Choosing effective and efficient remedies for hemorrhoids

Review of suppositories for hemorrhoids: top 10 most effective

Treatment of hemorrhoids must be carried out immediately after the first signs of the disease appear. The most effective remedy for hemorrhoids in the early stages is suppositories. They quickly soothe pain, relieve itching and burning. The inserted suppository melts, resulting in an active effect of its components on inflammation.

But before you begin treatment for hemorrhoids, you need to come for an examination by a proctologist and get a recommendation on the use of certain suppositories. Let's look at the most inexpensive and effective suppositories for hemorrhoids in detail: with prices, reviews, recommendations for use.

How to choose the best product?

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor taking into account the severity of the disease. The choice of suppositories and ointments for hemorrhoids depends on the predominant symptom - bleeding, pain, itching, inflammation of the skin around the anus:

  1. Preparations for oral administration. Excellent results in the treatment of hemorrhoids are achieved by combination therapy, combining symptomatic drugs to relieve local discomfort and drugs for oral use. These are medicines in the price category of up to 200 rubles, such as Troxevasin (an analogue of Troxerutin), from 400 to 500 rubles - Venarus, Venadiol, Ginkor Forte in capsules or gel form. Drugs in the price category from 650 to 850 rubles have similar properties - Diosmin (analogous to Vazoket), Phlebodia, Hesperidin + Diosmin (analogous to Detralex).
  2. For severe pain syndrome, suppositories and ointments for hemorrhoids with anesthetics are indicated - lidocaine, neomycin, anesthesin, benzocaine, Cinchocaine, Lauromacrogol - these are pain-relieving suppositories Relief Advance, Emla (Lidocaine + Prilocaine cream), Proctosedyl M, Olestesin, Nigepan.
  3. When there is an inflammatory process around the anus on the skin, Ichthyol (ichthyols), Levomikol, as well as NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, see ointments for pain) are indicated, the most popular among them are Diclofenac and Ibuprofen suppositories. If inflammation is accompanied by itching and there are no contraindications to the use of corticosteroids, then you can use suppositories with hormonal agents - Proctosedyl, Gepotrombin G, Ultroproct, Aurobin ointment.
  4. Bleeding - drugs that stop bleeding are used, venotonics to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, vasoconstrictor drugs to relieve swelling (adrenaline, tribenosyl, phenylephrine hydrochloride) - Relief, Procto-glivenol.
  5. For uncomplicated hemorrhoids, anticoagulants are indicated that dissolve formed blood clots and stop thrombus formation - suppositories with heparin (Hepatrombin G, Nigepan), heparin ointment.

Modern methods of treating hemorrhoids


Hemorrhoids (from the Greek haimorrois) literally mean “bleeding.” This disease, known since time immemorial, is still explained ambiguously and sometimes contradictorily, which fully reflects the level of our knowledge about it. Most researchers recognize that the sources of bleeding are cavernous formations, which under normal conditions are formed during intrauterine development.

The first group of hemorrhoidal formations, the defeat of which leads to the formation of external hemorrhoids, is located at the exit from the anal canal, in the subcutaneous tissue.

The second group of cavernous formations, located in the submucosal layer of the rectum, above the dentate line, is the source of the development of internal hemorrhoids.

There are anastomoses between the external and internal cavernous formations, the functional purpose of which is not entirely clear, if only because with an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, as a rule, external rather than internal nodes thrombose. Along with the external and internal sphincter, the cavernous plexuses are part of the obturator apparatus of the rectum. Their ability to increase in volume due to filling with blood allows for an ideal sealing of the intestine. Indirect evidence of this assumption is the ordered arrangement of hemorrhoidal formations around the circumference of the intestine; it corresponds to 3, 7 and 11 o'clock. Unfortunately, this delicate mechanism is very vulnerable and there are many reasons for this. The immediate cause of hemorrhoids is a violation of the blood supply to the cavernous veins, which can be caused by increased arterial blood flow, but more often by a slowdown in venous outflow. The dilated vein forms a “bag of blood”, which is called a hemorrhoid. In recent years, much attention has been paid to studying the condition of the ligamentous apparatus of the submucosal layer of the rectum, the violation of which leads to the prolapse of internal hemorrhoids. Therefore, from the point of view of modern pathophysiology, both variants of the development of the disease should be considered not only as equivalent, but, possibly, as complementary.

