

The drug contains fusafungin (the concentration of the substance in one dose is 0.125 mg), as well as flavoring (additive 14868), anhydrous ethanol, saccharin, isopropyl myristate, and norflurane (propellant).
Aroma additive composition: ethanol 96%, anise alcohol; oils (anise, tarragon and wormwood); extracts of caraway fruits, clove buds, coriander seeds, field mint, peel of sweet orange fruits, bitter orange, allspice fruits, pharmaceutical rosemary flowers; vanilla resinoid, methyl anthranilate, ethyl vanillin, propylene glycol, phenylethanol, heliotropin, geraniol, lignin-based vanillin, linalol, indole, isopropyl myristate, terpineol.

Release form

Aerosol for inhalation dosed.

One cylinder contains 400 releases, one dose - 400 releases. Each release corresponds to 0.125 mg of active substance.

The drug is a characteristically smelling, transparent, oily liquid of pale yellow color. It is produced in aluminum containers with a volume of 20 ml (package No. 1). Each container is equipped with a dosing valve and has three replaceable nozzles: yellow - for nasal use, white - for inhalation through the mouth, transparent - for nasal use in children.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Is fusafungin an antibiotic or not?

Wikipedia to the question “Fuzafungin - what is it?” answers that the substance is a local polypeptide antibiotic with anti-inflammatory activity . It is obtained from strain 437 of the Fusarium lateritium fungus culture.

The drug is effective against Gram (+) bacteria (group A streptococci (Str. pyogenes), Str. pneumoniae, Staphylococcus spp.); Gram (-) bacteria (including certain strains of Neisseria, Legionella pneumophila, Moraxella catarrhalis, Haemophilus influenzae); some anaerobes, fungi of the genus Candida, mycoplasmas (Mycoplasma spp.).


When administered by inhalation, fusafungine settles on the surface of the mucous membrane of the external respiratory system; the substance is not detected in the blood plasma. The aerosol form provides complete coverage of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and penetration into the bronchioles and sinuses.

After four times inhalation through each nasal passage or through the mouth, the concentration of fusafungine in the bronchi and trachea reaches 0.04, in the nasal cavity - 0.06, and in the lungs - 0.08 mg/ml.

The drug reduces exudation, relieves swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory system, improves nasal breathing. Practical experience shows that the effectiveness of therapy is higher if treatment with Bioparox is started early.

Fusafungine does not reduce the effectiveness of antimicrobials for systemic use. There are no reports of cross-resistance or acquired resistance.


After use in the form of inhalation, the drug is distributed mainly on the surface of the mucous membrane in the nose, oral cavity and pharynx. The concentration of the substance in the blood plasma does not exceed 1 ng/ml and does not affect the safety of Bioparox.

Pharmacological properties of the drug Bioparox

fusafungine is a topical antibiotic with anti-inflammatory properties. The drug in vitro , which indicates potential in vivo against such organisms as group A streptococci, pneumococci, staphylococci, some strains of Neisseria , some anaerobic microorganisms, Candida albicans , Mycoplasma pneumoniae . After inhalation, fusafungine accumulates mainly on the mucous membrane of the oropharynx and nose. Fusafungin can be detected temporarily and in very low quantities in blood plasma, which does not affect the safety of the drug.

Indications for use

Bioparox spray is used for local treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases of the external respiratory system . It is prescribed for tracheitis and laryngitis , pharyngitis and nasopharyngitis , bronchitis and tonsillitis , rhinitis , sinusitis and sinusitis , as well as for conditions after surgery to remove the tonsils ( tonsils ).

The feasibility of using Bioparox for angina

For angina , Bioparox is not always used. throat (or acute tonsillitis ) is an infectious disease with local manifestations of inflammation in the area of ​​the 1st and 2nd tonsils.

Reviews about Bioparosk for sore throat are good. However, the drug can only be used at the catarrhal stage of inflammation - with redness and swelling of the palatine tonsils , that is, when the inflammatory process has just begun.

In addition, Bioparox is widely used to treat exacerbations of chronic tonsillitis , which in most cases are not as severe as tonsillitis .

If acute tonsillitis is complicated by the appearance of pustules, the use topical antibiotics If there is no improvement after three days of treatment or the patient’s condition worsens, the drug is discontinued and the patient is prescribed systemic antibiotics .

Using Bioparox spray for sinusitis

For sinusitis, the spray is effective only in the initial stages of the disease. Sinusitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. Acute sinusitis usually develops against the background of acute respiratory viral infection , complicated by a bacterial infection .

