meals, dissolving the tablets in the mouth until completely dissolved (it is not recommended to chew or swallow them whole). If parents are not sure that the child will keep the tablet in his mouth, it can be dissolved in 1 tablespoon of chilled boiled water.

It is recommended to take the last dose a maximum of 2 hours before bedtime, since the drug has an activating effect.

Adults are prescribed 1 tablet 2 times a day; if necessary, the dose can be increased to 4 tablets per day. It is recommended for children to take 1 tablet up to 3 times a day, for attention deficit (hyperactivity) disorder - 2 tablets 2 times a day.

The duration of therapy, depending on the severity of the condition, is from 1 to 3 months. In severe cases, treatment is extended to 6 months or the course is repeated after a break of 1–2 months.


Tenoten is a sedative and anti-anxiety homeopathic drug based on affinity purified antibodies to the brain-specific protein S-100. Manufacturer: NPF Materia Medica Holding (Russia). The modern rhythm of life involves an abundance of stressful situations that await a person at work and at home. Constant psycho-emotional stress can negatively affect your health. The drug Tenoten will help rid the body of excessive stress load. It harmonizes nervous activity, has an anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effect, supported by nootropic and vegetotropic effects. It is important that Tenoten does not cause drowsiness or decreased muscle tone. The drug helps the body cope with psycho-emotional overload, exhibits stress-protective, anti-asthenic, anti-amnestic, neuroprotective, anti-hypoxic and antidepressant effects. In conditions of oxygen starvation, intoxication, acute circulatory disorders of the brain, it localizes the source of damage and normalizes cognitive functions. Suppresses oxidative (free radical) degradation of lipids. Controls the functional activity of the marker of damage to the central nervous system - a specific protein of astrocytic glia S-100, which synchronizes synaptic and metabolic processes in the brain. An important property of the drug is its stress-protective effect. Tenoten increases the body's resistance to psycho-emotional stress, acts as an anxiolytic, eliminating increased anxiety and restlessness, and restores the plasticity of the central nervous system. Thanks to the drug, the patient becomes less sensitive to negative exogenous stimuli and becomes optimistic. Tenoten is effective for sudden mood changes, increased irritability, weakened cognitive functions (memory impairment, attention disorder), autonomic disorders associated with traumatic effects on the brain or damage to cerebral vessels.

When using Tenoten as part of a course of drug therapy, patients experienced a halving of anxiety levels. The vegetotropic effect of Tenoten lies in its ability to modulate blood pressure, heart rate and other autonomic reactions (increased breathing, dizziness, chills). The use of the drug in complex therapy allows you to normalize the tone of the autonomic nervous system by the end of the first week. Tenoten in combination with psychotherapy has a pronounced nootropic and anti-asthenic effect: it increases vitality and tolerance to mental and physical stress, strengthens memory, and improves attention.

Tenoten is available in tablet form. Single dose – 1 tablet. Frequency of application – 1-3 times a day. Directions for use: dissolution in the mouth. The tablet can be dissolved in a small amount of water. Eating and taking the drug should be spaced out in time. The duration of drug therapy is 1-3 months with the possibility of extending it up to six months. Repeated therapeutic courses are allowed at intervals of 1-2 months. The lack of stable improvement in the patient's condition after 3-4 weeks of regular pharmacotherapy is the basis for contacting a doctor to adjust the treatment. The drug does not have any undesirable side effects provided the recommended doses are followed. Theoretically, the possibility of individual intolerance to the active component of Tenoten is possible.

special instructions

If there is no improvement in your condition within 3-4 weeks of regular use of Tenoten, you should consult a doctor.

The homeopathic remedy does not have a sedative or hypnotic effect, does not affect the speed of reactions, and therefore can be used by drivers and those employed in potentially hazardous industries.

Cases of interaction between Tenoten and other medications have not been reported, so the drug can be prescribed as part of combination therapy.

Popular questions about Tenoten

What is Tenoten for?

To eliminate irritability, anxiety, nervous tension, vegetative reactions that often occur during stress, neurotic and neurosis-like conditions.

When does the effect of Tenoten occur?

A pronounced anxiolytic effect develops within a few days after the start of treatment.

How does Tenoten affect blood pressure?

Tenoten affects the body's autonomic reactions, which include a decrease or increase in blood pressure and heart rate. After just 1 week of regular use, the drug is able to normalize autonomic tone.

Why shouldn't Tenoten be taken before bed?

The drug has an activating effect on the central nervous system. Taking it before bed may cause insomnia.

Why does not it work

Well, patamushta. This is homeopathy and, according to Zhukov’s precepts, “homeopathy cannot have evidence of effectiveness.”

Marketers, of course, are cunning: they don’t write anywhere that this is a homeopathic or at least a release-active drug. But let’s look at the composition: the active ingredient is affinity-purified antibodies to the brain-specific protein S100. The content per tablet is 0.003 grams. And then an awkward asterisk explaining that these 0.003 grams are applied to lactose in the form of a water-alcohol mixture containing no more than 10-15 ng/g of the active form of the active substance. Ng is a nanogram, or one billionth of a gram.

This means that in one tablet there are 3 × 10-27, or 0.0000000000000000000000000003 grams of active substance. In short, all these zeros here mean that there is not even a single seedy atom of this substance in the tablet. All that remains is sugar, onto which the magic mixture (aka water) has been dripped.

You know what else it's all about... Antibodies are large proteins that, ahem kek lol, do not pass through the blood-brain barrier, a kind of fence between the circulatory and nervous systems of the brain, the task of which is not to let any crap through (because the brain is a particularly valuable organ) . So even if the developers were worthy of providing at least one molecule per tablet, it simply would not reach these brain-specific proteins. That's it, curtain.


The description of the drug Tenoten on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

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