Prevalence . Data on the prevalence of hemorrhoids are very contradictory; for example, in Russia this figure ranges from 130–145 cases per 1000 adults [1]. Statistical data provided by foreign researchers is only about 4.4% [2, 3]. The inconsistency of the indicators is most likely due to the difference between morbidity and negotiability, which is indirectly confirmed by data from examinations of US residents, which stated that 80% of people who had hemorrhoids did not complain [4].

Classification of hemorrhoids . The classification was proposed by the State Scientific Center of Coloproctology [1]. It includes the symptoms of the disease, its clinical manifestations and anatomical changes. According to the course of the disease, chronic and acute types of hemorrhoids are distinguished. In shape - internal, external, combined. The chronic course of internal hemorrhoids is divided into 4 stages. It should be emphasized that the clinical symptoms of the disease correspond to the morphological changes occurring in the longitudinal muscle, which fixes cavernous formations in the submucosal layer of the rectum.

In the first stage: bleeding and discomfort are clinically noted, hemorrhoids do not fall out of the anal canal, the vascular pattern of the mucous membrane is enhanced, anatomically - changes in the longitudinal muscle are insignificant.

In the second - bleeding, prolapse of nodes, itching, mucous discharge; prolapsed nodes are automatically reset into the anal canal; histologically in the fibromuscular framework there is unexpressed dystrophy, the number of elastic fibers predominates.

In the third - bleeding, prolapse of nodes, anal itching, mucous discharge. Prolapsed hemorrhoids require manual assistance to reposition them into the anal canal; At the same time, morphological changes in muscle tissue indicate a loss of elasticity, which proves the predominance of dystrophy processes.

In the fourth - bleeding, itching, discomfort, incontinence of the anal sphincter, severe pain; constant prolapse and inability to manually reduce hemorrhoids into the anal canal; which corresponds to complete degeneration of the fibromuscular framework that holds the nodes in the anal canal.

Complications of hemorrhoids . The most common complication of hemorrhoids is thrombosis of hemorrhoids. As a rule, the lesion occurs in the external nodes and quite often thrombosis is the first manifestation of the disease. Precipitating moments for the development of thrombosis most often include pregnancy, childbirth, long air travel, lifting heavy weights, and acute stool disorders. If patients seek help in the first 2 days from the onset of the disease, an enlarged bluish (at an early stage) hemorrhoid, covered with skin and partially mucous, is easily visually detected. More often, the appearance of a node is accompanied by pain, especially intense if two or more nodes are affected. If the size of the node is significant (usually more than 2 cm) with pronounced tension in the mucosal tissue, an area of ​​necrosis appears on it; after rejection of the latter, bleeding develops, sometimes parts of the blood clot may partially come off and the size of the prolapsed formation may decrease significantly. The skin part of the node becomes swollen and hyperemic. Clinically, as a rule, in this case, the patient notes a decrease in pain. Digital examination should begin with examination of the wall of the anal canal opposite to the thrombosed node, which makes the examination more gentle. A digital examination can reveal signs of thrombosis of the internal hemorrhoid. Examination of the anal canal using instruments is carried out only by proctologists.

More rare complications include the formation of a hematoma with a sharp increase in pressure and damage to the wall of the venous vessel. If an internal hemorrhoid prolapses, it may become strangulated. If necrosis of the internal node occurs, massive bleeding is possible, so the patient should be shown to a proctologist. In the event of strangulation of several prolapsed nodes or the occurrence of stool disorders, a purulent process may occur in the perirectal tissue.

Differential diagnosis

Clinical manifestations of hemorrhoids do not differ in the specificity of symptoms. In case of acute hemorrhoids or its complications, these are acute paraproctitis, anal fissure, cryptitis, rectal prolapse. In the case of chronic hemorrhoids, the development of a tumor of the rectum or anal canal should first be excluded. The group of patients who have been suffering from hemorrhoids for a long time, who have come to us due to increased bleeding or unstable stools, is of particular concern in terms of oncological diseases. In case of any treatment of a patient with hemorrhoids to a therapist or general practitioner, it is necessary to refer him for a consultation with a proctologist.

Conservative treatment

The choice of treatment method is usually determined by the stage of the disease or the nature of the complications that have developed.