The first symptoms of the disease are persistent long-term nasal congestion, headache and high fever. Acute sinusitis , like acute tonsillitis , cannot be cured with Bioparox alone. The effect of using the drug is possible only in the very early stages of inflammation.

systemic antibiotics will most likely be required .

Side effects

Sometimes (very rarely) side effects may occur, such as increased dryness in the nose/throat, dysgeusia , sneezing, throat irritation, nausea, and cough.

These reactions are transient and do not require cessation of treatment.

Sometimes, especially in patients prone to allergies , local reactions from the skin and subcutaneous tissue, mucosal reactions (redness, swelling), bronchospasm , and superinfection . In such cases, treatment with Bioparox should be discontinued.

If symptoms appear from the external respiratory system, skin or larynx, due to the risk of developing anaphylactic shock, it may be necessary to urgently administer epinephrine ( Adrenaline ) at a dose of 0.01 mg/kg. Method of administration: intramuscular injection. In some situations, repeated administration of epinephrine . The drug is administered in the same dose after about 20 minutes.

Side effects of the drug Bioparox

Among the undesirable effects, the most frequently reported reactions are those associated with the use of the drug (often or very often): dry nose or throat, sneezing, tingling, coughing, nausea, unpleasant taste in the mouth, red eyes. Usually these manifestations do not require cessation of treatment. Very rarely, allergic reactions may occur, especially in patients who are prone to allergies, namely: from the respiratory system: asthma, bronchospasm, dyspnea, laryngospasm or edema; from the skin and subcutaneous tissues: rash, itching, urticaria, angioedema; from the immune system: anaphylactic shock. If an allergic reaction occurs, further use of fusafungine is not recommended. Due to the likelihood of anaphylactic shock, in the event of symptoms from the respiratory system or skin manifestations (rash, generalized hyperemia), it may be necessary to urgently administer adrenaline. The usual dose of adrenaline is 0.01 mg/kg. Injected intramuscularly. If necessary, the dose can be repeated after 15–20 minutes.

Spray Bioparox: instructions for use

Instructions for use of Bioparox in adults

The standard dose of the drug for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system ( bronchitis , pharyngitis , tracheitis , etc.) for adult patients (including adolescents and the elderly) is four injections through the mouth and/or two injections into each nasal passage 4 r ./day

Spray Bioparox: instructions for use for children

Due to the risk of developing laryngospasm, can only be used from 2.5 years.

A single dose of Bioparox for children from 2.5 to 11 years old - one injection into each nasal passage or two injections into the mouth. Frequency of applications - 4 rubles/day.

Many mothers leave good reviews about Bioparox spray. In their opinion, the drug very quickly helps with pharyngitis and sore throat , but can cause adverse reactions in the form of a burning sensation in the throat and allergic stomatitis .

Some are afraid to use Bioparox for children, remembering the inappropriateness of topical use of antibiotics .

Dr. Komarovsky gives an explanation on this matter in his blog: it is forbidden to instill antibiotics , which are intended for systemic use, but fusafungin is not systemic, therefore, it can definitely be used topically, and doctors who prescribe a spray for children in no way violate pharmacological principles and norms of modern medicine.

special instructions

Due to the possibility of relapse, it is not recommended to stop using Bioparox immediately after the first signs of improvement appear.

Long-term use of the drug can cause an imbalance in microflora and the spread of superinfection.

Lack of improvement after a week of treatment is a reason to consider alternative therapy.

The fragrance contains propylene glycol , which may cause skin irritation.

The spray contains a small amount of ethanol (less than 0.1 g/dose).

Features of using an aerosol can

Before using Bioparox for the first time, to fill the dosing mechanism, press the main nozzle 4 times. After this, the nozzle on the container is replaced with the desired one: white - for the mouth, yellow - for the nose, transparent - children's for the nose.

Before using the spray, you need to clean your nasal passages. Holding the container in a vertical position, insert the nozzle into each nasal passage one by one and make the required number of injections. In this case, the mouth and other nasal passage should be closed.

In case of use through the mouth, a white nozzle is inserted into the mouth, lips are compressed around it and, lightly pressing on the bottom of the can, an injection is made (you need to breathe as usual during injection).

The container must be disinfected daily. The treatment is carried out once a day, using cotton wool soaked in a solution of ethyl alcohol (90%).


The drug is used in the form of inhalation (through the mouth and/or nose).

