The place of Suprax in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract in an outpatient setting. The main thing is expediency


Today, third generation cephalosporins, due to their effectiveness and spectrum of action, are perhaps the most popular group of antibiotics. An obstacle to their popularity among the general population is the injection method of administering most of them. The semisynthetic cephalosporin antibiotic Suprax does not have this relative disadvantage, because intended for oral administration. The bactericidal effect of this drug is due to its ability to inhibit the synthesis of the main structural component of the bacterial cell membrane - peptidoglycan. The undeniable advantage of suprax is its protection from the harmful effects of beta-lactamases produced by bacteria.

Suprax is active against Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus agalactiae, Proteus vulgaris, Haemophilus influenzae, Haemophilus parainfluenzae, Klebsiella oxytoca, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Providencia spp., Pasteurella multocida, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., Citrobacter diversus, Ci trobacter amalonaticus, Serratia marcescens, E.coli, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Moraxella (Branhamella) catarrhalis, Proteus mirabilis. It is widely used in otolaryngology, pulmonology, urology, and pediatrics. The drug has a high degree of bioavailability and easily penetrates the bronchi, maxillary sinus, tonsils and middle ear cavity. The half-life of Suprax is longer than that of other cephalosporins, so the drug can be taken only once a day.

Suprax is available in two dosage forms: capsules and granules for the preparation of a suspension for oral administration. Under the name “Suprax Solutab” the production of dispersible (soluble) tablets was also launched. The suspension is used mostly in pediatric practice, because it is easier and more pleasant (presence of flavorings) to take. Before use, the bottle with granules should be turned over and shaken well, then add boiled water at room temperature in two portions (40 ml in total) and shake until a homogeneous suspension is formed. You can use the resulting liquid for its intended purpose after 5 minutes, when the powder has completely dissolved. Shake before use, of course.

Experience with the use of cephalosporins shows a predisposition to allergies to them in those patients who are hyperreactive to penicillins. As a rule, the duration of taking Suprax does not exceed 7-10 days. With longer use, the development of normal intestinal microflora may be suppressed, accompanied by the uncontrolled growth of drug-resistant microorganisms (for example, Clostridium difficile), which can cause diarrhea and pseudomembranous enterocolitis. Suprax is often used as the second stage of antibiotic therapy, when the first of them takes place in a hospital setting with the use of injectable antibacterial agents.

Suprax suspension for children - reviews



  • 1 dose per day, pleasant taste, convenient measuring spoon


  • A little expensive

Let me start by saying that I have a very sick child. Well, we just went to the garden and it started - a week there, 2-3 weeks at home. I really didn’t try to do anything. But the worst thing is that almost all antibiotics resulted in vomiting, and I had to give injections, which is not very pleasant for a 3-year-old child. And finally we found Suprax for ourselves! This was a real salvation, now we only use it to treat all sorts of sore throats, acute respiratory infections and the like. My son even, one might say, fell in love with it, he drinks it with pleasure somehow))) The taste is not nasty, like other antibiotics, there is only one dose per day, which is also very convenient. Diluted with ordinary water. The entire scheme is described in detail in the instructions.

Maria L


Before using medications, consult a specialist!


  • No side effects


  • No

My son (2, 8 years old) got sick. There was a strong cough and high fever. The doctor prescribed Suprax suspension (in general, the first thing we prescribe is Amoxiclav, but I asked for another antibiotic, because it causes diarrhea in the child, nothing helps). I saw an improvement in the baby’s condition after just two appointments. The son became lively, began to play (before that he had just lay there and whimpered), stopped crying, and asked to eat. Most of all I was worried about my tummy, in case there was a side effect. But there was nothing, the stool was normal, even when the child refused to drink Linex, the son did not complain of abdominal pain.

The overall impression of the Suprax suspension remained good.