A special diet for patients with hemorrhoids is not required, except in certain cases. For thrombosis of hemorrhoids, a protein-vegetable diet with a high fiber content and the exclusion of fried and spicy foods, spices, and alcohol is recommended. In patients with concomitant diseases of the colon (irritable bowel syndrome, diverticular disease or nonspecific colitis), the diet should be aimed at normalizing stool. In case of thrombosis of hemorrhoids, accompanied by constipation, patients should be prescribed microenemas to cleanse the intestines. Patients leading a sedentary lifestyle, without exacerbation, should be recommended to play sports, with the exception of weightlifting and cycling. Patients should pay special attention to performing hygienic measures. During the acute period of the disease, it should be recommended to take a cool shower 2-3 times a day and always after stool, and it is necessary to wash not only the skin of the perineum and anus, but also the anal canal itself. In cases where water procedures are not available, the use of special wet sanitary napkins should be recommended.

Systemic drugs . In the conservative treatment of hemorrhoids, one of the leading roles belongs to drugs containing bioflavonoids (diosmin and hesperidin). The use of the latter in the treatment of hemorrhoids is traditional, but with the creation of modern biotechnologies it was possible to obtain Detralex, a micronized drug, which made it more bioavailable and increased the effectiveness of treatment by about 30%. Bioflavonoids have several properties: first of all, they are able to increase venous tone, enhance lymphatic drainage, reduce vascular fragility and improve microcirculation. First of all, the listed qualities make it necessary to use Detralex in the event of thrombosis of hemorrhoids. The drug is prescribed 2 tablets 3 times a day for the first four days, then 1 tablet 4 times for up to 7 days. In addition, Detralex is able to reduce and prevent the development of hemorrhoidal bleeding and exacerbation of hemorrhoids. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to take the drug for up to 6 months, 2 tablets per day. The use of micronized bioflavonoids (the source of which are natural sources, for example, red grape seeds) is possible even during pregnancy, although not for a long time (up to 7 days). The drug is well tolerated and rarely causes allergic reactions. To date, the drug “Phlebodia 600” has been successfully used, which has a prolonged effect, which allows it to be taken once a day. In patients with thrombosis of hemorrhoids, accompanied by severe pain, it is possible to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics, but it is extremely difficult to assess the effectiveness of their effects, so the question of their use should be decided individually in each specific case.

Local therapy . Local treatment is prescribed to relieve inflammation and analgesia. Among the drugs of the first group, we can recommend Posterisan Forte ointment (or suppositories of a similar name). The drug contains a suspension of E. coli culture and hydrocortisone. E. coli metabolites can enhance local immune responses, accompanied by the release of cytokines, especially intraleukin-1. In addition, a suspension of bacterial culture causes the formation of specific immunoglobulin A, which forms a delicate film on the intestinal mucosa, acting as a local protective barrier. Hydrocortisone, which is the second component of the drug, helps to quickly suppress inflammation and accelerates the processes of tissue regeneration induced by a suspension of Escherichia coli culture. The drug is administered rectally 2 times a day; in case of severe inflammatory process, for example, in patients with nonspecific colitis, the frequency of administration can be increased taking into account the frequency of stool. The maximum duration of treatment does not exceed three weeks. If it is necessary to continue therapy, it is possible to use Posterizan suppositories or ointments containing exclusively a suspension of bacterial culture.

Among the drugs that have a complex effect, we recommend Relief Advance suppositories. The composition includes 10% benzocaine, which has a rapid analgesic effect, in addition, shark liver oil containing fat-soluble vitamins, free fatty acids, squalene and alkylglycerol, which are powerful reparants, which allows them to be recommended even for use in the postoperative period in patients who underwent surgery for hemorrhoids. The frequency of administration is 3–5 times a day. The drug is highly effective, well tolerated and rarely produces adverse reactions.

Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids . In addition to conservative treatment of thrombosed hemorrhoids in the first 24–48 hours, until inflammatory changes in the skin part of the node occur, surgical intervention is possible. It is usually performed under local anesthesia and involves removing the hematoma or thrombotic masses, although there is an opinion that it is necessary to remove the entire node along with the affected vein [5]. This tactic is justified in the presence of one (less often two) large nodes or in severe pain. Unfortunately, such operations can not be performed often, because the majority of patients consult a doctor already in the presence of severe inflammation, which sharply intensifies the pain syndrome that existed until that moment. Surgical removal of large external nodes is justified in case of difficulties arising with hygiene, persistent anal itching or after previous thrombosis, although in recent years many patients have turned to a proctologist for aesthetic reasons.