For adults

Prescribe 4 inhalations through the mouth and/or 2 inhalations into each nasal passage 4 times a day.

Children over 2.5 years old

Prescribe 2-4 inhalations through the mouth and/or 1-2 inhalations into each nasal passage 4 times a day.

To make maximum use of the activity of the Bioparox® drug, it is necessary to follow the prescribed doses and follow the rules for using the attached attachments.

To obtain a lasting therapeutic effect, it is necessary to observe the duration of the prescribed treatment: it is not recommended to stop treatment when the first signs of improvement appear, because premature cessation of therapy may lead to relapse.

You should always have the drug with you, placing it in the attached portable carrying case.

The duration of treatment, as a rule, does not exceed 7 days.

After completing the 7-day course of treatment, the patient should consult a doctor to assess the effectiveness of therapy.

If symptoms of the disease and/or elevated temperature persist during therapy with Bioparox®, the patient should inform the attending physician.

In the case of pronounced clinical manifestations of a bacterial infection, treatment with Bioparox® in combination with systemic antibiotics is possible.

Rules for using the drug

Before using the canister for the first time, press its base 4 times to activate it.

Inhalation through the nose

should be carried out for
rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, sinusitis
. Before inhalation, you should clean your nose. The container with the drug must be held vertically with the nozzle upward, holding it between the thumb and forefinger. To carry out inhalation through the nose, attach the nozzle to the balloon (yellow for adults or transparent for children) and insert it into the nasal passage (while holding the opposite nasal passage and closing the mouth). While inhaling deeply through your nose, press the base of the balloon vigorously and all the way.

Inhalation by mouth

. Place the white nozzle on the balloon, insert it into your mouth, pressing it tightly with your lips, while holding the balloon vertically and slightly tilted.

For pharyngitis, tonsillitis, conditions after tonsillectomy, laryngitis

You should press firmly and for a long time on the bottom of the balloon and take a deep breath to completely irrigate the tonsils and pharynx.

For tracheitis

Before inhalation, you must cough, then deeply inhale the aerosol mixture and hold your breath for a few seconds to completely irrigate the trachea.

The attachments should be disinfected every other day using a cotton swab soaked in ethanol (90%).

Analogues of Bioparox

Level 4 ATC code matches:
Grammidin with anesthetic Neo

Grammidin for children

Grammidin with anesthetic

Grammidin Neo


Gramicidin S


Drugs with a similar mechanism of action: Gramicidin S , Grammidin , Gramicidin paste , Isofra .

Price of Bioparox analogues

Almost all analogues are cheaper than Bioparox. Grimicidin tablets (No. 20) cost an average of 135-140 rubles, Isofra - from 240 rubles, Grammidin - from 165 rubles.

Bioparox during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Is it possible to use Bioparox during pregnancy?

The spray contains the antibiotic fusafungin , which is not detectable in blood plasma when administered inhaled.

The manufacturer, in the annotation for the drug, when asked whether pregnant women can take inhalations with Bioparox, answers that during pregnancy the drug can be used, but only with the approval of the attending physician and if there are indications.

Animal studies did not reveal any negative effects (direct or indirect) on the course of pregnancy/childbirth, as well as on the development of the child in the prenatal period and during infancy. The use of the drug did not reduce fertility in female and male rats.

Please remember that taking any medications during pregnancy carries certain risks. As for the spray, there are no clinical data that would confirm the safety of its use in pregnant women.

Why is Biparox prescribed during pregnancy?

Due to the extremely low absorption of fusafungin, the likelihood that the drug will cause fetal developmental disorders is extremely low, even if Bioparox is used in early pregnancy.

In this case, the spray can cause much less harm than an infection, since the most common acute respiratory viral infection suffered by the mother in the first weeks of pregnancy often leads to a miscarriage or the development of defects incompatible with life.

However, if it is necessary to use it in the 1st trimester (especially in the first 8-9 weeks), after completion of treatment it is recommended to check how correctly the fetus is developing.

In the 2nd trimester, colds are not so scary for a child. By this time, the child has already formed all the vital organs, so viruses no longer have a fatal effect. However, a cold that is not treated in time can cause fetal hypoxia and damage to the nervous system.

Oxygen starvation can lead to both a slight slowdown in development and cerebral palsy or dangerous underdevelopment of the brain.

In the 3rd trimester, a cold can trigger premature labor. Timely use of Bioparox allows you to minimize this risk and also prevents the risk of hypoxia .