  • there was no dysbacteriosis
  • effective

The child is sick, the second course of antibiotics in a month (if you want to read how not to be treated with antibiotics, then read my review [link]), the child has a fever that has lasted for 4 days, his ears hurt, his throat hurts, with a coating (the doctor said), This makes me cough, in short, it’s hard to look at the child. I really didn’t want to give an antibiotic, especially such a strong one (if something happened, what to treat with), especially after a month of taking another one, especially considering the fact that I had never taken antibiotics until 2.5 years ago. Everything seemed that the doctor was playing it safe, but when the temperature rose again to 39, the 6th finally gave up.

This happiness costs about 500 rubles, the child liked the taste, give it once a day (well, very convenient), after the first spoon all the symptoms went away, the temperature subsided, he stopped coughing, he also complained about his ears, in short, it’s lovely. It did not cause dysbacteriosis in 9 days of use, there was no rash, and no side effects were detected. , drank only kefir, Linex remains almost unopened.

After taking antibiotics, we sprayed IRS19 for another month (the whole family tolerates it well) 2 times a day, took care, drank lactofiltrum (I like it), rose hips, in short, half a year without illnesses (though now my husband brought something home again and we are all sick: ()

True, I still think that doctors are playing it safe by prescribing such a strong antibiotic of the latest generation, they say that then there is nothing to treat children with infectious diseases because of this, because they are immune to suprax. But this remedy is good, it seems to be the best at the moment, but take care of yourself after the course...


Hi all!

I can’t help but write my opinion about this drug; it helped my daughter very well twice.


At 3 years 2 months old, my daughter went to kindergarten for the first time. It was April 2014, we went until June, and were on sick leave several times (runny nose, cough, in short, the classics). During this period, chronic nasal congestion, night sniffing, snoring, and an always open mouth appeared, but there was no longer a runny nose as such.

We went to several ENT specialists, someone diagnosed adenoids of the 2nd degree, someone said that there are no adenoids, this is a temporary inflammation, it will go away on its own..

We took various medications, homeopathy, rinses and washes, drops - I didn’t notice much results.

Summer has passed, but the congestion remains.

It's time to go to the garden again, sick days have started again...

In October, I fell ill with a fever, t38 - lasted for about 4 days, diagnosis: acute tracheitis, sinusitis, suspected sinusitis. It was decided to take a course of this antibiotic.

The temperature subsided on the second day, the barking cough turned into a wet cough on the third day. The nose began to breathe after 4-5 days.

Moreover, the effect that the antibiotic had on the nose was absolutely amazing! Even in the summer, when my daughter was not sick at all, there was no such clean breath! The night snoring is completely gone, his mouth is closed, he breathes only through his nose! Miracles and nothing more!

We had the opportunity to take Suprax for the second time in May of this year.

There was also a lingering barking cough (tracheitis is our first companion), and a couple of months before the illness, this incomprehensible congestion began again against the background of a completely cured, then newly acquired runny nose..

We took a course of antibiotics and the nose also returned to normal.

Among the side effects, I noted a slight stool disorder (without abdominal pain).

I will not strongly recommend this drug for adenoids, but for those who have a similar situation or a protracted and hopeless situation, consult your ENT specialist on this topic, maybe it will help you too!

Lady Grace


  • there were no side effects, it helped


  • a bit expensive

I would like to note right away that the drug is certainly not cheap, and it is strong, so it seems to me that it should be taken in extreme cases!

The child began to go to kindergarten and get sick often, and as usual, I don’t want to give antibiotics right away, and then one day I prolonged the illness... He coughed a lot and the temperature was 39.5, I gave antipyretics, they helped for exactly 4-5 hours and in a circle! !! and then I already sounded the alarm, the doctor recommended Suprax 6.5 ml, and immediately by evening the temperature subsided!!! And the next day I didn’t get up! I was delighted! Because usually antibiotics give results in 2-3 days, but this one almost immediately!!! And what else is positive, we have no side effects! So I recommend it!



Most women are probably familiar with the unpleasant signs of such a common disease as cystitis. I won’t dwell on them, I’ll just tell my story.

The first time this infection hit me was when I was 19 years old. Then my mother, with the usual movement of her hand, gave me Furagin, and after taking it, I forgot about this sore for a long time. There were exacerbations after that incident, but usually due to hypothermia, etc., and after taking the same Furagin, everything went away.