Internal hemorrhoids . Currently, there is a fairly large selection of minimally invasive treatments, used mainly for isolated internal hemorrhoids of stages I–II. True, sometimes the indications for their use can be expanded, mainly in elderly and senile people with severe concomitant diseases. Minimally invasive interventions include: infrared photocoagulation, latex ring ligation and, finally, transanal ligation under Doppler control. The first two of these methods have long been used in clinical practice, and their strengths and weaknesses are well known, so we will dwell in more detail on the last method.

Ligation of hemorrhoidal arteries under Doppler control . The essence of the method is based on the fact that Doppler examination reveals the distal branches of the superior hemorrhoidal artery, supplying blood to the internal hemorrhoids. The necessary equipment is an electronic unit and an anoscope with a Doppler sensor. The method can be used for stages I–III of the disease. The procedure can be carried out in a hospital within one day. The procedure lasts 20–40 minutes, does not require general anesthesia, restrictions on physical activity for about two weeks. Temporary disability is not required for patients. There are no problems with stool in the early postoperative period.

Operation Longo . Prolapse of the mucous membrane of the anal canal with internal hemorrhoidal plexuses, caused by damage to the muscular and ligamentous apparatus of the latter, is accompanied by a disruption of their blood supply and a change in the anatomical relationships between the external and internal nodes. This prerequisite served as the basis for the creation of the Longo operation, which involves tightening the prolapsed mucosa, restoring the anatomical position of the hemorrhoidal plexuses and normalizing their blood flow. The Longo method has been used in clinical practice since 1993, in our country for the last 5 years. The intervention is performed with a disposable set of instruments. The operation is indicated for stages II–IV of hemorrhoids. In our opinion, the advantages of this procedure are most convincing for circular prolapse of nodes. The operation can be performed under conduction or local anesthesia.

Advantages of the method; the duration of the operation is 10–20 minutes, the hospitalization period does not exceed one day, the pain syndrome is well relieved without the use of narcotic analgesics, there is no need for dressings, the patient can return to work in 5–10 days.

Bipolar coagulation of hemorrhoids using the LigaSure device . A modern alternative to classical hemorrhoidectomy is the method of bipolar coagulation of hemorrhoids, which is successfully used in stages III–IV of the disease. The method is based on the principle of bipolar coagulation using a modernized generator equipped with a feedback unit that allows tissue differentiation. In this case, the usual burn of the tissue does not occur, but welding occurs due to the polymerization of its own collagen and instead of the usual scab, the wound is covered with a collagen film. The intervention can be performed under spinal or epidural anesthesia. The intervention technique is simple. The reliability of polymerization guaranteed by the method makes it possible to coagulate vessels up to 7 mm in diameter. The duration of the operation is about 20 minutes. The duration of postoperative treatment is determined by the size of the wound defects of the anal canal. Pain syndrome in the postoperative period is less pronounced than during traditional surgery.


  1. Vorobyov G.I., Shelygin Yu.A., Blagodarny L.A. Hemorrhoids. M.: Publishing house "Mitra-Press", 2002. 192 p.
  2. Johanson JF, Sonnenberg A. The prevalence of hemmhoroids and chronic constipation // Gastroenterology. 1990, 98; 380–386.
  3. Bayer I., Myslovaty B., Picovsky BM Rubber Band ligation of hemorrhoids: covenient and economic treatment // J. Clin. Gastroentrol. 1966; 23:50–52.
  4. Haas PA, Haas GP, Schmaltz S., Fox TA Jr. The prevalence of hemorrhoids // Dis. Colon Rectum. 1983; 29: 435–439.
  5. Corman MI Colon and Rectum surgery, 3rd ed.Philadelphia, Pa: JB Lippincott. 1993: 54–115.

K. E. Mayat , Candidate of Medical Sciences European Medical Center , Moscow

How to use suppositories correctly?

Much in the treatment of hemorrhoids depends on how correctly suppositories are used. Before using candles, carefully read the instructions supplied with them. Among the general recommendations are:

  1. Bowel movement. You can do this with an enema. It is necessary to have a bowel movement so that the intestinal walls are cleared of feces and the effect of all active substances is complete.
  2. Necessary water procedures. After washing, you need to dry yourself well with a towel. Do not rub the inflamed area of ​​skin, but make several blotting movements.
  3. Correct administration of the suppository. Insert the candle into the anus, lying on your side and tucking your knees towards you. Inject shallowly. After administration, turn over on your back and lie for thirty minutes.