Reviews of Bioparox during pregnancy are good: the drug very quickly eliminates inflammation, makes breathing easier and relieves sore throat. Mothers who used it at different stages of pregnancy note that the treatment did not affect the health of their children in any way - their babies were born strong and healthy. However, despite all the safety of fusafungin , it is still not worth using it uncontrolled.

Use during lactation

When feeding, the use of Bioparox is possible if indicated.

It is unknown whether the active substance of the drug penetrates milk during breastfeeding. The decision to stop or continue breastfeeding/therapy is made taking into account the benefits of the first for the child and the second for the mother.

The ability of fusafungine to pass into breast milk has not been studied in animal studies.

Special instructions for the use of the drug Bioparox

Features of using the dosing device are described in detail in the Instructions for medical use of the drug. The drug should be used with caution in patients who are prone to allergies. Long-term use may contribute to the development of superinfection. Pregnancy and lactation There are no clinical data regarding the use of the drug during pregnancy, so Bioparox should be prescribed with caution during this period. In experimental studies, no direct or indirect harmful effects on pregnancy, embryonic/fetal development, childbirth or postnatal development were identified. It is not known whether fusafungine passes into breast milk. The excretion of fusafungine into milk has not been studied in experimental studies. Therefore, during breastfeeding, the drug must be prescribed taking into account the risk/benefit ratio. Effect on the ability to drive vehicles or work with complex mechanisms The drug does not interfere with psychomotor reactions, does not affect the ability to drive a car or work with potentially dangerous mechanisms.

Reviews about Bioparox

Many people evaluate Bioparox as a fast-acting and very effective remedy for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system . The active substance of the drug acts only on the surface of the mucous membrane of the ENT organs and respiratory tract, which allows the spray to be used during pregnancy and in pediatric practice.

The drug is effective against bacterial pharyngitis , bronchitis and rhinitis . However, only if used correctly: for sore throat and sinusitis , Bioparox can only help if it is started to be used immediately after the first symptoms of the disease appear.

Reviews about Bioparox for children are quite contradictory. Some mothers praise the medicine for the fact that it quickly copes with cough, runny nose, redness and sore throat. Others call it completely useless.

The disadvantages of the spray, in their opinion, are also its specific taste and pungent smell, which children often do not like, the presence of side effects (burning and dry throat), and high price.

Based on patient reviews, we can draw the following conclusion that the drug can act completely differently on different people, so it should be used only with the approval of the attending physician and taking into account the patient’s response to the prescribed treatment.


Bioparox (INN fusafungin) is a local polypeptide antibacterial agent that has an anti-inflammatory effect and is used in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract (rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis). This group of diseases is quite widespread in the human population, incl. in children. The respiratory tract is both a physiological barrier and a “gate” for the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the body. Normally, the immune system prevents their growth and reproduction, but under unfavorable conditions (air contamination, hypothermia), the body’s defenses fail and the disease develops. Early treatment is the best way to avoid complications. However, the prescription of systemic antibacterial therapy is not justified in all cases. Indications for the use of systemic antibacterial drugs are prolonged low-grade fever and clear signs of intoxication, indicating the bacterial nature of the causative agent of the disease. In other cases, local antibacterial therapy seems to be a rational solution, successfully solving the problem of stopping the development of the pathological process before it becomes widespread. A distinctive feature of this method is the delivery of the drug directly to the inflammatory focus with minimal risk of it entering the bloodstream, which eliminates the development of systemic side effects.

Bioparox from the world famous French pharmaceutical is the optimal means of local antibiotic therapy. Its active ingredient, fusafungin, is a waste product of fungi of the genus Fusarium lateritium. Bioparox is active against most pathogens of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. The drug has not only an antibacterial, but also a mycostatic effect, preventing the development of secondary candidiasis. The inhalation form of Bioparox in the form of a micron aerosol makes it possible to deliver the pharmacologically active substance to the most inaccessible places of the respiratory tract and hearing organs. Once in the inflammatory focus, fusafungin reduces swelling, relieves pain and prevents the spread of the infectious process from the site of its primary localization. The absence of systemic side effects allows the use of Bioparox during pregnancy, during breastfeeding, in children over 3 years of age, the elderly, and patients with comorbidities. It is important that the drug does not cause direct or cross-resistance to pharmacological effects, which makes it possible for long-term or repeated course use without the risk of the formation of resistant bacterial strains. The packaging with the drug contains replaceable nozzles for the mouth (white) and for the nose (yellow). One inhaler is designed for 400 single doses.

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