Then, when I was 20 years old, I went to a gynecologist at a district clinic for a general urine and blood test. The blood result was successfully lost (how???), and according to the urine tests, the DOCTOR said: everything is OK with you, take Canephron for a month, and somehow get tested for all sorts of sexually transmitted infections.. But the disease again disappeared for a long time and I’m going nowhere I never went, especially since I was 100% sure that I didn’t have an STD.

At the age of 25, my husband appeared, and literally a week later I was covered with this scourge. And then it began to cover more and more often. It has been impossible to live normally for the past year. There is an exacerbation almost every month.

Naturally, like any normal person, I went to the doctor. Tests were prescribed: urine culture for flora (allows us to identify causative bacteria and which antibiotics they are unstable to), urine according to Nechiporenko (shows how acute the process is by counting leukocytes, red blood cells, casts.). It was October 2013. The tests from the laboratory came back CLEAN. Everything seemed to be fine, and there were no bacteria, the attack passed, according to the tests there was nothing to treat... By the way, do not forget that before taking such a test as bacterial culture of urine with sensitivity to antibiotics, you need to stop taking these same antibiotics for a month (including including from furamag, furagin), otherwise there is a very high probability that the results will be false..

In general, after what seemed to be good tests, I abandoned this matter again, but continued to fight cystitis in the form of prevention with all sorts of herbal teas (brusniver), cranberry, caneferon, phytolysin, epigen spray and who knows what else. In my opinion, I drank, sprayed everything in my private parts that could help.

At the same time, the cystitis did not go away.. Or rather, it receded and subsided for a month and a half, and then everything began in a circle. Problems of an unpleasant nature began in the form of urinary retention, etc. It became clear that the situation was getting worse. At one point, I dug through my friends and found a good urologist on recommendation. More tests, all the same, plus an ultrasound of the kidneys and urinary tract.

This time I was luckier; apparently this laboratory turned out to be more competent. The causative agent of cystitis, the so-called Escherichia coli, was discovered. In addition, I was wildly lucky - during the whole year of neglect the process did not rise higher - to the kidneys!!!

But the treatment, of course... like bombarding the body with all sorts of chemicals... was prescribed:

  • as antibiotic therapy and the main treatment - suprax. Yes, it's expensive - ok. 700 rubles - pack of 6 capsules. And you need to drink it for 14 days. Thank God it didn’t cause any side effects. I tried to take the antibiotic at night, before going to bed.

Don't try to quit mid-course!!! Because after this your bacteria will become resistant to this group of antibiotics, and you will have to look for a new fighter. An exception may be the case when it absolutely does not suit you.

  • To prevent the appearance of thrush when using an antibiotic: flucostat - 1 capsule.
  • to stimulate local immunity - Genferon suppositories - 10 days.
  • Also as an immunotherapy - Uro-vax (capsules) - course 3 months. Monthly packaging - 30 capsules - 1400 rubles.

And thank God there is finally a result. I hope that now this infection will be detached from me forever.

I do not recommend anyone reading to follow my course of treatment! Be prudent and remember that cystitis can also be caused by STDs, so before you start treatment, you need to get tested and identify the fascist in your body. Moreover, your cystitis pathogen may be resistant to the antibiotic that was prescribed to me.

And most importantly, examine the other half. Because if you are cured, but your husband/friend/boyfriend is not, then the infection will return again and again antibiotics, etc.

I’ll probably say it tritely now, but by allocating even a considerable amount for the treatment of an illness that has just begun, you will save more than if you later treat a chronic disease.

Cystitis, whatever its nature, is treated comprehensively. And if you take Furagin or Furamag every time there is an exacerbation, then this only drives the infection inside. In addition, doctors consider Furagin to be a rather outdated remedy, and even if they prescribe it, it is only as a complex therapy.

Be healthy, do not self-medicate! Let my story serve as a lesson to you!

P.S. By the way, about the safety of all herbs. While visiting a doctor, I learned that Brusniver, which is recommended as a complex treatment for cystitis and other inflammations of the genitourinary system, promotes the formation of stones and sand in the kidneys, so it is not such a safe herb..

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