You also need:

  • try to avoid constipation. To do this, you can use laxatives;
  • It should be applied in the morning and evening once or twice a day. Period of use – one or two weeks;
  • If the condition worsens or symptoms appear that are not associated with hemorrhoids, you need to clarify the diagnosis again.

You should also know that it is best to do the procedure immediately before bed.

Hemostatic suppositories and tips on the correct use of suppositories

Potato suppositories are effective for hemorrhoids.

Traditional methods of treating hemorrhoids are a quite popular and relevant topic, since some people are embarrassed to admit to this disease. Often patients keep silent about the fact of hemorrhoids and carry out treatment on their own. It is important to remember: traditional medicine is an unreliable method of therapy; they do not fight the cause of the disease, but only reduce the symptoms. Simply put, recovery using only alternative methods is possible only in some cases, but no one denies their effectiveness when used in an integrated approach along with standard treatment prescribed by a qualified specialist. Potato-based suppositories to stop bleeding are considered very popular and easy to prepare. A suppository of the same shape as a suppository sold in a pharmacy is cut out of a clean, peeled potato, after which vegetable oil is applied to it and before going to bed, it is inserted into the anus, leaving it there all night.

The remains of such a suppository will come out in the morning without outside help during bowel movements. Before using such a suppository, you must first cleanse the intestines and wash the perianal folds thoroughly. Using honey and propolis, you can make extremely effective suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids with bleeding; there are even ready-made medicines based on these components on pharmacy shelves. To make them yourself, you should use candied honey, diluting it with propolis to a viscous consistency. Then you need to form a candle from this mass, and for greater convenience, you can freeze it a little. Before inserting suppositories made in this way, it is necessary to treat the perianal folds with vegetable oil, for example, sea buckthorn.

What are they?

Classification of candles:

Painkillers:based on components with a pronounced analgesic and calming effect. Includes anesthesin, benzocaine, lidocaine, belladonna extract, propolis and other active substances. These remedies are used to relieve pain in the anus.
Hemostatic:designed to relieve bleeding, a common symptom of hemorrhoids. There are candles that contain adrenaline or ice.
Disinfectants:used in case of infection of wounds due to hemorrhoids. These medications include antibiotics that eliminate most pathogens.
Anti-inflammatory:They relieve the inflammatory process of the disease well and have a partial analgesic effect.
Venotonic:restore blood vessels and capillaries, strengthen their walls, and prevent fragility. Thanks to this, hemorrhoids decrease in size, reducing the likelihood of developing new lumps.
Healing:used for the appearance of anal fissures, they have a regenerating, restorative effect.
Combined:have several effects at once, combining antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effects.

For each patient, suppositories are selected depending on which symptom of the disease predominates. This may be itching, bleeding, swelling, pain, inflammation and other manifestations.

Stages (degrees) of hemorrhoids

I degree:

  • acute hemorrhoids: painful, tight-elastic small nodules in the anal area;
  • chronic hemorrhoids: occasional bleeding without prolapse of hemorrhoids.

II degree:

  • acute hemorrhoids: increased pain; compaction and enlargement of hemorrhoids, capable of prolapse and self-reduction into the intestinal lumen; redness of the skin around the anus; anal sphincter spasm;
  • chronic hemorrhoids: prolapse and self-reduction of hemorrhoids, sometimes with bleeding from the rectum. The prolapse of nodes into the intestinal lumen or externally is provoked by straining.

III degree:

  • acute hemorrhoids: inflammation and hyperemia spread to surrounding tissues; pain intensifies; around the anus - unreducible purple-bluish, dense, thrombosed painful nodes with foci of necrosis; risk of significant bleeding;
  • chronic hemorrhoids: hemorrhoids periodically prolapse into the intestinal lumen or externally, and are reduced manually.

IV degree – chronic hemorrhoids: hemorrhoids fall out and cannot be reduced on their own.
At stages 3 and 4, the weak, thin longitudinal muscle cannot contract normally, so independent reduction of the node is impossible. If you do not manually adjust it in a timely manner, complications such as paraproctitis, fever, bleeding, and anal fissures develop.

Benefits of candles

Most patients suffering from damage to the veins of the rectum prefer suppositories against hemorrhoids for the treatment of pathology. This dosage form has many advantages:

  • achieving a therapeutic effect immediately after administration of the suppository;
  • availability of drugs. Many suppositories are relatively inexpensive, but at the same time have good effectiveness;
  • ease of use. Inserting a suppository does not require special knowledge or skills;
  • possibility of use among all patient groups, including children and pregnant women;
  • no negative effect on the gastric mucosa and liver;
  • a small number of undesirable effects.

Rectal suppositories for hemorrhoids are used more often for the internal form of the disease, but even for the external form of the disease, suppositories have a good therapeutic effect.

Diagnosis of hemorrhoids

Diagnosis begins with collecting anamnesis, clarifying complaints and examination by a proctologist.
The patient is positioned in a gynecological chair with his legs adducted, knee-elbow position, and less often - on his side. A physical examination by a proctologist includes:

  • digital examination of the rectum;
  • anoscopy (to examine the walls of the anal canal and distal rectum);
  • sphincterometry (for chronic hemorrhoids - weakness, and for acute hemorrhoids - sphincter spasm);
  • colonoscopy (for differential diagnosis);
  • sigmoidoscopy (diagnosis of concomitant diseases of the colon);
  • X-ray of the large intestine with barium (enema).

Endoscopic examinations are performed under anesthesia, in some cases under general anesthesia.

Suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy and breastfeeding

In the group of drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids in the form of suppositories, practically nothing is recommended for use during lactation and pregnancy, especially during its 1st trimester, when the formation of organs and systems of the fetus occurs.

However, there is a group of suppositories for which these conditions are not an absolute contraindication - Natalsid, suppositories with belladonna extract. Posterizan, glycerin suppositories for hemorrhoids, Olestezin, Nigepan, suppositories with sea buckthorn oil, Betiol, Neo-Anuzol.

Used to a limited extent (in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, as well as during breastfeeding) are suppositories Relief and Relief Advance, Ultraproct, Gepatrombin G. When using them, you need to analyze the effect of their use and the possible risk to the child’s health.

Drug treatment

Remedies for hemorrhoids can include ointments, gels and tablets.

The most common form of medications for the treatment of hemorrhoids is suppositories and ointments. Ointments and gels are intended for external and internal use. Most often, the medicine in this form is prescribed for external hemorrhoids. Using such a nozzle, you can inject the ointment into the rectum.

  • Suppositories are designed for internal use.
  • Tablets are used orally.

Medicines for hemorrhoids help achieve the following results:

  1. elimination of pain syndrome;
  2. relieving spasms;
  3. constriction of blood vessels, which prevents the development of bleeding;
  4. healing;
  5. improving the condition of the intestinal walls.

Top 10: short list

A short list of drugs and prices for the most effective suppositories for hemorrhoids:

  • Relief - price of the drug - from 280 rubles.
  • Gepatrombin G - price of suppositories - from 105 rubles.
  • Proctosan - average price - from 230 rubles.
  • Anuzol - price - from 45 rubles.
  • Natalsid - cost - from 240 rubles.
  • Aurobin - price - from 220 rubles.
  • Proctosedyl - average cost - from 320 rubles.
  • Proctoglivenol - price - from 400 rubles.
  • Ultraproct - the price of the drug is from 450 rubles.
  • Candles with sea buckthorn - price from 50 rubles.

Trying to determine which suppositories are best for hemorrhoids, many patients act by trial and error. However, only a doctor can determine and prescribe the best drugs on an individual basis.

Indeed, sometimes, when taking cheap suppositories for hemorrhoids, the patient does not notice any improvement. In order for suppositories for internal hemorrhoids to be effective, it is important to take into account all manifestations of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient’s health.

Gepatrombin G

Hepatrombin suppositories are a combination drug with prednisolone, which produces an antithrombotic, venosclerosing, anti-inflammatory effect.

Prednisolone relieves inflammation and provides an antiallergic effect. Heparin is an anticoagulant that has antithrombotic, anti-inflammatory, antiexudative effects, ensures regeneration of connective tissue in hemorrhoids, and prevents blood coagulation. Lauromacrogol – produces a local anesthetic, sclerosing effect.

Hepatrombin suppositories are contraindicated for syphilis, tuberculosis, skin tumors, high sensitivity, tendency to bleeding, skin lesions of a viral, bacterial, fungal nature, as well as in the first months of pregnancy. You can use such suppositories for no more than one week, 1-2 supp. in a day,

When using, allergies and redness of the skin may occur. If the drug is used frequently and for a long time, systemic side effects are likely to develop.

Price – from 170 rub.

Relief candles

Relief suppositories are a popular medicinal product that has gained the trust of consumers due to its effectiveness. There are two types of this medicine, which have different effects:

  1. Relief ultra. This product contains hydrocortisone acetate, zinc sulfate, shark liver oil. Ultra Relief constricts blood vessels, gives an antiallergic effect, reduces itching, heals wounds and erosions, and has an immunomodulatory effect. Contraindications: bacterial, viral, fungal infections in the anal area, neoplasms, tuberculosis, severe diabetes, hypernatremia, hypersensitivity. Do not take during pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Relief advance. The main active ingredients are shark liver oil and benzocaine. Relief Advance relieves pain, inflammation, itching, irritation, heals wounds, and has an immunomodulatory effect. Contraindications: thromboembolism, granulocytopenia, hypersensitivity to the components. Use with caution during pregnancy and lactation.

Sea buckthorn candles

Sea buckthorn suppositories are a hypoallergenic remedy that is suitable for every patient with hemorrhoids.

Even pregnant women are prescribed this drug by doctors. The effect of this medicine is quite mild. You need to place 1 suppository rectally before going to bed every day. Improvement will come after a week or two. Children are not recommended to use more than 1 candle per day. In adults, the dosage can be increased to 2 suppositories. In this case, the course of treatment should last at least 10 days.

Reviews from patients who used sea buckthorn suppositories to treat hemorrhoids confirm the effectiveness of the product. Sea buckthorn suppositories are completely safe. They are prescribed to patients of all ages (even the elderly). They will not affect the development of the fetus during pregnancy at any stage.


If symptoms of hemorrhoids appear, you should consult a specialist.

Since hemorrhoids develop with constipation, it is necessary to monitor normal bowel movements. Timely intake of laxatives, for example Mil-para, will help normalize stools and make the consistency more flexible. This will promote the healing of cracks and wounds.

If symptoms appear, consult a doctor only. Self-medication for hemorrhoids is unacceptable. Only treatment prescribed after a comprehensive examination will help cope with the problem. The best option is a combination of different means that are selected individually.


A natural medicine whose effect is due to a natural ingredient – ​​sodium alginate. This substance stops bleeding, heals wounds, relieves pain, and relieves inflammation. In addition, intestinal function is further normalized.

Contraindications include the following conditions:

  • intolerance to components;
  • age restrictions (prohibited under 14 years old).

When diagnosed with internal hemorrhoids, treatment is carried out for 1-2 weeks, the frequency of use is 1 suppository 2 times a day. Customer reviews confirm that suppositories are well tolerated, only in some situations allergic reactions may occur.


Proctosan is an effective suppository for hemorrhoids for men and women. The medicine has a positive effect on the rectal mucosa, relieves itching, burning, pain, and inflammation. Bufexamak as part of suppositories reduces swelling and local hyperemia in the disease. Lidocaine is a good pain reliever, its effect is felt immediately after insertion of the suppository. Titanium dioxide prevents bleeding and has an astringent effect. Thanks to bismuth subgalate, a film is formed on the surface of the rectum, protecting inflamed areas from pathogenic bacteria.

Suppositories are used 2 times a day. To achieve optimal effect, it is recommended to give a cleansing enema before the procedure. After this, you need to insert a candle into the anus. Course – 8–10 days.

Price 350 rubles.

Prevention of hemorrhoids

Preventive measures should be carried out both by people with risk factors for the development of hemorrhoids, and by those who have already begun treatment for this disease:

  • physical activity: walking, fitness programs without straining, swimming, exercise therapy;
  • compliance with the work and rest schedule, for example, organizing food points on the highway for drivers, “physical education” for office employees, sometimes even a temporary change of job;
  • compliance with the principles of ergonomics of the work process and labor protection rules;
  • a diet that includes a sufficient amount of liquid and plant fiber;
  • prevention and treatment of constipation;
  • careful hygiene of the anus and perineum.

In this way, it is possible to prevent exacerbation and aggravation of the severity of the disease.


This medicine contains lidocaine and tribendide. Lidocaine has a local analgesic effect on the anal area, and tribendide reduces capillary permeability, improves microcirculation of the muscular and mucous layer of the rectum, and also has an effective anti-inflammatory effect. An improvement in the condition and a significant reduction in pain occurs 1.5-2 hours after the administration of the Procto-Glivenol suppository into the rectum. Swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane are also significantly reduced.

  1. This drug is used with extreme caution if there is a history of any allergic reactions, especially to local anesthetic drugs or other components included in the Procto-Glivenol suppositories; it is also necessary to notify the attending proctologist about this, since this fact is an absolute contraindication to use of the drug "Procto-Glivenol".
  2. This medicine is not prescribed to children under 12 years of age and to pregnant women in the early stages (in the first trimester of pregnancy). With extreme caution and under the constant dynamic supervision of a physician, this drug is prescribed to patients with liver and kidney diseases.

Adverse reactions are observed extremely rarely, mainly when doses and contraindications are ignored. But with long-term use of Procto-Glivenol rectal suppositories, discomfort, irritation, minor pain, itching and burning sensation in the rectum, as well as intestinal disorders in the form of constipation or diarrhea may occur. If you have any of the symptoms, you should immediately stop using this type of suppository and consult a doctor.

How does the disease develop?

If the first complications make themselves felt in the form of bloody discharge, then later patients are faced with prolapsed hemorrhoids. In the absence of timely assistance, the process becomes irreversible: the nodes simply cannot be set back.

The surgical method is the last option to correct the difficult situation with hemorrhoids. But if you consult a doctor immediately after the first symptoms appear, then it will not come to surgery; everything will be corrected using a conservative method.


The composition includes zinc sulfate, bismuth tribromophenolate, bismuth oxide complex, belladonna leaf extract. When used, suppositories with belladonna anesthetize, dry, and have an antispasmodic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic effect.

It should be taken into account that this drug is contraindicated in breastfeeding and pregnancy, high sensitivity, heart failure, intestinal atony, prostate adenoma, angle-closure glaucoma, myasthenia gravis, tachyarrhythmia.

Antihemorrhoidal suppositories with belladonna should be administered 1-2 times a day, 1 pc. To relieve pain, you should not take more than 7 supp. per day. against hemorrhoids. These medications for hemorrhoids can cause allergic reactions, dry mouth, burning in the anal area, diarrhea, constipation, palpitations, visual disturbances, drowsiness, insomnia, dizziness, and headaches.

If an overdose occurs, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, urinary retention, agitation, and decreased sweating may develop.

Rectal suppositories are cheap - from 60 rubles.


This drug contains several active ingredients - hydrocortisone, the antibiotic framycetin, heparin, etc. It has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effect, helps prevent blood clots, relieves itching and irritation. Well tolerated by patients.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to components, fungal, viral, tuberculous lesions of the anus, arterial hypertension, heart failure. It is forbidden to prescribe to women during pregnancy, as well as during lactation, and children under 12 years of age.


The composition includes Ultraprocta cinchocaine and fluocortolone.

Fluocortolone is a hormonal component that acts quickly and for a long time. Cinchocaine - acts as a local anesthetic.

Cannot be used for tuberculosis and syphilis in the anorectal area and for hypersensitivity. The drug is not prescribed to children, adolescents, and early pregnant women.

Use once a day, after bowel movement. It must be administered rectally, deeply. If the disease is severe, up to 3 suppositories can be used on the first day.

Price – from 640 rub.

Propolis based suppositories

To make propolis suppositories at home, you need to purchase propolis, cocoa butter and lanolin, as well as 2 ml syringes at the pharmacy.

  1. Take 2 ml syringes without needles and cut off the lower narrow part. Leave several syringes intact.
  2. Pull the pistons 3 cm and place all syringes horizontally in the jar. The cut part should face up.
  3. Place propolis in the refrigerator for 10 minutes, then chop.
  4. Combine lanolin and cocoa in a mug and put on low heat.
  5. Add crushed propolis and mix everything.
  6. Do not allow the mixture to boil by turning the stove on and off.
  7. Keep on fire for half an hour.
  8. Fill the cut forms with a whole syringe and place in the refrigerator to harden.

Be sure to store candles in the refrigerator. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

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